View Full Version : Rossi 92 Sadle Ring a Question

09-28-2013, 10:43 PM
I found a 92 Repro (357), but it is the 20" round barrel saddle ring model.

I can tolerate a round barrel if I must, because at least one is available.

Is the saddle ring stud threaded so it can be removed.
Saddle ring has to go if it is gonna be my rifle.
I can always make a filler screw if it is threaded and all it does is hold the ring!

Anyone out there have one . . .

What say ye?

After all this time I still wonder why the one of the first things one has to do is get a new front sight of the proper height!

09-29-2013, 08:32 AM
It is useful with modern single point carrying slings. They are back in style since being absent from use for over 100 years. Jr makes them here.

True for right-handers. Not so much for us southpaws. I did come across a 357 Rossi 92, sans the ring, in a LGS. They do exist! Don't know if the ring is removable on models, so equipped.


Lead Fred
09-29-2013, 09:22 AM
Ive taken lots of CBS out of Marlins, and have drilled, tapped and screwed in saddle rings.
You can get them blued or SS, do a search over at the Marlin owners forums

09-29-2013, 05:16 PM
True for right-handers. Not so much for us southpaws. I did come across a 357 Rossi 92, sans the ring, in a LGS. They do exist! Don't know if the ring is removable on models, so equipped.

I hear ya, ive got the same in a 44 mag the saddle ring looks cool but is very much in the way for us leftys . ive also got a rossi 92 in 357 mag but its only a 16 inch and no saddle ring , don't hold me to this but I don't think its removable without issues . also for some reason the spent brass from the 44 seems to almost all hit me in the nose of the forehead . ive even had it go in my hood if im wearing a hoody that day (all lefty problems), where as my r92 357 almost launches the empty brass into the next county .

10-04-2013, 01:23 AM
Well the 92 replacement sight and action smoothing genius in TX had the answer and sent it to a friend who sent it to me.

The Saddle Ring is pinned and the pin then split and spread inside of the action. One must open the action, close the spread pin and then extract it.

I am not getting enough off of retail to go through all of that on this gun.