View Full Version : My first batch of Ben's Red

09-25-2013, 11:12 AM
50% beeswax
30% Red, Tacky Lucas High Temp Grease
10% Johnson's Paste Wax
5% Dexron II or Dexron III Trans. Fluid
5% STP Oil Treatment

First I heated the Lucas grease. Boy did that smoke and smell bad. I do not recommend making this stuff inside a house period. I did it on the side burner of my gas grill. The temp was on low the whole time.
Next I added the ATF and the STP. This helped with the smoking.
Next I added the Beeswax. I stirred if all of and melted it to a good consistency. I has a little clumping but I was not worried.
Next I filtered it. I used a thick old T-shirt. I recommend something thinner as I have a hard time getting this stuff through the shirt. I actually had to stick the shirt containing the rest of the mix back in the pot a few times.
After I filtered it I put it back in the cleaned pot and "ding" I remembered that I forgot the Johnson's paste wax. That mixed in like butter so no problem there. Next I poured it into a cookie sheet. I will cut it into strips or just scrape it out when I am ready to use it. I had to let it set about 3 hours to harden up enough to make it through the house to the freezer without spilling it.

Pics attached.

35 shooter
09-26-2013, 12:25 AM
50% beeswax
30% Red, Tacky Lucas High Temp Grease
10% Johnson's Paste Wax
5% Dexron II or Dexron III Trans. Fluid
5% STP Oil Treatment

First I heated the Lucas grease. Boy did that smoke and smell bad. I do not recommend making this stuff inside a house period. I did it on the side burner of my gas grill. The temp was on low the whole time.
Next I added the ATF and the STP. This helped with the smoking.
Next I added the Beeswax. I stirred if all of and melted it to a good consistency. I has a little clumping but I was not worried.
Next I filtered it. I used a thick old T-shirt. I recommend something thinner as I have a hard time getting this stuff through the shirt. I actually had to stick the shirt containing the rest of the mix back in the pot a few times.
After I filtered it I put it back in the cleaned pot and "ding" I remembered that I forgot the Johnson's paste wax. That mixed in like butter so no problem there. Next I poured it into a cookie sheet. I will cut it into strips or just scrape it out when I am ready to use it. I had to let it set about 3 hours to harden up enough to make it through the house to the freezer without spilling it.

Pics attached.

One thing that might help on the straining thing next time is to keep a blow dryer handy. As i was straining i would
use the dryer on it intermintently to keep things flowing. Just don't get it to close, or you blow lube everywhere.

Good job, looks good.

41 mag fan
09-28-2013, 09:41 AM
Using a flame is not the best way to make the lube as you'll get an inconsistent hot spot on your pot. Use a hot plate where you can control the temp as the coil will cycle on and off as the temp rises and fall onside the coil element.

Low on a flame is like med/high on a hotplate, maybe more to the high side.
The way you made yours, you'll get a tacky feel to the lube when you smash it between your fingers, or you lube some casts and feel it on the cast, or from the residue left on your fingers.
The reason it took so long for you to filter, and i bet you had a lot of chunks of R&T, just by the looks (color) of the lube in your pan, is you didn't take the R&T to a full liquidous state.

When you take the R&T to a full liquidous state that will not partially or fully resolidify when pulled from the heat, you melt and let cook on med/low your ATF,STP, & JPW, add, then melt beeswax and add, you'll see the mix actually pull together.
When you cook it up this way, you can buy a metal strainer at Dollar General or Walmart and strain it thru.

You'll have a few chunks left in the bottom of your pan or pot, that will get caught in the metal strainer. These can be easily pushed thru with a wooden spoon when strained thru the strainer.

The batch making process is 1000x's easier the way i described making it vs the conventional way of how you did it. (straining part)

09-28-2013, 05:06 PM
My approach was to throw everything in a pot at once, heat on a hotplate, and keep stirring with a whisk until the lumps go away. As best I could tell by candy thermometer, it all came together around 200-220F. I had no need to strain or filter, and didn't generate clouds of smoke. There's nothing in there that won't homogenize, and you don't need to heat it over a forge.

I recommend having two whisks - one basic balloon whisk, and another with the rounded end of the whisk cut off leaving a cluster of straight wires, which is good for getting into all the corners of the pot.

10-04-2013, 12:22 PM
i use a crockpot :) put it all in stir when hot.

10-04-2013, 12:55 PM
A crock pot is the way to go. Cheap ones can be had at big lots and 99 cents stores etc in your area. You do not have to risk an angry spouse if you splurge for a whole $5 out of your lunch money to get a used crock pot and you will not have to spend an uncomfortable night on the couch.