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View Full Version : GP-100 makes meat!

10-28-2007, 10:54 PM
Met the rest of the family over at the in-laws place out in the country after being at the range for a while this afternoon. After helping the wife's dad with some chores, he got out his Colt Woodsman .22 and 2 1/2" S&W M19 and we did some plinking. After that, there was still an hour or so of daylight, so I decided to take a walk out in the woods with the GP-100. This place is covered in oaks and has lots of fox squirrels. After about a half hour of "sneaking" through the woods I catch one out in the open on the side of a tree (about a 25 yd. shot). I put the red dot on his noggin' and squeezed.:Fire: The 358-158-RF propelled by 6.4 gr. of Unique caught him right square in the jaw. Since I was kind of underneath him, the upward angle put this shot right in the brain pan and took him right out of the tree. A nice big male. Squirrel stew comin' up!:drinks:
I just cast these bullets yesterday to try out at the range, obviously they shoot well. Just over 24 hours from molten lead to makin meat!:mrgreen:

Larry Gibson
10-29-2007, 03:33 PM
Great load...GrizzleeBear

My Ruger Security Six with 6" barrel really likes 358477 over 6.5 gr Unique. A nice pleasant and accurate load running 1164 fps. Good for squirrels as you found. I like them quartered ( good snowshoe or cottontail rabbit also) and cooked in a crock pot with a couple cans of mushroom soup. Yummy, but you got to keep the kids away or there won't be anything left but soup! Good shootin'.

Larry Gibson

10-30-2007, 08:14 AM
If you put that story in a gun rag you'd be told you need a bigger gun! Good job, good memory, good eating.

10-30-2007, 08:27 AM
Nice. I am a squirrel fanatic. Haven't used a pistol other than a 22. I have the same mold as you used and it shoots quite well out of a Mod 10 38 with 3 gr. Bullseye!

10-30-2007, 07:59 PM
My Ruger Security Six with 6" barrel really likes 358477 ....

Larry Gibson

I've got one of those in a 4 cavity mold, too, but I sure do like how fast you can make a pile of boolits with the Lee 6 cavity mold. It doesn't wear you out like the steel ones either.
Even though its a mild load, I was suprised it didn't tear up the squirrel as bad as I feared it might. I wouldn't use a chest shot if I could help it though, you would destroy what little meat there is on the front end for sure.

10-31-2007, 03:28 PM
i've never taken squirrels with anything besides a 22- never even thought to try a 38spl load on em. i was just afraid that there wouldn't be anything left!

10-31-2007, 04:44 PM
Good story, I used my first "good " gun, an old S&W mod. 10 with hot loaded wadcutters for my squirrel gun for a while. alot less damage than you'd think, and alot more effective for me than a .22. A boat load of fun to boot. I wish I could still shoot like I did back then!