View Full Version : No AR but a lowly 870...

09-17-2013, 09:05 PM

We're next! Get your reloading supplies now!

09-17-2013, 09:50 PM
But of course, Feinstein was already screaming about AR15s being used and how they needed to be banned....

09-21-2013, 09:13 PM
We have been getting our azzes handed to us by liberals as well as rinos here in NY for a good long while ... but even here there rhetoric is starting to sound ridiculous.
They may try to beat that drum but I believe they have over played their hand on the Federal level... however .. stay alert at the State and local level. Those fellas in Colorado sure motivated me with that recall election... and just an FYI ... the election laws here in NY do not allow for recall elections....

Lead Fred
09-22-2013, 12:24 AM
Not to be out down by the AR haters, CBS News had on two days ago a piece on the deadliest shotgun of them all

The wicked, 870 Remington

This bad, black assault shotgun is not your uncle Joes bird gun

09-22-2013, 12:51 AM
Wait till they see a converted saiga 12:shock:82434

09-22-2013, 01:00 AM
Not to be out down by the AR haters, CBS News had on two days ago a piece on the deadliest shotgun of them all

The wicked, 870 Remington

This bad, black assault shotgun is not your uncle Joes bird gun

I can't recall which network as I was channel surfing news channels on satellite. The wimpy male reporter described the shotgun ammo as capable of hurling a huge mass of large caliber heavy lead balls capable of striking down numerous victims with a single shot. He closed by asking why would anybody need this type of ammunition surely it is not for killing a deer or a duck.

09-22-2013, 02:47 AM
I'm paraphrasing, but I think the news report went (and no I am not kidding, joking, or taking license here) something like this:

"The shooter used an AR-15 shotgun, a so called Remington 870. This is more commonly known as a riot gun, used by police during blah blah blah...." Then something about spraying bullets, I couldn't concentrate after that.

Lead Fred
09-22-2013, 09:50 AM

AR 15 Shotgun



Here is what CNN said


09-22-2013, 11:54 AM
Xacex, you can't post that pic without some details!!! I'm pretty sure I need one of those.

09-22-2013, 11:59 AM
Here's my AR-870...82450

09-22-2013, 12:22 PM
Xacex, you can't post that pic without some details!!! I'm pretty sure I need one of those.



09-27-2013, 04:44 PM
Mine says Mossberg on the barrel so I'm pretty sure it's safer than one of those evil 870's!

I personally think that disseminating misinformation should NOT come under First Amendment protection. A lie is a lie period. Spin Doctors always try to stir the pot until the only color is gray, however there is black and white in this world, and the act of distorting the truth is criminal in my opinion.

I think there should be consequences for doing this type of thing, and I think they should be severe enough that people with agendas would think twice about deliberately spreading BS. It hurts this country!

People can only make intelligent choices when they have correct information, and when the national media is spreading pure BS, how can anyone figure out what is going on for sure.

The answer is they don't want you to know. However the Founding Fathers "did" want you to know. At that time, the modifying factor that made people think twice about spreading BS about someone or something was something called the Duel.

All you have to do to see how effective this was at making people think twice was to ask Alexander Hamilton how spreading BS about Arron Burr worked out for him.

Andrew Jackson supposedly killed about 25 or so different guys who mouthed off about him, to the point where Congress passed a bill outlawing the Duel, or more properly the "Field of Honor" around 1835.

This didn't stop much of anything except high profile duels carried out near in and around Washington DC or the immediate surrounding areas, and it was the second most popular method (first being a general **** kicking) of keeping your name unsullied up until the 1960's when we all got flower power and the actual pussification of the US began in earnest.

Now there are NO consequences for spreading BS and if you kick someone's **** for doing it you'll likely go to jail. I believe that the Supreme Court has even ruled that outright lying by politicians and corporations is legal under the 1st A.

Sad but true.

I personally think there should be a resurgence in the public beating of liars, we can start at the very top and work down to my next door neighbor.


09-27-2013, 06:02 PM


Thanks Art! We don't need the goobermint to know how reliable they can be.:bigsmyl2: I spent 40 hours with a full tear-down to make it a shotgun I would bet my life on. Out of the box...****. The biggest complaint is the manual bolt hold open...I had to take it out, that and there is not a reliable last round bolt hold open made. Take out any extra stuff they didn't put in an AK, and they are good.

09-27-2013, 06:40 PM
At one point you could buy magazine followers that went proud and caught the bolt for HK's and AK's - I don't know how useful it was as I loaded tracers as the first two into every mag to know when to change so they never went dry - I wonder if they still sell tracer shotgun wads?

09-27-2013, 07:52 PM
I still don't see the gun...are sure there is one in the photo??!!!:confused:


AR 15 Shotgun



Here is what CNN said


09-27-2013, 10:11 PM
Mine says Mossberg on the barrel so I'm pretty sure it's safer than one of those evil 870's!

I personally think that disseminating misinformation should NOT come under First Amendment protection. A lie is a lie period. Spin Doctors always try to stir the pot until the only color is gray, however there is black and white in this world, and the act of distorting the truth is criminal in my opinion.

I think there should be consequences for doing this type of thing, and I think they should be severe enough that people with agendas would think twice about deliberately spreading BS. It hurts this country!

People can only make intelligent choices when they have correct information, and when the national media is spreading pure BS, how can anyone figure out what is going on for sure.

The answer is they don't want you to know. However the Founding Fathers "did" want you to know. At that time, the modifying factor that made people think twice about spreading BS about someone or something was something called the Duel.

All you have to do to see how effective this was at making people think twice was to ask Alexander Hamilton how spreading BS about Arron Burr worked out for him.

Andrew Jackson supposedly killed about 25 or so different guys who mouthed off about him, to the point where Congress passed a bill outlawing the Duel, or more properly the "Field of Honor" around 1835.

This didn't stop much of anything except high profile duels carried out near in and around Washington DC or the immediate surrounding areas, and it was the second most popular method (first being a general **** kicking) of keeping your name unsullied up until the 1960's when we all got flower power and the actual pussification of the US began in earnest.

Now there are NO consequences for spreading BS and if you kick someone's **** for doing it you'll likely go to jail. I believe that the Supreme Court has even ruled that outright lying by politicians and corporations is legal under the 1st A.

Sad but true.

I personally think there should be a resurgence in the public beating of liars, we can start at the very top and work down to my next door neighbor.


Randy, I can't help but think you live in the wrong state sometimes!!! I remember when I was a kid in Georgia that the act of sueing someone was only for coloreds and cowards! Now??? Go figure!