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09-15-2013, 02:06 AM
So the other week I asked for advice on the lil girl down the road with the rocky family dynamics. We have continued to have her around and as always she is well behaved and happy and we have not had to speak to her about behaviour or such. Kiera has been involving her with a larger circle of friends at school to try and reduce the dependency on one person.

Today things got real bad at home and armed police (our cops don't carry on normal duty) took her father away after he assualted her mother. Once Sheryl twigged to what was going on she got the girl up here for the day while the dust settled. We both spoke to her and reassured her that she was safe at our house, could come here if she felt unsafe and that we liked having her around. A big hug and she was OK. I also gave her bicycle a good once over, tweaked the brakes, oiled the chain, tightened the seat, lubed the headset etc. Sheryl took her home and spoke to the mother who declared dad would not set foot in the house again. They had a chat and Sheryl assured the mother that we were happy to have the daughter over and were not part of the school parent gossip committee which was well received.

So, whilst today wasn't great for them I think getting the father out of the loop is a good start. We will continue to support the situation.

Been quite the day.

Alvarez Kelly
09-15-2013, 03:21 AM
Glad to hear its working out for the girl. Good thing you were there to help.

09-15-2013, 04:43 AM
Sounds good Jeff. Hope the worst is over and the bad forgotten.

09-15-2013, 06:27 AM
Prayers going up for that little one and her mom. Thank you and your wife for what you are doing.

41 mag fan
09-15-2013, 06:38 AM
Sad ordeal all the way around. You're are doing and have done a lot of good for a little girl who is caught in the middle of a bad family ordeal.
Hopefully things will get better in this girls family life.

09-15-2013, 06:27 PM
Hi guys.

I appreciate the feedback and the last thing on our minds is to become the street social workers. I don't need other folks domestic dramas either HOWEVER I do want those kids to be safe and more importantly FEEL safe. That's the focus. "You are safe here and if you don't feel safe at home come here and bring the 4 and 2 year old with you."

I stopped at school this morning en route to work, dropped off my girls and saw Kiera's teacher who also teaches the girl in question. He had tried to get into the school yesterday (Sunday) and couldn't get past the police cordon. I brought him up to speed so he can be informed. He's a good guy and was deeply concerned. I felt a bit like a gossip but we thought is best that he be aware.

Stephen Cohen
09-15-2013, 06:43 PM
That is great news mate, with that poor excuse for a man out of the picture things may change. I just hope the mother is true to her word and don't allow the guy back. You and your wife have reason to be proud of your actions, not enough like you in my view. My hats off to you both.

09-15-2013, 06:53 PM
I see this with my neighbors. The only thing is it is not long before there is another dirtbag boyfriend in the house. Usually ends up with the mom knocked up again. A year or two down the road and it is repeated.
I am still praying for all you all Jeff!

09-15-2013, 07:00 PM
When this idiot gets out of jail, he could be the mother's worst nightmare.

09-15-2013, 10:52 PM
Good job on helping the girl and her Mom. Be very careful about the husband, my friend. I have
a number of police officer friends and they universally report that nothing is more dangerous
than a domestic violence situation. Think about trying to make sure that you are seen as a
neutral party in this situation, and avoid saying anything negative about the husband to anyone.
Stuff like that gets back and if the guy somehow (not rational, remember) gets the idea that
you are part of the problem - heaven knows what he might think is a good idea.

I think you'll be fine if you and your family are just seen as neutral in the issues and helping
the Mom and child. Tread lightly, these situations can sometimes spin radically out of
control. You are doing a good deed here, might really help them keep a grip on their lives.
