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08-21-2005, 08:37 PM
I was looking at the picture of the keith type bullet Creeker sent to us. I have one question. When lubing and sizing, do you size all three bands or just the bottom 2. If all three of them do you size once without lube and then again with lube to keep the lube out of the crimp grove?

08-22-2005, 06:56 AM
I started with a Lyman 450 lubersizer. The bullet was fed into the die base first. You adjust the machine so the bullet goes in only far enough to lube the lube groove. Back then I had no measuring tools to speak of and can't say if the bullet entered the die far enough to size the front (top) band or not.

I use a Star now days and the bullet passes completely through the die so all is sized the same diameter and the lube in injected only into the lube groove. This is done by adjusting the top punch and closing unwanted holes in the sizing die with lead shot. Hope this helps.

08-22-2005, 02:00 PM
Yeah, I am using a 450 also. I might size it first and then run it thru for lubing. Do you think this is to many passes thru the sizing die though?

08-23-2005, 11:28 AM
There are a couple of ways to block off the top lube holes. Use lead shot slightly bigger than the hole and flatten what sticks out of the hole enough so that the die will enter the sizer. Also you can cut a strip of aluminum from a pop or beer can to cover the holes and tape in place with duct or aluminum tape. You can then push the bullet further into the die. Nick

08-23-2005, 12:41 PM
giz, the thing I don't like about any push/pull lubesizer is it is SLOWWWWWW

putting them thru there twice unless for a very good reason would drive me right up a wall :-)


08-23-2005, 12:42 PM

Exactly my view. I get such good results with my old Lyman sizer I'm never going to go that route.
