View Full Version : TX, OK, LA, KS, AR Abandoned. Needs help.

09-11-2013, 12:07 PM
My god/daughter called me a couple of days ago and asked if I would help her with a problem. She works at a vet clinic in Flower Mound and some clients dropped off their beautiful 8-year-old Weimaraner for some routine health panels. . . and abandoned him. Phone is disconnected, For Sale sign in front of their empty house, no way of getting a hold of them.

I was specifically asked if I could "post something to those cool guys you melt lead and make bullets (boolits) with because a bunch of them would really like this hunting dog."

How could I say no to that? Here's what we have:

Bewildered. Confused. Abandoned.

As I understand from my goddaughter, this beautiful 8-year-old Weimaraner was a regular at VCA Flower Mound until for reasons still unknown, he was dropped off at the vet clinic for some routine work--and his owners never came back.

He needs a home. Yes, he's older but having adopted several older (German) dogs ourselves, I can tell you that they learn faster, are lower maintenance, make awesome cuddle-buddies and possess a canine sixth sense that you, their new and forever Best Friend, have saved their life and that they are forever indebted to you.

Weimaraners are awesome dogs. Originally bred in Germany, they remain today one of the most popular upland game dogs in the world. They have soft mouths--so no worries with kids or grandchildren. They love to chase, fetch and retrieve--lots of fun for you, kids and grandkids. They are beautiful dogs--lots of praise, admiration and attention when you take this boy for a walk or trip to town.

Yes, he's an older dog. So am I and consider this: I am more loyal to the friends I have now than I have ever been. I'm smarter now than I have ever been. I'm doing my best writing and publishing now than I ever did in my youth.


My wife and I are unable to take this guy and it's killing us. He is available for immediate adoption at VCA Flower Mound. He has been neutered, had his vaccinations renewed, had a complete health panel run and is ready to go home with you. There is no adoption fee but a background check will be run just as with any adoption. Weimaraner Rescue is bulging and cannot help.

I'm asking my readers and friends to please help out by sharing this with your friends and family and to consider taking this beautiful boy in to your home and life as your new Best Friend.

For more information or to make arrangements, please contact VCA Flower Mound at 972-539-1800.


09-11-2013, 12:17 PM
Good looking dog. Wish I had room for a third one.

09-11-2013, 12:21 PM
Good looking dog. Wish I had room for a third one.

You and me both.


scarry scarney
09-11-2013, 01:08 PM
Great looking dog. I had to put my dog (Brittany) down this past June. Wish I was there to help. I'm out in CA. I too can send a small donation.

09-11-2013, 02:08 PM
We had a Wimey for 14 years, beautiful and elegant. Wish we could take this one, but we are up to our ears in dogs and babies ;)

Milsurp Junkie
09-11-2013, 02:55 PM
Let me ask my wife. We have a Vizsla the same age, and she just lost her life long buddy a year ago. I know she needs another buddy. How far is he from Austin?
The only problem is how he is with cats. My Viszla handles our cat fine, but will absolutely try to kill any other cat that gets into our yard and does not have a well laid escape plan. I have seen her out run a cat, and catch one in mid jump (at least 6 feet in the air). Luckily for the cat, I called her off before she killed them.

09-11-2013, 03:17 PM
Milsurp Junkie; Flower Mound is a north suburb of Dallas. Your roadtrip would be just over 200 mi. each way. Well worth it for a fine companion.

09-11-2013, 03:25 PM
Weims are fantastic dogs. Two of them helped raise my brother and I. Our three children were started out being raised by a Weim. She did a very good job. Only caution would be cats. They kill cats! I did not have a cat growing up. My wife is a cat person so when we got our weim puppy the cat was boss. Older dog may have a problem with cats. After all the Germans used them to hunt lions in Africa.

09-11-2013, 03:54 PM
Lost one of my dogs last week, but still have three, and unfortunately right now can not afford another for a bit. I shall ask around.

09-11-2013, 04:02 PM
Will check with my parents, they are in Southern Oklahoma, and recently had to put their dog down.

09-11-2013, 04:16 PM
Good looking dog. Wish I had room for a third one. beautiful dog but I just don't have room for the fifth one.

09-11-2013, 04:32 PM
Too bad I'm back to work Dallas is about 29 hr out of my way. I'd love to have a Wiem back in my life.......be part of a Wiems life.

funny you mention being raised by Wiems. Chipper had me all to himself the 1st year then Unique helped him out w/me til I was 6,then Unique was on her own until I was 13. Damn dogs got me in more trouble ,we had about the same flat foot reach until I was 4 or so.

Ithaca Gunner
09-11-2013, 05:06 PM
I wish I had room for a 6th one! The wife found a nice Black Lab mix a few months ago, we had the loving fellow for a week before finding the owner. He was right at home, but I'm glad he was reunited with his family. They left work early to come fetch him home, and a happy event it was when they saw each other!

I have no use for someone who would turn their back on a loyal dog. I hope this dog gets the loving home he deserves.

Lance Boyle
09-11-2013, 05:15 PM
I hear you regarding abandoning an dog but at least they left him in care somewhere instead off a some farm or the woods. Small graces in this world.

We get a lot of abandoned dogs up my way, a handful of unthinking soldiers at the fort tend to buy them and get deployed and turn them loose or worse just leave them in an apartment for the landlord to find.

09-11-2013, 11:15 PM
Let me ask my wife. We have a Vizsla the same age, and she just lost her life long buddy a year ago. I know she needs another buddy. How far is he from Austin?
The only problem is how he is with cats.

I'm trading messages with the god/daughter as we speak to get some more info about this. Gonna see if I can head up there and meet the dog myself, maybe take a few more pics and do a better assessment.

Flower Mound is about four hours north of Austin on I-35. There is a possibility that I can put this guy in the backseat of my airplane and meet someone halfway or close to his new forever home. The problem is it's still hot and stress plus heat plus noise plus strangers doesn't add up to a pleasant experience for the dog.


09-11-2013, 11:33 PM
sure are a bunch of good members on here.
i'm confident he will have a decent home soon

09-11-2013, 11:33 PM
thank you for your quest and i hope a good home finds him !! they're called "chocolate mooses" around here ( in affection of course and there aint too much better than chocolate ) sadly i cant have him nor do i currently know anyone who could :(

Milsurp Junkie
09-12-2013, 10:12 AM
I talked with my wife. She is really reluctant to get another animal in our family until we at least have the youngest out of diapers. Our life is pretty stressful, and she is bearing the brunt of the child rearing, while I work. I really wish I could help, and as positive I think the experience would be for us, I am the optimist, and my wife is the realist. We have too much on our plate right now.
Let me ask around, there is a lady in my neighborhood that had two Wiem's and had to put one down a year or so ago. She might be interested.

09-12-2013, 05:41 PM
I'm interested in providing a home for Scooter and have spoken with one of the veterinary techs at the clinic. We'll see where things go. I'm not looking forward to a 10+ hour round trip, however.


09-12-2013, 10:05 PM
My thoughts. On another forum I am on, we deal with heavy equipment type stuff. There is a term "Ruckering,"(from the guy that started it) which is moving stuff from member to member across the country. There have been offers of financial assistance here. If a member offered to take the animal, can we set up a network of members to move him? We all (that can and want to) pay for the gas and move him. I'm thinking retired guys that have the time. Just my thoughts.

09-13-2013, 12:01 AM
Get a tranquilizer from the vet, put him in the Tcraft and fly him up. :bigsmyl2:


09-13-2013, 08:24 AM
Isnt flying while on tranquilizers dangerous?:shock:

09-13-2013, 11:55 AM
FYI: I'm working through the adoption procedures. When I know more I'll report back. Thanks for all of your interest in this older gentleman (the dog-not me).

Best regards,


09-13-2013, 01:51 PM
Get a tranquilizer from the vet, put him in the Tcraft and fly him up. :bigsmyl2:


Bill, if you have any idea where I could put a 75-lb exuberant Weimaraner in a Taylorcraft and still have room for me and an overnight bag, I'm all ears!

In the meantime, I could always assemble a crate in the backseat of the 172. Problem is, it's still HOT here so we'd have to launch out in the early morning hours.


09-13-2013, 02:03 PM
I went up to where my daughter works to meet this boy. His name is Scooter and he's been up there for longer than four months now--but get this. . . he's still not barn sour! A lot of rescued or abandoned dogs "lock in" to their kennel and don't want to leave or if you've ever had a barn sour horse, all they want to do is go right back home.

Not Scooter.


He's a solid, very healthy 75 pounds and there is zero atrophy happening with this boy. He is still active and playful, very alert and very keen. His breeding comes from Weimaraner working stock--thick shoulders and head, strong neck and hindquarters--unlike the AKC show dogs of the same breed that have the narrower head and shoulders.


Superb posture, no dysplasia, no health problems whatsoever (he's been living in a top-shelf vet and boarding facility), neutered, good on a leash, knows basic obedience, has a soft mouth (as all good bird dogs do--so safe around kids and grandkids), is not dog-aggressive whatsoever.

I worked with him for about thirty minutes and made noises, dropped things, introduced him to everyone that walked by, etc etc. I have no reason to believe that this dog is anything but a typical bird dog around kids of any age. He simply does not rattle--very steady, very confident.

But he is missing not having a permanent home. My daughter told me that when I left, he (Scooter) cried for the next half an hour--and nobody up there had ever heard him cry after being put back in his kennel.


This is an awesome dog and it is killing me and the wife that we cannot take him in. I've done a lot of volunteer work for Doberman Rescue and German Shepherd rescue, and every blue moon comes a special dog that you'd give anything to be able to take home. Scooter is that dog.


09-13-2013, 02:46 PM

Thanks for your post. It fills in most of the blanks.



09-13-2013, 06:57 PM
Recluse, you might as well give me a paper cut and pour lemon juice in it. Killing me that this dog doesn't have a home, but I'm not in a position to take him.

Someone is going to get an awesome dog here.

09-13-2013, 07:49 PM

I wish I were in a position to adopt this handsome gent, but I'm not.

What I DO want to mention is this:

There is a VAST network of dog-assistance organizations in this country, and many of them specialize in 'networking' to move animals from place to place at very low cost. This is done by organizing a dog's transportation in "legs", where different people will pick up the dog from each other, drive him a relatively-short distance, and hand him off to the next driver for the next leg. In one very recent case, a dog was moved from southern Texas to British Columbia in just a few days, at NO cost to the new "parents".

Many of these organizations were started by breed associations, but in most cases they will assist with dogs of ANY breed. They recognize that a dog of whatever breed, not just their own specialty, is still a wonderful creature and worthy of whatever help they can supply.

The point here is, don't give up on adopting a dog because of distance or cost! Help is probably available, provided by caring people who know that our furry friends are worth the effort of getting them to new homes.

09-14-2013, 10:27 PM
As far as the T-craft, I was figuring on a calmed down dog (like I said, get some tranqs from the vet) that
will sit in the seat and sleep or just lay there. Can't be bouncing around. But if you have a 172, take out
the back seat and tranq the dog and he'll probably be OK.


09-15-2013, 08:38 PM
ill take him if you can get to Reno,

09-18-2013, 04:44 PM
Scooter has a new home. My dad and I will drive from Houston to Flower Mound tomorrow morning, pick him up and return to Houston. After a few days I'll let everyone know how he's settling in.



09-18-2013, 06:11 PM
Good job Recluse and tonyjones! I love a happy ending.

09-18-2013, 06:53 PM
Thank you, Tony.

09-18-2013, 07:16 PM
Nothing like a happy ending. Brings tears to your eyes. Thanks be to God for good people.

09-19-2013, 10:21 PM
Well done, Recluse and Tony - dogs need good homes.


09-19-2013, 10:33 PM
We all made it home in good order. Scooter is an exceptional dog. Considering he's 9-1/2 I'm amazed at his physical condition and energy level. He's getting lots of affection and is settling in quite well. As soon as my dad retired for the evening Scooter joined him!



09-19-2013, 10:55 PM
Thanks, Tony. Made my day.

09-20-2013, 02:40 AM
We all made it home in good order. Scooter is an exceptional dog. Considering he's 9-1/2 I'm amazed at his physical condition and energy level. He's getting lots of affection and is settling in quite well. As soon as my dad retired for the evening Scooter joined him!



Tony, as much as you made MY day by giving Scooter an awesome home, you made my god/daughter's entire year. She texted me first, then called me up and was on the verge of tears she was so happy for this dog. She works with dogs and animals all the time--that's what happens in a large vet clinic.

But Scooter was special to her.

Did you meet her (Bethany) when you picked Scooter up?

She's an awesome young woman that I love more than life itself. My wife and I have been blessed with two "adopted" daughters, both of whom are passionate about dogs and horses, both of whom are beautiful inside and out, and both of whom that have changed our lives.

So on behalf of my youngest, I cannot thank you enough for taking this awesome Weimaraner in. However, I think the good deal is going to work both ways.


09-20-2013, 09:26 AM
Thanks Tony and all the good folks on here who were concerned about one of God's special creatures.
Good things do happen and even if they are small in the world's big picture, they are important to the Creator who gave us the love and devotion of a dog.

09-20-2013, 09:58 AM

I did not have the good fortune of meeting Bethany. I dealt primarily with Brittany and, to a lesser extent, Regan.

Over the next few days or week I'll post updates.

All the best,


09-20-2013, 10:21 AM
I love happy endings :)

09-20-2013, 11:25 AM
I Lost My Wimmer ( Jax Alice in Wonderland) about 8b years ago and still miss her to this day
we did and went every place and if she was not welcome well I didn't go

Wish I could have her but we are to far for her in Eastern Kentucky


09-20-2013, 11:27 AM
I love happy endings :)

Me to.

09-20-2013, 12:17 PM
Thank you Tony from all of us who understand the love and companionship these little persons bring into our lives.

09-25-2013, 03:56 PM
Scooter has been with us (my dad and me) for almost a week. I thought I should post one last update. He has settled in quite well at this point. Scooter receives physical affection dozens of times each and every day and 2 squares of good chow daily along with treats and whatever he can pilfer from the table when my dad isn't looking. My dad should know better but I recall hearing something about old dogs (dad is 85)...

The clinic in Flower Mound gave me a copy of Scooters complete veterinary history which I'll review and forward to our Vet here in Houston so he will stay up to date on his vaccinations and whatever care he requires.

We had a jail break a couple of days ago at about 6:00 am. It took me a while to get Scoot back in the yard and the gate is now chained and pad locked. He had to sniff everything for one block in all directions. We've gone on walks around the neighborhood but Scoot sometimes likes to turn our walks into a tractor pull - did I mention he's full time four wheel drive?

I do not know to what extent this dog has been trained but it seems to me his basic obediance has atrophied. No matter, we will find an accomodation. Did I mention he has furniture privileges?

Edit to add: I have found a large dog park about 2 miles from the house where I can remove the lead and let him run.

Thanks to all here who expressed an interest in Scooters well being.

Best regards,


09-25-2013, 05:13 PM
To quote Tom T. Hall:
"Ain't but three things in this world worth a solitary dime,
That's old dogs, and children, and watermelon wine." GW

09-25-2013, 08:33 PM
it will take a few for him to get used to it, then he will gradually calm down once his anxiety goes away

09-25-2013, 08:52 PM
Good on ya for taking Scoot in. Always breaks my heart when I hear of dogs being abandoned by uncaring owners.

Scoot sometimes likes to turn our walks into a tractor pull - did I mention he's full time four wheel drive?

My rottweilers were good at this too! Mind you, the breed has been used to pull carts, so no surprise there.

I found a Halti harness works really well. The lead clips on under the dogs chin, so when they try to pull, they just turn their heads around. http://www.aussiepet.com.au/halti-head-collar-lead.html

09-25-2013, 09:18 PM

Thanks for the link.


09-26-2013, 06:37 PM
Scoot sometimes likes to turn our walks into a tractor pull - did I mention he's full time four wheel drive?

I do not know to what extent this dog has been trained but it seems to me his basic obediance has atrophied. No matter, we will find an accomodation.



When I was working and evaluating Scooter, he did some pulling. The easiest way to not only stop the pulling on walks, but to get it out of the dog's head is to use your training collar (aka choke chain) and position it right behind the dog's ears and under his chin, then holding the leash with your left hand, hold it more vertical so that the chain stain directly behind and literally touching the rear of the dog's ears. This creates a sensation (not painful nor uncomfortable) by way of the links rasping that echo in the dog's ears and they quickly learn that to avoid that, they need to stop pulling. This allows you to give very gentle, yet quick corrections to the dog.

I cringe when I see people using choke chains as just that--a choker. This does nothing and instead teaches the dog to actually try and pull harder because when they let up, they get momentary relief. Instead, position the chain as I described and it will not take long at all on each walk for Scooter to get the idea. After a few weeks of this, you'll find that you need to do less and less.

As far as his basic obedience atrophying. . . quite possible. I only did cursory commands of "down" "sit" "heel" and "bring/fetch," but I had no idea how he'd been trained. I know he certainly wasn't trained using German commands (which we use pretty much exclusively).

I wrote a piece for Doberman Rescue that will help you better understand the changes that you will see over the next few months in Scooter as he adjusts to his new home. I've been training German dogs for over 30 years now and over that duration there have been some constants come shining through. One of those is the adjustment to a new home for dogs that have been re-homed, regardless of reason why (retired working dog, rescue, etc).


Sounds like y'all are doing well and it sounds like your dad has a new buddy. :)

Good stuff.


09-27-2013, 03:15 PM

Thanks for the tip about the training collar as well as the link to your article. I've read it and will read it again at least once.

Except for puppy training one chocolate lab I have no experience training dogs. I do have some experience maintaining trained dogs. Over the past 30 years I've had several labs that were professionally trained and used in duck blinds, goose fields and HRC & AKC hunt tests. Drills were a frequent activity; whether obedience, marks and/or blind retrieves. Maintaining a well trained dog requires some effort and dedication but is not difficult.

When I retire a dog from active field work my attitude relaxes considerably. I expect the dog to know and correctly respond to no, here, sit and a few others. I will throw happy bumpers for the dog as long as he/she enjoys it. This is for fun and is not intended to be work.

I consider Scooter to be a retired gentleman that has earned a loving place of respect in our home. He must, however, obey to my minimum expectations. He may be refusing some commands that he understands because his world has been turned upside down more than once in a short time.

I'll try the training collar with mild corrections and see how that goes.

Best regards,
