View Full Version : colt 1902 military repairability?

10-24-2007, 04:03 PM
I would really like an 1902 military or commercial 38 acp longslide someday,but a restorable shooter grade gun.
Hopefully someone here does have and shoots his enough to have an opinion on this models longevity ,part availability,any parts same as m1911,general impressions ,and such.
I post here because frankly where else?

thanks much,


10-24-2007, 08:32 PM

I had a 1900, a 1902 Military and two or three of the big "Hammer Pocket" 1903 .38 ACP Colts, and loaded a bit for them. Handsome handguns and functioned OK. BUT...

1. I have read of shooters finding an occasional .38 Super (nickeled case, back then) in a box of the milder .38 ACP's; and...

2. Take a good look at the takedown; there's actually only a tiny bit of metal on the front of the slide bearing on the takedown key; if that should fail, you get the slide straight back into your face. NOT FUN!!

I guess they are OK for occasional shooting if you're a very careful reloader and stick with the lightest loads that will reliably operate the action (as I did). But to me, they are mostly "lookers" (GOOD lookers, though!)
