View Full Version : Have you seen these wheel weights?

09-09-2013, 10:27 PM

I found a few of these "pouches" in my latest wheel weight sort. They balls are free floating in the pouch. I had never seen these and I could not find them when I googled wheel weight types. The balls are iron and very small. I'm thinking they would work in a small shot cartridge.

Have any of you done this?

09-10-2013, 12:17 AM
Have never seen anything like those. The packet looks like lead. Can you tell what the packet is made of and did you use a magnite on the balls to check for it being iron, Steve

09-10-2013, 12:38 AM
New to me. Did you get that from your regular source?? Maybe your source can tell you something about it.

09-10-2013, 09:07 PM
I checked the balls on an X-ray Flouresence machine at work. It peaked at iron. Then I thought to check with a magnet!

As for my regular source, I hope he will become a regular. I have only picked up from him once. I will have to ask him. The packet is a flexible, but tough plastic. The back side had a layer of tar on it to stick to te wheel.

09-10-2013, 09:41 PM
xactbalance, the latest and greatest marketing ploy. A couple of neighbors with gargantuan rims on vehicles not made for them think they will perform miracles.

09-13-2013, 10:41 PM
Ahhh. I had never heard of them. http://www.wdshopsupply.com/xact_balance.htm

Do you think they would be K to shoot as shot? I do not know the composition of the steel shot used for bird hunting.

10-09-2013, 12:45 AM
Yes, as someone else mentioned - those are Xact Balance WW. The concept is that the itty bitty steel balls move around in the plastic jacket and settle in place where needed. Southeastern Toyota (Toyota distributor for most of the south) was putting these on all their cars prior to sending to the dealers - not sure if it was a Toyota directive or not. You being in SC, I can understand you coming across them. The shot are waaayyyy fine, might be good rat shot in a smaller gauge shotgun - but I can't see much good past 15 feet or so.

10-09-2013, 10:11 AM
Seen a few before. really weird.

10-09-2013, 12:16 PM
I see a few now and then even in VA.

I toss them in the trash.

The shot may be OK for handgun loads in the heavy platic tubes like CCI uses, but I'd never try it in a 12 guage as it would likely compact and form a barrel obstruction when fired. My advice is, don't try it!

OK, having said that, let me know how it turns out!


10-09-2013, 12:35 PM
xactbalance, the latest and greatest marketing ploy. A couple of neighbors with gargantuan rims on vehicles not made for them think they will perform miracles.

Similar idea to DynaBeads.

A cheaper solution is to use Airsoft "BBs" in your tires to get the same effect. I've done it on a motorcycle tire when I last changed it. It seems smooth, but I did not ride it with the unbalanced tire to compare it against.

10-09-2013, 12:49 PM
Ok, I'm going to thread-jack now that this had seemingly run it's course...

I don't quite understand how this could reliably "balance" a wheel... if the tire is unbalanced it gyrates slightly off-center. It is off-center in the direction that the wheel is heavier. These "beads" would naturally "seek out" the area in the tire in which the distance is furthest from the axis of rotation because of centrifugal force. That "area" would be precisely in the direction that the wheel is already unbalanced. Wouldn't this compound the problem?

Tell me what I'm missing.... or are these product snake-oil for the uneducated?

10-09-2013, 12:56 PM
^^^ What JakeBlanton said...
In the 4x4 croud, guys will ballance 37" + tires with a handful of airsoft pellets in the tire. Same concept. Works pretty good from what I have been told.

10-09-2013, 01:34 PM
Those are for race cars. Talk to jeffy gordon he knows!

10-09-2013, 03:18 PM
Save the shot for pistol rounds for rats or snakes.
Inside a shotgun wad, common for some pistol caliber shot shells, it shouldn't hurt the gun.