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View Full Version : What's up with Roger Ronas

Roger Ronas
09-09-2013, 09:37 PM
Hello fellow casters,
I must explain why I haven't been around much lately.
About 45 days ago I was forced to start Dialysis. It's been a rocky road, living alone and riding my scooter back and forth to treatments.
I have to sit in chair without moving for 5 hours, 3 days a week.
I have fatigue after words and don't feel much like surfing the net.
I will try to do better.


09-09-2013, 09:51 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hang in there and do what you gotta do. We'll be here for you.

Dean D.
09-09-2013, 09:55 PM
Good luck with your treatments Roger. We'll be here for when you do feel like surfin the net. ;)

09-09-2013, 10:18 PM
Don't blame you for not feeling like surfing the net after a thrice weekly experience like that. Just hang in there and keep your chin up and spend your quality time with who and what matters.


09-09-2013, 10:50 PM
My father had to do dialysis for years an he had to go 60 miles one way . We all took turns taking him to his treatments . They made him very tired also . Good luck with your treatments.

09-09-2013, 11:39 PM
That does not sound fun at all. I know it would drive me crazy not being able to move for that long. Hang in there!

09-10-2013, 12:48 AM
That sucks Roger! Do you have a laptop? I download old movies free from the net and watch them during down time. Jay

Roger Ronas
09-11-2013, 12:09 AM
Thanks to everyone's response.
When I posted I wasn't looking for that but it sure feels good.
Because of you guys and gals on this site I have hope that things will work out.
God Bless you all,

09-11-2013, 10:26 PM
Roger I hope that your situation improves and you can maintain a normal life. My father-in-law had to undergo dialysis and it really bothered him until he acclimated to the treatments. He never got used to them completely but he was able to get to the point that they didn't bother him as much.

Hopefully you will reach that point soon and be better able to handle it. Prayers that your situation improves.