View Full Version : Website worth visiting: "Forgotten Weapons"

09-07-2013, 07:36 PM
Stumbled across this website (http://www.forgottenweapons.com/) the other day, worth a glance for a lot of the people on here, I think. Not all military firearms, but many listed were submitted to trials. I knew about some, didn't know of others, and there are also some entries on guns we are all familiar with.

Click around on the menu at the left to find lists of articles you might like. The early semiauto pistols and rifles ones were of particular interest to me. They also have a "premium membership" you can sign up for at the tune of $50 or something like that, but all those articles can be browsed at no cost. They also have a youtube channel under the same name; they manage to get their hands on a number of interesting pieces for the videos.

Thought you all might like to know.

09-09-2013, 01:33 PM
Man oh man I could read for days! Interesting thanks!!

09-09-2013, 02:31 PM
Glad you enjoyed it. I have spent a bit of time watching their various videos on youtube, I have really enjoyed them. They have almost 200 videos, so there's a lot to go through.