View Full Version : Need some Info Handgun from Nashville, TN to San Antonio, TX to Del Rio, TX

09-05-2013, 06:47 PM
My wife is going to be flying Delta out of Nashville International Airport connecting flight out of Memphis, TN to San Antonio, TX then driving to Del Rio, TX from the airport there. This is her first time flying with a firearm on a airplane. Need to know all the does and don't to this. We do have a hardside case that locks already. Is there any special way she need to carry it from San Antonio to Del Rio in the car? She does have her concealed carry lic from KY which she be good in TN and TX. Know of any do's and Donts that she should be aware of? She will be down there for 3 week stents for a job. I all ready got a copy of the TSA's firearms and ammunition of the web.



09-05-2013, 08:03 PM
The gun must be unloaded and the ammo in a separate case for the plane. When she gets to Texas her concealed carry is honored and she can carry it in the vehicle even if she didn't have concealed carry as Texas law says your vehicle is the same as your house/castle.

09-05-2013, 08:16 PM
tell the you have a firearm they will have to make sure its unloaded
you will then have to singe a paper that states its unloaded and then put in
hard case with the pistol lock it ammo not in same case max #10 lbs of ammo

09-05-2013, 08:41 PM
Declare the firearm to ticket agent prior to turning in baggage. Get the form to sign saying the
gun is unloaded (they used to want to see it, fools would have no idea and it scared people
to see guns, so this stopped years ago) and form (small bright orange tag, actually) is put
into bag with locked gun case. Some want it IN the case, most don't care. Do not let them
have her hang it on the outside - this is against the rules and increases chance of theft.
Walk the bag with the firearm to the bag check location (if different, and usually is) and
tell the attendant that the bag contains a "checked firearm". Here they want you wait until
the bag passes the X-ray in case they want to open the bag for some other reason. Once
it is on the belt, you are on the way.

At the other end, verify that the gun is still there BEFORE leaving the baggage area, and
raise holy heck if it is gone (very unlikely, in my experience - never lost one). Once she
is out of the airport she is free to load and carry the gun in compliance with the state
laws and her CCW permit. I have never lost a gun, but rarely take guns that have
sentimental value on the airlines, knowing that loss is possible, I want to use guns
that "mere money" will fix if stolen.

Good luck, it is really no big deal unless she tries to carry on the plane by accident!


09-05-2013, 08:54 PM
Once at SA X, and in the rental car, she's good to go. As mentioned the vehicle is an extension of her domicile. so a license wouldn't be needed. As a license holder from Kentucky, Texas does have a reciprocal agreement. Here's the major dos and don'ts.