View Full Version : Shooter.com archive is available

09-05-2013, 12:04 AM
The old Shooters.com BPCR forum was in existence from Nov. ’97 until June ’03. Just prior to its demise I was able to archive all but a final few threads and posts. Since it’s a valuable resource and contains the collective wisdom of hundreds of BPCR shooters at the time, I thought I’d offer a CD of the files to those interested. The CD is 331MB and contains 10,662 files (threads) with 70,000 posts from 11/1/97 until 6/5/03. The threads are easy to access and the complete CD is easily downloaded to your computer and searchable using your standard search capabilities.

If you’d like a copy I’ll burn a CD and mail it to you. To cover the costs & shipping, just send $10.50 via PayPal to texasmac@sbcglobal.net. The extra $.50 is to cover the PayPal fee. I receive numerous PayPal payments for other reasons so be sure to include the reason for the funds and your full address. If you don’t use PayPal, you can PM me for my address and mail $10 (cash, check, M/O).
