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Dean D.
09-01-2013, 03:59 PM
This morning I had the pleasure of meeting fellow Cast Boolits member Idaho Mule for the first time. He was in my area this weekend and we found time to sit down and shoot the breeze over breakfast. I really enjoyed our conversation and once more found out how small our world really is! Thanks JW, next time I'll be the one to do the traveling for a visit. [smilie=s:

If any of you get the chance I highly recommend meeting other members if you are able to do so. I've yet to meet anyone who wasn't a pleasure to know. ;) :CastBoolitsisbest:

09-01-2013, 04:20 PM
Ditto, I've met up with several members from here and other states, always a pleasure. Some I've hunted and camped with, cast with, or just shot the breeze over coffee when passing through.

Turns out one of the guys here that I thought a lot of just because of his posts here lives within a short of my house. Talk about a small world. We get together fairly frequently these days.


09-01-2013, 05:58 PM
I enjoy meeting members from the site. Heck, I even married the daughter of one.......

Some day I hope to get a chance to meet a few in particular.

Down South
09-01-2013, 06:04 PM
That sounds nice. I know a couple members but they aren't regulars here. I know there has to be several in easy driving distance of me. It would be my pleasure to meet some of them.

Idaho Mule
09-01-2013, 08:46 PM
Thanks Dean, I enjoyed our meeting too. I look forward to meeting more members, it is just a lot of fun. Dean and I found lots to talk about, hay, horses, mules, different country, how small the world really is, and of course cast boolits. Come to find out a cousin of Dean's is a friend of mine, we graduated HS together a few years ago. As I said this morning, you're welcome at my place anytime. Oh, and if you want to try some of those little rcbs 98 grainers, just let me know and I'll send some up. JW

Dean D.
09-01-2013, 08:54 PM
Thanks JW. I'll work a trade with you, some of them 98gr RCBS for some Ideal 311316's 111gr GC's if you'd like. Save on the mailing though, I really do need to get down your way and visit my cousin and maybe down Lewiston way to see his Mother. Glad to see you made the trip home ok.

Idaho Mule
09-03-2013, 12:11 AM
Dean, trade sounds good except I already have a 316 mould, NOE version. Matter of fact I just stuffed some of them in freshly filled cases this morning. That's ok tho as I can always use more. You just come down and visit and we will work something out, heck, I owe ya anyway. Maybe we should think about putting together some sort of gathering of members together. That would be lots of fun. I had to can pears today, wife made me work, but they sure taste good. She is scheming about going after some of those grapes I told you about down on the Salmon. I will keep you posted as far as when we head that way as it could tie in with your trip to Lewiston. JW

41 mag fan
09-03-2013, 08:06 AM
Meeting members is nice. I got the pleasure to meet kstenberg 2 weeks ago tomorrow. He was looking for some BLC-2, lives up by my inlaws, so when we went up there we got to sit down finally and have a coke and visit for awhile.
Unfortunately though, it was a short visit, as it was Wed 5pm when we met, I had been up since 5am Tuesday morning. Had worked all day, drove 14 hrs after work, and was still going when I met Kevin.
But sitting down and relaxing, I could feel myself sliding out of the chair, I was so dang tired!
But a very nice gent Kevin is, and next time we're up there I'm hoping we'll be able to get together and do some shooting.

09-03-2013, 09:03 AM
Can I tell you the facts of the story. ^^
I have been out of BLC2 for 5 month's and had to stop my load development for a cartridge I had been working on. With the component shortage there hasn't been any local or mail order powders available. Shane and I have tried to get together in the past when he has vacationed with his inlaws. Recently Shane had sent me a PM asking me questions about a post I had written. In the conversation he mentioned about coming up soon for a wedding.
Like most here I really hate to impose on anyone. But I desperately wanted to continue to work on my 7TCU. I broke down and asked Shane if he could look locally for several powders. Local stores didn't have what I needed. So he took a Road trip to another store just to purchase MY powder. He tied up his money for weeks on my stuff. Then transported it to me.
Where but on our website will you find friends that will . Go out of there way for someone they don't know and have never met. Shane is one of the good guys here.
Sorry for the length of this but. THAT WAS THE REST OF THE STORY. Kevin

09-03-2013, 01:45 PM
Willbird (that has not been on much lately) and I have been friends for 20 years. He taught me to cast and a lot about guns.

I have met a few others. A couple was far from home when traveling and we had done some sort of deal. Met a couple guys at a store or park and did the deal and they split! Not even time for a coffee. That makes me a little skittish!

Superfly and I did a deal way back when and have been phone buddies since. He is OK for a truck driver! ;)

Hickory and I met a couple years back on another deal from CB and got along great. He is a good fellow. We have been to each others place a few times. My daughter thinks he is the greatest and loves his Ruger .32 Magnums! Recently found a couple others fairly close and hope to meet them soon! Us Black Swamp people are bout the friendliest folk you'll meet!

41 mag fan
09-03-2013, 02:36 PM
Can I tell you the facts of the story. ^^
I have been out of BLC2 for 5 month's and had to stop my load development for a cartridge I had been working on. With the component shortage there hasn't been any local or mail order powders available. Shane and I have tried to get together in the past when he has vacationed with his inlaws. Recently Shane had sent me a PM asking me questions about a post I had written. In the conversation he mentioned about coming up soon for a wedding.
Like most here I really hate to impose on anyone. But I desperately wanted to continue to work on my 7TCU. I broke down and asked Shane if he could look locally for several powders. Local stores didn't have what I needed. So he took a Road trip to another store just to purchase MY powder. He tied up his money for weeks on my stuff. Then transported it to me.
Where but on our website will you find friends that will . Go out of there way for someone they don't know and have never met. Shane is one of the good guys here.
Sorry for the length of this but. THAT WAS THE REST OF THE STORY. Kevin

Better consider yourself also on that 3rd to last sentence Kevin. I have a very suspicious feeling you would of done the same for me and any other member on here too, you've gotten to know over the net.
Like I pm'd ya when I got back, the wedding really threw a loop in my week up there, and I was really bummed we couldn't of stayed at Lucettes for awhile longer......man was i tired there...I can't remember ever being up that long in the past.
But regardless, i was more than happy to get that BLC-2 for you. Never thought anything but to find it down here for ya.
Hopefully next yr, when we're up we can plan a little better, as there wont be a wedding ect right in the middle of my time, we can get some shooting in.
Ohh ya..I told my MIL&FIL and wife about the pics of your house, and the beehive and bear!!
Really a beautiful place you got by the pics.

Oh ya before I forget...when we were leaving...Swansons had CCI 22lr in....$12.99/100.
Also went to LGS just 9 mi from me Sat, they had BLC-2 inand the 3031 i was looking for.
8 1lb cans of each.
No 22's though.