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09-01-2013, 05:57 AM
When your room ain't tidy and you don't want to clean it up, the old man can throw stuff out of the window a lot faster than you can run outside and pick it all up again.

Rooms are now tidy and vacuumed.......

09-01-2013, 06:56 AM
Interesting approach. Wish I'd thought of that when my girls were still at home.

09-01-2013, 07:02 AM
Be careful, the way the world is going they could hire a good lawyer and sue your but off ! HA.

nodda duma
09-01-2013, 08:12 AM
Yeah that works well. A 20-minute timer and one example of what happens when it goes off with stuff still on the floor works well, too! :)

09-01-2013, 08:18 AM
What is it with girls? I never expected it, but my girls are horrible about keeping their rooms clean. They both are teens and of course they won't leave the house with a hair out of place but their rooms are a disaster area. My boys rooms, who I expect to be messy, look fine. I threaten to take their cell phone away and they will reluctantly clean up. Within a day they are messed up again.

09-01-2013, 08:23 AM
I had to do something similar this week, except it was a box and not out the window. If she couldn't appreciate her things enough to pick them up, then they would go to someone who did. I might try that 20 minute timer next time, but the van starting with her stuff inside worked pretty well.

09-01-2013, 10:10 AM
I know one couple, if they have to pick up a toy(s), they put them in a large plastic bin. Then the kid has to do a chore to get the toy back.

Girls are messy. I used to clean a restaurant and bar. The women's toilet was always trashed. I've talked to others who have done the job, and found the same thing, regardless if it was a public business, or in their church. So when I go into a bathroom a woman has pimped out, I'm not too concerned about if I leave a drop of water on the sink.

09-01-2013, 10:32 AM
My daughter was pretty good about picking up but when she hit about 13 she suddenly wanted her door closed all the time. I tried to convince her it was better that she leave it open, but to her chagrin she came home from school one day to a bedroom with no door. Oops!

09-01-2013, 01:35 PM
When the kids won't clean their rooms, the solution is very simple.
Remove their bedroom door.

bruce drake
09-01-2013, 01:50 PM
Big black garbage bag for the "extra" toys taught my boys to keep their rooms neat. Good for you Jeff! They won't forget that lesson any time soon!


09-01-2013, 01:56 PM
My basement is filled with toys that had been taken away from my two girls. Problem is, they didn't miss them.

These kids definitely have it too good these days.

09-01-2013, 02:43 PM
My girls were fighting over a toy while we were driving in the car. I warned them and when the argument continued I told them to give it to me, I opened the window and pitched it out. Despite the pleading I refused to go back and get it. We had a lot more sharing and a lot less fighting in the car after that.


09-01-2013, 02:55 PM
My parents never did that but my drill sgt's sure did!

09-01-2013, 05:48 PM
One of mine was bad about not picking all their stuff up out of the living room floor until the one time they left toys in the floor and I made them pick it up and go put it in the big trash can. No more toys left in the floor after they were told to pick the toys up.

09-01-2013, 06:09 PM
Big black garbage bag for the "extra" toys taught my boys to keep their rooms neat. Good for you Jeff! They won't forget that lesson any time soon!


I went one step further.
When the half hour was up I put them out of their room put the toys left on the floor in a garbage bag, took it out to the burn pile and burned it.

From then on, when ever I told them to pick up their toys they always did a good job in record time.

09-01-2013, 06:45 PM
What is it with girls? I never expected it, but my girls are horrible about keeping their rooms clean. They both are teens and of course they won't leave the house with a hair out of place but their rooms are a disaster area. My boys rooms, who I expect to be messy, look fine. I threaten to take their cell phone away and they will reluctantly clean up. Within a day they are messed up again.

Try inviting their boy friends up to their room.

09-01-2013, 06:59 PM
I put quite a few toys and stuff right in the wood stove! My kids are stubborn like their Dad. It was painful for me to learn. I cannot complain too loud about being messy! :o

09-01-2013, 09:02 PM
We have in the past just went in and cleaned one of the boys rooms. We just boxed it up and stuck in the basement. After a few days we let them earn stuff back gradually.
We haven't had to do this again since. When we start to see the train falling off track, we just mention that I will be cleaning after the weekend and stuff just magically gets picked up and properly taken care of by Monday.

09-01-2013, 09:08 PM
Sometimes you just have to shock them a bit. Once you show that you mean what you say it gets easier.

Good for you!

Bad Water Bill
09-01-2013, 10:50 PM
NEVER throw out or destroy toys.

Good will is always looking for stuff.

Probably your own church knows some folks that would just love to have one or so but simply can not afford them.

09-02-2013, 12:51 AM
I always thought girls were cleaner until I went to Parris Island,while there I broke my leg and while I was healing up one day I had to clean the womens head in the office section of the reception battalion. That was the nastiest thing I have ever seen,the smell about made me puke. Ever since I always laugh when I see women yell at guys for using the womens bathroom(single toilet bathrooms) at a gas station,i used to think they didn't want it messed up but now I realize they don't want guys to see how messy they really are.

09-02-2013, 01:04 AM
They aren't just messy. If you think there is wild stuff written on some bathroom walls, go in the womens at a truckstop sometime.

09-02-2013, 01:14 AM
I am amazed it is not just my findings that women's restrooms are the nastiest of them all. I cleaned a few office buildings when I was going to trade school. The men's room was always spotless compared to the women's room.

Oh and here is one for ya. I was trying to catch my youngest son one day when he was 10, for doing something he was not suppose to do. So he ran into our downstairs bathroom and lock the door on me. Now the door was a hollow core and not in the best shape. I told him to open it by the count of three or else. Well he did not because he thought I was a mad man and wanted to kill him for what he did, said or whatever. So on three I went through it. You should have seen his eyes. They looked about the size of two sunny side up egg's. He has since replaced the door and has never gave me or his mother any grief since that day.

09-02-2013, 02:00 AM
Women are Nasty cretures in the bathroom plain and simple. Was a Janitor.

09-02-2013, 02:14 AM
I had one of each. For some unknown reason, neither stayed messy for any period of time. No threats. They didn't have much and took care of what they did have. Never did get him to eat dinner without his ball cap. Now their term fo a messy B room is a B room explosion. Doesn't do much good to throw stuff out cause the parents just get them more stuff. You get the picture. In my experience, women have no discipline, can't get any on ebay so you are SOL. i have been told bu many women that they fight meaner than boys and hold a grudge.

09-02-2013, 04:25 AM
For the vast majority of the time my girls are wonderful but every now and then I have to read the riot act. Dinner time is good. They used to mess about and take for ever. I told them the timer on the microwave would be set to 15 minutes and as soon as the timer went off their plates went onto the floor for Bella the black lab. Did it ONCE to each to them. Should've seen their faces. Never had to do it again.

How much of an invitation do you think a black lab needs?

Bad Water Bill
09-02-2013, 06:04 AM

Just wait till they are teen age.


09-02-2013, 03:44 PM
Yep my girls room was always worse than the boys until they were 13-14 .Then it was a dead heat,but the boys always cleaned up quicker. The oldest girl was STUBBORN,she wasted an entire Saturday standing in front of the sink of dishes. More recently my oldest grandaughter had to be repremanded about ''missing '' the throne. I don't want to understand the mechanics of that failure.

09-02-2013, 05:23 PM
I don't want to understand the mechanics of that failure.

I'll admit, that one is hard to figure. lol

10 ga
09-02-2013, 09:21 PM
2 daughters, no sons. Oldest had a very messy room, toys, clothes etc... everywhere. Wife and I told her to clean up before going to a b-day party with friends, like talking to a wall. Well she left and I picked everything off the floor, bed, chairs, desk and put in trash bags and labeled trash or goodwill and put them all on my #2 PU. The PU that I use for trash, hauling fish/crabs/eels and bait, hunting, trapping and general chores. Well you should have heard the moaning, wailing and tears when she got home. She got it all back out and put away. She never did listen to her mom but she always listened to me.