View Full Version : Obummer Bans Military Surplus Imports!

08-29-2013, 04:01 PM
I posted this in the 7.62x54 thread, but it's too important to be buried there -

obama announces new gun control measures targets military surplus imports (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/29/obama-announces-new-gun-control-measures-targets-military-surplus-imports/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fpolitics+%28Interna l+-+Politics+-+Text%29)

08-29-2013, 04:52 PM
It figures something like this would happen. They just turn the screw a little more all the time.

08-29-2013, 07:44 PM
Sadly this is not the first time we read these words. What does an honest man have to fear ?
But then no one ever accused most politicians of being honest.
What really burns me is when USA produced weapons get banned. Our tax dollars built those. Those belong to us...
Mike in Peru

08-29-2013, 08:52 PM
Hey........it's for the children, right?

There's already a thread going in the political section on this and nobody's happy about it.

ebner glocken
08-29-2013, 09:04 PM
And this is supposed to surprise us how?


Dale in Louisiana
08-29-2013, 09:15 PM
Yep! I knew it had to happen when I started seeing all those gang-bangers rollin' with Mosin-Nagants and Garands.

dale in Louisiana

08-29-2013, 09:20 PM
I suggest that you read the orders yourself, When you do you will find that the only thing that he really banned was the RE-importation of military firearms. AKA m1 garrands from places like Korea and others that we sent them to on the lend-lease program. They are ours but HE don't think so. Nothing else banned. Read the new list at BATFE.

08-29-2013, 09:57 PM
So he slowly cuts out any future mil surps from entering the country. That's better.
Not a knock on the above poster. There is no "good" way to view this. And no rational reason for it to happen.

08-29-2013, 10:05 PM
This much noise about nothing on both sides. He did it to get credit with anti-gun crowd because they are on his case about doing nothing but it really does nothing of significance. Why get all twisted about another import restriction, import and export restrictions on weapons and anything else are clearly constitutional.

I would be less likely to vote for someone who supports the action but to my mind its not a big deal and clearly within his power granted by the office.


P.S. This can easily be undone by him or the next president, the garands will be there just need to elect a president how has a different agenda.

08-29-2013, 10:09 PM
Just sit around and bitch about it!
Or try doing something about it.

Write your Congressmen.

Here is the letter I wrote this evening to my Congressman.
I also send a letter to my one real Senator.
They will be in the mail tomorrow.



Congressman Posey;

I’m going to be very blunt and plain speaking here.

I’m fed up, and I’m not going to take the Occupant’s latest Executive Orders lying down.

First, there is no crime issue concerning surplus military firearms. I challenge your staff to come up with a single instance of a crime being committed using a re-imported M1 Garand rifle. This is just the first step in banning from import all firearms and ammunition.

Second, trusts for NFA firearms have been legal since day one, with the passage of the National Firearms Act back in 1934. My son and I have a NFA family trust. We set it up not to just avoid having to get the local Sheriff’s signature on the form (our local Sheriff will sign the forms, as you should already know!). We set the trust up to be in total compliance with Federal law. I keep my machine guns in one of my safes; my son keeps his machine guns in one of his safes. But for obvious reasons, I have the combinations to his safes, and he to mine. That technically placed us in violation of the law, as I had “access” to his NFA firearms and he of mine. We formed the Trust, to make things totally legal, as we are both trustees of the trust, and thus we can legally have access to any and all of the NFA items on the trust.
Again, I challenge your staff to come up with a single case of a Trust NFA firearm being used in any crime.

Finally, there is this unconstitutional bill being put forth by the Demigods to place high taxes on guns and ammunition, “for the children of course”. I’m sure you are familiar with the Pole Tax, and how the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional, as a government cannot Tax a Right of the People. Thus simple and plain, the proposed bill is unconstitutional, as it will tax the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms!

Mr. Posey, I have supported you. I and my family have voted for you, I have signed your petitions to run for Congress, and I have donated to your election campaigns.

Now I expect you to support me.
I expect you to either author or at a minimum to co-sponsor legislation to nullify both of these “Executive Orders”. I also expect this to occur by the end of next week.

Congress is totally to blame for this administration’s blatant misuse of executive orders. Congress has, by the lack of its lawful exercise of authority, become totally irrelevant over the last five years. This has to change!

Can I count on you to be among the first to rein in this out of control administration?

Gregory S

08-29-2013, 10:32 PM
Mind if I steal portions of your letter and send them to my congress critter? I don't have any machine guns, but do have cans, and they are on a Trust, so that is the part I would need to change, but it is very well written. And they do need to **** or get off the pot, so to speak. I mean, they're not in office to keep a seat warm, although some are making me wonder.

08-29-2013, 10:55 PM
Death by a thousand cuts. We are gaining nothing and compromising drop by drop. Question, With an NFA trust, does it make for a smother transition to leave your NFA items to your wife or children?

08-30-2013, 01:13 AM
With the Trust, you can list them and they can have access to the items now--or later.

08-30-2013, 01:42 AM
I move around a lot since I'm retired and an RVer, so maybe I missed something along the way. Has there been a rash of crimes committed with M1903s lately? Aren't there plenty of rifles in the same caliber that are more accurate, readily available, and even cheaper?

08-30-2013, 03:34 AM
This much noise about nothing on both sides. He did it to get credit with anti-gun crowd because they are on his case about doing nothing but it really does nothing of significance. Why get all twisted about another import restriction, import and export restrictions on weapons and anything else are clearly constitutional. I would be less likely to vote for someone who supports the action but to my mind its not a big deal and clearly within his power granted by the office.


P.S. This can easily be undone by him or the next president, the garands will be there just need to elect a president how has a different agenda.

Not necessarily true on a one very important point. While today's act can be undone, the Garands, M1 Carbines, M1911s, M1903s and M1917s may not be there in the future IF/when we elect another President who will allow re-imports. I was involved in this business a few years ago, while assigned to 2 US Embassies in Europe, under the Clinton Administration. The host (foreign) Gov'ts had tired of storing TENS OF THOUSANDS of serviceable M1s, M1 Carbines and assorted other interesting former US weapons lent to them in military assistance programs from the end of WW2 up to the '70s. These were maintained in a fully serviceable state at host nation expense, and after several decades of reserve status, were never going to be used again.

The host nations wanted to get rid of the burden of having to store these weapons, and asked if they could sell (giving 70% of the proceeds to the US Treasury), scrap the weapons, salvaging many of the parts, sell the scrap (with the USG again getting 70%) or destroy the weapons and send the bill for destruction to the USG (taxpayers) for payment. I was in contact with both DCM and several of the well known importers.

You can guess what the answer was. Destroy the weapons, and bill the US taxpayer.

08-30-2013, 07:24 AM
Not necessarily true on a one very important point. While today's act can be undone, the Garands, M1 Carbines, M1911s, M1903s and M1917s may not be there in the future IF/when we elect another President who will allow re-imports. I was in this involved in this business a few years ago, while assigned to 2 US Embassies in Europe, under the Clinton Administration. The host (foreign) Gov'ts had tired of storing TENS OF THOUSANDS of serviceable M1s, M1 Carbines and assorted other interesting former US weapons lent to them in military assistance programs from the end of WW2 up to the '70s. These were maintained in a fully serviceable state at host nation expense, and after several decades of reserve status, were never going to be used again.

The host nations wanted to get rid of the burden of having to store these weapons, and asked if they could sell (giving 70% of the proceeds to the US Treasury), scrap the weapons, salvaging many of the parts, sell the scrap (with the USG again getting 70%) or destroy the weapons and send the bill for destruction to the USG (taxpayers) for payment. I was in contact with both DCM and several of the well known importers.

You can guess what the answer was. Destroy the weapons, and bill the US taxpayer.

I remember pictures of leftist pukes cutting them with a chopsaw and laughing their butts off!

It should be illegal to destroy Garands except by wearing them out!

08-30-2013, 07:48 AM
Obama probably wants them sold to the Muslim Brotherhood.
What's a few rifles when you're handing out entire nations.
All in the name of helping the poor children. Film clips of there dead bodies wrapped in cloth to gain sympathy.
Our side needs to step up the propaganda effort.

What they did in Iraq. After destroying truck load after truck load. Over one million rifles. mostly brand new never issued. They ordered brand new rifles from former Soviet states to give to the Iraqis and Afghanistan. Then ordered billions of dollars worth of Russian helicopters to give to Iraq and Afghanistan. Republicans nor Democrats in congress see wrong with any of that.

08-30-2013, 08:13 AM
This is a test to judge out reaction. A little here, a little there. If we don't respond, he will go for a lot more. The picture of on the article shows me the look of determination. Don't underestimate the power the President has. Also, remember that a lot of the Congressmen who stood up for us the last time have announced that they will not run for reelection.
Then he will still have two years of term left to finish what he started. I think we have about a year to accumulate our needs or you can forget about it.

08-30-2013, 01:38 PM
Everyone reading this forum need to address this issue with your elected reps as any executive action can be negated by the Congress and Senate. We need to let these officials know in no uncertain terms that this is an affront to our way of free life and hold them directly responsible via future votes for their tenure. McSwack

08-30-2013, 05:33 PM
Sure, go for it.


Mind if I steal portions of your letter and send them to my congress critter? I don't have any machine guns, but do have cans, and they are on a Trust, so that is the part I would need to change, but it is very well written. And they do need to **** or get off the pot, so to speak. I mean, they're not in office to keep a seat warm, although some are making me wonder.

08-30-2013, 06:15 PM
Start them when they are young and they may just understand that it's not the type of gun that causes problems.

08-30-2013, 06:47 PM
Start them when they are young and they may just understand that it's not the type of gun that causes problems.

That's a lot of rifle for a little girl but I sure like the look on her face. Concentration!!

Dutch - who is actually familiar with the Winebrenner Seminary in Findlay, Ohio http://www.winebrenner.edu/

08-30-2013, 11:53 PM
This is a test to judge out reaction. A little here, a little there. If we don't respond, he will go for a lot more. The picture of on the article shows me the look of determination. Don't underestimate the power the President has. Also, remember that a lot of the Congressmen who stood up for us the last time have announced that they will not run for reelection.
Then he will still have two years of term left to finish what he started. I think we have about a year to accumulate our needs or you can forget about it.

The Founding Fathers would have taken DIRECT action by this time. What have we become? We just sit behind our keyboards and complain. We are comfortable in our little lives and we don't want to do anything to upset it. Secretly, we wish for a McVeigh, but we won't say such things in public because we don't want people to think that we are some sort of extremist. I suspect the Founding Fathers were considered extremists in their time.

Perhaps Virginia's motto says it all:


08-31-2013, 12:25 AM
Thank you very much, Sir.

08-31-2013, 08:12 AM
That's a lot of rifle for a little girl but I sure like the look on her face. Concentration!!

Dutch - who is actually familiar with the Winebrenner Seminary in Findlay, Ohio http://www.winebrenner.edu/

She shot it twice with my help. Photo is just for show. She shoots a Savage rascal 22, but wanted to try a bigger gun. She said she will stick with the 22 for now.

08-31-2013, 11:00 AM
Glad I have what I have now, because, I for durn sure won't be able to afford existing stock in the future.