View Full Version : Smoothing sprue?

08-27-2013, 03:56 PM
Does it do any good to file (round off) the sprue on round balls and lee slugs for accuracy? Seems to me the slightly rough surface would effect the air flow to some degree. I have been smoothing them up some but wonder if it's worth the effort. Anybody done any testing in this regard?

08-27-2013, 04:12 PM
I would think a worst case scenario is that it would do little to nothing and best case, would improve ballistics/accuracy. The Lee round balls are pretty clean as you know compared to the Lyman round balls which have a "proud sprue." I don't see how it could hurt. Only the target groups will tell you if the time investment is worth it. I have a .680 round ball mold coming, and if it is anything like the Lyman molds, I will for sure clean it up.

08-27-2013, 07:05 PM
I dunno if this helps accuracy, or gives you anything you can work with; but I have been very perfectionistically loading lately-esp the tri-ball loads. So I meticulously tap the spres to shape w a small hammer. loads are generally accurate, so the practice at least hasnt hurt,

08-27-2013, 08:51 PM
When I cast my 680 balls, I cut the sprue with my "$4.00 mini sprue cutter". It looks like a pair of miniature hoof nippers. Then, I dress things up real nice with a fine cut file. It may not help, but as stated, it can't hurt.
Visualize one of those tests with the colored smoke going over a smooth car in a wind tunnel. Now visualize one of those tests with a sharp nodule setting on top of the smooth car.
I sleep very well at night.

08-27-2013, 08:59 PM
How big is the sprue?
I have an uncle that takes his as cast RB's and places them on a 1/2" thick steel plate with a ring of thinner diameter wire than the RB's, another 1/2" steel plate on top of the RB's, and a 20 pound block of lead on top of that. A minute or two of turning the top plate and all the sprues are rounded out.

08-28-2013, 04:09 AM
I toss all of my cast buckshot into my vibe tumbler (minus media) for a few hours when I go out running errands (ie: drinking coffee at my home away from home with the cute waitresses......) The buck basically gets shot peened by the other shot around it, and winds up with a very uniform surface. This is when cut with flush gate snips, if your sprue is proud more than 1/16" or so, you'll still be able to tell where it was, but it'll be better than it was..... Warning, a tumbler running a load of shot is LOUD!!!!
