View Full Version : Evil-bay does good

10-19-2007, 01:00 AM
I know alot of you don't like evilbay however some might like to see what alot of zeros look like. And I also know its not cast boolits but.........


You still have time to bid about 12 hrs. Do I hear a OOH-RAH?

10-19-2007, 02:00 AM
This has blown up in the faces of those who would censure a private citizen for the first tme in history. Even better at least $4 milion will go for college scholarships for sons and daughters of the fallen. I wonder how much mention this will get from big media.

10-19-2007, 04:51 AM
There are times I scream at the radio when I disagree with him, but this is political censorship, clearly. Brilliant idea and a rather gutsy move by the pres. of Clear Chanel who gave the letter to Rush. Being a Federally regulated industry that may come back to haunt him in later years.

10-19-2007, 12:17 PM
$2,100,100.00 with 58 minutes to go! Thanks Harry Reid!

10-19-2007, 01:44 PM
I wonder who Bettyc588 is?

10-19-2007, 02:53 PM

Our winning bidder, subject to the receipt of funds... is a wonderful woman named Betty Casey, as trustee of the Eugene B. Casey Foundation. She gives significant sums to hospitals, hospices, colleges, and private schools. These include the Eugene B. Casey Diabetes Education Center, The Eugene B. Casey Swim Center and the Eugene B. Casey Academic Center , and The Casey Home hospice. She has also donated tens of millions from the foundation and her personal funds to the Washington Opera.

Betty has been a listener to my program since it's inception, and we can't thank her enough for her support. We'd also like to thank Ebay Giving Works for allowing us to break their website in the closing moments of the auction, and Auction Cause, who was our consultant in prequalifying bidders and developing the auction

10-19-2007, 05:51 PM
Limbaugh made extended an offer to have every one of the senators who signed the letter to match the winning bid. Rush is matching the $2.1 winning bid to the Marine Corps/ Law Enforcement Charity. :drinks:

How many, if any, of the democrat senators who signed this chilling anti free speech letter will cough up any money at all, let alone 2.1 million buck??

From what I understand from various sources, Sen Reid thought this was a big joke.
What a World-Class scumbag.:mad:


Shiloh :castmine:

10-19-2007, 06:09 PM
You calling my Senator a scum-bag??? Just checking. The truth hurts, don't it?

10-19-2007, 06:13 PM
What a bunch (who signed this letter). Reads like a "Who's Who" of traitordom...

I hope that haunts them in years to come.


10-19-2007, 06:51 PM
These same people would no doubt decry "Tail Gunner" Joe McCarthy and his hunt for communists back in the 50's. Yet, their actions are less forgivable than McCarthys. At least McCarthy had more than his own interests at heart, and according to recently released documents, correct in most of his allegations. (See "Treason" by Ann Coulter) This debacle was more of a 1st Amendment issue than anything since McCain-Fiengold and may be even bigger depending on your view. Shameful performance no matter what your views of Limbaugh. He turned it around on them and made them look like fools IMHO. I think nearly all of our elected officials could use a very large helping of "humble pie" on a regular basis!

10-20-2007, 02:19 PM
....Shameful performance no matter what your views of Limbaugh. He turned it around on them and made them look like fools IMHO. !

Remember back in the 90's when Slick Willie excepted money from a childrens bake sale to reduce the National Debt??

A caller said he couldn't afford the Limbaugh Letter. Limbaugh told him to have a bake sale and they took over down town Ft Collins Colorado on a Saturday afternoon.

Limbaugh not only has a knack for turning things around on democRATS, he enjoys it. Did you see the video?? Sen Reid looked and sounded almost sheepish. It must have been difficult at best to give the kudos due Rush on this one.

Although living only 35 miles away, I was manning a booth supporting gun rights from the Firearms Coalition of Colorado that day.



10-20-2007, 03:22 PM
As to the original title of this thread-- eBay does good...? Any word yet if they've decided to forego their final valuation fee? Their cut of $2.1M would be quite healthy... (Given their attitude towards other 'conservative' issues, it's my guess they'll give their cut to Sen. Reid's re-election campaign.) :-?

[EDIT] After some further looking, I've discovered that eBay does indeed credit listing fees associated with charity auctions... six to eight weeks later.

10-20-2007, 08:17 PM
OK, guys. We are leaning towards political finger pointing, that is not allowed here. The topic has been allowed, as it involved a person outside of politics unjustly accused. Please don't get too far off base, so we don't have to edit or close the thread.

10-21-2007, 01:09 AM
OK, guys. We are leaning towards political finger pointing, that is not allowed here. The topic has been allowed, as it involved a person outside of politics unjustly accused. Please don't get too far off base, so we don't have to edit or close the thread.


10-21-2007, 08:37 AM
I agree with Ric. This isn't about parties or politics. I'll lock it myself at the first sign of that type of stuff. Stick to the issue at hand or remain silent please.


Yes. Unjustly. Go to www.rushlimbaugh.com and read the letter. Then read the transcript of the particular event Limbaugh was talking about. He was referring to a guy who had made the claim he'd committed war crimes in Iraq as an Army Ranger and had become the darling of one of the anti-war groups. He'd recently been arrested for scaming the VA or something like that. It was discovered he'd never been in Iraq, never been a Ranger, never made it out of boot camp, much less had committed any of the crimes or witnessed any of the events he'd laid claim to. There are a few others out there in the same boat. Limbaugh called them "phony soldiers". THAT is what the whole thing was over. (Odd how the "news" didn't report that.) Then Reid and his chums ran with the incorrect information their pals gave them, thought they had a shot at doing in an enemy, and wrote the letter. Think about that- You are the editor of a news letter lets say, or maybe you write an article for The Fouling Shot. Harry Reid, as US SENATOR, a person of immense power with the ability to do you great harm, to sick the IRS on you, to destroy your reputation , your business and your life, gets 41 of his like minded, equally powerful pals to go after you. For that matter make it a Republican Senator or Congressman. It's the same thing. Either way an elected Federal Government Official writes a letter to your boss attempting to curtail your employment over a remark you made or opinion you expressed. THAT IS AS CLEAR A VIOLATION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT AS ANYTHING WE'VE SEEN IN YEARS!!!! The fact it's Limbaugh makes it even more of an historic event because he's so clearly a "political" enemy, without being "political". He's not elected, he's not running, he's just a commentator. It would be like the Senate going after Paul Harvey, Laura Schlessinger, any other commentator over something they said. It's something we haven't seen in a long, long time and the ACLU and like minded groups should be all over this.

Regardless of your political leanings this is important. This was a phrase taken out of context, without researching the whole statement, and actions that are criminal in my opinion. A Republican doing the same thing would be just as guilty IMO. This isn't about politics- this is about abuse of power. It just happens to be the Dems this time.

10-21-2007, 11:40 AM
Great post!


38 Super Auto
10-21-2007, 12:15 PM
First of all, I like your Forum. I couldn't resist chiming in. I understand I am still on probation. :-D Am a long time reloader and caster and you guys have a good forum here.

As I understand, Rush is going to underwrite the ebay fees, so the entire $2.1 mil amount goes to MC-LEF + his 100% match. I think this is such a great move: the men and women who serve already know who support them. They are the ones who petitioned DOD to add Rush to Armed Forces Radio. BTW, Rush is the single largest contributor to this worthy charity year in and year out. These guys at MC-LEF are mostly Korea AND Vietnam vets who are united around helping the children of Marines, Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, and families of Fed law enforcement who have lost fathers or mothers in action. This charity has no overhead: their director said 100% of contributions go to the deserving families.

With regard to Senator McCarthy, he and millions of Americans were genuinely concerned about the spread of communism. He was indeed a patriot. As it has been verified, there were communists in FDR's and Truman's executive departments and agencies, e.g., Alger Hiss. He was vilified because... well, you know why he was vilified.

10-21-2007, 01:06 PM
Great thread. And thanks Bret for showing the link to what it was all about. I notice our representative from WV signed. I know he's got the cash to match. Will be staying tuned to see if he does.


11-02-2007, 02:51 AM
Hey look....Free shipping.