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08-21-2013, 05:33 PM
I've been holding out to make a photo of my new shop my 1,000th post but this won out. Last week my brother was making a road trip in an unfamiliar area and pulled into a gas/convenience store to ask for directions. He didn't like the situation, said it was a seedy looking place so he removed his long barreled .38 from his backpack and slid it under the backpack. He's not a little guy at over 6'5" and not easily intimidated. As he walked back to his vehicle he was approached and surrounded by 3 local men. They told him they wanted his keys, the vehicle, his money and everything he had. He said, "OK" and opened the door. His stealthy Schipperke sprang into action. The Schipperke is a compact, very muscular and protective dog that reminds me of the Tasmanian Devil cartoon character. She went for the leg of one of the bad guys whose already low slung pants dropped to his ankles. That just made it easier for her to start working on his leg. This distraction gave him the opportunity to retrieve the .38 and present it to the trio muzzle first. He said, "And I want everything you have." The trio beat feet, one with pants still around the ankles and bleeding. I don't think the gun or the dog alone would have resulted in such a good outcome for him. We are all grateful that he got out of the situation unscathed.

Don't leave home without it!


08-21-2013, 06:05 PM
Too freeking cool..

Charlie Two Tracks
08-21-2013, 06:58 PM
I'm glad he was thinking and not being a victim. Now you can holler at him for stopping at a place he had doubts about.

Bad Water Bill
08-22-2013, 03:52 PM
There is a good reason this saying has been around so long


08-22-2013, 07:02 PM
Never heard of that breed, but I think I want one!

And you are right, "Don't Leave Home Without It!" It sure beats an American Express card!

08-22-2013, 07:05 PM
That's one of the best ending incidents I have heard in awhile but the old adage if it feels bad it is trust your gut feeling.

08-22-2013, 07:22 PM
OK, good for him! What about the next driver, maybe a woman with a couple kids? I f it was that far off the path, I would have shot all of them!

08-22-2013, 07:30 PM
Sounds like a good write up in the NRA Armed Citizen.

08-23-2013, 08:02 PM
Good doggie! (and a happy ending too)

08-24-2013, 02:51 AM
I don't trust woman with a couple of kids around here either. Was at a Big Lots store in a seedy part of town, a woman reported some kids "vandalizing" in the store and when the employees went to check on it she checked out without paying. Guess who picked up the kids when they were run out of the store?!

08-24-2013, 05:40 PM
Sounds like a good write up in the NRA Armed Citizen.

Yep; trying to get more details from him before sending it in.

Boyscout, I can't imagine using your own kids like that. There are real lowlifes out there.


08-25-2013, 06:03 PM
Where did this happen, general area, nothing specific ?
If he shot then it would have been George Zimmerman part 2

08-27-2013, 03:04 PM
Where did this happen, general area, nothing specific ?
If he shot then it would have been George Zimmerman part 2

I think you're right about Zimmerman part 2. I sent an e-mail to my brother to get more info. My parents relayed the story to me and their stories were incomplete and varied slightly so still trying to get the first hand version. My brother is better at keeping up with his buddies than his family. I still don't know exactly where he was at the time. He had taken an historic airplane apart, the only aerobatic aircraft Mooney had ever produced, and transported it to Mooney in Kerrville, TX. He was on the way back to pick up his tools where he had dismantled the plane the plane when he was confronted.


08-27-2013, 04:06 PM
Great post! Need more like it!

08-27-2013, 04:38 PM
We need more of this kind of rebukes.

08-27-2013, 04:59 PM
Glad your brother is ok
too bad he did not relieve a couple of them their opportunity to do that to someone else later

08-28-2013, 01:45 AM
The mental image of the perp with his pants around his ankles, the dog chewing on him, as the three tried to run away is priceless; probably all three were about to lose their underwear from the load they dumped when they saw the gun.

08-28-2013, 11:10 AM
I don't see the mention of any weapon displayed by the perps. It would've been tough to explain why a big guy needed to use deadly force at that point in court.

08-31-2013, 10:34 PM
I don't see the mention of any weapon displayed by the perps. It would've been tough to explain why a big guy needed to use deadly force at that point in court.

He was outnumbered three to one. He's 56 years old and has had knee replacements. He was in fear of his life. Read on, please.

OK, guys and gals, I got the story straight from my brother. Morgan is his dog. Not surprisingly, the details are somewhat different first-hand. At least he had the proper situational awareness.

The following his description, cleaned up as much as possible for a family site. Mods, if this doesn't pass standards I would like the opportunity to re-write it.

Almost quoting:

"3 (locals) talking **** behind 7-11. Saw it coming but was too sweaty to hide pistol in back under shirt. Dug pistol out of backpack in rear of Jeep and laid it on front seat under backpack. They met me at the Jeep about 20 steps late. Unlocked door and Morgan destroyed one ankle—badly—serious damage… while she had his pants down. I was on crutches at the time. Easy prey. As she went for them I whipped out the .38 and cocked it. Told them nope, M… you don’t get my money and Jeep. I want your money and crack. Heard a lot of Sh.. M....... Morgan growling and snarling… and let’s get the **** out of here. The newly cripple was hollering ‘get it off of me’ and ’help me’. They hauled a**. I was liquid inside but set the coke in the Jeep, called Morgan to load up, and we hauled butt with the u-haul trailer and all my tools. We were in Lakeland FL about 9PM in a well-lighted 7-11 lot on the main drag."

"When we get back from Kerrville we will be getting carry permits. Gonna have to get a couple of guns easier to carry than that old .38. That is the short version of the story."

Later he wrote, "I would like to breed a schipperke with a Belgian or German Sheppard. I think the Belgian was the basis of the schipperke back in 1600. She has lost 5 lbs(17.5 lbs now) and looks a lot like a black German or Belgian Sheppard. It takes 4 people to hold her down at the vet. Or me. 150lb schipperke would be a nightmare and eat pit bulls for dinner. Pretty proud of her. And she just sensed it all. As I opened the door, she was in mid-flight and snarling. Course I spent $350 at the vet yesterday. She hyper-extended her front knee that night but (is) going to be OK."

It's pretty eye-opening to read of an experience like this from a close family member.


09-01-2013, 02:03 PM
Hard to imagine living in a state that allows CCL and not having one!