View Full Version : Which generation Contender frame do you prefer?

08-20-2013, 01:58 PM
I have two Contender frames. The 1976 year model has no hammer safety. The second (1979) has the sliding pin safety. I plan to sale one of the two. Triggers are about the same. Which model do most guys prefer? Thanks79747

08-20-2013, 07:00 PM
I have all three generations but I prefer the original than next is the third generation however the differences a so slight it makes no difference to me for use. The originals are reportedly worth more. See post eight http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?108476-Contender-differance-between-G2-and-older-model

08-20-2013, 10:25 PM

Having owned then all, the only one I don't care for is the G2.

I really wish I hadn't sold the early .30-30 Contender Carbine I once had. :violin:


08-21-2013, 06:10 AM
Mine is the third model, with the rotating selector on the hammer. One day I asked my friend who owns the gun shop what he would give me in trade. He said "Tom, you shouldn't sell your Contender." Years later now, I'm glad I didn't. I offer you the same advice.

Take care, Tom

08-22-2013, 06:11 PM
Is that the Millett red dot on your top tender? I just ordered one on mine, and it was dead on right out of the box. A nice surprise and seems to be a real good sight for the price.

08-22-2013, 09:48 PM
I prefer the frame that has the firing pin selector, Rimfire, Safe (None), and Center fire. The last frame before the G2. By the way, I am very disappointed that S&W/TCA will not be continuing any pre G2 line and have significantly scaled back the Contender and Pro-Hunter lines.

08-23-2013, 03:18 PM
Yes, my favorite is the 3rd version with the top-of-the-hammer selector switch prior to going to the G2.

http://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu49/Anonym_photos/2012-09-02113116_zps1ca2f1bc.jpg (http://s632.photobucket.com/user/Anonym_photos/media/2012-09-02113116_zps1ca2f1bc.jpg.html)

08-23-2013, 04:09 PM
All three first generation frames now have the selector on top of the hammer. When I lost one of the detent balls on the frame which had the selector on the face of the hammer I just changed it out for convenience. At that time I wasn't thinking about collectability.

I'm probably hijackin' the thread, but a sliding pin safety? I once saw one that had a sliding bar in the hammer.

It's not really an answer to the OP question, but any G1 frame over the G2

08-24-2013, 11:13 AM
I prefer the frame that has the firing pin selector, Rimfire, Safe (None), and Center fire. The last frame before the G2. By the way, I am very disappointed that S&W/TCA will not be continuing any pre G2 line and have significantly scaled back the Contender and Pro-Hunter lines.

Ditto. Every word. Absolutely.

I'm done with moaning about S&W's slow killing of TC. I just consider the Contender to be an out-of-production classic requiring used market purchases. I think anyone waiting for a new rebirth of the old Contender is wasting time with fantasy. BTW, I've written Smith off totally. They no longer make anything I'll buy, so it's the used market there for me. I don't have enough time left to hope S&W/TC will return to an earlier time. Just won't happen. And GM won't reproduce the '53 Corvette either.

Iowa Fox
08-26-2013, 06:32 PM
Anonym, Thats a nice box and foam. What kind is it and where did you get it. Kind of looks like a Doscosil I have, I'm looking for a nice smaller hard case for my Ruger 10/22.

08-26-2013, 06:43 PM
I like the easy open frame best. I have had all three ( never owned a G-2). Of the two mentioned in the first post I like the pre 76 . i have one with a 22 Hornet barrel that will stay here until i get to old to shoot. It does not have the easy open frame but it is just too accurate to let go .

08-26-2013, 10:14 PM
Iowa Fox,

That's actually a takedown shotgun box my wife got for me from good ole Wally World made by Plano (Gun Guard version Found HERE (http://www.planomolding.com/product.php?BCCID=118&PID=874)). It's lockable and has a purge valve to be used for airlines if needed. The little blocks pull out of the middle section for whatever you want to put in it, or leave them in there for a two-tier set-up. Got mine to fit the 'tender with a 16-inch mounted with enough room for my second 16-inch and a full 23-inch, all scoped. Great little box! Not sure if a 10-22 would fit length-wise in it, but they do make a rifle version.

This is probably what you're looking for: http://www.planomolding.com/product.php?BCCID=118&PID=875

Sorry, end hijack...

Iowa Fox
08-27-2013, 01:21 AM
Thanks Anonym

Ken TN
09-05-2013, 03:25 AM
I had 4 of the third generation frames and sold all of them and made the switch to the G2's. I have worked the triggers over and used the BELLM springs and have better triggers than any of the Contenders.

I shoot 444 Marlin out of the Contender and just like having the added strength the G2's have.
Just my 2 cents.


09-08-2013, 10:38 AM
I had 4 of the third generation frames and sold all of them and made the switch to the G2's. I have worked the triggers over and used the BELLM springs and have better triggers than any of the Contenders.

I shoot 444 Marlin out of the Contender and just like having the added strength the G2's have.
Just my 2 cents.


IS there added strength with the G2 over the first gen? Some say yes, but I think I recall reading [ in a post somewhere ] that TC said not.

Ken TN
09-08-2013, 07:32 PM
The sides of the G2 are much thicker than the original. Does it make it stronger, I would think so. I'm sure T/C aka Smith and Wesson would not want to endorse higher pressure due to the barrel limitations. The Encore allowed them to go to a larger barrel diameter to increase overall pressures. It was a well known fact that you could stretch a Contender frame with the higher pressure rounds.

I do not Hot Rod any 444 round, usually go well below max or stay at a starting level. The accuracy with the 444 is amazing with most any load I feed it.

I like the G2, just me but it is nice not the have to break the action open to re-cock the hammer.


09-09-2013, 06:55 PM
Have the G1 in 221 Fireball. Would like to get a 30-30 barrel. That ought to give it some pop. 30-30 boolits would probly be cheaper.

09-10-2013, 03:51 AM
I have 2 easy open blue frames Like them both. I seem to enjoy collecting barrels for them. Have a 22 match, 221 fireball, 25-20, a 30-30 converted to a 308 Bellm, 375jdj, 45-70 and 2 410 barrels one 16 and one 21" all are carbine 21"to 23"

09-11-2013, 10:37 AM
I had an olllllddddddd Hard open Contender and it started to auto eject. Sent it to TC and they sent me a brand new G2. I like the trigger on the old Contender better and the grip geometry is better too.

45-70 Chevroner
09-13-2013, 11:44 PM
Have the G1 in 221 Fireball. Would like to get a 30-30 barrel. That ought to give it some pop. 30-30 boolits would probly be cheaper.
Actually it cost less to shoot the 221 with cast than the 30-30 with cast. Of course that is unless you are going to shoot cat sneeze loads in the 30-30. I had a first generation frame with the 221 octagon 10" barrel, wish I still had it.

09-17-2013, 12:16 AM
Mine is a 1994 easy open frame (last year of the original contender) with the selector switch. I had Mike Bellm do the trigger job (1.5lb dry) and I absolutely love this combo. I want to try a G2 and maybe an encore but something tells me to buy another one like mine before they are only a part of history. I only have one barrel (21" MGM 7mm TCU) and have no intention of ever swapping so my excuse for buying another frame is that I need a "field use" frame for swapping lol.

09-17-2013, 01:18 AM
I would Like to pick up a stainless frame old style

09-17-2013, 11:53 AM
I would Like to pick up a stainless frame old style

While you're at it, find two and send me one!

I have two that are "old style," I reckon. One cougar-on-the-rock and one cougar head. There seem to be a number of categories, and I've never figured out what they all are. Serial numbers I can read, so are there ranges of numbers that put a particular action in one group or another?

I know I don't care for the G2 and Encore.