View Full Version : Please leave a message.....

08-19-2013, 07:58 AM
What is it with some of you ole coots that you won't talk on an answering machine? I've heard all the dumb excuses..."ain't talking to no machine"..blah-blah-blah. Folks like that drive me knutz. I work lots of overtime, 6 night weeks, split-shifts, on call, and everytime someone walks out or doesn't show up I get a call. I also screen all my calls. Using the answering machine. Alls ya gotta do is say..Hello..this is Bubba. I'm right there, don't always have time to run look at caller I.D. so as soon as ya talk I know if I want to answer the call. Is it really that hard? What brought on this little rant is I've got a truck up for sale and advertised in the local Franklin Shopper. I'll bet I've got 2 dozen local calls an I can even hear them grumbling in the background as they hang up. Right in the ad it reads....Leave a message. GAAAH! I'd like to sell it before the tags come due ($81) but I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth it. And of course I'm too stubborn to use caller I.D. and call them back. :) Dumb ole coots. Rant over. Audie...the Oldfart...

08-19-2013, 08:24 AM
You know what I hate? People that screen their calls with an answering machine...

08-19-2013, 08:54 AM
If most people responding to an ad just hang up that should tell you something! The fact is most people just don't like answering machines but most simply hang up with intentions of calling back later when the person might be available so you should not be offended any more so than they should not be offended by the machine.

The two best ways NOT to sell an item in a listing is to use an answering machine and/or not post a price with the listing! Personally I will just skip over an ad with no price and so do most others I have mentioned this to.

08-19-2013, 08:57 AM
It's really simple for me, I call someone to talk to them, not leave a message. I don't like the automated stuff the banks and insurance companies have, either. Call me an old coot or whatever, its my choice, just like it is yours to screen your calls with the answering machine. I got so tired of all the telemarketers leaving messages on our machine, I finally got rid of it. If I want to get in touch with a friend or family member, I text 'em on my cell if I want to leave a message. Yeah, and I'm from the generation that actually did quite well before there were cell phones. Just like the hand held radios we had to carry in the military--an electronic leash.

08-19-2013, 09:01 AM
I aint an old coot but my grandparents are and this is what they tell me....If they are unwilling to leave a message, it must not be important at all

08-19-2013, 09:11 AM

08-19-2013, 09:56 AM
I think most of us HATE telemarketers. The answering machine is GREAT for screening those calls.
Caller ID is a good feature to also screen unwanted calls.
But to not leave a message if you wish to speak to a person, or do business with someone just gets you ignored by the person/business you called.
I own my own small business.
I HAVE to use an answering machine, or I'd NEVER get off the phone.
I also have a policy of (a) not interrupting one person's call to take an incoming call, (b) not answering my phone when I'm on a job site working for a person. (That person is paying me to be there working for them, it's discourteous to stop work and talk to other people.) Policy item (b) also extends in that it can be dangerous to try & answer a phone if I'm on a roof, a ladder, or other place I could be hurt.
When I explain my policy to potential customers, I tell them that if I do not answer, please leave a message so I can call you back. So far NO ONE has complained when I explain I do this out of courtesy to the one I'm working for or talking to.
When I get a call & no message, like the poster above, It must not be important to the caller if they do not want to leave a short message.
I do not text, tweet, or facebook.

Next, how many times have you had to have your supper interrupted or be in the bathroom when someone calls?
People have lives, some work different shifts, etc. The courteous thing is to leave a simple message. Calling back later may or may not get the person you wish to speak to.
So, for the folks who refuse to leave a message, you will not get a call back from me. My time is valuable, and I'm not always available. But if a message is left, I do return calls AND I make the time & exert the efforts to contact you. But, I will not call before 9 am, nor after 9 pm.
Courtesy, good manners, etc. They go a long way on both ends.

Dean D.
08-19-2013, 10:43 AM
I'm with Audie and Contender1 on this one. We screen our calls with an answering machine also. I tell people that I do want to talk to that we do so. All they have to do is holler "hey" when the damn thing starts it's speil and we'll pick up if we are available. Even though we have our number listed on the Do Not Call registry we still get several automated calls daily.

Not to mention I'm an anti-social COB and hate talking on the phone to start with... [smilie=1:

08-19-2013, 10:52 AM
After about the 5th call from the same person in an hours time I finally picked up the phone and said, "WE HAVE AN ANSWERING MACHINE FOR A REASON, USE IT" and hung up. It solved the problem.

08-19-2013, 10:57 AM
It works both ways. Leave a message, and they never call back. Rude.

08-19-2013, 11:08 AM
Ehhhhhhh! Who cares anyway?

08-19-2013, 11:18 AM
Every time I try and "talk" to a answering machine I get brain freeze. All I can think of is AH AH AH and by then most times the machine says thank you good bye!

08-19-2013, 11:28 AM
Ehhhhhhh! Who cares anyway?


If a person don't want to "leave a message" for whatever their reasons then that's their decision and the receiver should just accept that without being upset over it but at the same time the caller has no right to be miffed if the person being called chooses to use an answering machine. As was already said it works both ways and both parties have their reasons and neither has a right to expect the other to conform to their way of thinking about the matter. As far as an answering machine for ads then that's another scenario altogether, although the right of choice stills applies the call receiver must deal with the fact that a LOT of people will just hang up or not even bother to call if it's clear that the seller is not going to answer in person. It makes absolutely no difference in whether or not the potential buyer is being rude or maybe passing up a good deal it's just a fact that the ad will not attract as many buyers, be it right or wrong, so it's the sellers choice.

mold maker
08-19-2013, 11:48 AM
I absolutely hate electronic message machines. I too have a life and make calls only on a needed basis. I don't want you to call me back. If I wanted you to take your time to get back in touch, I'd have written you a letter.
Call me any name that sets you free, but either answer my call, or wonder what you missed. I answer at least 3-5 calls a day that are political, money beggars, or wrong numbers. The wrong numbers are assisted if possible, but the rest get a piece of my mind, as long as I have any left.

08-19-2013, 11:55 AM
I'm way past the age of oohing and awing when the next form of communications marketing shows up. If I had a business that relied on prompt communication, I'd have a multipurpose i-cell with me all the time. Not in that position so I don't even own a cell phone :) I have an answering machine on my land line with the sole purpose of catching calls that I receive when not home. I'm on multiple "do-not-call" lists and get very few junk calls. If home and can get to the phone to answer, I'll answer it... period! I don't use the answering machine to screen calls. If I miss calls, I return them ASAP! I guess I grew up in a different age of communication protocols and manners. Has served me well. Much of the current generation seems to have all the gadgets yet none of the sense for two way, meaningful communication.
oh well, rant over

08-19-2013, 12:12 PM
Virtually every cell phone contract has an answering machine option and many people use them on land lines also. Be prepared, how hard is it to say your name and give a call back number?

Like Contender1, I shut my phone off when I am "on the job" in the classroom, and I won't answer a phone when I'm driving.

Lots of bigger issues to worry about.

08-19-2013, 12:58 PM
This thread has me laughing at some of the responses. Especially the ones where it says you should answer my call because I took the time to call you. How dare you have a life ;) :laugh:

I leave and receive messages daily as part of business. You leave your name, number and a brief message. Anyone that doesn't leave a message doesn't get called back. I don't understand why you wouldn't leave one if you wanted to talk to the person.

08-19-2013, 01:14 PM
What is it with some of you ole coots that you won't talk on an answering machine?
I certainly qualify as an ol' coot, and I'm pretty resistant to 'technology'. But, will gladly leave a message on your answering machine ... especially when responding to a for sale ad.

The general dislike of answering machines means that MY call will be one of few that you DO get in response to your advertisement, so I have a GOOD CHANCE of buying your truck/bullet mould/lawn mower/whatever.

I just bought a dandy metal garage door that I needed, and initial contact on that deal required me to 'leave a message'.

I wonder how many of those who won't leave messages DO have answering machines on their own phones ...


08-19-2013, 01:19 PM
I quit using a jobber I had used for years when I got a recording saying "press 1 for English". This is America !!!

08-19-2013, 01:46 PM
if i am calling a business , or responding to an add i leave a message.

if calling friends or family i will leave a message if its important , but if calling to shoot the breeze or what ever i wont

08-19-2013, 02:03 PM
I normally check caller ID, but always answer if I recognize the name/number. If I call and get an answer machine I say something like "are you there, this is Gary" and if I don't get an answer I hang up. I figure that they know who called and if they are interested they'll call me back. I have been known to leave a message if it's something that they can act on without talking to me.

08-19-2013, 02:20 PM
I quit using a jobber I had used for years when I got a recording saying "press 1 for English". This is America !!!

LOL, I have mentioned this before but I have a friend that runs a paint supply store here and when you call you will be greeted with a recording that say's "Press one for English, Press two to disconnect until you learn to speak English"!

You just have to know the guy to understand why/how he gets away with this on a business phone but if it costs him business I seriously doubt if he cares.

Bad Water Bill
08-19-2013, 03:52 PM
I hate it when I try to contact my gas co,elect,phone etc and it starts press1-10 then press 1-9 and on and on just to talk to a HUMAN and get a problem solved.

What has happened to OPERATOR How can I help you

Don't need no PRESS 1 for English. Learn My countries language just like all other countries demand you do when living there.

08-19-2013, 04:26 PM
When I get calls from telemarketers or scammers, I turn it into phone sex. I fully realize it is physically impossible for them to do to themselves what I suggest , but I feel better when they slam down the phone.

08-19-2013, 05:00 PM
My cell phone is for emergencies and immediate family only. I have a land line for all other calls and if I am there I will pick up, if I can't pick up I have an answering machine for your convenience so you can leave a message for a call back so you don't have to keep trying. If you don't want to leave a message it probably wasn't important anyway so thank you for not wasting my time.

If you do leave a message please speak slowly and distinctly and include your name (I am not always sure who "Me" is.) also leave your phone number, remember slow and distinct, so I don't have to look it up, remember you wanted to talk to me. Please include your area code, within 10 miles of where I live there are 4 different area codes, don't make me guess.

I will call you back if you leave a message, even if it is to say I don't want to talk to you. Please do me the same consideration and call me back if I leave you a message, after all at the start of the message I gave you my name and phone number and then at the end of the message I repeated my name and number so you would have two chances to write it down and so you could get it again without listening to the whole message if you missed a number.

It's called telephone courtesy!

08-19-2013, 06:57 PM
iPhones are better at screening calls than answering machines ever were.

I screen calls, I never leave messages for anyone but my wife and mom.

08-19-2013, 07:53 PM
I quit using a jobber I had used for years when I got a recording saying "press 1 for English". This is America !!!

YEEEEEESSSS! I agree 100%. Nothing infuriates me more than this message!
I have changed my bank and insurance company in the past because of this. I told both how offensive I thought this was and they didn't change. So I voted with my wallet. Bank of Amerikansky probably never noticed, but I felt better!

08-19-2013, 08:35 PM
My answering machine used to say"hey man,whats up"? They talk,long enough for you to know who it is.

08-19-2013, 08:53 PM
I hate cell phones and I dislike talking on the phone.
If I can get by, by only leaving a message, I am happy to do so.

example: calling into work.
I get the bosses voicemail...
Me: "hey boss, I won't be in today, I'm sick"
Hang up.

That is much better than chatting with him for 5 or 10 minutes !

I have an answering machine on my landline (I don't have a cell). I do answer the phone when I'm home. If it's a solicitor or someone just wanting to chat, I WILL END THE CALL. It's easy to do, I'm not too rude, I just say "gatta go" then hang up.

08-19-2013, 09:16 PM
Wow...lot of replies here. Now just to address a few concerns, the price is included in the ad, I have a cell phone but don't use it ( I've charged it 6 times since 2007) I return every call left on the machine...every one, it is physically impossible for me to pick up the phone every time it rings...I'd never get anything done. Audie...the Oldfart..

08-19-2013, 10:03 PM
I usually don't leave a message unless its an emergency. The important people know that if I leave a message it behooves them to contact me as soon as humanly possible cause the fit hit the shan.

Love Life
08-19-2013, 10:05 PM
I love when telemarketers call. I'll let them get into their spiel, then sneak into the bathroom and flush the toilet. That moment of awkward silence is priceless.

08-19-2013, 10:47 PM
They still make home phones and answering machines?

08-19-2013, 10:51 PM
After about the 5th call from the same person in an hours time I finally picked up the phone and said, "WE HAVE AN ANSWERING MACHINE FOR A REASON, USE IT" and hung up. It solved the problem.

I REALLY like that. LMAO

If it wasn't important enough to leave a message, it wasn't important.

08-19-2013, 11:37 PM
I really don't see the problem here-- if you don't have a cell, chances are against you getting a call from me in the first place, and if you do have a cell, you'll know it's me. If you know it's me, and you don't answer, that's because you don't want to talk to me.

No message required.

Arm waving about it just looks bad.

08-20-2013, 05:20 AM
I don't do messages or text either direction. It aggravates my boss to no end as he likes to text. I just tell him if he doesn't talk to me, he hasn't spoken as far as I'm concerned, and yes he does call me an old coot. lol

08-20-2013, 06:08 AM
Why would I say "this is Bubba" when my name is Jeff?


08-20-2013, 06:55 AM
Why would I say "this is Bubba" when my name is Jeff?


Not anymore,welcome to the south.

08-20-2013, 09:31 AM
Another good point about calling somebody on a cell phone is they may be driving at the time you call. In many places it is illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving. Leave a message.
We hear about accidents on the road daily, where people wreck, kill or hurt others because; "I was texting" or "I was on my cell phone" or " dropped my cell phone" etc.
I guess the folks who feel you should immediately stop whatever you are doing & answer the phone for them do not realize that quite often, it is unsafe, or very hard to "stop immediately & answer the phone."
In the old days, before answering machines, when a household had ONE single land-line phone, if nobody was home, the call did not get answered. Or, if a person was home & a call came in during dinner, while in the bathroom, changing the baby's diaper, cooking, or whatever, it was ignored. Sometimes you just can not get to a phone, or it can be dangerous to do so.
So, somebody invented an answering machine.
So, if it's important enough for you to take your time to call me, I feel it's important enough for me to return your call. UNLESS it's an unwanted solicitation.

In my business, it can be dangerous to stop what I'm doing to answer a phone. And when I get the first chance to do so, I check my messages, and try & return calls. Sometimes I miss the person who called me. But, I leave them a message & eventually, our schedules work out & we get to communicate.

I had a wise old Apache Indian once give a talk. As he was addressing a group of BSA boys at a National Jamboree, he was explaining "the old way of life." As he was speaking he was also napping out an arrowhead. Once he was done with it, he showed the finished point to the boys. He asked them if anybody would like to have it? Many hands were raised. He then asked what would you pay for it. Many hands dropped. Yet, some boys responded with various monetary numbers. He then asked what it was worth? As he got several answers to this, he realized he was near the end of his presentation & asked "What time is it?" A couple of boys looked at their watches, & gave him the time of day. At that point, he told all of them, the point was only worth the amount of time it took to make it. He explained that we are all slaves,,,, to time. In the old days, all we did was what we needed to do, and all it cost was time & our personal work. He went on to explain how that with modern times, we have become slaves to time, and what we have to do & where we have to be.
So, in this modern world, we are all slaves to time & some of our modern gadgets help us manage our time.
But we can still be polite & use these gadgets to assist others with their management of time.
PS; He gave away the point to a boy with only one request. That the boy do something that would only take his time in return for the point.

So, as we have to live in a modern world where work, family, travel, schedules, all consume a lot of time, answering machines are but one of the many things we use to help us manage our time.

08-20-2013, 09:32 AM
Deleted double post. (Computer glitch this morning.)

08-20-2013, 12:14 PM
If I wanted to talk to a machine I would talk to my ice box, it feeds me. In my day an answering machine was whatever kid answered the phone.

MT Gianni
08-20-2013, 10:44 PM
We keep odd hours. No message = no phone call.