View Full Version : Dubber123's MK, .475 boolit.

10-17-2007, 12:03 PM
I tried some of the MK (Mastodon Killer.) boolits today out of my BFR. They weigh around 450 gr's. I started with 24 gr's of 296 and found 25 is max with brass starting to stick.
I have several critical comments; First, it is too far in the brass and needs another crimp groove .10" lower. It is starting to compress the powder and needs some pressure reduction. The nose needs reshaped as it must be sized along with the drive bands to fit the throats. The total drive area is .735" which is .21" more then my best shooting boolits as well as longer then a 460 gr boolit. I think it is over what the rifling twist can support.
Anyway, this is the best I could do at 50 yd's. OK for hunting and would kill anything on earth along with anything that ever walked the earth. Actually you could let the animal sneak up behind so the barrel could kill it from recoil. :mrgreen: Not that bad, really, not hard to control.

10-17-2007, 05:09 PM
The group on the left didn't start out bad, if you could have snuck that fifth one in. This bullet averaged around 1-1/2" at 50 yds. out of my 4-3/4" iron sighted .475 Freedom, which is why I sent them to you, thinking they would be tack drivers out of your longer barrel with the dot sight. As usual, whats best for one gun, seldom is for others. My load was 25.5 grs. of H-110, and runs at 1,325 fps., and is not easy to control out of the short F/A. I had shot over 2,000 of these, shooting every day before I got consistant groups of 1-1/2" or less. I doubt your shootings the problem, your gun just doesn't like my bullet! My best group was .822" and hangs over my loading bench.

10-17-2007, 06:27 PM
Yeah, each gun likes different boolits. I kept track of the barrel rise from shot to shot and it looked and felt the same. I sent you some of mine, meplat is almost the same size. Let me know how they shoot. I hope you like the mastodon killer designation! :mrgreen: Now to line up 4 deer side by side to end the season quick! :drinks:

10-17-2007, 06:45 PM
I just got my F/A back from a trigger job, and wow, what a difference! I'm getting back in the swing of shooting it, before tuning myself in with the full power loads. I think I lucked out, as I found that 11 grains of Herco and the Lee 400 gr. plain base shoots to the same point of aim as the full power loads, at least at moderate ranges. This load is a lot more comfortable to shoot, and alot cheaper. I wanted a practice load, but didn't want to change my sights.

10-18-2007, 08:58 AM
15 gr's of HS-6 does the same with mine. Plenty fast enough for hunting too. I'll have to try some Herco.

10-18-2007, 04:52 PM
15 gr's of HS-6 does the same with mine. Plenty fast enough for hunting too. I'll have to try some Herco.

My only gripe with Herco is that it isn't metering very well for me. I am in search of something similar that flows through a powder drop well. I looked for some HS-6 at the local shops last week, but none was to be found.

10-19-2007, 08:04 AM
Sparks Sporting goods closed, they retired, so I have to go to the new store. They don't carry anything the guys here don't ask for. They won't get me any powder unless I order 8#. Even their handgun selection sucks, hardly any for hunting.