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Bad Water Bill
08-14-2013, 10:08 PM
His last post was back on the second and I just noticed even his avitar has vanished.

08-14-2013, 10:13 PM
His wife was sick. Mite have sump thing to do with it.
I corresponded with him bout 2 weeks ago.

Bad Water Bill
08-14-2013, 11:32 PM
His wife was here yesterday.

Why the avitar and person both vanish while several of us have asked the same question for several days make one wonder.

08-14-2013, 11:47 PM
I think Janet did away with him!

08-15-2013, 12:08 AM
I think Janet did away with him!

There wouldn't be a court in the land would put her away. It would be deemed a mercy killing..... ;-)

08-15-2013, 12:49 AM
While we thought he was AWOL, do you suppose he was placed in a witness protection program? Could he have a well kept secret? Has he been making improvements to his firing line? Science experiment?

08-15-2013, 01:26 AM

08-15-2013, 01:31 AM
Sounds like another alien abduction. I hope they don't use the probes. Those things hurt!

08-15-2013, 01:50 AM
NSA, and I don't mean 'no strings attached' :kidding:

Bad Water Bill
08-15-2013, 02:18 AM
There wouldn't be a court in the land would put her away. It would be deemed a mercy killing..... ;-)

Rumor has it that he is hiding out at your place while negotiating for 3 cargo containers full of those purple things:evil:

08-15-2013, 04:18 AM
Janet is under the weather, so Jim is staying a little busier than usual. This keeps up, there could be an explosion in the coon population in Floyd


08-15-2013, 06:12 AM
Rumor has it that he is hiding out at your place while negotiating for 3 cargo containers full of those purple things:evil:

No comment......

08-15-2013, 08:33 AM

Looks like Jim may have been spotted.


08-15-2013, 08:34 AM
I hope Mr. Bill is keeping a good watch on things.
I hope all is well or improving.

08-15-2013, 09:20 AM
He had an auction for 310 dies of a friend up there in Floyd. I got 'em and we were PM'ing thru Tues. when he told me he had mailed 'em. Probably got tired of the official NZ outfit avatar and is coming with a new one.

08-15-2013, 11:10 AM
Alas, I can start reading his posts again. My eyes burned worse than the tear gas chamber in boot camp every time I opened his posts and looked at his avatar.

08-15-2013, 11:11 AM

Looks like Jim may have been spotted.


Nah, that's one of the guy from "ZZ Top"! Jim wouldn't be that obvious.

I think he's in the "witless protection program". Janet and George enrolled him for safe keeping! :kidding:

08-15-2013, 11:11 AM
Yeah, I think. As I recall, a rather bizarre coon huntin outfit. Maybe that Godzilla coon he saw got him, if Jim didn't get a chance to launch that artillery round he had made for him. If he was wearing that outfit, I think maybe the coon would die laughing first. Who knows?

Just Duke
08-15-2013, 11:16 AM
Hope all is well. I'll see if I can give him a jingle.

Bad Water Bill
08-15-2013, 11:23 AM
"witless protection program". Janet and George enrolled him for safe keeping!

It might be a withdrawl program.

Remember the photos of the cat with the empty "single malt bottle" laying beside the poor cat.

Thank goodness he has a concerned loving wife to protect him from himself.:bigsmyl2:

08-15-2013, 11:33 AM
BWB - I like your new byline.

08-15-2013, 12:31 PM
Y'all are like a bunch of ol' gossipy church ladies who soaked their snuff in store-bought whiskey a day or three too long.

Jim's okay and I know this because he PM'd me asking for some specifics on making the 45/45/10 lube. I told him to just order the stuff from Glenn and be done with it, but Jim likes to brew things as we've seen with his various homemade concoctions.

So he gets to asking me if I melt down the JPW and cook it off by volume or weight or by smell-o-factor and I tell him hell if I know or can remember. I just eyeball everything and let the JPW cook for around four or five Roy D Mercer tales I usually have going on the CD player out in the shop.

Pretty damned scientific if you ask me.

Jim, being a man who knows his way around a still, immediately got the gist of what I was trying to explain. His last PM had a happy and excited tone to it. He said he was going to tend to the wife, grill up enough country style ribs to keep her fed for a week or so plus enough to take with him, and then he was gathering up his paste wax, alox and some paint thinner and heading out to his still.

He may have got the order of his priorities mixed up and started sniffing the brewing whiskey while pouring the molten JPW/alox/mineral spirits blend into various testing shot glasses and sipping on them.

Either way, I figure he'll be back fairly quick, albeit with one helluva hangover. But the good news is that his lower GI tract will be so danged lubed from that 45/45/10 that Jim will probably be able to swallow his boolits whole and after they pop out the other end, there won't be any leading--in his large intestine, colon or any of the firearms he's concocting that lube for.

Word of advice to Janet, though: That 45/45/10 gives you horrible gas and when converted to flatulence, it's flammable as hell. Best to have a couple of those fire extinguishers that shoot out the foam close by.

Next picture we see of Jim, he may have scorched eyebrows. But he'll be okay and that's all that really matters.


08-15-2013, 04:25 PM
[QUOTE=Recluse;2347738]Y'all are like a bunch of ol' gossipy church ladies who soaked their snuff in store-bought whiskey a day or three too long. [QUOTE]

I resent that remark. I don't go to church......

I know for a fact that Jim is concerntrating his efforts on other focuses right now. I'll Skype him at the weekend.

Bad Water Bill
08-15-2013, 04:36 PM
Two questions.

How many cargo containers of PURPLE LONG JOHNS has he filled so far?

What are you serving him for supper today?:bigsmyl2:

I heard he has a great sauce for ROAST CROCODILE.

Rumor has it that he does a great DINGO BBQ and the sauce is spicey.:kidding:

08-15-2013, 06:12 PM
They're not tights! They're longjohns. Tights have feet.

08-15-2013, 06:17 PM
And everyone knows kiwis don't have feet. :mrgreen:

Bad Water Bill
08-15-2013, 06:23 PM
OK I changed it. Now answer the questions and quit sounding like a Chit Kaga politician by changing the subject.:bigsmyl2:

We have way to many of them around here let alone recruiting more from over seas. :kidding:

smoked turkey
08-15-2013, 09:51 PM
Well I am relieved to hear from one of our more respectable members (Recluse) that Jim is OK in the broad scheme of things. I expect when he gets back he will have quite a story to tell. Sounds like Janet is holding things together pretty well. Ofcourse I imagine she does that all the time.

08-17-2013, 07:30 AM
It is my understanding the Mr. Bill is holding Jim hostage. Mr. Bill is trying to ransom Jim for a case of lil' friskies tuna cat food and a bottle of George Dickel.;-)


John Allen
08-17-2013, 09:20 AM
Maybe Jim is knitting a long underwear shirt to match those pants is his

08-17-2013, 10:27 AM
He is pitched back up against a tree by a camp fire under a lean-to taking a little sip or toke.Away from civilazation.I am jealous.Salut

41 mag fan
08-18-2013, 08:02 AM
I just got the official unofficial report.........

Jim was seen cleaning the "new" court house windows in his purple long johns during the day. PLUS he was seen in the mexican restaurant washing dishes in the evenings. I guess they finally got a lead on who was sticking up the mexican restaurant and shooting out the court house windows.

08-18-2013, 10:03 AM
Afraid he wore those purple long johns to Floyd and got in trouble with the law, maybe we ought to get a care package together for him.:kidding:

08-18-2013, 10:18 AM
I just got off the phone with Jim, he's set up in a treestand down in the Florida Everglades skunk ape hunting.

08-18-2013, 03:49 PM
Them poipul long-johns are illegal for a man to wear in Henry county OH! Only allowed in Wal-Mart. :bootgive:

Bad Water Bill
08-18-2013, 04:38 PM
Trey45 just reported that he was last heard from in the everglades in a tree stand SKUNK APE hunting.

I sent an emergency call to a friend of mine whos family has lived in the glades for generations.

She said that NOTHING attracts and sends skunk apes into a real killing frenzie faster than even the slightest trace of PURPLE.

08-18-2013, 05:33 PM
10X I think we need to get a care package together for his Mrs. Sounds to me when he gets home he won't be cooking for awhile around flames.

Bad Water Bill
08-21-2013, 11:24 AM
Well Friday it will be 3 weeks since he went AWOL and stold the avitar.

Not sure if Floyd Co Sheriff has a search and rescue team.

On the other hand they just might be the reason for the AWOL.

Could it be that the REVENUERS found out about that pot and all of the tubing he claimed was needed to bore site his latest smoke pole.

square butte
08-21-2013, 11:32 AM
What happened to Jim? I believe we should make this thread a sticky......

08-21-2013, 11:36 AM
Could it be that the REVENUERS found out about that pot and all of the tubing he claimed was needed to bore site his latest smoke pole.

Darn Bill, That was just for purifien the lead he used to mine.[smilie=1:

08-21-2013, 11:46 AM
I think Janet did away with him!

Mr. Bill may be a suspect. Never, ever, trust a cat....

Just Duke
08-21-2013, 11:55 AM
Is there something going on you guys aren't mentioning? Has he left the forum due to the protesting of his avatar?
Jim's and I chatted in the past and he's a swell fella.

08-21-2013, 12:46 PM
I have been in contact with Jim via Morse Code, he says to tell you all:

.. / .- -- / ..-. .. -. . / ... - --- .--. / ... --- / ..-. .- .-. / -. --- / ... -.- ..- -. -.- / .- .--. . ... / -... ..- - / .. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / --. . - / --- -. . / -.-- . - / ... - --- .--.

end transmission.

Bad Water Bill
08-21-2013, 01:18 PM
Dang now I got to dig out my 60 year old "BLUE JACKETS MANUAL"to see if Trey is pulling our leg.

Aint gunna happen.

He struck his colours and DESERTED THE SHIP.

That is grounds for a KEEL HAULING when and IF captured.

Yes Mr Bill may be involved. He has seen JIM log in enough times that he can log in to make us believe JIM is still alive.

JIM has not posted a single word here in weeks.

Could it be that those 2 evil cats did away with him and buried what was left of his skinny bones in the berm?

08-21-2013, 03:14 PM
You guys are the Greatest, Super funny, and Extremely imaginative. Jim prolly got the mushrooms mixed up. Hope he wasnt wearing them pj's of his. Live off the land they say. What fun. He's prolly watching those draws run around without'em. Swinging from the trees. He's one of them now. If you love him let him go. If he loves you, well you know. He might be undercover shhhhhhhh trying to bust the hippys. Then again he is prolly trout fishing having a blast. I wonder if they stock streams in Jims neck of the woods. He'll show up sooner or later, covered in new tattoos, dread locks, and some new eyebrow piercings. ouch. Just something to ponder if still has those longhannels.J/k Good nite.

Bad Water Bill
08-21-2013, 03:28 PM
Those are not the PURPLE longjohns shipped by "Jeff in N Z".

That IS his latest TATS.

08-21-2013, 10:24 PM
Seems to me Jim dropped off once before ?

08-21-2013, 10:36 PM

I have been in contact with Jim via Morse Code, he says to tell you all:

.. / .- -- / ..-. .. -. . / ... - --- .--. / ... --- / ..-. .- .-. / -. --- / ... -.- ..- -. -.- / .- .--. . ... / -... ..- - / .. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / --. . - / --- -. . / -.-- . - / ... - --- .--.

end transmission.

08-21-2013, 10:39 PM
Well that is odd i went back to my old PM's to Jim and i have no option to send one only to delete it?

08-21-2013, 11:42 PM
You can opt out of receiving PMs from other members in your user control panel, prolly what Jim did.


08-22-2013, 12:58 AM
That is a real Morse code message and I believe it does say something about skunk apes.

08-22-2013, 01:31 AM
Here is a Morse Code translator, no Bluejacket's Manual needed you can copy and paste:

08-22-2013, 06:43 AM
Here is a Morse Code translator, no Bluejacket's Manual needed you can copy and paste:

Cut & paste works just fine with the translator!


I wonder if he is hunting over bait or using dogs?


Bad Water Bill
08-22-2013, 08:06 AM
Seems to me Jim dropped off once before ?

Thanks for reminding me.

IIRC he removed a lot of things the last time as well.

So be it, let him go.

Bad Water Bill
08-22-2013, 08:28 AM
Here is a Morse Code translator, no Bluejacket's Manual needed you can copy and paste:

Thank you

That saved me a broken back digging thru all of the old boxes of STUFF.

08-22-2013, 09:52 AM
****** Jim, I'm a doctor not a skunkape!


Smitty's Retired
08-22-2013, 01:36 PM
You can opt out of receiving PMs from other members in your user control panel, prolly what Jim did.


+1 on that. I just tried to send him a PM asking if he needed anything, and to check and make sure all was good with his Better Half and Momma. It gave me a message saying he has elected not to receive PM's at this time.

Godspeed Jim, if ya need anything, you know where we at!

08-22-2013, 01:42 PM
Blacksmith - wish I'd had that in the '50s so I could have gotten my ham license. But we didn't have computers then either.

08-22-2013, 08:36 PM
I have missed his posts also.I think he used to have his own little blog about this and that but I think its long gone now.Hope everything is ok.Get back to us when you can brother.

08-27-2013, 01:36 PM
Is he really a swede?

Ole was arrested one night while walking bare naked down the streets of the little town of
Alexandria, Minnesota . The policeman, who was a good friend of Ole’s said, ”Ole…What in
the world are you doing? Where are your clothes? You’re naked.” “Yah, I know,” said Ole.
“You see, I vas over to dat ‘playboy’ Swen’s for his birthday party. Dere vas about ten of us.
Der vas boys and girls.” “Is that right?”, his policeman friend asked. “Yah, Yah, anyway, dat Swen,
he says, ‘Everybody get into the bedroom!’ So vee all go into the bedroom….where den he yells,
‘Everybody git naked!’… Vel, vee all got undressed. Den he yells, ‘Everybody go to town!’
I guess I’m the first one here.”

08-28-2013, 11:01 AM
Have had some reports of mysterious cattle mutilations just across the line over in Nebraska and local Irish grocery reports increased sales of Devils Cut.

Mike in TX
08-28-2013, 01:12 PM
I tried to leave a PM letting Jim know that I would be in Ferrum Va early this Sept. I got the same reply

08-28-2013, 05:04 PM
Hopefully nothing happened to Janet! I withdraw when in emotional turmoil as do many men. Prayers for them!

08-28-2013, 05:32 PM
Is he really a swede?

Ole was arrested one night while walking bare naked down the streets of the little town of
Alexandria, Minnesota . The policeman, who was a good friend of Ole’s said, ”Ole…What in
the world are you doing? Where are your clothes? You’re naked.” “Yah, I know,” said Ole.
“You see, I vas over to dat ‘playboy’ Swen’s for his birthday party. Dere vas about ten of us.
Der vas boys and girls.” “Is that right?”, his policeman friend asked. “Yah, Yah, anyway, dat Swen,
he says, ‘Everybody get into the bedroom!’ So vee all go into the bedroom….where den he yells,
‘Everybody git naked!’… Vel, vee all got undressed. Den he yells, ‘Everybody go to town!’
I guess I’m the first one here.”

I surely wouldn't expect a reference to Alex from a guy whose location is Murphy, TX ;)

(My parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. are from there - and for all intents and purposes, so am I for the amount of time I've spent there)

08-28-2013, 05:46 PM
Sounds like another alien abduction. I hope they don't use the probes. Those things hurt!
Especially if just taken from the hot lead pot :) :)

08-29-2013, 10:31 AM
You know Jims a great guy.
Some of you boys just don't when to leave a good man alone.

Come on guys give the MAN a break.

Just my 2 cents worth!

08-29-2013, 10:54 AM
I think we are all just poking fun and in our own way expressing concerns for Jim, we all like him and are worried about him.

08-29-2013, 11:03 AM
I think we are all just poking fun and in our own way expressing concerns for Jim, we all like him and are worried about him.

That's exactly the point.… Course there was that time when he claimed the aliens got him and performed all manner of sexual experiments on him. He told stories…:roll:


08-29-2013, 12:03 PM
OK, fellas, I'm gonna let y'all in on what's goin' on.

First, Janet and I are fine. I'm not sick or injured and Janet's condition has improved nicely.

Now for the drama. I came over on the Mayflower with the core group back in '05. My join date shows December, '06, but that's because I changed my user name at that time and didn't know it could be done without re-registering.

There's a lot of things I enjoy about this forum, but the PRIMARY reason I'm here is because this is a forum for casters and shooters. THAT'S my passion and that's why I'm here.

I've taken a leave of absence a coupla' times in the past for no reason other than I just felt like I needed a break. I've never started the infamous "This is my last post" thread because I had no intention or plans to take my ball and go home.

This forum has grown at an exponential rate. And, like any large group, it has a very wide range of personalities. That's to be expected. An upside of this is I've made and developed some very nice friendships here.

However, as is typical with any large group, there are personality types here that I struggle with. Before anybody gets their panties in a wad and starts making assumptions, I'm going to take the rap and say it's on me.

I've always enjoyed the foolishness and banter here. That's part of the BSin' and cuttin' up that goes on around the tail gate. And you all know I can take the ribbing just as good as I can give it.

You're waiting for me to tell you why I've bailed. As I mentioned, my passion is going outside the box and getting off the beaten path of load development. I like to experiment. I'm not Harry Pope or Phil Sharpe and don't pretend to be. But I do know how to develop unusual data and I'm always excited to find something that's not in the manuals. Example given: Last year I killed my first 'coon with a Lyman 225415, Graphlox lube and 2.6 grains of Red Dot. I can hit a dime at a hundred feet with that all day long and it doesn't make the noise of a balloon popping. That's no in the manuals.

When I discover something like that, I like to post it. I'm almost 61 years old, but I've still got enough kid in me to enjoy playing 'show & tell'. I'm not trying to tell anybody 'this is how it's done.' If I don't write that, nobody's got any business assuming I'm suggesting that.

In the last coupla' months, I posted some results of some of my experiments. I started noticing some rather derogatory and belittling remarks. Daddy would say 'consider the source', so I blew it off. Still, it irritated me that somebody couldn't find anything to say other than what he thought was wrong with what I'm doing.

Not long after that, somebody fragged my tent. I put up a post and one of the responses was from a well known and established member. He went to great lengths to pee on my fire and and indirectly suggested I should have consulted with him first as he had a lot of experience in load development and could have told me how to do it.

With all due respect, Sir, I didn't ask for your opinion. I have no doubt you are as capable as you claim in load development, but I posted the results of my testing simply because I wanted to share it, that's all. Neither did I ask for OR DESERVE the derogatory and belittling insinuations you made that I don't know what I'm doing.

I've always been here for many reasons. But, as I said, my PRIMARY reason for being here is because I'm a caster, handloader and shooter. When it got to the point that I couldn't post about my passion without some holier than thou know it all peein' on my fire, it ceased to be fun anymore. Well, it stopped bein' fun, so I stopped postin'.

I'll be danged (that ain't the word I'm thinkin' of) if I'm going to continue to work my butt off, burn up my supplies and go to all the trouble of documenting and photographing targets and do all that writing simply to give some ******* the opportunity to pee on my fire and tell me his dog's bigger than my dog.

I have been here every day since my last post. It's very likely I will be here every day forthcoming. But it's not likely you'll be seeing anything from me in the way of documented results of my research. With respect to putting up with childish immaturity, I'm done. I'm gettin' too danged old to tolerate it anymore.

I've spoken my peace and had my say. Think what you want, say what you will. The bottom line is this: It ain't fun no more.

08-29-2013, 12:21 PM
I hate to hear this. Most of you guys have way more experiance than I do at both casting and reloading, in fact I actually haven't even started casting yet. Any reloading I do I tend to stay with what is published in the manuals, so I enjoy reading your not in the manual load development experiences.

08-29-2013, 12:26 PM
Thank you Jim for the explanation , and I completely understand your reasoning.No one should have to put up with that drama but more importantly the complete lack of respect that everyone is entitled to.It is a shame that we even have to have an ignore feature but please remember that is always an option.Best wishes for you and Janet.

08-29-2013, 12:35 PM
kevindtimm - It's a JOKE! You from Alexandria or Murphy? Been living with a French/Canadian, Bo-hunk, Cornhusker, Catholic/Baptist who's school played 3 man football - for 44 yrs and she doesn't get mad at Frog jokes.
Jim - your reason is perfectly acceptable - and there are some of us here really interested in what you do. This thread has been fun to track, not due to poking fun AT you, rather everyone having a good laugh, not at your expense. I've learned about weird clothing, weird animals, weird humor, etc.
You and Janet have a great day.

41 mag fan
08-29-2013, 12:40 PM
Sheeesh.....I just wanted to know what planets you visited while in the aliens hospitality!!!!

Don't know about the peeing on your fire part......just the aliens......

08-29-2013, 12:47 PM
For simple lack of words I want to say I agree with alrighty in all respects. If this is your decision , then so be it.

I too have taken off on tangents which I felt were fully justified, some I still do but as difficult as it might be I have learned to try to look at the bigger picture.

I know exactly what you mean about "experimenting" as I call it. Used to be I ran with a few who felt the same way and I could show you notebook after notebook and box's of pictures of some of the ideas we tried out. I am the only one left out of the group as the rest have passed on. Light and heavy caliber loads, shot loads in everything, changing cases around. If we could dream it up, we tried it. Some things worked, some didn't but it was just fun to try. Your experimenting with RedDot loads is something I am just getting started in and the Hornet load you show is first on my list to try.
Your efforts are appreciated and your finds are looked forward to. I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way. The large listing of people who have shown interest on this thread back this up.
I do know what you mean however, about some of the reply's that one gets from time to time on the forum. A few I have noticed are almost downright mean.
There have been a couple of times especially here lately when I have thrown in my two cents worth I felt the comments were not what I what I would have said even if I disagreed with the person . One of those deals where if you cannot say something nice about a person then its best not to say anything at all.

There are many really nice people here, ones I would be proud to call friend but as anything in life in this "brave new world " we are experiencing there are what I call full fledged idiots and worse.
In due course I hope you can overlook these nitwits.

I for one miss your .02 worth !!


Smitty's Retired
08-29-2013, 01:03 PM
Jim, I'm personally glad that you, the wife, and Mamma are fine.
Second, I took a bath 'cause I thought it might have been my Odear, glad it wasn't that. (even tho it twernt saturday).
Thirdly, I think everyone here is adult enough to know if they want to work up to your loads.
And lastly, don't let what some say run you off or keep you from posting. Many of us do enjoy your company.

I can relate tho, because I let a bunch of noobs actions cause me to leave another forum. It got to where there were too many spelling Nazi's, and self appointed fact checkers wanting to correct people, not tactifully but condescending. Example, a person who had no experience using corrosive ammo asked about what others did to prevent it from causing rust. I replied that I usually just gave my rifles that I shot corrosive ammo with a normal good cleaning and oiling. But that at the range I did take a cleaning rod, and kept a bottle of windex to patch the barrel and oil it before I drove home to later do a thorough cleaning and oil. Water would do just as good a job but windex was convienent because I always had some around. I was corrected on some of my spelling, and told I was spreading useless information because it has never been proven that "Windex" or any window cleaner does anything positive in the cleaning operation of a weapon or for helping clean corrosive ammo salts from a barrel. After responding that I did not say I recommended "Windex" but that was just because of convenience, I was told I needed to check my facts before posting, and spreading information that is old wives tales among the shooting group. So, I quit frequenting that forum.

So there are two lessons here. One is, all that I did by leaving was removing myself from the friendships I had made and distanced myself from their company that I enjoyed. The next lesson is, by leaving, if others did as I did, then we would be letting those noobes become in control of that forum which is what they were trying to accomplish. I have not seen as much of this behavior on this forum, and I am sure the moderators would not let it happen. But sometimes we forget, there is a tactful way to approach any comment and a tactful way to make the comments we make.

O.K. I am finished rambling. Just glad all is O.K. with you and the family Jim.


08-29-2013, 01:15 PM
I am just glad you are not at Burning Man.

08-29-2013, 01:33 PM
Jim---First of all, glad to find you are OK and that Janet is improving!! I agree that when someone pees on your fire it is totally aggravating, not to mention it smells bad and spoils the taste of the food. Speaking for myself (and I am sure for many others) I really hope you will consider withdrawing your input to this site.

Personally, I have never used the ignore feature (although tempted at times) and in many cases, later I have been glad I did not. I have found that most times (sooner or later) almost everyone has added useful or interesting information to my limited knowledge base. Please do not let the actions of one or two persons drive you away. If you do---they win! In telling you to “consider the source”, your Daddy was a very wise man! Hopefully, you will take a break and return. It is certainly your choice, but if you leave for good, we are diminished! God bless.


Iowa Fox
08-29-2013, 01:42 PM
Jim, Glad to hear you are OK. I know exactly what you speak of in post #76. I read your original post and I also enjoy light loads as you were sharing with us. I was really surprised at the negative posts that appeared and were they were coming from, don't blame you in the least.

08-29-2013, 01:48 PM
Just a few days ago I deleted one of my own threads due to new members coming in and wetting the fire. Nothing they said was worthy of a mod warning, just the "tone" of their posts was condescending and juvenile. I will gladly do the same for you Jim or any member who wants their own thread deleted. All I need is a PM with the link.

08-29-2013, 02:26 PM
Jim, I have enjoyed reading your posts. I still swear that coon hunters have more stories than all the other hunters combined. By the way, did I ever tell you about my second cousin that is missing a tooth because he was looking a hound while driving through the dump and hit a fence post? I hope the aggravation wears off and you will see fit to post again. (Yes, I know that I used aggravation incorrectly. I was putting the clip in my ar15 at the time)

08-29-2013, 02:33 PM
Something we all might want to think about. These people, coming in to "pee on the campfire" so to speak. Who are they ? Why are they doing it. We see the end result. Feelings hurt, some getting mad and leaving.

I don't want to give the impression I wear a tin foil hat and stay up all night listening to Art Bell but I wonder if something is not going on.
This site is many things. Friendship, yes but also a fantastic source of good information. I gladly fork up each year to keep it going and this is after dropping many subscriptions to many so called information type magazines. The amount of raw information both old and new is not collected in any other such place. The work of Jim, Ed Harris and many others is freely available here . In many cases a simple thread has expanded into a full discussion of a subject that in many cases really could be put into a book form. Years ago it would have.

Some of the out of place reply's and comebacks I have seen are in reality so far out of place it almost appears to have been done with the idea of "breaking things up" in mind. A few years ago comments that were allowed to news stories on the major news sites were sometimes interesting reading sometimes offering a totally different viewpoint but now they have morphed into a degree of rudeness that they no longer have meaning. Their usefulness has been eliminated. The troublemakers win here and the site no longer has meaning. We let them run good people off and we all lose.

Last I looked there were over 30,000 members here. It would be a shame to allow just a very few to breakup what most find to be the best reloading site on the web.
I wonder if perhaps the moderators don't need to toughen things up a bit. Get someone stepping out of line or coming up with a rude or out of place reply or comment perhaps they need their hands slapped . Do it a couple of times then they get time out. After that, send them packing. And stick to it.

Jim, I wish you would think about that a bit. Don't let a idiot or two get under your hide, you have a great many backing you.

08-29-2013, 03:36 PM
Sorry to read all that. We'll miss the coon hunting stories. I like the down home stories you tell. Hopefully, at some time we'll see you again.

08-29-2013, 04:08 PM
I really enjoy your posts about your shooting exploits and your other adventures in life. I don't know who it was that riled you so and I am not looking to find out. I bet I could guess in 5 guesses or less.

You are part of what makes this site good Jim and I appreciate your out of the box thinking.

If we all would respectfully encourage the few that let their mouth get out of control to fly straighter, I think it would help.

I consider this my "home" on the net. I would not let a family member or guest be treated badly at my house. Mean people just suck!

08-29-2013, 04:23 PM
For those of you who remember when a fine gentleman named "floodgate" vacated C.B. because of rude and boorish remarks directed toward him; and now Jim is taking leave? Sheesh!

You're a good man, Jim. Already I'm missing the "Front Porch".

Yours to the last WW,

08-29-2013, 04:37 PM
Well dang Jim, if you stop posting how I am I ever going to find out if that coon dog of yours has rolled over yet? Is it still in the same position on your lap?

My coon dog is becoming just like my X wife, can't get her into bed at night and can't get her out of bed during the day before about 4 in the afternoon. :mrgreen:

Don't let an idiot deprive the rest of us of your posts. I for one enjoy the latest fashion shows & high energy levels of the dog. Not too long ago a vendor sponsor here told me to **** off. Why? Because I listed the available options and pricing on a current group buy. And to think I was ready to buy from him. Oh well huh? Nut jobs abound and not a one of them are worth loosing any sleep or your posts over.


08-29-2013, 05:27 PM

You help me out with YOUR "hot glue boolits"
Jim had written a encyclopedia on this. Tons of good info.

Jim knows how that all turned out.

I understand your decision

Take care
Vaya con Dios

08-29-2013, 05:38 PM
I've always enjoyed your post and your data results as well. I've never been to Floyd county so how the heck you expect me to keep up with the goins' on around there if you don't tell me.
Also, as you well know, some folks you just have to ignore.
Take care,

Swamp Man
08-29-2013, 05:40 PM
Jim don't let them get to you. I think you can block their post from showing up when you read a thread.

08-29-2013, 05:44 PM
I checked in on this thread for the 2nd time today. In the interim, 4 more pages of posts were added including Jim's explanation. I understand his reasons for taking a sabbatical.

Yes, this board has grown by leaps and bounds and there are many "newby's". I used quotations because I'm sure that many of them are long time reloaders and casters. I have noticed that a very few are asserting themselves, possibly to establish their "bonifides" as John Wayne would say.

Lets don't put everyone with a low post count in that small group. If you feel strongly about someone's conduct, use the IGNORE function. I've used it twice and reconsidered once after I got over my little snit.

As several have said, this place is too good to let a few spoil it.

08-29-2013, 05:54 PM
I'm not new to casting and handloading, in fact I've been at it for over 20 years. But since joining Castboolits back this last December, my knowledge has easily doubled. I am always interested in whatever you post, especially your empirical data that you display as you work up a load. When I first saw your data on .223 using boolits and pistol powders, I was inspired to do the same. I came up with an incredibly accurate load for a 45-grainer with Greendot. (for my Ruger #3). I have you to thank for that. That experience set the stage for me to undertake a similar course with my new (to me) Marlin 30-30.

For every poster who writes a demeaning response to your posts, there are at least 10 guys like me, who don't necessarily post a response, who are grateful that you are doing what you do. Please keep up the good work, sir.

Chris Sparkman

One of these days I'm gonna drive down and visit your fine town.

08-29-2013, 06:18 PM


08-29-2013, 07:08 PM
I am a relative newcomer.

Haven't been around nearly as long as Jim but I have noticed a few things over the past several months:

The average tone of this forum is becoming meaner and meaner.
And I mean mean - not average - I mean mean and nasty.

When an old timer says I do "so-and-so", in the past the responses would be like WOW, how did you do that? How does that work?" Now the responses are more like "That is not possible, you are a liar. Everyone knows that is not right."

This is still the best forum on the subject but it is being hijacked by new members who have read a lot of clap trap and have very little real knowledge but no shortage of confidence.

I have noticed that I skip most of the posts I should comment on because I have learned that the new members are no longer looking for help but are focused on expounding often incorrect opinions, that "Everyone knows . . ."

I have noticed that at least a dozen of the older members I have the most respect for now rarely respond to questions they are most qualified to answer. Thus I suspect I am not alone in this observation.

I don't intend this as a complaint because I can't offer a solution, I just don't want this to become - just another reloading site.

I am pretty much in sympathy with Jim's discontent.

Rick N Bama
08-29-2013, 07:10 PM
Jim if someone wants to pee all over the work you've done then just give them the Hawaiian Good Luck Sign & go on. The ignore button works pretty good.


08-29-2013, 08:01 PM

As a fellow Virginian I miss your posts. I too have followed and enjoyed your exploits. Since I have only been casting about 3 years I have so much to learn. I read posts on this forum everyday. I don't comment a lot because I don't have the experience. I was a practicing dentist for 25 years until my eyes went bad in 2005. 99% of my patients were long standing friends. However there is always at last 1 bad apple in the bunch. I could have 10 happy patients in 1 day but it was all ruined by the 1 bad apple. It's funny how that works. Why can't we remember the 10 good ones? Anyway I would try to ignore the person who insulted you. There was only 1 perfect person on this earth and HE died for our sins. I respect your decision but I really hope you will continue posting your interesting adventures and reloading.

You and Janet Be Blessed,

08-29-2013, 08:03 PM
Jim,s post always gave me that"Prairie Home Companion" feel,thoroughly enjoyable!All the best,hope to hear from
you again,Sir...........Cheers Mike

08-29-2013, 08:14 PM
Jim, I only know of you through your posts and more importantly your actions. You had generously offered those syringes a month or so ago that you had acquired at no cost to members here. I took you up on that and could not believe the quality/quantity that you delivered. I judge a man by their actions first and based upon my limited interactions with you I agree with those others supporting you here - those that can't show common courtesy can go ( fill in the blank). Please keep posting.

08-29-2013, 08:41 PM
This is a good time and place to point out, if you see someone who is a troublemaker, REPORT THE POST! We don't need them here, and the staff doesn't want to repeatedly have to deal with them. If we can fix them, we will. If they don't "get it", they leave, one way or the other. Simple as that.

08-29-2013, 08:45 PM
Jim, glad to hear you and Janet are fine.

I wish some folks would learn how to LEARN.

You can't LEARN by talking or typing.

You can LEARN by listening, reading or doing.

There are many folks here with much more experience than I will ever have.

If I can help somebody, I will. If I don't know, I will research, or ask those who do, but I will not assume to be knowledgeable where I am not.

I think some folks need to figure that out for themselves.

Hope to hear from you again soon.


08-29-2013, 09:08 PM
I haven't been here too long but I know I've enjoyed reading Jim's posts. Since joining the forum, I have been on it every day. Jim's posts are ones that I read Every time I see one. He is always nice to new members and even with all of his experience, he treats people respectfully and doesn't have that "know it all" attitude. Everyone assumes that the day people started on the forum was the day they started loading. That's not the case. I have been loading for near 30 years. Those attitudes, that Jim is speaking of, are detrimental to this forum. I have seen posts by new loaders about experiments they have done that are fantastic and prompt new methods. Those attitudes tend to prevent people from posting their ideas and that will do nothing but hurt the forum. This forum won't be as fun without Jim.

08-29-2013, 09:14 PM
This is a good time and place to point out, if you see someone who is a troublemaker, REPORT THE POST! We don't need them here, and the staff doesn't want to repeatedly have to deal with them. If we can fix them, we will. If they don't "get it", they leave, one way or the other. Simple as that.

I have to add that there is no way that staff can read and catch all the stuff that goes on here in a day! If some one is being a jerk to some one else and you see it that's what the report post is for as i said we can't catch every thing!

08-29-2013, 09:33 PM
Jim You probably don't know how much insperation you give to us members that are new or just lurking and have started reading your post then get real interested in casting and then we become members. I know at one time I lurked for months and one nite I read some old posts and some new post and youy were the topic with just fun and interesting knowledge. I laughed so hard at the big coon that I had tears, the wife knew good and well I had lost my mind.I was going thru a tuff time and you sir caused me to laugh for the first time in months. I don't usually tell things like that but today I think I needed to just so you know what effect your stories and expertice has done for some( behind the seens and up front). Please stay with us, we need your experminters attatude and knowledge to keep us thinking out of the box safely.
Thanks Jim and Janet

08-29-2013, 09:44 PM
Jim I am Very Glad to hear you are doing well!
I fully understand your current disposition, it is exactly why I adamantly avoid certain areas of the forum and rarely post in some others anymore.
Glad you and Janet are alright.

08-29-2013, 10:59 PM
Really glad things are relatively well at home!

Jim, I echo the thoughts of many. Your posts, knowledge, humor, courage and mentoring will be missed. I understand completely and respect your decision BUT don't like it. What you offer the overwhelming majority grossly out weights the pettiness of the few. I have read nearly every post of yours cause I realized early on you were respected by others and (humor excluded) were sincere and serious about your passion. I would suggest that envy or jealousy were at the core of your detractors comments. Some folks criticize to make themselves look/feel better about themselves. Please consider that your posts on ALL topics serve the greater good of CB but at a maximum, if you must, leave your load development findings out but continue to share everything else to those, like myself, who still need some mentoring. My opinion of your load development is; someone has to be on the cutting edge willing to use what God gave them in wisdom to explore the boundaries of conventional application to discover new things and new ways to do what has already been done in more efficient or effective ways. You sir, fit that description. BTW, without your avatar it has been hard to find your posts, I'm having to work twice as hard!

08-29-2013, 11:03 PM
Glad to hear from you, Jim.

In this community of 30K+, even if only one percent "get up on the wrong side of the bed" that means we have 300 buttheads that day to post. Just ignore the posters who are buttheads all the time, and forgive those who occasionally rub the wrong way.

Any man confident enough to have an avatar of himself in striped purple tights*, should not get bent out of shape over the cast .223 opinion of an anonymous internet entity. Come on back to the table.

* yeah, "long johns"

smoked turkey
08-30-2013, 12:21 AM
First let me say that I try to tread lightly when I am here on this fine forum. I do that because I respect those like Jim who have so much more knowledge than I do on most of these subjects that my two cents aren't often worth even one cent. Jim, I have told my wife on more than one occasion that your posts are always spot on. You have a sixth sense about issues here on the forum before lots of us notice. You have on several occasions offered input to help with the overall health of the forum. I really respect your thoughts and input about a lot of things. We need more folks like you and less of folks like "them". I want to join with the others who want you to know that you are missed when you are not there for those of us who need input like yours. At the same time I understand your frustration with the derogatory comments by the little people who would like to have the status you have earned on this forum. Hopefully they will not be here long enough to cause you or anyone any more trouble. I will be looking forward to future input from you.

08-30-2013, 01:08 AM
There are those who will pee on a fire just so they can complain about the smell.and they are on this site and they know who they are.Jim! I have enjoyed all that you have had to say and show. and most of all your sense of humor.both yours and Janet's and remember you can always tell an expert. But you can't tell them much, you both take care.. Tom

08-30-2013, 01:22 AM
Jim was definitely a positive asset to our community, to say the least.

08-30-2013, 07:16 AM
Sorry to hear that Jim. I hope you will eventually change you mind and come back and just ignore the idiots that think they know more then God himself.

08-30-2013, 07:53 AM
Jim, really glad to hear that you and yours are well.

08-30-2013, 07:53 AM
Miss you Jim!

Some times folks are rude, some times folks are a treasure.
Jim you are always a delight and a treasure.

Mike in TX
08-30-2013, 09:53 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your experiences on this board. I wish you the best. Now, I will be coming into Ferrum, VA on 9/5 and will be there until 9/8. I would like to have breakfast or lunch with you if you are up to it.
Best wishes and I hope that the young man is reloading his 243.

Mike in TX

08-30-2013, 11:05 AM
"I have noticed that I skip most of the posts I should comment on because I have learned that the new members are no longer looking for help but are focused on expounding often incorrect opinions, that 'Everyone knows . . .'
I have noticed that at least a dozen of the older members I have the most respect for now rarely respond to questions they are most qualified to answer. Thus I suspect I am not alone in this observation."

You hit the nail squarely on the head, williamwaco!

08-30-2013, 11:41 AM
"I have noticed that I skip most of the posts I should comment on because I have learned that the new members are no longer looking for help but are focused on expounding often incorrect opinions, that 'Everyone knows . . .'
I have noticed that at least a dozen of the older members I have the most respect for now rarely respond to questions they are most qualified to answer. Thus I suspect I am not alone in this observation."

You hit the nail squarely on the head, williamwaco!

this is true


08-30-2013, 12:49 PM
OK, fellas, as many of y'all as have responded, I can't ignore or disregard that. If I did, that would be rude and disrespectful of me to the people that have shown me a great regard.

Y'all want me to continue to post the results of my research and testing, I'll be glad to do that. As always, I'll put it in the 'Favorite Caliber' section.

Be advised, though, the next time I find a snarky, smart azzed remark like the one that pushed me over the edge, I'm gonna let him have it. I might very well get myself wrote up for it, but, by God, I've had enough of rude, disrespectful, arrogant people.

I have never, in my entire life, spoken to anyone like that and I'm not going to stand to be spoken to in that manner. I won't ignore it again.

I apologize for the rant and beg your forgiveness for the defensive attitude. Sometimes, ya' just need to blow off a little steam.

By the way, it means a great deal to me that so many of you have pleaded my case with me. I had no idea I had made such an impact on that many people. I'm truly and deeply honored by all the encouragement and support.

Thank you all,

08-30-2013, 12:58 PM
kevindtimm - It's a JOKE! You from Alexandria or Murphy? Been living with a French/Canadian, Bo-hunk, Cornhusker, Catholic/Baptist who's school played 3 man football - for 44 yrs and she doesn't get mad at Frog jokes.
Jim - your reason is perfectly acceptable - and there are some of us here really interested in what you do. This thread has been fun to track, not due to poking fun AT you, rather everyone having a good laugh, not at your expense. I've learned about weird clothing, weird animals, weird humor, etc.
You and Janet have a great day.

Sorry I wasn't clear - it's just surprising to find somebody from Texas who has any idea where Alex is. BTW, the joke was funny.

PS Paul
08-30-2013, 01:08 PM
OK, fellas, as many of y'all as have responded, I can't ignore or disregard that. If I did, that would be rude and disrespectful of me to the people that have shown me a great regard.

Y'all want me to continue to post the results of my research and testing, I'll be glad to do that. As always, I'll put it in the 'Favorite Caliber' section.

Be advised, though, the next time I find a snarky, smart azzed remark like the one that pushed me over the edge, I'm gonna let him have it. I might very well get myself wrote up for it, but, by God, I've had enough of rude, disrespectful, arrogant people.

I have never, in my entire life, spoken to anyone like that and I'm not going to stand to be spoken to in that manner. I won't ignore it again.

I apologize for the rant and beg your forgiveness for the defensive attitude. Sometimes, ya' just need to blow off a little steam.

By the way, it means a great deal to me that so many of you have pleaded my case with me. I had no idea I had made such an impact on that many people. I'm truly and deeply honored by all the encouragement and support.

Thank you all,

So I believe, at this point, it should be clear to a lot of people here that Jim is about tops as far as Men are concerned. Always been my most-favored poster and Jim has gone out of his way (once at 3:00 A.M.!) to share info with me and ALL of us. It's our benefit, and like my wife always says, "The world is a better place with him in it". I feel the same way about you, Jim.

I'm new myself, just joined over a year ago, but I lurked for a few years before joining up. It's really a shame to see others, who find rude behavior perfectly normal on other forums, bring that same disrespectful behavior here. I'm sorry for that to happen.

Honestly, I'm both happy (that you're alright) and kinda depressed after reading this from Jim. Seen it happen to a few others here as well in the short time I've been around.

Now I'm gonna go grab the cat, a cup of coffee and a cigar and just reflect for a little bit.

Welcome back and PLEASE keep your posts comin', Jim!!

08-30-2013, 01:20 PM
Bravo Jim, Bravo!

08-30-2013, 01:34 PM
Jim was definitely a positive asset to our community, to say the least.

Now I can say Jim IS definitely a positive asset to our community, to say the least!

08-30-2013, 01:42 PM
Thank you Jim.
Your contributions here are always positive and build the collective knowledge.
I think there are a few lessons here. Just like we were taught by our parents.
Be polite.
Ask the questions, contemplate the answers. If you still don't understand, ask again clearly with your concerns.
Respond to the questions, again politely and clearly.

I for one will redouble my efforts.

Thanks again to Jim, and all the others that take a lot of time out of their day to explore, learn and share.

Iowa Fox
08-30-2013, 01:45 PM
Jim, You're a good man and we all know it. We also know who the obnoxious poster is and he has lost much respect here by many. Look forward to your posts about everything.

Dean D.
08-30-2013, 02:40 PM
Welcome back Jim. Sadly, I understand your reasons for taking a break. The one thing that sets Cast Boolits apart from other websites on the net is our small town community atmosphere. It is understandable that with the recent influx of new folks from the internet version of the "big city" we will experience "big city attitudes" here. I'm not saying that it is accepted or tolerated, just that it's going to happen.

As several other Moderators have stated, the report function is your friend. We can't be everywhere all the time to catch this kind of thing. Willy has been busy ever since we upgraded to the new VBulletin software but some of the functions here are still a bit hidden. The biggest one that was hidden before is now much more apparant; the link to our Terms of Service! If you haven't noticed it yet here it is circled in red:

I'd like to point out #4 of our TOS:

4) WE RESERVE THE RIGHT to refuse access to anyone that promotes undesirable attitudes, is adversarial towards the members/moderators/admins or is just generally socially unacceptable.

Another slightly hidden link is to our "Forum Rules": http://castboolits.gunloads.com/misc.php?do=showrules

In case anyone wondered, here is a list of the possible infractions Moderators can choose from:

Infraction Points Expires after
Baiting or Trolling 5 60 Day(s)
Being a schmuck in chat 5 90 Day(s)
Circumvention of Board policy or rules 5 60 Day(s)
Condescending\Arrogant\Elitist 5 60 Day(s)
Continued action after Staff Warning 5 60 Day(s)
Inappropriate Language 5 60 Day(s)
Inflammatory and without merit 5 60 Day(s)
Insulted Other Member(s) 5 60 Day(s)
Selling same item on multiple forums. 5 60 Day(s)
Conduct which violates the terms of service 10 10 Day(s)
Foul Language 10 10 Day(s)
10 Day Ban 15 10 Day(s)
Spammed Advertisements 15 Never
Swearing or Telling off a Staff Member 15 10 Day(s)

To report any of these violations all you need to do is click on the little warning triangle at the bottom left corner of the offending post and tell us why you are reporting the post.

Hopefully with everyone's help we can keep this website the valued home we all cherish!

Oh, and Jim? You might want to frisk that Mr. Bill character, I think he's been eyeballing your whiskey stash again. [smilie=l:

Charlie Two Tracks
08-30-2013, 02:44 PM
Jim, you gotta stay active here for two and a half more years. Cindy and I are raising our granddaughter, and she won't graduate till then. After she graduates, I need you to find me a place around your neck of the woods to live in. For some odd reason, I am getting real tired of living in Northern Illinois. I can buy your pellet gun and won't need a permit to do so........

08-30-2013, 02:54 PM
Thank you Jim, glad you are back in the fold !! Now I for one want to know more about this usage of Red Dot in light loads in the Hornet. Would they carry over to the Bee ? Have you choreographed the load yet ? Pictures of paper ?? Are you dipping these loads or weighing them? What kind of alloy in the bullet metal ? Have you tried 45-45-10 yet ? Have a lot of questions.
See you over at " Favorite Caliber ".


08-30-2013, 03:45 PM
Jim,..... I need you to find me a place around your neck of the woods to live in. ..... I can buy your pellet gun and won't need a permit to do so........

Oh shaw, you can do just about anything you want to in Floyd County. 'Specially when you're on first name basis with the judge, the game warden, the sheriff and most o' his boys. ;-)

Reg, I don't know where the Red Dot in a Hornet came from. I haven't started working on that yet. I have produced some data for Red Dot in .223. Maybe that's what you're thinkin' of.

08-30-2013, 05:18 PM
Hey Jim. I meant no disrepect about eating the wrong mushrooms and stuff. I just figured you was out trout fishing somewhere. lol. Have a good one and if your ever in my neck of the woods let me know before hand. Maybe we can nock back a few. Wayne

08-30-2013, 05:24 PM


08-30-2013, 06:16 PM

I'm among those who enjoys your posts whether humorous or technical. I was also among those genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of you and your family. There are few people whose posts I feel like I can take to the bank but you are one of them. Unfortunately, I've seen a number of more aggressive posts lately than normal. It's kind of shocking to see that on this ordinarily genteel forum. Thanks for hanging in.


08-30-2013, 07:45 PM

When a dozen people are around the camp fire and ten of them enjoy the stories you are telling and the information you are sharing but one pees in the fire because he thinks his don't stink; it isn't the story teller who ought to go to his tent. Ten to one we want you hands down. I might say more but might run up against some of them Infractions Dean D mentioned.

Looking forward to more stories and information.

Able 5
08-30-2013, 08:19 PM
Jim, I for one thank you for what ya did for me, and for your friendship. As the saying goes... 'those who can, do ...and those who can't teach". Keep on doin' brother....

08-30-2013, 08:44 PM
I absolutely understand your reaction to the seemingly increasing incidence of rudeness on the forum. In fact, I have gone from being an active participant to a lurker for the same reason. I simply don't need the drama.

You are a better man than me.

And, just so you know, the incident that pushed me over the edge I didn't lay down for; it ain't in my nature.
I didn't receive any repercussions from staff. I was, however, amazed that a member posted that he had been following the thread because the personal attacks on me were "entertaining".

08-30-2013, 11:20 PM
Jim was definitely a positive asset to our community, to say the least.

Hey, careful, his pointy head will never get through the door! [smilie=p:

So Jim never left, he was just lurking. Here was I thinking he had stowed away on a ocean bound vessel heading for my neck of the woods complete with a breeding pair of squirrels and his trusty longjohns.

08-31-2013, 09:23 AM
Glad you are back Jim Glad you and Janet are well, i am having trouble loading pages here today and did not get though all the posts in this thread but the same garbage is going on elsewhere to where people are attacking others for posts . A recent one was that wheel weights will strip a bore! I do not know were such things come from sometimes i wonder if they are just moles trying their best to divide us so we do not communicate when we need to?
I was a bit worried myself that you may have had trouble with one of those swaged bullets glad i was incorrect there.
Have you tried or read of powder coated bullets? I used my dies last week to swage a 55 gr lead .185" wire that was powder coated into a .224 bullet and while accuracy was poor they did not foul the bore with six shots at around 3000 f/s! There is a safety note here never seat those bullets below the case neck as that can rivet them. Back on topic i think it may be worth a try for your reduced loads with cast bullets . I use Harbor freight red powder mix it with acetone, wash the bullets in solvent or alcohol to degrease, then dump them in can with paint and roll them and turn them until coated and paint starts to thicken. Then they are placed base down on something non stick and baked at 400 for an hour in a toaster oven that will never be used for food again. After that they are sized but not lubed so far results have been good mostly i am using them in 38 and 45 pistol .

bruce drake
08-31-2013, 03:04 PM
Hey, careful, his pointy head will never get through the door! [smilie=p:

So Jim never left, he was just lurking. Here was I thinking he had stowed away on a ocean bound vessel heading for my neck of the woods complete with a breeding pair of squirrels and his trusty longjohns.

Considering how ruthless your NZ Customs Agents are...Jim and his squirrels would be soon found on an ice floe in Antarctica!


08-31-2013, 04:33 PM
Oh shaw, you can do just about anything you want to in Floyd County. 'Specially when you're on first name basis with the judge, the game warden, the sheriff and most o' his boys. ;-)

Reg, I don't know where the Red Dot in a Hornet came from. I haven't started working on that yet. I have produced some data for Red Dot in .223. Maybe that's what you're thinkin' of.

Could have sworn I saw that load somewhere and it was attributed to you but then again do keep in mind we have had a lot of flying saucer activity lately. could have been something that was dropped into my rock chuck stew.
If you are making it preform in the .223 I do wonder if it might not work in the Hornet and Bee as well. My main reason for thinking about this is the current problems in powder supply. In our area, everything shotgun seems to be in reasonable supply even powder. Available but pricy. Can still find the occational 3 pound container of Reddot. Am not sure exacty how it's burn rate is or what it might be compared to but surely in lighter loads it can be used for cast plinking and small game loads.
Have learned to keep an open mind in such matters. Had a old fellow tell me years ago that Herco could be used in many pistol and light rifle loads. Thought he had been drinking his own bath water until I gave it a try. Guess I had visions of loading for a 10 ga. punt gun and just couldn't see it being used for such things as the 30-30, 30-40 Krag and .44 Special but found out it works just fine. A thing of keeping one's mouth shut and eyes open !!!
Am wondering if RedDot might also fall into this catagory ??
If you do come up with anything. please do post it.
Have a good one.

08-31-2013, 05:25 PM
I have been playing around with Reddot in a 270 winchester. I don't use gas checks. It is not hard to equal 22 lr performance. I'm not in a hurry so I just play with it once in a while. It is fun. I got a Mihec aluminum mold that drops six at a time. My next step is to take a chamber cast.

09-01-2013, 01:33 AM
One solution - which has worked sometimes and not others - is to tell the
out of line person VERY directly that their behavior is not correct and not the
norm for our site. I have done this a couple of times, and after taking a
few minutes break to make sure I wasn't being rude myself because I was
unhappy with their behavior, I have put some clear, non-confrontational, but
unambiguous posts together.

Unfortunately, at least one of these guys is still on my (VERY short) "ignore" list,
because he REALLY couldn't get it that he was being a jerk, and IMO got to
be a bigger jerk when it was pointed out to him that this wasn't considered to
be acceptable behavior on this site.

OTOH, I have had several folks just shut up and stop it, and I remember one
that apologize and deleted his out of line post - exemplary behavior.

Jim - very sorry to hear you had some folks acting badly, but I do suggest that
you try the above method and take advantage of the ignore function for folks
that earn that "honor".


09-01-2013, 03:29 AM
Could have sworn I saw that load somewhere and it was attributed to you but then again do keep in mind we have had a lot of flying saucer activity lately. could have been something that was dropped into my rock chuck stew.
If you are making it preform in the .223 I do wonder if it might not work in the Hornet and Bee as well. My main reason for thinking about this is the current problems in powder supply. In our area, everything shotgun seems to be in reasonable supply even powder. Available but pricy. Can still find the occational 3 pound container of Reddot. Am not sure exacty how it's burn rate is or what it might be compared to but surely in lighter loads it can be used for cast plinking and small game loads.
Have learned to keep an open mind in such matters. Had a old fellow tell me years ago that Herco could be used in many pistol and light rifle loads. Thought he had been drinking his own bath water until I gave it a try. Guess I had visions of loading for a 10 ga. punt gun and just couldn't see it being used for such things as the 30-30, 30-40 Krag and .44 Special but found out it works just fine. A thing of keeping one's mouth shut and eyes open !!!
Am wondering if RedDot might also fall into this catagory ??
If you do come up with anything. please do post it.
Have a good one.

I use any shotgun powder that comes along(especially Red Dot) for reduced loads. Read some of Ed Harris' articles. Here is also good info.

09-03-2013, 08:34 PM
Richard Lee has some of those loads in his second edition book in 223 with a 55 gr jacketed bullet even has pressure listed.

09-04-2013, 08:06 AM
I use any shotgun powder that comes along(especially Red Dot) for reduced loads. Read some of Ed Harris' articles. Here is also good info.

Thank you, will check it out.
Life seems to be full of those "duah " moments. Was talking with number one son over the weekend and he got to looking in a Lyman cast bullet manual and found a number of these lighter Red Dot loads.
Guess I need to open my eyes a bit.