View Full Version : 310 dies in 32-20

Green Frog
08-09-2013, 04:13 PM
A good friend is in the process of moving and is without Internet service for the moment, so I promised to start this search for him. He has modern dies for his 32-20, but wants to be able to put together a set of "classic" loading tools based on a 310 Tool. I've checked the 310 Shop's website, and they are out of stock right now, and my personal set is lost in the black hole of my basement. Does anyone have an idea where I might go looking for a set to help him out? As always, TIA! :coffeecom


08-20-2013, 01:32 AM
I've had luck using the want to buy section here, and just monitoring the for sale section. I ended up with a set of .32 long dies that way, and I use them occasionally, just because I can.

08-20-2013, 07:16 AM
Another option for you,


Rick has lots of dies for the 310. Those he does not have, he can manufacture.

Green Frog
08-20-2013, 09:01 AM
Thanks, NoZombies and StrawHat... unfortunately the 310 Shop shows "out of stock" but I'll try again on the Want Ads here... I've had a little luck with that route.


08-21-2013, 06:37 AM
His stock varies daily, I believe he also maintains a "wish list" so let him know what you need.