View Full Version : Largest shot from a shotmaker?

08-07-2013, 09:44 PM
Ok, I know this is probably a stupid question, and it has probably been answered before.

How large a shot can a shotmaker (Specifically DIY) produce.

I'm guessing you can't just make the dripper holes larger and larger until you're throwing OOO.

I currently cast slugs and OO, but I'd love to be able to make more shot faster.

It doesn't need to be buckshot, but I really need bigger than #8, #4 shot would be great.

Irregular shot is fine by me.

08-07-2013, 09:55 PM
You can produce shot up about size 5 or 6 . A bleed hole of around .040" and a low lead level are needed .

08-07-2013, 11:59 PM
What happens with larger bleed holes?

08-08-2013, 12:17 AM
What happens with larger bleed holes?

The molten lead just streams out without forming droplets

08-08-2013, 12:28 AM
The molten lead just streams out without forming droplets

Unless you are willing to set up a shot tower - then you can make shot large enough for musket fodder.


Littleton Shot Maker
02-03-2014, 03:30 AM
we have guys making #2 pellets, not with standard unit as it comes from me.

12-30-2020, 08:49 PM
I know this is an OLD thread, but I am after dropping #2 shot. or a little larger. But I should be happy with #2 shot. I don't need buckshot, etc.
If you know, how did they drop #2? I see the Littleton lists up to #5 shot.

too many things
12-30-2020, 09:04 PM
very hard to go to 2, and even 4 is a pain to get 50% shot makers of any brand needs a very close temp to get big shot .
you are dropping about 1/4 in so you dont have the time to get a large drop that dont have a tale .

12-30-2020, 09:10 PM
Not #2 buck, #2 shot. So a final size of .15"
I would really like to experiment with the .14" to the .18" spread.
But if I HAD to pick a size, #2 shot, .15".

12-30-2020, 09:12 PM
#2 is getting to be about the limit, but plenty of people have done it. The only reason there isn't info, is that not too many shoot shot that size. I've never heard of anyone dropping BB. I've done up to #3 myself. Despite what others have said, I was unable to get larger shot by using cooler temperatures, or adjusting lead levels. It would only change the shot maybe a 1/2 size. Instead I started drilling the drippers to a larger hole. Don't quote me, but I think a #3 was around a #51 (.067") drill bit, but this was also with bismuth, not lead. I've found bismuth and lead drop reasonably close in size though. As stated above, you can cause the metal to simply pour out instead of dripping. I found that as I went up in dripper size, I had to also increase the metal temperature. Again, this is bismuth, but I was able to make #6 shot at around 520 degrees, but at #3, I had to go up to I think 600. I also went with less drippers, as the bigger the size, the more that pours out. I only run 2 drippers when I make #4 bismuth, and that pours out plenty fast. I also have to run a feeder pot to keep up, which I use my Lee pro 4-20, and adjust it so it slowly drips into the pan.

If you want to make BB, you can buy a mold for that. I've got one, but have not used it yet.

12-30-2020, 09:38 PM
Experimentation is the only way you're going to find the answer you seek.
I've made as large as #4 and as small as #10, I was even able to make pure Pb shot that was reasonably round.

Bottom line it takes a lot of time and effort to get what you're looking for, read through this section, there's a lot of good info here.

Be safe and have fun.


12-30-2020, 09:40 PM
I don't need to make tons of this per hour like some. So running one or two drippers is fine by me.
If I can figure it out, I would probably add to it. But at least for testing, I don't care about speed.
Heck, I don't care too much if I get a 25% to 50% rate and have to remelt the rest after screening.
What I 'would like' is to at least find a good starting point.
I was half guessing that the hole size is roughly half the drop size. Doesn't sound like I was too far off.

12-30-2020, 09:41 PM
BTW, most threads I have found are for larger stuff, buckshot size. And most threads just end quickly with 'it can't be done', or it's very tough.
Search feature doesn't work that well when trying to search for "#2"

12-30-2020, 10:06 PM
I don't need to make tons of this per hour like some. So running one or two drippers is fine by me.
If I can figure it out, I would probably add to it. But at least for testing, I don't care about speed.
Heck, I don't care too much if I get a 25% to 50% rate and have to remelt the rest after screening.
What I 'would like' is to at least find a good starting point.
I was half guessing that the hole size is roughly half the drop size. Doesn't sound like I was too far off.

Buy a set of drippers on ebay, don't try and make your own. Then buy a set of numbered drill bits, and the only thing you need to drill is the small hole. Go slow, and use oil. The bits are tiny, but I haven't broke one yet thankfully. If going for #2, I'd start with a #54 bit, and see how it goes. Use only a single dripper to test with. My guess is you will end up at around a #50. It's not 100% needed, but a PID to control the pan melt temp is nice. Also not 100% needed, but very helpful is a feeder pot. Setting cold ingots on the pan to heat up and melt is very slow.

Don't be dismayed by the less drippers. I'd guestimate 2 drippers dropping #4 shot produce similar per hour to 3 if not 4 drippers making #6 shot. Even making #8, I could not ever use all 7, as the unit could not keep up. With a feeder pot maybe. I only did a single run of shot this year, all #4. With 2 drippers, I'd say mine does close to 15 pounds in an hour.

Yes, lots of "it can't be done" threads out there on shotguns, and especially shot making. I found it to be easier than I thought it would be. Read the instructions from the Littleton shot maker website real close. I do not deviate at all from those instructions, and it works great. Polish that pan lip, coat it in welders chalk, and keep the coolant close. As for coolant, I use straight RV antifreeze. There are some fancy ones recommended in there. I tried to source a few, but it turned into a headache. I went to the local store, bought a few gallons of RV antifreeze, and that's what I use. No mixing with water or anything. Shot comes out round, no dimples, I'm not sure how you could ask for more.

12-30-2020, 11:26 PM
Thanks, that helps. It gets me a starting point.
I don't have problems experimenting, but having at least a good place to start will help.

I was thinking about building my own setup to get more heat into it for the faster flow. But I don't really NEED that.
I wouldn't mind 15# per hour. For what I want to shoot, that is fine. Besides, I need to make a few different sizes and play around with patterns/loads, etc. for what I am after.

12-31-2020, 12:32 AM
One thing I forgot to mention, unless you have a heated shop, this time of year probably won't yield good results. I only do it in the summer. I believe it is Littleton recommends making shot at no less than 60F room/outside temperature. I can tell you a good wind really messes things up. The whole set up start to finish is right out in the open, ambient weather plays a huge effect compared to casting bullets.