View Full Version : Gunfreak25, a word of recommendation

08-07-2013, 12:47 PM
I am a craftsman. I have studied art and how to make beautiful things all of my life.
That said, I dont bow away and give credit in my own field unless someone is just really darn good at what they do. Thomas (Gunfreak25) is one of those men.
He has written several threads here that have been made stickies dealing with gunstock repair. I saw the pictures he has posted and I was impressed (especially with a certain SXS that had been broken right through the wrist and repaired so well that even I have trouble seeing the crack in the picture).

I recently had a client bring in a Browning A5 in 16 gauge for a full restoration. He showed me how the forend had been cracked years ago, 3/4 of the way up the stock. The crack was old, worn, and full of oil so that the edges were black. The client asked me to find a forend that would match the butstock as closely as possible. I told him that I could certainly do that, but if he would indulge a suggestion, I would recommend having the stock repaired instead of replaced.
He gave me a disbelieving look and asked if I seriously thought there was any prayer of repairing such an egregious crack.
I told him "I know a man. He is a magician with wood, he would be able to repair that crack so perfectly that you would not even see it unless you knew it was there." (for the record, I can't impress on you fellers enough, how rare it is for me to give a recommendation that shines that brightly!)
My client agreed, with trepidation.
I sent off the stock to Thomas without a doubt in my mind.

However, actually seeing the work in my hand upon return, showed that my faith was well founded.
The crack had been expertly closed.
The wooden ply on the inside had been taken out, and replaced with a fiberglass lam, so expertly fitted, that it would be hard to tell that it did not belong there.
Where the crack had ended, there was small walnut dowel, expertly placed right in the border of the checkering so that the eye would easily miss it.

I can tell a lot about a man by looking at his work, and usually, I know exactly what I am looking at. Thomas Bussell's work has impressed me more than any other person I have dealt with in this industry, bar none. I respect expert use of hand tools, and above all, attention to detail.
I respect Mr. Bussell as a craftsman, and if my word means anything on this board, I would like to recommend him for any of you who are in need of stock repair.
Thomas has studied the old ways, and has mastered them. A craftsman I consider an equal, and certainly much better at repairing broken things than I will ever be.
Look at the pictures he has posted on this forum. This guy is the real deal.

08-11-2013, 09:04 PM
I feel that there is not adequate excitement for this mans work. Very well, how about a few pictures?
This is the finished project.
A little fuzzy eh?
How about this:
Hmmm, bad angle perhaps.
Here you can see it very clearly. Atrocious ain't it?

That little black line was a crack that was 1/8" wide and older than I am.
Thomas knit the fibers back together, and I finished the stock and readdressed the checkering. Amazing work. Here's the whole enchilada, after stoning the rust from between the engraving, polishing ever so carefully, and bluing.
I wouldn't shy away from it if I saw in on a table next to an 870, I'll tell ya that much!

08-11-2013, 10:35 PM
I sent a 12 ga back to Browning for refinishing.
Your work looks better.

08-11-2013, 10:57 PM
Great work, excellent craftsmanship. I am very impressed when I see what can be done by real

The gun is beautiful, Tim, great work by each of you.


Love Life
08-11-2013, 11:07 PM
You've got to quit posting these photos Tim!! Every time I crack the safe I see a few guns that could use some love, and my wallet cries...

Outstanding work by two craftsmen.

08-11-2013, 11:26 PM
This is the kind of thing that thrills my soul. And working with people like Thomas makes you feel invincible. There is nothing that can't be made into a showpiece when you have quality craftsmen on the job!
I'm a general kind of guy, I do lots of things pretty well. Thomas is so darn good at his narrow slice of expertise, it's borderline magic. He was taught by a professional gunsmith from afar that didn't want to die without passing on his expertise. I wont go into the details because it may be personal to Thomas, but know this! Thomas/Gunfreak25 is the real deal. I'm dying to get in another busted up diamond in the rough so that I can work with him again on another awesome project!
Seriously, give the guy a try! There is nothing, and I mean nothing made of wood that he cannot stitch back together.

That's the best I can do to describe how pleased I am to have done business with him.
It is very rare to find a fellow with his skills that is less than 75 years old, and I want to have his abilities as a resource for years to come. That's why I am doing this for him. He is not well known, and is struggling like many of us to stay afloat. A man like him shouldn't have to take a second job to keep his nose above water!
What he has is raw unadulterated talent, and it shouldn't be wasted. He has changed my mind about the definition of a lost cause. I really think that the worst piece of trashed out wood I could throw at him would come out looking good enough for the most discerning of my clients. In fact, this shotgun is going to the very most discerning of my clients!
I took a chance on Thomas because of the things he has posted here. I was not disappointed, and neither will you be.

10-07-2013, 08:08 PM
Great looking Browning , both of you should be very proud.I sent Thomas a Lefever double stock that was broken in half.I thought it too was a lost cause but after seeing Gunfreak25 posts, I sent him some pics and asked what could be done.He thought that it could be saved so I sent it his way.If he can save the Lefever , then anything is possible.
I haven't had any contact from Thomas yet on the progress but I will get some before and after pics up if it can be saved.

10-07-2013, 11:20 PM
Great looking Browning , both of you should be very proud.I sent Thomas a Lefever double stock that was broken in half.I thought it too was a lost cause but after seeing Gunfreak25 posts, I sent him some pics and asked what could be done.He thought that it could be saved so I sent it his way.If he can save the Lefever , then anything is possible.
I haven't had any contact from Thomas yet on the progress but I will get some before and after pics up if it can be saved.

Just let the man work, and be patient, and you will be very pleased. Magic takes a minute or two.