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View Full Version : I've given up on a particular Ruger 45 Colt!

08-06-2013, 06:27 PM
Can someone explain the exact procedure I should follow for sending a Ruger revolver back to the factory for examination and correction.
I have never had to do this before, so I just don't know. All help will be appreciated.

Everything that can be done to this revolver has been done ! Multiple shooters, loads, bullets, cylinder reaming, everything. It is mechantically perfect! Except, it will NOT shoot!

Thanks, Changeling.

08-06-2013, 06:32 PM
I've never sent one in to Ruger, but I've got a Redhawk that is doing the same thing and I'm thinking of sending it in. Check on their website, there is a customer service number that I think you will have to call. As far as I know, they will send you a shipping label to send your gun in, free of charge. It will have to be sent overnight via UPS or Fedex. I know my local UPS will only accept guns at their sorting facility, which is only open a couple hours per day.

08-06-2013, 07:15 PM
Call Ruger, get the proper & current info on sending it and then send it back.


08-06-2013, 07:43 PM
factory ammo?

gray wolf
08-06-2013, 09:29 PM
Step one,
call this Customer service # 603-865-2370 and ask for Gill.
If he is busy leave a call back # Gill is aces and will call you back.
Explain the problem
He will mail you --- or send you a call tag and shipping label over the net
Put the pistol in a secure box, attach the label
Call Fed Ex or ups -- tell them you have a P/U they will come and pick it up
or you can drop it off at a hub.
It's on Rugers Dime.
No pain, no strain, and did I say it's free.

08-06-2013, 09:52 PM
Concur with gray wolf. It was cost free and got mine back in a couple of weeks. Not the same problem or gun as yours but they addressed the problem and sent testing results back with the gun.

08-06-2013, 09:53 PM
It is exactly like gray wolf said.

08-06-2013, 10:01 PM
Yep, and Gil is the MAN!! Have dealt with him personally and he don't play.. They will bend over backwards to get that gun to group. I had a Vaquero that shot horribly left, they rebarreled it once, still shot to the left really bad, finally they admitted they couldn't get it to group and fitted a new cylinder to it. Problem solved.. Didn't take 'em long neither.

Ok not to hijack the OP's thread here, but this is a funny as h3ll true story.. AND one Mr. Gil at his finest! :)

For any of you that have been following the thread about the Vaquero I returned for repair after it sat in a box unfired and unloved for 17yrs, paybacks aren't ALWAYS a bad thing!

When I sent this Vaquero in, I wrote them a nice courteous letter detailing the issues it had, and asked them to address the point of impact, and the cylinder throat diameters. I asked them to fire the gun and see what it was doing so they could verify that it wasn't just me, and they did that and found that it would not group.

They refitted a new cylinder to it and said that it passed the range test and that it proofed fine.

Here's where things get interesting.. I had very nicely asked them to install a Super Blackhawk hammer, and bevel the front of the cylinder black powder style, and I also asked them about installing a birdshead grip frame, and offered to pay for the hammer and grip frame. I had spoken to Gil, and he said that they might put the BH hammer in there, but weren't going to install the birdshead grip frame because none were currently available.

So I ordered one from Midway. It came, and when I spoke to the second tech, he said they got it back from the range, and that it had been sent to polishing after fitting a Bisley grip frame and hammer to it. I said huh? He says yeah, it's in the notes here, and he read me off the detailed steps that the gun had went through since it had arrived, very specific about who did what to it, and in what order..

But he didn't say who wrote in the notes about installing a Bisley grip frame (I thought about this later, and wondered if they were yanking my chain because why would he have all the details about what they had done but them was a little vague on the notes about the Bisley grip frame.. Anyway..) And I said well, I didn't ask for a Bisley grip frame!

He says "Oh man, you got lucky, we don't usually do this, this is almost unheard of for this to be done to a customer's gun, you are going to like this when you get it back, I have a Bisley and love how it shoots..." And I offered to send in the birdshead grip frame overnight UPS so they could put that on there, and it was like "OH NO!! NO NO NO THAT WON'T BE NECESSARY!!"

A week later Kim called, to let me know that the gun had been shipped, and that I wouldn't be getting any of the altered parts back (it had trigger work done to it long ago) and that it indeed had a Bisley grip frame, and a Bisley hammer, oh she played it to the HILT too! No laughing, no hints at all, Uhhhhh huhhhh....

And then the box comes on the UPS truck... And I opened it.... Man.... I hooted. HA! Lookit THAT!!!!

Hahahahahahahhahaahahhahaaaaa Yeah guys.. Y'all GOT ME GOOD on this one!!:p

Gil and Kim and the other rep... I hope y'all are ROTFLMAO cause you sure had ME going about the Bisley. Hell I had gone so far as to toss out a feeler about possibly trading it for a proper birdshead, under the guise that now that the factory converted it to a Bisley, wouldn't that make it like an extremely limited item?

Anyway, this is about as good as it will ever get as far as a company's Customer Service department, you guys are the BEST! I hope y'all had some FUN with this one!

The workmanship on this is impeccable, they even shortened the pins to match the now slightly narrower from polishing frame, they polished the Blackhawk hammer to a mirror shine, softening up the serrations just perfectly with the buffing process, but the real surprise is how nice and crisp the trigger break is, and how quietly the gun can be cocked. I don't know that they didn't smooth up the internals, I have never had a factory Ruger this smooth before, and simply removing one leg off the trigger spring made it equal to about a $150 trigger job, it's THAT good.

I only hope it shoots as good as it looks, that would be the cat's pajamas on a 17yr long tale of owning this gun. I will try to get to the range this week and fire it.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Ruger Customer Support staff!!!!!!


08-06-2013, 10:08 PM
Not sure if it was Gill I dealt with, but Grey Wolf is correct. I had a Super Blackhawk 44 mag that the hammer would not cock correctly. Long story short, they sent me a label, and I had my gunsmith friend send it off. Ruger checked the pistol, and said it had a hole that was drilled incorrectly from the factory, and they sent me a brand new revolver, free of charge. They are truly a pleasure to deal with.

08-07-2013, 10:57 AM
My buddy and I must be the 2 unlucky idiots when dealing with Ruger. My gun was gone for almost 2 months and still not fixed. Sent it back with a demand that it be fixed or they had bought them a revolver and got it back in less than two weeks fixed. They wound up buying back my buddies Super Redhawk after being sent back to them several times and not fixed. Of course there has to be the ones that have had a bad experience. I would rather have a colonoscopy than send a gun to them after my last experience.

08-07-2013, 02:38 PM
Sadly, I can say my experience was more like 44MAG#1

good luck all.

08-07-2013, 03:12 PM
I will relate my experience. I bought a Blackhawk (blued) in 45 Colt. I noticed the front sight looked awfully short to me. I though that okay without nothing to compare it to I felt what the heck.
Took the gun out and with the rear bottomed out it was roughly a foot high at 25 yards using Winchester 255 gr ammo. Tried my handloads and no better. I shot a target with the 255's and saved it to ship with the gun.
I called Ruger and spoke with Gill.
He said to send it in. I had to send it in on my dime with the promise if it was incorrect they would reimburse me on my cost of shipping. I waited and waited and waited after he said maybe two weeks to check it out. After nearly 2 months I had had it. I called and POLITELY told Gill that I had waited enough. He checked with the repair tech and called me back saying it was going to be test fired and would be evaluated. Sure enough after nearly 2 months I received it back with no repair to it.
I still took it out and shot it again. Still with Win factory ammo. No change even though I already knew that.
Called Gill and told him about it. He let me talk to the repair tech that "evaluated" it. He went through the whole schmear about different shooters different holds etc. and then proceeded to tell me the spec drawing showed that it had the front sight height they had always used. I proceeded to tell him politely he was full of it and told him I already had 2 Blackhawks and I knew better (no problem with them) and still have them. He then let me talk to some woman supervisor. I told her the whole story and told her that if not fixed they had bought themselves a Blackhawk 45 Colt. She sent a UPS or Fed EX, I can't remember now, for it. She called them and didn't even send me anything for pick up. They picked it up and I called her as she instructed me to do when they did. I told her that it was to be back in my hands repaired within two weeks or they had them a gun. She said she couldn't guarantee that and I said she heard what I said.
I had it back in LESS than 2 weeks repaired.
They thought they had a greenhorn that they could buffalo but found out different.
I own several Ruger handguns still and bought 2 within the past month. But that one incident left me with a clinched you know what dealing with them.
So it is what it is.
Oh yes, I had to order a higher front sight for my new stainless SBH 44 MAG from Brownell s as the gun shot 8 inches high at 100 yards with the rear bottomed out with a 250 Keith. I fitted it and it is alright now. Now don't tell me about the Stainless Super Blackhawk as I have had one before with no problem. The front was right with it.

08-07-2013, 06:59 PM
My thanks to everyone for there input. I certainly hope my experience with Ruger will be a pleasent one and not something I will be ashamed of for contacting them.
It is not just me who has tried to figure out this revolver but one of the best shots on this forum also, bottom line, it wont shoot and I can't figure out why!
So I will be putting it into Rugers hands as soon as I can get a sturdy box and do as Bill has said.

08-08-2013, 01:51 PM
About 1993 I sent my 3 screw 357 to them because i used some old as dirt crappy FMJ reloads. I stacked 3 in the barrel then tried drilling them out. 100% my fault.

Called them, was totally honest and sent it in. I was expecting to pay for the barrel and the work. I got a completely reworked pistol, new barrel, re-blued, new action springs, and new wood grips, transfer bar conversion in 3 weeks. My old parts minus bad barrel and black grips wrapped neatly. I was charged zero,

I really hope this happens for you. Made a lifetime Ruger fan of me. I've bought over 2 dozen Rugers since then.

I've had to send in firearms to Ruger, DPMS, S&W, and now Taurus International. Ruger was the only one that cared, did a fantastic job, and was fast.

08-08-2013, 02:27 PM
Evidentially what hey do then is do excellent work on everyone else's but select a few to give the two step shuffle too to help save money on at the end of the month to make monthly budget on and I was one of them.

08-08-2013, 03:42 PM
I have sent three Ruger sixguns back to the factory because they were defective. They were all fixed and came back quickly. My only issue, is I lost a very good trigger job on a Ruger Old Army. Any firearms sent to Ruger will come back the second time the same way it left the first time. Any parts that have been modified will be replaced.

08-11-2013, 04:50 AM
They treated me well when I screwed one up. I was polite and patient dealing with them and was treated the same.

Airman Basic
08-11-2013, 06:57 AM
Can someone explain the exact procedure I should follow for sending a Ruger revolver back to the factory for examination and correction.
I have never had to do this before, so I just don't know. All help will be appreciated.

Everything that can be done to this revolver has been done ! Multiple shooters, loads, bullets, cylinder reaming, everything. It is mechantically perfect! Except, it will NOT shoot!

Thanks, Changeling.

Have exactly the same problem with a SBH. Emailed Ruger from their website and received a message to call their repair number for an RMA number. UPS brought me a shipping label and Ruger received the gun a week ago. No cost. Wish I had done that before I started throwing money at it. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Airman Basic
08-19-2013, 09:09 PM
Have exactly the same problem with a SBH. Emailed Ruger from their website and received a message to call their repair number for an RMA number. UPS brought me a shipping label and Ruger received the gun a week ago. No cost. Wish I had done that before I started throwing money at it. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Got my 44 back today. Ruger replaced the barrel and cylinder. Soon as it's cooler than this side of heck, I'll test it out. Sounds good, though.