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10-13-2007, 07:51 AM
Having been in the construction industry for 32 years, it is taking it's toll on me. Wednesday, I had to early out at 11:30 AM 'cause my knees were hurting bad. I got up Thursday morning and I couldn't walk.
I spoke with my immediate at my part time weekend job and asked about going full time so I could retire from the heavy work. He's gonna talk to the manager today and "put in" for me.
I've wondered for the last 5 years how long I could keep up with the load demand of heavy work. Looks like I'm at the threshold.

10-13-2007, 08:49 AM

I wish you luck bro. I worked heavy construction most of my life and didn't realize back then what it can do to your body. Just roll with it as your body tells you what to do.


10-13-2007, 09:48 AM
Talk to your Doctor, see if you can retire on disability from that job. If so, you can get some income and medical while you start your new career. You may enjoy the work but the pay and benefits probably aren't all that good.

10-13-2007, 10:12 AM
What you put down as the first condition for the disability on the paper work is EXTREMELY important. That is the ONLY thing the insurance will pay for. They will wiggle out of the secondary condition, even though it could be the real reason. UNUM is perhaps the most long term insurance company that most companies deal with, and they SUCK big time. Getting support from the Social Security system WILL NOT HELP. So, the advice here is to MAKE SURE THE DOCTOR FILLS THE FORM WITH THE LONGEST PROBLEM THAT WILL NOT LET YOU WORK. Been there, done that. ... felix

10-13-2007, 12:31 PM
Jim, I can't advise you on disability, but I can advise you on getting a job. Be cheerful with all customers, and be the salesman who is remarkable for not letting customers wander while being ignored. As customers, we both know that nothing gripes a man with money to spend like being made to feel like he has suddenly become invisible.

10-13-2007, 01:33 PM
What kind of work do you do? Construction will take a toll on the old body but at 53 I still love crawling under houses.

nothing gripes a man with money to spend like being made to feel like he has suddenly become invisible.Ain't that the truth.

10-13-2007, 08:37 PM
I just might check on that!

'Preciate the tip on that. It would definetily be my knees!

I can proudly say NOBODY comes in the hunting dept. without getting "Can I help you find something, Sir?". And I'm doin' 99% of that as the rest of the crew wants to hang out behind the gun counter. I'd much rather be out on the floor with the customers.

I spoke wtih my immediate today and he said my performance is above average but the man hours of the dept. won't let them bring me on F/T right now. I'm suposed to check back around 15 Nov. to see if they can do it at that time. I'm gonna see if I can hang tough 'till then.

Thanks, guys.

10-14-2007, 03:35 AM
I can give you a bunch of exp. take it to my e'mail ok? georgeld@hotmail.com
I've been on SS/dis since '3/85 @40 for ruptured back, tore up both knee's at 25y.o in 1970. Am still on my own joints with help.

My advice is: get a good pair of hinged type knee braces to start with. On the way to the doc to get those stop at Sam's/WM and buy a big bottle of: Glucosamine +MSM. Take six pills per day and don't let up ever.

Starting on those pills early in '03 when I was on brace's and barely walking less than half the time. Two months later I was off the brace's except when over doing it, or standing, walking, ladders etc quite a bit. Best thing I ever had to help me was these pills. IT builds up the cartilage. Bottle of 300 pills is $10.88 at Sam's.

In the spring of '02 had an MRI of them, quite bad off they said. Oct '03 I was scheduled for a Right replacement and had another MRI to get final measurements for the joint parts they needed to install. This was seven months after taking these pills and being off the braces over four months feeling pretty good. They compared the two MRI's side by side and there was less space in the last pictures than the one over a yr before. That's proof enough for me to be a believer in this stuff beside's just feeling better.

Another thing. IF you're a Vet, go to the VA IF you can get in there, or a good ortho doc and insist they: do an arthroscope IF your knee's pop at all, get that torn knotty cartilage taken out of there, it's tearing up and wearing out the joint much worse. THEN: or if they don't pop. Have them inject Synvisc in them. That's what I call KY jelly for the knee's. It's solely a lubricant. Costly as hell, around $500 per three shot series per knee, decent insurance should pay for it, or nearly so. One shot a week for three weeks in a row. I get them every six months from VA. Just had my 8th shots today in fact, since '96.

Between braces, 'scope, Synvisc and Glucosamin pills daily I'm still on my own joints. Though at times they still hurt a lot.

Anyone with knee problems, print this out and take this advice. You'll be thankful for it, I promise. Just come back with the results in six months and tell me/us how it worked for you.

Good luck, and catch you on 'e/mail.

10-14-2007, 11:47 AM
I worked in the Shipping industry for 14 years before leaving it for a desk job. I've been really lucky to be with a good company for the past 23 years now. I really miss the physical work, but when I get home in the evenings, my knees are no longer swelled up like baloons. It was getting to the point that I was gonna sell my Cycles because I was afraid that i'd stop at a red light and not be able to put my feet down. RA. runs in my family and it really sucks to get old.
I wish you the best of luck and hope the move is a positive one! My Wife has just had Her 4th major back surgury and is on Social Security. I thank God that I only have arthritus, and am able to get out of bed every day. for me a 20 minute soak in the hot tub in the morning gets me loosened up enough for the day, but She can't do much walking at all and is now on 600 mg. of Morphine a day. (And She's only 42) I'm in search of the fountain of youth....or at least the fountain of not real old [smilie=1:

10-16-2007, 02:59 AM
Wish her well for me.

Have been on dis since 3/85 from three ruptured.
Popped it and had four pulled out, trimmed up, and put back in, fused one. Got lucky there.
Sis had her 4th one a few months before that and she's doing ok. I'm still having problems at 23 months. Nothing like your wife is though. Wish you both well,

Lloyd Smale
10-16-2007, 06:04 AM
Im going through the same thing right now myself. Ive had two back surgerys for ruptured discs. Still have alot of pain and numbness. JUst had a emg and it showed nerve blockage so they sent me for an mri. the mri results came back yesterday and no blow dics. I dont know whether to be happy or mad about this. At least if it were another disc they could possibly fix it but over the phone the doc said theres nothing surgicaly that can be done right now. The problem ive got is that i dont know how work is going to react to this. I dont know if they can make me go back and suffer with the pain or if i can refuse. I get up now in alot of pain and have to take narcotics to get me rolling in the morning and then i can endure the day until about supper time when it gets so bad im usually looking for the bottle again. I probably should go see a lawyer but i dont know if with the mri not showing a disc problem if I have any chance of a decent settlement. I know that i could probalby milk out disability for a while but my fear there is that there going to start sending the spys in to watch me. I can still eat some narcotics and make it to the range and do a little shooting or do light stuff around the house and if the spys see me doing it there going to force me back to work. I hate the thought of living my life looking over my back all the time. The doctor told me a while back that the nerve pain could take a long time to straighten up but if anything it seems to get worse as the time goes by. Like i said i almost wish i would have had to have another surgery at least then i could have had an open and shut case to bring to a lawyer. Now i feel like i have to prove to everyone that im not trying to pull a scam.

10-16-2007, 03:20 PM
Jim, don't you work for Gander mountain? I've been thinking about trying to get on with them part time here in Fayetteville.. kinda get a foot in the door for when i do retire from this job in about 4 years.