View Full Version : Hunting Horse Flys

08-06-2013, 02:16 PM
Well I will admit they weren't use ing cast boolits

But Copper plated steel balls

I am watching my neices 2 boys 8 and 9 years old
So this morning I took them with me to feed the steers and let them shoot my 2 old BB guns
My neices husband isn't big on guns ( she is ) so the boys don't have BB guns .....yeat

Well they helped me feed the steers
Then I set up some paper targets and pop cans to shoot

Well all to soon the easy targets were not much fun

So I saw a horse fly
I told them to be safe
But told them a dead horse fly was worth $1

Well the great Horse fly hunt was on
Great fun for me to watch them stalk the horse flys

After 45 min or so
No more horse flys were around
I figure a tube of BB's each was worth watching them kill 3 horse flys
And yes I am sure the horse flys are dead
As for all 3 , I watched them make sure it was dead
With 2 or 3 finishing shots from 6-9"

Then back to my house to take showers

So I finaly have a few min to post here while they watch a cartoon


08-06-2013, 03:51 PM
Sounds like what I did as a kid with my friends. Shootin flys off of dog poop.

Sure beats shooting paper or cans.


08-06-2013, 04:01 PM
Sounds great. I am teaching my kids with a M4 full auto airsoft gun. You can walk it in on the flying red wasp.


DIRT Farmer
08-06-2013, 11:44 PM
I remember the bumble bees on Mom's hollyhawks. Flying bees and a BB gun equal dangerous game if you screw up, but a fun challange.

deep creek
08-07-2013, 12:18 AM
water skippers were always a good target with my daisy pump.

08-07-2013, 06:17 AM
House flies on a concrete carport just leave a splatter. cellophane pack of 100 BB's was a nickle, and more than I could afford most of the time.

mold maker
08-07-2013, 08:01 AM
I was raised 1/2 mile from the edge of town and had a Daisy Pump at the ripe old age of 5.. Had to set the butt on the ground to get enough leverage to pump it. Living outside town gave me lots more targets of opportunity.
Dad made me a target box to reclaim the BBs, so I didn't run out as soon. Some of those BBs lost all their copper wash.
Now the same home is over 1/2 mile from the city limits, but now inside. Smart a$$ed neighbors reported me for shooting crows and starlings that came to rob my songbird feeders. You know it makes a differance, from which end you shoot a crow. From the front, a crows feathers shed bbs like rain drops, but from the rear they funnel the BBs to the bird. I had gotten pretty good at head shots which were almost always deadly.
I know everybody has seen the sign about "My neighbors don't believe in guns, so I wont use mine to protect them." Well I made one and the neighbor didn't like that either. At night I shoot the skunks in his back yard. Hope he don't find out, what is stirring up the skunks.
You just can't please some people.

08-07-2013, 11:08 AM
This thread sure brings back memories. When I was ten (1970) we lived in San Antonio. For my birthday my great-grandparents sent me $15, exactly what I needed to buy a Daisy Win 1894 replica BB gun. That thing was the most fun. I would shoot bees, small birds and walnuts in the back yard. Dad showed me how to set up matches as targets and occasionally I'd light one.

That summer I spent 4 weeks with my dad's folks in London, TX. They had plenty of room for me to go crazy with that BB gun. I must have shot thousands of times around that place, doing odd jobs for grandpa to earn a few cents to buy more BB's when I ran out. So much fun! That summer was the first time I ever shot a .22 as well, shooting my first cottontail.

08-07-2013, 11:21 AM
I am almost 70 years old and I still get a kick out of shooting grasshoppers with my Daisy model 25 BB gun..........Terry

Nocturnal Stumblebutt
08-07-2013, 11:23 AM
I used to love hunting cicadas with my bb gun, my parents loved it too, as those things ruined the peacefulness of many summer nights.

08-07-2013, 11:50 AM
Nuthin' like lots of good, replenishable, reactive targets!

08-07-2013, 12:07 PM
I just got my grandson his first Daisy for his 5th birthday. Watching him as he started to hit the pop can targets sure brought back memories. He informed me this morning that we need to take his new rifle (the Daisy) deer hunting. He says its already on the 4-wheeler. Guess we better get going. HAHA grandkids are great. I think I need more.

08-07-2013, 04:44 PM
I just got my grandson his first Daisy for his 5th birthday. Watching him as he started to hit the pop can targets sure brought back memories. He informed me this morning that we need to take his new rifle (the Daisy) deer hunting. He says its already on the 4-wheeler. Guess we better get going. HAHA grandkids are great. I think I need more.

My kind of kid

Sometimes you just have to go out shooting


08-07-2013, 09:34 PM
I just got my grandson his first Daisy for his 5th birthday. Watching him as he started to hit the pop can targets sure brought back memories. He informed me this morning that we need to take his new rifle (the Daisy) deer hunting. He says its already on the 4-wheeler. Guess we better get going. HAHA grandkids are great. I think I need more.

Grand kids are more fun than your own.......you can send them home and don't have to pay for them!

08-07-2013, 09:54 PM
Grasshoppers have been the target of choice in my backyard. A bumper crop this year was eating my veggie garden.

08-07-2013, 11:29 PM
Love it! But Gawd, hope my 17yo never sees this thread - he HATES Horse Flies! He would shoot a 308 or 12 ga at them if he could!

08-08-2013, 10:41 PM
For me it was an old Red Ryder. The barn where we lived was overrun with mice and pack rats. Spent many hours stalking or in sniper hides. ( didn't know they were called that then. It was the 60s maybe they weren't ) the only one I ever killed was when I was hiding in the hay and a mouse spied my barrel sticking out and decided to come up and sniff the end of it. A BB between the eyes at 2" will put the hurt on one. I made a many jump and run for cover though.

08-08-2013, 11:06 PM
A friend of mine was a big Bow Hunter he use to shoot flies with rubber bands! He could hit um a good 5 feet or so away!! LOL!!

08-09-2013, 12:37 AM
I want one.


08-09-2013, 11:35 PM
Boy did that bring back memories. In North Dakota grasshoppers were the usual big game in the summer. We had a few picnics which included watermelon. The melon drew flies and the flies drew out the BB guns. They'd land on the used/soiled paper plates and made that a target rich environment. Dang how I wish my eyes were still that good. Thanks John for the great post.