View Full Version : Anyone watch "Mountain Men" on History Channel?

08-05-2013, 11:21 AM
Anyone watch Mountain Men? on History channel http://www.history.com/shows/mountain-men My son-in-law is Associate producer on this one. Proud of him (in spite of your typical goofyness of "reality" shows - completely out of his control).

08-05-2013, 11:26 AM
We record it when we can't watch it.. pretty neat show... I like Rich.. lol
Tell your son-in-law, good job..

08-05-2013, 12:06 PM
I wish your SIL well in his career, but I don't watch "reality" TV shows, because they never are. Way to contrived to suit me.

08-05-2013, 12:46 PM
Most of the "reality" of Mountain Men is situation or scene "re-enactment". For example, when Marty's snowmobile crapped out 5 miles from the cabin and he had to walk home, the obvious question was "why didn't he just ride home on the camera crew's sleds?" :) However, during the program setup and development, each of the characters just talked through a lot of situations that had happened to them, and the scenes were recreated.
During filming, there's not enough time or resources to follow each character around each and every day, all day long, to film "a season in the the life of ..."
I like Tom Oar in Montana (28 years on the rodeo circuit as a bronc rider) now does trapping and tanning , and would love to fly with Marty in Alaska ... love his Cub and the freedom of cruising around Alaska on tundra tires, skiis or floats (altho I've only seen his plane on the show with tundra tires).

08-05-2013, 01:36 PM
They just finished a "re-enactment" of the Battle of Gettysburg, and it wasn't real either.

Lefty SRH
08-05-2013, 01:36 PM
I find Eucstace and Tom rather interesting. I admire someone who lives that way.

08-05-2013, 01:48 PM
I do find a few things kind of goofy. I've known Tom for probably 20 years, and know darned well some of the stuff he does is scripted. I saw one episode where supposedly his neighbor was guiding him on a deer hunt. Tom doesn't need a hunting guide, I will guarantee you.
He was at the Fawn Creek rendezvous a few weeks ago, don't know if DeanD talked to him or not. I'm pretty sure they know each other, too.

08-05-2013, 02:03 PM
I'm sure Tom doesn't need a guide or anything else except perhaps a willing set of legs and hands to help him drag out a deer. :) Next time you see him, tell him Nathan's father-in-law says "Howdy". We haven't met, but my son-in-law Nathan spent time with each of the participants on the show as they were putting the first season together.
I couldn't finagle a position on the crew no matter how hard I tried - chef, chief cook and bottle washer, coffee wrangler, key grip, pilot, bag wrangler ... nothing! :)

08-05-2013, 02:07 PM
I enjoy the show. Having worked in the Motion Picture & Television industry for 30 plus years I know the scenes and situations are scripted. I kinda like the retired rodeo rider and his wife.

On another note, Mrs. smokeywolf figured out that she doesn't want to live in country that commonly has below zero Winters.

We watched it on Amazon Prime. 1st season is free, but they charge for the 2nd season; we won't be watching that until it too is free.


08-05-2013, 02:09 PM
you can watch online on the History Channel. Link in first post at the top.

08-05-2013, 03:55 PM
I find Eucstace and Tom rather interesting. I admire someone who lives that way.

No matter what happens it's never Eustace's fault and he always finds someone else to blame. Usually the guy who is paying him to teach him. I don't admire that.

08-05-2013, 04:23 PM
Eustace kind of rubs me the wrong way sometimes, as does the idiot with the red RMK snowmobile that just got hurt. Overall though, I like the show and am envious of Tom and Marty's ways of life.

08-05-2013, 04:56 PM
No matter what happens it's never Eustace's fault and he always finds someone else to blame. Usually the guy who is paying him to teach him. I don't admire that.

I agree. I don't consider him a mountain man at all. We call them brush hippies in this area.

08-05-2013, 05:36 PM
Eustace kind of rubs me the wrong way sometimes, as does the idiot with the red RMK snowmobile that just got hurt. Overall though, I like the show and am envious of Tom and Marty's ways of life.

The conveniently attached camera to the red RMK snowmobile when guy took a spill? After that one, I probably won't tune in anymore.

08-05-2013, 07:00 PM
I like the show for what it is, contrived or scene "re-enactment". I like each person for different reasons.
Hard not to like Tom and Marty. As a pilot I took to Marty right off. Wish I could fly up in Alaska. Wow!
I agree Eustace is a bit of a wanker but I admire him that he bought that 1000 acres on the mountain and does it his way. I hope he makes enough money from all this to pay back the loan on the property.
The only guy that makes me shake my head is that dude in Maine setting traps from his snowmobile.
Who ever heard of trapping on a major trail before?

It's still a ton more entertaining than the other feces infested TV shows that contaminate the cable wires/airwaves.
I do wonder how they find these guys?
I wouldn't want my life on TV. While perhaps it would be funny for others to watch, I wouldn't want to reenact it nor even admit to have done some of the stuff I have pulled off in my day. :)

08-05-2013, 07:07 PM
You guys just ruined it for me. Thanks!:kidding:

John Allen
08-05-2013, 07:22 PM
I am not a fan of reality tv but I got to say I have watched a couple of episodes and I really like Tom Oar. He seems like a great guy to sit down with and just listen to his stories.

08-05-2013, 07:31 PM
I like the show and all the characters.

mold maker
08-05-2013, 07:43 PM
It sure beats "TOP GUN". None of these reality shows are made for their educational content. They are just a depiction of folks caught in a time warp, for entertainment.
Even though I see the same faults, I'm strangely drawn to them.

Lance Boyle
08-05-2013, 08:06 PM
I've watched a handful of episodes. Of course it's contrived it's TV. For the most part on reality tv you can better describe it as unreality TV.

I did laugh at the unprepared Maine trapper snowmobiler. geez, anyone that ever sat on a snowmobile knows to have spare plugs and a spare belt on them.

Eustace, yea brush hippie sounds right. Last season he blamed the young lad for wasting his ammo trying to sight in the gun. Well duh, did he teach him or supervise him? No he just complained.

I shake my head at his TV dilema, says he borrowed 45k to pay the property taxes. Well no sheepdeep sherlock, taxes are not a surpise event. Then if you listened carefully you hear that he was buying up more land while his taxes went unpaid only adding to his problem. Only people that do that on purpose are loggers who buy, log the snot out of the land and let it go for back taxes.

Duh he could have paid the taxes with the money he spent buying more land. Only liberal democrats can spend like that. I have no sympathy for people like that. Math is not an unforseen event.

Dean D.
08-05-2013, 09:38 PM
He was at the Fawn Creek rendezvous a few weeks ago, don't know if DeanD talked to him or not. I'm pretty sure they know each other, too.

Ric is correct, both Tom and Will were at the Two Rivers Rendezvous this year. I spent more time talking to Will than I did with Tom as Will was there longer. I met them both back in 2010 down at the Pacific Primitive Rendezvous in Weippe, ID where we put a huge dent in several bottles of Bushmills over the course of 7 days. My previous rodeo experience sorta made the meeting a natural one. Lots of great yarns were spun that trip!

I do not own a TV but occasionally I can catch an episode at work* on a night shift. I enjoy the show for the most part but understand instinctively that it is totally scripted. I get a chuckle when I see "that look" on Tom's face when he is doing something for the camera that you know darned well he wouldn't normally do.

gkainz, thank your SIL for being part of a show that at least tries to show folks living a lifestyle many of us enjoy. I have to say it is much better than 99% of the garbage on TV now.

* I work as a system operator at a small rural electric utility manning a 24/7 desk. My shifts are mainly long hours of mind numbing boredom interspersed with minutes of sheer madness when things go wrong. I don't get paid for production, I get paid for knowing how to react and what to do when things go wrong.

08-06-2013, 08:05 AM
I like it .better than some other shows !
for some reason i like Tom over the other mountian men.

08-06-2013, 08:18 AM
Reality shows never are. The time is better served casting, reloading, shooting or just reading a good book.

41 mag fan
08-06-2013, 09:52 AM
Whether you like the show or not.......The people in it are probably making a pretty chunk of change for their time on TV.

08-06-2013, 11:01 AM
Quote "Eustace, yea brush hippie sounds right. Last season he blamed the young lad for wasting his ammo trying to sight in the gun. Well duh, did he teach him or supervise him? No he just complained."

Then when he missed the Deer, he called it a "missfire". Eustace pretty much lost me right there. I haven't come across that show for awhile now, what time does it usually air?

08-06-2013, 12:17 PM
Sunday nights 7pm MDT, times may vary depending on your timezone. Check history channel link in post(s) near the top

08-07-2013, 11:40 AM
I too really like the show.

08-07-2013, 11:46 AM
I too really like the show.

Me too. looks like a few new ones....guy in Maine running a trap line and another living in a teepee. I KNOW a lot of it is pure ******** but the show is a hell of a lot better than most. Tom is an interesting character, bet he has more than a few stories to tell!!!!

08-07-2013, 12:03 PM
It's just entertainment boys. If you don't take it seriously it's enjoyable.

Lloyd Smale
08-07-2013, 12:51 PM
thats when i lost interest in it too. To trust someone else to sight your gun in makes him an idiot and then to call missing a deer a missfire was about a joke. Then to here him talk about that little 80 lb doe they shot being his winters meat!! My wife and I could eat that 40lbs of meat MAX he got of that little deer up up in a month ourselves. He must eat LOTS of veggys!!! Shows right up there with that prepper show if you ask me.
Quote "Eustace, yea brush hippie sounds right. Last season he blamed the young lad for wasting his ammo trying to sight in the gun. Well duh, did he teach him or supervise him? No he just complained."

Then when he missed the Deer, he called it a "missfire". Eustace pretty much lost me right there. I haven't come across that show for awhile now, what time does it usually air?

11-19-2013, 09:59 PM
I'm coming in a little late on this conversation, but we just started watching this. We have a mess of kids, homeschool, and don't have any cable TV. For some entertainment we'll occasionally get something to watch from the library or youtube (old reruns) or itunes. My mother-in-law sent us several seasons of Duck Dynasty on DVD, but I couldn't get into it (though I was happy to see something a little more wholesome coming from the entertainment industry and happy to hear that it got such high ratings). I just got Season 2 of Mountain Men from itunes. We're liking it so far. Sure it's somewhat contrived, but you get to see some beautiful country and a lot of bush living type activities. Gkainz, I'd be proud too, and I hope the show continues to do well.

11-19-2013, 10:06 PM
I love that show, although it may not be that realistic. Marty, in Alaska, may look like a nutcase, but I think he's actually very smart, but just marches to a different beat. I thought it was kind of hokie when Eustace had someone else sight in his rifle, even though the guy didn't seem to know what he was doing.

11-19-2013, 10:43 PM
Sure hope Tom doesn't move to Florida, that'll put an end to it for me.........

11-20-2013, 12:42 AM
I watch the show for Tom and the bush pilot guy, Eustace is a joke, I know more about living off the land than he does. I actually did it for a year here in MN. Fish, small game, deer, foraged for greens... preserved/canned it all. Challenged myself to survive when I was young and could handle it. Now? Give me an RV, cafes, I still fish a little but not to the survival level anymore. Ate a lot of fish many would toss on the river bank. Pickled and smoked carp are tasty, buffalo, lots of catfish, pike were running in spring into a pool below a dam and I could go catch supper in about 30 minutes just casting a daredevil.

Lefty SRH
11-20-2013, 08:01 AM
I love that show, although it may not be that realistic. Marty, in Alaska, may look like a nutcase, but I think he's actually very smart, but just marches to a different beat. I thought it was kind of hokie when Eustace had someone else sight in his rifle, even though the guy didn't seem to know what he was doing.

I thought the same thing about someone else sighting in Eustaces rifle. That kinda bothered me.
I still like the show and will continue to watch it.
Anyone know when it comes back on again?

Jim Flinchbaugh
11-20-2013, 01:29 PM
My friends 3 kids got to meet Tom at the Grand Opening deal for the new Cabelas store here.
He was very very nice to them and they loved him, got autographs etc. They thought it was the coolest
thing to meet someone who's on TV and find out that he's a nice to boot.

Love Life
11-20-2013, 01:40 PM
Tom is my favorite by far, followed by Marty. They could elimate old usleless (Eustace) from the show and I wouldn't notice.

Tom is old and still out there getting it!! I'd love to sit with him for an hour or so and listen to his life story.

11-20-2013, 01:58 PM
Marty impresses me the most. He's off the grid. He replaces the engine of his snowmobile in the woods with few basic tools. His makes some pretty awesome daring moves in his plane. He is a damn good marksman; 300 yard + shot between windy mountains and taking down a Ram.
Building a cabin with a chainsaw in the freezing weather in two days. All this while he is trying to make a living trapping. And he is humble about it.

Man, this dude is is Super Survivor....

or that's what the producers want us to think.

11-20-2013, 02:03 PM
I hate the guy from turtle island. Such a tard

11-20-2013, 02:08 PM
Anyone watch "Mountain Men"

Heck, I thought you were referring to this one:


11-20-2013, 02:14 PM
Tom and Marty are my favorites too. Rich is pretty good, but I have difficulty connecting with him for some reason. Eustace does nothing for me. Besides, is he trying to tell us that he gets nothing for doing the shows? He should have been able to write a check for his taxes unless he blew all his TV money on hookers & blow. He seems quite capable, but also doesn't ring true somehow, even though his past is well documented. Charlie in Maine? I know the guy has to be smarter than the show makes him out to be. In fact all of them would have been worm food long ago if they were as dumb as the scripts make them out to be. I can't wait for the reruns, the shows better the second time, with the house lights down, and the sound muted. The scenery is phenomenal at times.

11-20-2013, 02:36 PM
I watch it and agree with all of the others.

A better "reality" program is "Life Below Zero"......those dudes (and dudettes) are tough!

11-20-2013, 03:13 PM
Heck, I thought you were referring to this one:


:mrgreen: Me too! I don't have much use for most "reality" shows. Would rather watch a well made "fiction" movie than a contrived reality show.

11-20-2013, 04:52 PM
Agree with Lefty, the rest are mildly interesting but can take of leave!

11-20-2013, 06:02 PM
There is a long (current) thread over on "The High Road" about "life Below Zero" and one of the principles is participating. It is an interesting thread for those interested. As for Eustace, on Mountain Men, it looks like he is an old hippie who has found a way to get others to do his work for him under the guise of "training" them. The sighting in of the rifle is a prim example. If he was indeed training that young fellow he would have worked with him, not just turned him loose to do it on his own. Further, who would get someone else to sight his rifle and then take it hunting without trying it out??

11-20-2013, 06:34 PM
If you depended on your rifle to feed you, would you even let someone else touch it?

11-20-2013, 06:41 PM
Thanks for the tip 454PB, I'm going to check out "Life Below Zero."