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View Full Version : Any Cast Boolit truckers hauling east to west?

10-12-2007, 07:45 AM
I will be needing a skid steer loader hauled from Pennsylvania to Redding California some time in the near future... :drinks:

10-12-2007, 09:59 AM
Pat, I have a reefer or I'd do it. Tom

10-12-2007, 11:53 AM
Comon' Tom, considering some of the stuff I've found in trucks a skid steer in a reefer wouldn't even phase me! How about the Chinese restaurant supply truck with SHRIMP stored in the spare tire? Mind you this was August and he came out of NYC, a 9 hour trip. We don't eat at that place anymore......

10-12-2007, 11:40 PM
Comon' Tom, considering some of the stuff I've found in trucks a skid steer in a reefer wouldn't even phase me! How about the Chinese restaurant supply truck with SHRIMP stored in the spare tire? Mind you this was August and he came out of NYC, a 9 hour trip. We don't eat at that place anymore......

I've delivered fish to some oriental places in the markets and the odor was strong (the market, not my fish) That doesn't surprise me a bit with the shrimp in the tire.
I do haul equipment and vehicles from time to time, but I am somewhat limited as to dimensions. I used to have a drop-deck but sold it in the early 80's when rates went to heck.
One thing that amazes me is the occasional meth lab in the sleeper I hear about. YEAH!! That sounds like a good place to hide the operation!

10-13-2007, 07:38 AM
Some of the sleepers I've seen I wouldn't get with in 100 feet of if I could help it! The word "pigstye" comes to mind.

10-13-2007, 10:40 AM
Part of my daily commute to the mine is along 15 miles of I-80.

I've often speculated on the stories some of those sleepers could tell, if only they could be so persuaded.

Passing Winnemucca's eastern-most on ramp one afternoon, I spotted a rather attractive blonde hitch-hiker in her early 20s or thereabouts. She had a backpack, and a hundred yards further along there was an 18-wheeler BURIED in a cloud of tire smoke as he fought it down to a halt to pick her up.

Another sleeper story coming up??????

10-13-2007, 11:42 AM
So much for subtle, Bruce.

10-13-2007, 12:42 PM

He obviously wasn't paying close attention if it took a hundred yards to stop...

10-13-2007, 12:44 PM
Now, don't knock truckers too hard. Me and Felix have made a few cast bullet deliveries that way. Takes a lot of coordination but before the falt rate postal days, it was a good way to deliver a bunch of cast bullets back and forth across the country./beagle

10-14-2007, 09:21 AM
I did about 900,000 miles in 8 years, there are several groups of truckers, us old hard workers who did not have time for the foolishness (and dirt) and "them other guys".
I had to work with those people and often apologized for their behavior, but I refused to socialize with them. That hitchhiker is as dangerous as a loaded gun!

10-14-2007, 10:17 AM
Nick, I guess you know what an alligator is. I am sure you have seen thousands within your 900K miles, and prolly have run over a few and created them too. There tends to be more than their share of them on the new hiway between Alma and Bentonville. ... felix

10-14-2007, 11:15 AM
Felix: I once spent $600 on one trip on tires and I started with two spares!, That old trailer gave birth to 4 alligators out of 8 tires, the other 4 were new! I bought 4 new ones when I got home, so $1800 in one week.......Truckin's great?????
I always did all I could to miss them, they can do lots of damage under a truck.

I've been off the road since Jan. 06, but the feet still itch once in a while but I'll not go back!!

10-14-2007, 11:40 AM
It's time to bring back the railroads in full force. With today's technology there is no reason not to make up trains having trucks (with cabs) via "drive-on" ramping systems in all major cities. The train would include genuine dining and sleeper cars for the truckers. The whole shootin' match would automatically be allocated by computer based upon pickup and delivery times and locations. Tracks every 200 miles (populated areas) on a nearly square cross-section basis throughout North America. ... felix

10-15-2007, 01:25 PM
It's time to bring back the railroads in full force. With today's technology there is no reason not to make up trains having trucks (with cabs) via "drive-on" ramping systems in all major cities. The train would include genuine dining and sleeper cars for the truckers. The whole shootin' match would automatically be allocated by computer based upon pickup and delivery times and locations. Tracks every 200 miles (populated areas) on a nearly square cross-section basis throughout North America. ... felix

been thinking the same thing. Even better with the regenerative braking systems on the newer GE's.

10-16-2007, 08:23 AM
Me too. With fuel and highway costs what they are it would seem economically sound to return to the day of the short haul trucker. Of course having industry have to PLAN AHEAD and warehouse things would be a major hurdle.....

10-16-2007, 09:06 AM
Correct, Bret. This would require total agreement by all transportation companies to allow a computer system to be the exclusive scheduler for every parcel to be shipped. The system will allocate trucks, planes, boats, and railroads, and possibly pipelines, together based upon shipping requirements for each parcel. ... felix

10-16-2007, 09:36 AM
Not only that, RichBug, the advances made in submarine technology by General Dynamics and the Russian counterpart company would make a nuke powered engine completely feasible today. The Russians have already released their prop design for general purpose ship builders, and most especially for passenger ships. In fact, a couple of brand spankin' new ships currently have these installed, and are currently operating out of Miami for short haul Gulf cruises. The advantage is extreme gas milage and quietness. ... felix

10-16-2007, 10:36 AM
Drive on drive off for passenger vehicles, too. For instance, from Tulsa, drive to Wichita, KS, drive onto a high speed rail, and be in Denver, Salt Lake, L.A. in half the time or less. Dining/club car, sleeper, whatever -- but it has to have high speed internet connections so we can surf the cast boolit board while riding! On arrival, drive off, and you have your own wheels at the destination without all the mileage, wear and tear, fuel, etc. Land ferry, so to speak.

10-16-2007, 10:53 AM
Corky, that would be a dream come true. ... felix

10-16-2007, 10:59 AM
Who will spend the money on the infrastructure?

Around these parts they tore out half the rails in the last 20 years, and sold the right of ways.

10-16-2007, 11:16 AM
No problem, invoke eminent domain for something useful for a change. Not for some damn shopping center. ... felix