View Full Version : Mike Beliveau builds Track of the Wolf Rifle Kit

John 242
08-03-2013, 02:56 PM
I was bouncing around Youtube and came across several videos by Mike Beliveau, in which he assembles black-powder firearms from kits.

Mr. Beliveau is the black-powder editor for Guns of the Old West magazine. He doesn't claim to be a gunsmith, but I thought he seems to be pretty knowledgeable and I think the videos are fairly well done.

The video that I am linking bellow, shows Mr. Beliveau building a Track of the Wolf, Bucks County, flintlock rifle kit. Currently there are thirteen parts and he is about half-way finished.

I hope that you guys will find this interesting:

This is another video of Mr. Beliveau building a Pedersoli muzzle-loading pistol kit. There are three parts:

08-03-2013, 10:50 PM
I've been following him on his build. It has indeed been very interesting. The nice thing is he is pretty up front with his strategy and skill level. He makes no claim to be a master builder, but he seems to be doing a decent job.

John 242
08-05-2013, 01:34 AM
I've been following him on his build. It has indeed been very interesting. The nice thing is he is pretty up front with his strategy and skill level. He makes no claim to be a master builder, but he seems to be doing a decent job.

I posted a link to a old Colonial Williamsburg gunsmithing video a few months ago. The gunsmith, I forget his name, and his assistant build a flintlock rifle completely from scratch, with tools that would be used in the Colonial era. That is some serious skill! We used to call such things "hardcore," when I was younger.

Well, Mr. Beliveau isn't that "hardcore." What he's doing, is what most of us can do in our garage, more or less. Some of the guys on this forum are very "hardcore," and probably get a laugh out of neophytes like me being wowed by such basic stuff. Still, I find videos like this to be motivational. If he can do it, I can do it.

Dean D.
08-05-2013, 08:00 AM
Thanks for posting this John. I've only built one kit from Track so far and it's interesting to see someone else doing one. I've watched all 15 he has posted so far and will be anxious to see the saga through to it's finish.

I think this video series would be a good one for those people who might be considering building a kit themselves. While I don't agree with some of Mr. Beliveau's methods I do think he presents the challenges and possible solutions to building a kit in a very good way. His step by step presentation shows what needs to be done and some of the things to watch out for along the way. If nothing else he shows the main differences between a Track of the Wolf kit and assembling a production gun like a TC, CVA or Lyman from their "kit".

I wish I had been able to watch a similar video before I ordered my kit. I was fortunate enough to have Waksupi and Fishhawk as mentors to guide me or I would have made a mess out of that kit!

09-03-2013, 07:11 PM
I am one on those that has considered building a kit for years but was afraid to start a project and not be able to finish it or have it work properly. I will watch what he is doing and may give it a try. At least now I will know what I am getting into. Along with the knowledge gained,I will be able to make a better decision before sending my hard earned money.

09-04-2013, 04:00 PM
Definitely worth watching the series to see what's involved with the whole process.

John 242
09-04-2013, 08:49 PM
I am one on those that has considered building a kit for years but was afraid to start a project and not be able to finish it or have it work properly. I will watch what he is doing and may give it a try. At least now I will know what I am getting into. Along with the knowledge gained,I will be able to make a better decision before sending my hard earned money.

Some kits are more 'prepared' (semi-completed?) than others. Mr. Beliveau builds a pistol kit in another video series and it is a lot less involved than the Track of the Wolf rifle kit.

I started one of these kits when I was a teen-ager, but never completed it. I don't know what happened to it, but I would love to build one if and when the opportunity presents itself.

Something to bare in mind is that there are some very knowledgeable people on this forum, and if you were to run into a "road block," I'm sure there would be tons of helpful advice.

09-04-2013, 09:44 PM
I've watched a few of those vidoes, and i've also talked to him on the ML fourum. he does nice work.