View Full Version : 27 judge and the Magnum Research BFR

08-02-2013, 10:52 PM
Here is my story. After a Ruger 357, 41 mag and 2 super black hawks I decided I wanted a BFR. So back in April I talked with Subsonic about a BFR in 500 JRH. being I had all the dies brass and molds for the 44 mag I talked myself into a BFR 44 mag. Subsonic sent my dealer a 44 mag some 10 weeks ago, now I had a 8 week wait for the MD backed up papers to clear. My dealer called me to come finish the papers and pick up the gun after 8 weeks. When the dealer went to look for the gun stacked some where with the 250 he had waiting same as me it was gone .First time in 25 years a gun was stole from his shop. I called Subsonic back for another 44 but none to be found . We then switched over to a BFR 500 JRG which he sent to my dealer .After another 8 DAY wait I picked up my new gun today. I have never tried so hard to buy a gun. Also during this time I had a pile of help from Subsonic and 44 Man as to molds bullet weights, powders ,brass etc. they are two great guys. Im now working on cutting 500 mag brass down and waiting on my mold from Tom at Accurate . Soon all this will come together . Thought you guys would get a kick out of my quest for a new gun . Here are the pics the BFR is shown with my Super Blackhawk hunter both have ultra red dots tks for your time Ken

08-03-2013, 07:31 AM
Sorry to hear of your difficulties, but I'm not surprised. I placed my order for a BFR 44 Magnum in March and finally gave up.

08-03-2013, 07:41 AM
I really want one of those 500's. Someday when all the cards are in place, I will get one. Too bad about your delay. What kind of paperwork does your state require that it would be that long of a delay? Almost seems unconstitutional, for sure some "infringement" going on there.

08-03-2013, 07:52 AM
MD is the east coast Kalifornicator. 27 told me he has to wait 30 days between guns too.

08-03-2013, 08:22 AM
The way I hear it from my dealer is MD is so far behind it was taking 8-10 weeks for the normal 7 day waiting period. The md dealers assoc, took the State to court and the Court said Md had to Release the guns in 7 days by law. Now it seems Md is back to allowing you to pick up the gun on the 8th day even tho the paper work (background check ) is not done . The 30 day pick up law between guns stays in place. If my Business was moveable I would have been gone a long time ago tks KEN

08-03-2013, 11:37 AM
Notice liberal states have more money problems because businesses flee.
I had to laugh at Detroit. Serves them right. Sucking from taxpayers always fails. Unions always ruin the golden goose. Unions are nothing but mafia creeps.

08-03-2013, 12:43 PM
i have a touch of envy . i have wanted a .500 jrh since i first seen one on the mri website .
i do like that 5.5 inch barrel , my brother bought me a bfr in .475 with a 7.5 inch barrel for my birthday 6 years ago ... i have wanted to shorten it to 5.5 since the jrh came out

08-03-2013, 01:22 PM
i have a touch of envy . i have wanted a .500 jrh since i first seen one on the mri website .
i do like that 5.5 inch barrel , my brother bought me a bfr in .475 with a 7.5 inch barrel for my birthday 6 years ago ... i have wanted to shorten it to 5.5 since the jrh came out
Leave it at 7-1/2", it is for hunting after all. My JRH is also 7-1/2". A little shorter will not hurt but the difference in the field is nothing. The gun is not for carry, it is big and heavy.

08-03-2013, 01:52 PM
44 man

i admit it .. the only reason i have wanted to shorten it is i just like how it looks with the shorter barrel .
i have managed to show restraint because i do find the longer sight radius a big help towards accuracy .
i wish every revolver i have owned over the years shot as well as the .475 does

08-03-2013, 09:17 PM
You can only buy 1 gun per 30 days there? Have you put any consideration into relocating? I was upset the other day that a gun purchase was taking more than 15 minutes as I only had 20 minutes left for lunch when I walked in the door to look at guns.

08-04-2013, 01:33 AM
Just wait til you shoot it 27. Just wait :-D

You will be hooked. Just hold firm, squeeze gently and don't be afraid of it. And then watch the holes from 1/2" boolits stack up in little clusters on the target.