View Full Version : Decision time

Alan in Vermont
08-01-2013, 09:08 PM
I am faced with one of those decisions which come along once in awhile.

I have a 1911 which is earlier than 1927, no numbers, or inspectors marks on it beyond U S Government Property. It is far from original, the slide has been crudely lowered(ejection port) and relieved, I put a ring hammer on it along with an extended safety and an arched housing. It's a long way from pretty but it shoots pretty decent.

I have been offered, in trade, a NM Super Blackhawk in supposedly VG condition with holster and gunbelt, dies and a couple boxes of ammo.

The 1911 is a known quantity, I can shoot it with my bad hand, it fits nicely in my belt and I just plain like it. In addition it was given to me by a friend who was nervous about having a NSN firearm around.

I keep thinking I would like another Super while I can still shoot it. I'm not sure about how the bad arm/hand will feel about it. Granted it will shoot 44 Sp. loads just fine but sometimes it's just fun to shoot smokeless thunderbolts. The gun is probably worth more than the 45 should I decide to trade it off in the future.

I like shooting just about any 1911 or clone, not sure if I will ever be in a financial position to buy another one.

I have another carry gun, Charter Arms Bulldog from when CA was still the original company. Shoots good, points as good as the '11 but 5 shot instead of 8.

Right now I'm leaning towards making the deal. Either way I know there will be regrets.

08-01-2013, 09:28 PM
That's a tough one Alan. I have both a Kimber 1911 and a Ruger SBH and I love both of them. That being said, I'm a revolver man so I'd probably go with the trade if it were me in your place. Good luck.

08-01-2013, 10:05 PM
You can always save up money for the SBH, they are still making them.

gray wolf
08-01-2013, 10:39 PM
Hold the 1911 in your hand---
take a long look at it and ask yourself ---
Do I really want to get rid of this ???

08-01-2013, 10:39 PM
I have both a kimber1911 and a srh. Love Em both. Couldn't choose between.

08-01-2013, 10:58 PM
I would say just buy a new SBH and keep your 1911,from the sound of it you really love it and I have a feeling that you will regret it after its gone.

08-02-2013, 12:00 AM
There is no way I'd let that 1911 go. I mainly shoot revolvers, so I can understand the desire.

If I had that 1911, I'd hold on to it, and save up for a SBH. You can always buy a SBH. You'll probably never see another 1911 like that one again.

08-02-2013, 12:09 AM
Don't do it. As said they make new Blackhawks everyday. A lot places offer layaway for free. guarantee you'd pay much more to replace the 1911 with any amercican made 1911 in the future.

08-02-2013, 12:10 AM
Keep the 1911!!! You have physical problems and can shoot the 1911. What more could you want. You may want to buy a SBH in the future. Just don't get rid of guns you really like.

08-02-2013, 12:16 AM
+1 for keep the 1911 !

08-02-2013, 12:41 AM
Yup. Keep it. Save for the sbh. 50 bucks a month and you can have a new one in a year. Less if it's used. No need to get rid of a one of a kind when they make the black hawks at an ok price new.

08-02-2013, 02:50 AM
My general rule has always been on selling/swapping important things like horses, cattle, knives, guns and such, that if I even have to hesitate for one second to think about the deal, it is a no deal. Even if you can't put your finger on exactly why right now, something is telling you not to make the deal. As much as I love my SBH, they are just a factory .44 and they are still coming out the door, they will never again make a 1911 like the one you have with the history it has.

08-02-2013, 03:00 AM
I have a mid sixties BHP that has been reworked, reblued(poorly), and carried a lot; probably has the value of a Chinese paperweight, but to me its priceless....Don't do it.

square butte
08-02-2013, 07:47 AM
Well, There's two of us in Vermont that agree - Keep the 1911

08-02-2013, 04:25 PM
Definitely keep that 1911 for all the reasons given.....unless of course you'd like to trade it for MY everyday run of the mill Ruger. I love Ruger revolvers, but their easy to find.

08-04-2013, 01:47 PM
Here's my test for chosing between a 1911 and a single action any kind of revolver:

One stop watch, one mag for the 1911, six rounds revolver ammo.

Go to range with both pistols: have wife, or bud, use stop watch and time you on how fast each gun can be loaded and fired.

Keep 1911 and send guy with "Crank and Yank" down the road talking to himself!

Alan in Vermont
08-04-2013, 02:54 PM
Here's my test for chosing between a 1911 and a single action any kind of revolver:

One stop watch, one mag for the 1911, six rounds revolver ammo.

Go to range with both pistols: have wife, or bud, use stop watch and time you on how fast each gun can be loaded and fired.

Keep 1911 and send guy with "Crank and Yank" down the road talking to himself!

Well good for you!

How fast I can load and fire has never been consideration in choosing a firearm. I'm more interested in how well something shoots, not how fast I can make noise.

08-04-2013, 03:15 PM
I do belive I did not include enough information with my "test" so I'll explain: the test is not to determine how quickly you can make noise, it is to determine how fast you can get the gun into, or back into, action should the need to stay alive present itself.

Owning a pistol does not mean you will ever need it for such a reason but if you own a pistol this should certainly be a consideration for keeping it, particulary if you only own one!

We all know Murphy of Murphy's Law: things can and do happen and usually all bad! Children and unknown visitors were my reason to buy my first safe and to secure my weapon of choice, unloaded, where I could put it to use as quickly as possible with a minimal concern for the safety of family.

My primary 1911 goes in my night stand holster at bedtime and in the safe before I go to work each day. It is never loaded except at the range and this provides the best balance of safety and security I can devise.

I hope this helps you make your decision, both are good guns.

08-04-2013, 04:10 PM
Hold the 1911 in your hand---
take a long look at it and ask yourself ---
Do I really want to get rid of this ???

762 shooter
08-04-2013, 05:46 PM
I would have several questions.

I assume you reload and cast or you wouldn't be here. You can play with a lot more loads with the SBH.

The make 1911's every day also. Does the 1911 have some emotional baggage with it or is it just a crudely smithed U.S. Property gun? I would think the monetary value would be on the low end.

If you like semi's better than SA then keep it. I think that you would be able to trade or sell the SBH for some kind of 1911 if you decide it is not for you.

Keep 1911 and save for SBH works for me also.


08-13-2013, 12:54 PM
Well, what's the decision, inquisitive(nosy) folks want to know?