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08-01-2013, 02:08 AM
So I'm in my cave...wife yells for me and I emerge. She is trying to email a PDF, but she has downloaded some kind of screwy PDF reader. I sit down and try to help for about 10 minutes. Her phone buzzes and she starts texting away. I say "Why don't you try this (blah blah blah). She keeps texting...I say "Do you want help?". She says yes, so I say "Why don't you try (blah blah blah)." She starts doing what I said. Her phone buzzes again and she picks it up texting again. I walk back to the cave. I think I now have a problem.

08-01-2013, 02:26 AM
Sometimes in marriage you find you have a problem no matter what you do. There's night's like that, but hey now you can play in the cave long as ya want.

08-01-2013, 02:54 AM
Much of the time when the Mrs. or the kids say, "Can you help me with this?" What they really mean is, "Would you do this for me?". I've learned to either ask which one it is or just do it for them.

08-01-2013, 03:35 AM
I've read all the books, and as a man I still try to fix problems. Maybe I should have said "I understand your pain with forwarding a PDF format document, I too have felt such pain and understand your frustration." But neo-cromagnon me, I just want to send the d$&? thing and not talk about it. Silly me.

08-01-2013, 03:38 AM
There's night's like that, but hey now you can play in the cave long as ya want.

My cave has ale. Mmmm, ale.....

Swamp Man
08-01-2013, 04:17 AM
If your using a Mac you can just attach the PDF to an email.

08-01-2013, 04:25 AM
Its still going to be your fault ..................... :bigsmyl2:

08-01-2013, 06:30 AM
No comment, in case my wife happens to find this thread and read it.


08-01-2013, 08:53 AM
Its still going to be your fault ..................... :bigsmyl2:

With marriage, sometimes it's better to do it than to fight an uphill battle. Sorta like a fire, it might just burn itself out and go away and leave a mess. Sometimes it's wiser to put out the fire before you get burnt, says a man married 38 years. ;-)

high standard 40
08-01-2013, 09:20 AM
If your using a Mac you can just attach the PDF to an email.

You can do this as well with a Windows machine running Outlook. I send PDF attachments often.

08-01-2013, 09:22 AM
Sometimes you are damned if you do and damned if you don't! Remember in a Woman's mind EVERYTHING that happens in a marrage is the Man's fault, no matter if he had anything to do with whatever's going on or not!

41 mag fan
08-01-2013, 09:46 AM
It's still your fault...even if you got it to work, it'd be your fault she couldn't get it to work.
The neighbor down the road whom you've never met pooped their pants....you guessed it...still your fault.
EVERYTHINGS your fault.

I feel your pain!!

08-01-2013, 09:54 AM
Only one answer necessary "yes dear" and go on with life. Be 40 for me in November.


08-01-2013, 10:31 AM
Soon to be 50years with same woman and still no good advice besides yes dear/no dear and hope for the best.

08-01-2013, 10:59 AM
Yes , you do indeed have a problem.:sad:
I know this because I too was married once , my best friend said everyone should get married at least once.So I did , that was the worst three years of my life.[smilie=b:
I never made it to wife number two.My best friend is now on wife six , says he has now found happiness.... We shall see [smilie=l:
I went goose hunting one day and came home with a new Browning Gold hunter 10 gauge.I wanted to buy a Benelli Super Black Eagle.I, being the responsible husband that I was at the time compromised and saved about $300.00 by purchasing the Browning instead.;)
What thanks did I get?A bunch of whining about spending $900.00 on a shotgun instead of the pat on the back for not spending $1200.00.The next day when I got home from work there was a note on the table saying she has gone to live with her sister , she needed time to think.:razz:
That night I called in sick to work and sold the new Browning Gold Hunter to an unmarried friend. BTW ,if you ever need to sale something don't waste time talking to married friends , you will die of old age before they either get permission or save up their allowance.:groner:
The next morning I drove 80 miles one way to the nearest Benelli dealer and picked up that Super Black Eagle.On the way home I pulled into the hardware store.I replaced every lock on the house and haven't looked back.This reminds me,I have had the Benelli SBE now going on 20 years this December.Going to have to do something special for its anniversary.
I sure do love that gun,just like the many others I have acquired since finding the secret to a happy life.
In a local tavern there is a sign above the bar.
It simply reads :
Why does a divorce now cost $250,000.00?

08-01-2013, 11:26 AM
EVERYTHINGS your fault. Says so in Chapter 1 of the Book. Doesn't make any difference what the rest of the Book says. Deal with it.

gray wolf
08-01-2013, 12:05 PM
WOW !! you guys really get it--100% right on.
What makes men think women are anything at all like men are.
They don't think like we do---
They don't sit the way we do---
They don't shop the way we do---
They don't Peee the way we do---
They care about how they look---
They never pass gas--and if they do they blame it on something else--A Bird did it outside Err something.
They don't eat the way we do.
They are never, ever, ever, wrong about anything, I mean nothing.

08-01-2013, 03:00 PM
Much of the time when the Mrs. or the kids say, "Can you help me with this?" What they really mean is, "Would you do this for me?". I've learned to either ask which one it is or just do it for them.

How true! I've noticed the same thing.

08-01-2013, 03:03 PM
My wife once told me she needed time to think. I told her I was happy to hear she finally decided to try it. See, you can't even be happy for them without doing it wrong. Did I forget to mention she's now my ex-wife?

Women marry men expecting to change them into their ideal man. Men marry their ideal women expecting them to stay the same. It's how they deal with the disappointment that causes divorce.

08-01-2013, 03:14 PM
I've read all the books, and as a man I still try to fix problems. Maybe I should have said "I understand your pain with forwarding a PDF format document, I too have felt such pain and understand your frustration." But neo-cromagnon me, I just want to send the d$&? thing and not talk about it. Silly me.

Pretty sure you hit the nail on the head.

08-01-2013, 03:44 PM
I've been married to the same woman for 38 years and only came close to divorce twice. I dare not speak of the first. On the second I proposed the theory that a certain orifice allows their common sense to drain away and also allows a draft to enter which lowers their core body temperature. I thought it was a perfectly reasonable theory as to why they have no common sense and are always cold.

08-01-2013, 05:30 PM
Mine left me for no reason without so much as a KMA. After 33 years I found happiness![smilie=p:

08-01-2013, 05:47 PM
Don't worry about it. Sleeping on the couch is not that bad, in fact it's kinda' like camping out! In a few days you can get back to your normal routine. Just remember that thing will settle down, but she will never forget it! Women have minds that never forget any kind of slight, real or imagined! And yeah, IT'S YOUR FAULT! The sooner you realize this, the better off you will be.

08-01-2013, 06:19 PM
It's taken me 42 years, but I have finally figured it out.... I didn't do anything wrong, IT'S JUST NATURALLY MY FAULT!!!!!!!

08-01-2013, 06:24 PM
After 45 years, same woman, 2 things are as sure as death and taxes:(1) Whatever, anything, that goes wrong is somehow your fault (2) Anything that you may want to do that does not explicitly meet her approval will be denied, if for no rational reason then the universal negative "Well something might happen". Bet none of you ever heard that, right?

08-01-2013, 06:26 PM
Why does a divorce now cost $250,000.00?

So very true. The real trick is to keep your legal liabilities to a minimum from that point on. Pretty much a self evaluation and b.s. tolerance check.

08-01-2013, 09:25 PM
My wife will never divorce me, seeing me happy would kill her.

08-01-2013, 09:56 PM
I learned how to get the last word in a conversation with the wife. As I turn around I say" yes dear I'l take care of that right now"!!! Has worked so far.

08-01-2013, 10:07 PM
Sometimes you are damned if you do and damned if you don't! Remember in a Woman's mind EVERYTHING that happens in a marrage is the Man's fault, no matter if he had anything to do with whatever's going on or not!

Hounddog, you forgot the last part. Damned if I do, damned if I don't so damned if I will.

08-01-2013, 10:16 PM
Very educational thread, confirms for me that being single isn't all that bad. Kinda miss having a dog around, need to work on that soon. Cats are gonna be ticked off!

08-01-2013, 10:29 PM
My wife is an avid hunter, fisherwoman and has an extraordinarily good head (common sense abounds) on her shoulders. Self reliant and sufficient. She doesn't own a pair of heels, but has 3 pairs of hunting boots. Our third date we went pheasant hunting. She took off 1 day for our wedding, but 5 days for deer season a month later. She always teases me that i can buy guns and give them to her, that way I'm not in the dog house, but I still get to reload and shoot said guns. Its a good operation.

Heck I bought her a CZ ringneck 20ga for valentines day this year and a flat of shells for her birthday.

Guess i got lucky.

08-02-2013, 11:45 AM
My first left after 32 years! Best decision she ever made! Probably would have gone sooner if she could have found another meal ticket. She was never happy with anything or anybody. Don't know but suspect she likely was unfaithful but never caught her at it. after she left I got together with Gail. Best thing I ever did! We have been together over 20 years now and no serious trouble other than a few ruffled feathers once in awhile! I am happy happy happy!!!

08-02-2013, 11:49 AM
My wife is an avid hunter, fisherwoman and has an extraordinarily good head (common sense abounds) on her shoulders. Self reliant and sufficient. She doesn't own a pair of heels, but has 3 pairs of hunting boots. Our third date we went pheasant hunting. She took off 1 day for our wedding, but 5 days for deer season a month later. She always teases me that i can buy guns and give them to her, that way I'm not in the dog house, but I still get to reload and shoot said guns. Its a good operation.

Heck I bought her a CZ ringneck 20ga for valentines day this year and a flat of shells for her birthday.

Guess i got lucky.
That would be an understatement.

08-02-2013, 12:14 PM
X1 spent me to thread bare w/o anything to show for it most of the time. 22yr raised the kids,ruined my credit.....

X2 accounted for every dime an was twisted when I spent my ''allowance'' on home stuff. I really don't have a clue what happened,1 day I'm king of the world the next I'm looking for a new home. Her kids hated me though , I'm better off........I'll keep telling myself that. 6yr wouldn't trade a minute other than the last 6 weeks.

17mo later I've a custom wildcat rifle,2 4x4 trucks , just bought my base camp trailer for cash and the GF only nags me about why we can't go camping/hunting/wheeling in the boonies more. Now if I just could get her to copy a nice wheat beer,and run a still .........