View Full Version : Derim Press for use with BT derimming die

07-30-2013, 12:50 PM
I've got a pneumatic press that I built to derim 22 brass for use with the die set by BT Sniper. It works beautifully. It's a 4" cylinder with a 2" stroke that applies about 1200 lbs of force. Derims 22 brass with little to no effort. Runs on air compressor. Need about 100 PSI

I'm including a link of a video on photobucket as soon as I get it uploaded.

Selling the unit for $250 Dies of course are not included.


07-30-2013, 01:00 PM

This is the video link on photobucket

scarry scarney
07-30-2013, 03:30 PM
Pretty slick. I wish you had this before I stated trying to build my own! IMHO, your Derim Press is worth the money and agravation!

07-30-2013, 05:12 PM
I will buy it....how can I get u the money

07-30-2013, 05:38 PM
My name is Frank Trozzo, I live in Brevard, NC . If you give me your name and address I will get an accurate weight and find the best price to ship it to you. I'll probably go UPS ground. They are generally a dollar a pound, this unit looks to weigh about 40 pounds. But I'll verify it. Then a USPS money order would be preferable.

07-30-2013, 05:42 PM
ok....my name is tony I will send u a pm with my particulars...I live in Davie Florida 33324

07-30-2013, 05:46 PM
have sent u a pm...cheers

07-30-2013, 06:06 PM
I love the idea & the price is very fair. Everything but dies, air fittings, press? Pretty good deal. Beats doing them by hand for sure.

07-30-2013, 08:37 PM
Sale Pending

Utah Shooter
07-30-2013, 10:33 PM
Did not think this was the Classified Section guys!

07-30-2013, 11:43 PM
Sorry about that Joe, I thought the swaging section would be most appropriate as there is a rather huge concentration of guys ordering dies from BTSniper. This press is most directly related to swaging operation.

07-31-2013, 02:17 AM
Very nice set up and great price to boot.
I personally think this is the right place for such an item, but if you’re going to sell several of these you might want to be a vendor sponsor. A moderator will come in and probably say the something, and it does benefit the site.

07-31-2013, 06:55 AM
Hopefully a moderator opinion would be good. I looked through the entire site and couldn't really find anything definitive in the rules, negotiated the typical limits on photo and video file size. And did what I thought would be right. I will not be selling these commercially, but as I upgrade my own equipment, I thought other swagers on the site might like an opportunity acquire units that I no longer need.

07-31-2013, 02:35 PM
You cant please everyone Frank...LOL...but you sure pleased me.!!....money was sent this afternoon

07-31-2013, 03:16 PM
Ok ..... SOLD American...... I think you'll be very happy. I've derimmed several thousand cases on this press. It goes FAST ....... I began experiementing with pneumatics and eventually demystified the process to come up with the formula to find a cylinder powerful enough to derim 22lr cases. Pie R squared times the PSI equal force in pounds. You need about 1200 lbs to derim a 22lr. If you can go to a 5" cylinder you can get about a ton of pressure. The more the better. I'm now using a 5" cylinder with a 2" stroke. It looks like most presses can also work with a 3" stroke. I'll eventually find a 6" cylinder and probably sell my 5". Who knows maybe I'll end up going to a 7 or 8".

07-31-2013, 05:06 PM
Have you tried swaging lead boolits at all?...I will only use this for derimming 22lr...I have to get a die set now..any tips would be appreciated on the running of it...when I do them by hand I seem to have every 5th one stick on the punch but looking at the video you didn't seem to have any

07-31-2013, 05:37 PM
I'm in line for a pointing die fromBT Sniper hopefully by the end of this month. It's been a 8 month wait. I have his core swaging die for 223 bullet cores and this press would not swage the core. It is much easier to just use a hand press for core swaging and core seating. But the derimming slap wore out my arm in a hour. SO I had to find an easier way. The pneumatic cylinder done did the job. Derimming requires the most force. All the other steps require very little effort. Swaging seating and pointing can all be done on a hand press. Cases have to be lubed prior to derimming. I use spray lube. Federals are a little thicker and make a crunchy sound going through the die. Remingtons all feed through smoothly.

07-31-2013, 08:18 PM
Because you are not manually pulling a handle, there's no feel for when the punch tears through the case. How often do you have separations? Just curious.

PS - which spray lube do you use? Thanks.

07-31-2013, 08:28 PM
Very few seperations. 1 in 500. It crunches the case down onto the ram. Never seems to hurt the die. Sometimes you don't catch it until you crush a second case. They pull off easily with a pair of pliers.

I'll try to post some pics of my current press. It's a 5" cylinder with a 2" stroke under an RCBS partner press. Strange as it seems the extra power doesn't seem to remedy the occasional crunching noise. I think it might be the die configuration. BTSniper says federal cases are thicker and harder to move through the die. I haven't bothered to seperate federal cases and I can't see em too easily without a magnifier. I'm hoping the difference will be a non issue. They seem to seat the cores no different than the remingtons and winchesters. Haven't pointed any yet.

07-31-2013, 09:28 PM
I watched your video, Frank. Very nice! If you ever decide you want to build more, I'll be next in line. Doing it manually can get tiring after a while.

What lube are you using on the cases?

08-01-2013, 03:48 AM
Ya Man, I started with factory handle on a lee classic press and promptly bent the hollow tube. Switched to a solid 5/8 steel bar and inserted a 3" dowel 16" long. Looked like a ball bat, eventually bent it too. I'll get some pics up of the press I'm currently using. It's a 5" cylinder. I use dillion spray lube. Also have some bees wax.

08-01-2013, 12:30 PM
Doing well on derimming, core pouring, core swaging and core seating. Seated cores are coming out to 55gr. Waiting on a pointing die. It's been an aweful long wait. I have close to 10,000 rounds. ready to make up. I need to do 12,000 just to break even on the cost of the dies, let alone the presses and cylinders. Has anyone seen 55gr 223 bullet tips available for sale online?

08-01-2013, 01:48 PM
gunbroker lists these regularly. You can try here - www.gunbroker.com