View Full Version : pillow ticking

07-24-2013, 04:25 PM
I was at the fabric store with the wife the other day , and bought 3 yards of pillow ticking , well

i wish i had had my dial caliper with me , i bought .024" pillow ticking and not the .015

the good new is i got it for 50% of with a coupon the wife had

so any ideas what to do with 3 yards of blue pillow ticking that is to thick to get in the barrel

I was thinking maybe make haversacks out of it.

07-24-2013, 04:39 PM
And here I was expecting a story about your bedding being some sort of a bomb... ;)

07-24-2013, 04:46 PM
pardon my ignorance, but, what's the ticking for in a gun? :-?

07-24-2013, 04:47 PM
Great rags!

07-24-2013, 04:51 PM
And here I was expecting a story about your bedding being some sort of a bomb... ;)

sorry to disappoint

there is a gun next to my be and ammo stored under it but , no pillow explosions

07-24-2013, 04:53 PM
pardon my ignorance, but, what's the ticking for in a gun? :-?

cut into 1 1/2 inch squares , it makes a fine patch for round ball or cleaning, it is a tightly woven cotton fabric

Dean D.
07-24-2013, 05:33 PM
One of the first choices for roundball patches by many Muzzleloaders.

07-24-2013, 05:53 PM
You could use it for cleaning patches.

07-24-2013, 05:56 PM
PM inbound

07-25-2013, 10:34 AM
I always take a pair of mics with me when I go to the fabric store for that very reason. Certainly garners some strange looks from the women in there! I also buy nice white soft flannel to cut up for cleaning patches. I learned too not to divulge the end use of my cloth purchases just to avoid the recriminating looks, although one day a clerk said "Oh, that reminds me- I need to grab some of this stuff for my husband. He uses it to clean his guns."

07-25-2013, 11:42 AM
Make a shirt for SASS, or sell it to a current SASS member.

07-25-2013, 12:45 PM
I always take a pair of mics with me when I go to the fabric store for that very reason. Certainly garners some strange looks from the women in there! I also buy nice white soft flannel to cut up for cleaning patches. I learned too not to divulge the end use of my cloth purchases just to avoid the recriminating looks, although one day a clerk said "Oh, that reminds me- I need to grab some of this stuff for my husband. He uses it to clean his guns."

I enjoy it. This conversation happens every single time I go to the fabric store. Every single time.

Them: "what do you need this for?"
Me, nervous about the CA liberal attitude towards guns: "Uh, do you really wanna know?"
Them: "Of course!"
Me: "I actually use this stuff as patching for a flintlock musket."
Them, getting very excited: "Oh! do you do Ren-Faire? I go every year!! Are you in a guild? do you do re-enactments? My dad does the same thing for re-enactments!"
Me: "Not exactly.....I actually put a ball down the barrel and shoot lead...."

50% of the time it gets real quiet after that!

.... What is a ren-faire guild?? :confused:

07-25-2013, 12:51 PM
That heavy ticking is pretty good and tough stuff. Depending on how long the "3 yards" is, you could make a cloth gun case with a simple fold-over flap and tie. I know the simple, light canvas cases are very handy! Another very handy item for "ML possibles" is a simple open top tote bag with two loop handles or an open top bag with one longer shoulder strap. Lots of possibilities.

07-25-2013, 01:38 PM
I enjoy it. This conversation happens every single time I go to the fabric store. Every single time.

Them: "what do you need this for?"
Me, nervous about the CA liberal attitude towards guns: "Uh, do you really wanna know?"
Them: "Of course!"
Me: "I actually use this stuff as patching for a flintlock musket."
Them, getting very excited: "Oh! do you do Ren-Faire? I go every year!! Are you in a guild? do you do re-enactments? My dad does the same thing for re-enactments!"
Me: "Not exactly.....I actually put a ball down the barrel and shoot lead...."

50% of the time it gets real quiet after that!

.... What is a ren-faire guild?? :confused:

a Renaissance faire , a Giuld would i suppose be a group of people who set up a booth or put on a Renascence fair , we went to one some friends put on , there are lots of small ones and some very big ones that run for multiple weeks or every weekend in the summer http://www.renfair.com/bristol/ this is a big one that i grew up near , my parents took me once , but there are people who are majorly into this stuff.

next time they ask if you RENFAIRE , say no your post Renaissance but pre-civil war and you call it a Rendezvous and you shoot lead balls in the pillow ticking at all sorts of targets , then there is hawk throwing also

07-25-2013, 01:51 PM
Ah, round ball shooting! yes, I know that. Uh-huh. Yep. duh. :oops:

07-25-2013, 02:04 PM
Is your pillow ticking?
Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
Is your refrigerator running?
Do you have 15 lb. balls?
Is Hugh Jass there?

tee hee!

Having raw materials on hand for when the creative muse strikes is always a good idea...

07-25-2013, 02:10 PM
Do you have 15 lb. balls?

tee hee!

Having raw materials on hand for when the creative muse strikes is always a good idea...

no 16 pounders

yes material is a good idea for creative , thats kind of how i got here , i have pillow ticking curtains in the kitchen wife made them , i didn't ask where the ticking came from , it i really need a patch bad i can always cut the .015" in pillow ticking curtains up , i had 5 yards , then i had curtains then i couldn't couldn't my patch material

07-25-2013, 02:57 PM
If you haven't washed it yet, run it through the washing machine a few times. That sometimes changes the dimensions, as the starch is washed out.

07-25-2013, 03:50 PM
thanks for all the ideas , I traded it to another who likes the thicker ticking , i will get some of what i have been using