View Full Version : ebay swage dies

07-23-2013, 02:54 PM
Anyone seen the .224 die set on ebay. Looks like a derim and core seat. He does not seem to be able to get a buyer. No point form or final sizing die available yet. I called the#but was disconnected on June 30. Anyone have experience with him. I know bts dies are superior but I got no cash.

07-23-2013, 07:07 PM
I've been watching the E-Bay posting for the last few months. Appears that the party is advertising to buy a die (e.g. derimming) at a price of about $65.00; with a premise (promise?) that additional required dies (Core Swaging, Core Seating, Point Forming, etc...) will be available at a later date, at an additional cost of $??? when available.

Personally, I developed the opinion the listing was either:

(a) An entrepreneur hoping to make enough to build out his product line. or...

(b) An attempt to get sales generated with little or no possibility of future delivery of follow on products.

My personal opinion goes back to the old Lost in Space TV series "WARNING WILL ROBINSON - WARNING".

Besides, if you are looking at the posting at: http://www.ebay.com/itm/De-Rim-Die-Ram-To-Swage-22-lr-cases-Boat-Tail-Starter-in-223-Bullet-Jackets-/251307500021?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a831821f5 those are some pretty ugly bullets.

Just Say NO to shooting ugly bullets.


07-23-2013, 07:48 PM
looks like he has 100% positive feedback so if you dont like it send it back!

07-23-2013, 09:28 PM
Looks like he has a core seating die now. Along with the derimming die

07-23-2013, 09:50 PM
those are some rough looking bullets!

07-23-2013, 10:04 PM
i like this part of the write-up:

"The first die, the DeRimmer, is the first we are offering for sale. This die presses the expended cases into cups. Use it installed in your press, and see the brass start to take shape into fireable bullets. The second, (not fully tested yet), is the seating die that will allow you to compress lead wire (make your own from tire weights or buy from us) into the cups and form the boat-tail."

well, at least he is being honest about it! :2 drunk buddies:

Prospector Howard
07-23-2013, 10:34 PM
Wow, those are some poor quality looking bullets. Just think those are probably the best looking ones he's made, I'd hate to see the rejects. Looking at the video, it looks like he's trying to reinvent the wheel and it aint working. Cane, maybe you should contact this guy and show him how it's done, that is if his phone is reconnected.

07-23-2013, 10:38 PM
I talked to the guy on the phone tonight. He has a full set available for 585.00. He said the final die will be made to your spec ie 223 224 225. The dies are not heat treated and are made from grade 5 &8 bolts. He went on to say he makes these by himself. Later in the conversation he mentioned he has 2 others helping him. I said I was nervous about the price and I had someone from the forum that makes dies that I trusted. He said who Bt Sniper and I said yes. This fella was hard to understand and there was a language barrier I could not break down. BEWARE!

07-23-2013, 10:46 PM

While I've never swaged a bullet in my life, I DO know that I can probably chuck a rock more accurately than those will shoot!!!

You couldn't pay me enough to run that junk down my bore...


07-24-2013, 07:32 AM
For that amt of $$$, I'd spend the money with BT Sniper, knowing that you are going to get a HIGH QUALITY set of dies!

BT Sniper
07-24-2013, 05:16 PM
One is free to buy whatever they wish but........!!!!

Any amount of money one decides to spend on anything now days needs to be well thought out whether it be a couple hundred dollars or a couple thousand dollars. I have always told any interested customers in swaging that they will be happy with whatever their choice may be in quality swage dies with either Blackmon, the Corbins, the high end carbide benchrest die makers or BTSniper but I certainly couldn't make that statement with the bullets pictured in that Ebay link.

Take a look at what I consider a quality bullet worthy of consumers money.


Post # 473

Good shooting, swage on and spend your hard earned money wisely.


07-24-2013, 05:25 PM
Perhaps Brian meant to specifically show this image:


From this page:

07-24-2013, 05:27 PM
I know quality is very much an issue with these dies. Just looking for some thing that I could afford. Still saving money for your dies. Got any sales coming up:|

BT Sniper
07-24-2013, 05:37 PM
For the cost Larry Blackmon might be the most "affordable" option that I would be able to recommend.

As far as cost of my dies going down...... well...... what I am working on is maintaining or bettering quality yet delivering in a more timely manor, I do not see the cost going down. I typically run an end of year sale and I offer a discount to our armed forces service members currently serving or retired.

No better time then now to start making your own.


07-24-2013, 06:35 PM
or buy a lathe and make your own dies :guntootsmiley:

07-24-2013, 06:39 PM
DANG! That guy's not doing himself any favors by showing pics of those bullets. As said before, at least he's being honest about what you can expect from his dies. I think I'd hold off till I had a better product to sell.


07-24-2013, 11:33 PM
I've bought 2 derim dies from eBay. Both were good, one better than the other.

The guy BT linked to is a moron. I wouldn't show pics or sell jackets or bullets that were that ugly. There's NO way they can shoot even remotely well. Now, I'm a picky shooter, a bench gun guy, so my standards can be high. But, I've also taught position shooting, wjere the upper standard was 4 MOA. I doubt those bullets could even get remotely close.

They're too poor to use in a machine gun, and I'm not impressed with machine guns. They're lead hoses.

07-25-2013, 08:02 PM
Derim die is a piece of cake, a 7/8 X 14 bolt and a drill bushing. Oh and a few hundred dollars worth of tools at a minimum.:kidding:

BT Sniper
07-25-2013, 08:09 PM
"The guy BT linked to is a"

Just so no confusion.... BT (me) added a link to some bullet pictures that I made, Mustang (post #2) added a link to the "less then perfect" bullets offered in the ebay link.

No worries, I figure everyone will figure it out but..... :)

Good shooting


07-25-2013, 08:12 PM
BT, I don't think you've really got to worry about most of us thinking your stuff makes that kind of garbage that moron sells. I can do better than him in my sleep, and drunk at that. I'll wager you could easily make me look like a fool in comparison.

BT Sniper
07-26-2013, 02:46 AM
I wasn't worried

Swage on!


07-27-2013, 12:18 AM
I totally agree, they look like a rats been chewing on them, for 585 I think you should get some type of quality.

Ballistics in Scotland
07-28-2013, 02:46 AM
i like this part of the write-up:

"The first die, the DeRimmer, is the first we are offering for sale. This die presses the expended cases into cups. Use it installed in your press, and see the brass start to take shape into fireable bullets. The second, (not fully tested yet), is the seating die that will allow you to compress lead wire (make your own from tire weights or buy from us) into the cups and form the boat-tail."

well, at least he is being honest about it! :2 drunk buddies:

Honest about having made the easy ones, but wanting orders from people who don't know yet if he can also produce the more difficult ones he approximately promises. You can buy a straight reamer in any thousandth you want, and I've made dies that way, but anything that involves an ogival shape, and yet keeps the smoothness of finish required, is far more difficult.