View Full Version : Breech Lock or non Classic Cast

07-23-2013, 10:46 AM
I'm in need of a single stage press to do things my LNL-AP can't: push through sizing, universal decapping, and at some point in the future, swaging. The Lee Classic cast seems like the ticket but Breech Lock or not? I've done the obligatory searching and most who have it say it works great but that is usually just in reference to reloading...what about swaging 223 and 9mm? I can't imagine it is a weak point but I don't want to invest in something that won't fit all my needs.

BT Sniper
07-23-2013, 11:30 AM
Breech lock = Bad

Classic Cast = Good

Breech adapter can not handle the pressure of swaging and it has a one piece ram. I like the two piece of the Classic since I can replace the top easily with a threaded adapter. Just my opinion.

07-23-2013, 12:22 PM
^^ This and you couldn't get a better insight than BTs ^^

07-23-2013, 04:43 PM
I just about quit reading after BT's reply to go try and order a classic cast. Lee ought to give him a cut for such a strong endorsement.

07-23-2013, 11:02 PM
Breech lock is not even good for reloading I had one. On the bright side I sent it back to lee and they upgraded me to the classic cast turret for no charge. The classic cast single hole is a very nice press as well. Way better than rcbs as far as catching primers. Very similar on strength. Can't go wrong.

07-23-2013, 11:53 PM
RCBS Rockchucker aint bad either.

07-23-2013, 11:58 PM
Lee Classic Cast.......really like mine as it is a solid press and I appreciate the ram having the primer drop through the center.

07-24-2013, 12:33 AM
Drop the idea of purchasing a reloading press to do a swaging presses job. Buy a walnut hill and never worry about mods or needing to replace rams.

Reloading presses = reloading.

Walnut Hill = swaging.

BT Sniper
07-24-2013, 02:12 PM
Yes a dedicated swaging press is awesome and the WH is a great choice. It can certainly do everything you could possibly ask of it. I have his Sea Girt press and recommended that one a lot too. I can go a lot faster on my Lee when making small 22 cal bullets though. That is something to consider when purchasing a press to swage bullets with...... how big of bullet do you wish to make?

If you have to choose between the "reloading" presses out there the Lee Classic is a tough one to beat for the $100 price.

If you wish for a swaging press that will do it all the WH is a good one too.

A lot depends on how BIG of bullets you wish to make. Many of today's winning benchrest bullets are made on simple "reloading" presses but keep in mind we are typically talking 30cal and under.


07-24-2013, 08:09 PM
The upfront cost of a swaging press, along with the increased cost of dies for the most part, means that idea is out of reach for a while. However, $100 on the press goes a long ways towards dies when the savings over anything else are considered. For right now, 223 is going to be it. Eventually maybe I'll get into 30 or 9mm (don't know if the Lee classic cast can handle that) but that is a ways down the road. Even if it can't I still need a single stage for push through sizing and universal decapping.

07-25-2013, 07:17 AM
what swaging dies are you thinking will be less? It doesn't cost anymore for a set of dies for a WH than it does for BTs dies. If you want to use BTs dies in a walnut hill they certainly work. And you can reload with a walnut hill. I know you can sort of get the job done with a classic cast. and you can modify it so you get more leverage. but modifying it isn't free either. It was also not intended for swaging and it will break eventually. I have never heard of anyone who got into the swage game and didnt break their press. Something to think about because lee only warrants their presses for 2 years. I got Larry Blackmons Rock Chucker conversion Its sort of ok but its not a walnut hill. I use my walnut hill exclusively for swaging. You can reload on it and I do but the stroke is too long and to much extra work for reloading so I have my RCBS presses and Dillons for reloading. As Lizard said swage with a swage press and reload with a reloading press. You will be much happier I Guarantee that.

07-25-2013, 07:53 PM
I think Rich meant that if he only spent $100 on a press for now, he would have more $$$ to buy a set of dies with.

07-26-2013, 07:38 PM
Yup. Total package price at the moment is what I'm looking at. If it can be done for the time being (next 5+ years) on a classic cast, and I need a single stage anyways, then that is what I'm looking for.