View Full Version : Glock Divorce: What a Mess

07-22-2013, 10:00 PM
50 years of marriage down the drain along with all the kids kicked to the curb. I guess if you are 89 and a younger woman in her early 30's wants it all, she gets what she wants.

"Helga, 72, alleged that her stake in the company was improperly shifted from her control by advisers to her 83-year-old ex-husband and his new wife, Kathrin Tschikof, who’s in her early 30s. Since 2010, the Austrian suit states, Helga Glock and her three adult children with Gaston have all been ousted from their roles with the company. Helga claims that she and her offspring—Brigitte, Gaston Jr., and Robert—spent decades helping the family company expand from a garage metal shop into a global powerhouse."


Lloyd Smale
07-23-2013, 06:33 AM
if it were here in the US shed be running the company real soon.

07-23-2013, 05:14 PM
Don't get married!! There's thousands of women out there looking for a decent man with a decent job.

Next time you consider it write a prenupsial agreement that is legal (totally) in your state. If she doesn't want to sign it, then you will know (EXACTLY) where you will be in a little over a year! Think about it, HARD!
Why in the Hell should you loose everything you have worked for all your life because of a "PIECE of PAPER", and a screwed up court system!

Right on Lloyd, well said!

07-23-2013, 10:38 PM
Changeling, where the hell were you when Paul McCartney married is last wife? :D

07-24-2013, 12:03 AM
I have been married for almost 25 years,we were boyfriend/girlfriend for 5 years before that. Have I accumulated a lot of "toys"? YUP. *** load of guns,bows,motorcycles and boats not to mention the farm and house and have 2 awesome boys.
Am I stupid enough to even consider for a moment that I did all of this solo? Not for a single mother loving second.

07-24-2013, 12:13 AM
That ain't nothing. If you heard all that went on in the Uberti clan 15-20 years ago, you would be surprised the company still survives. A friend of mine was doing a lot of the engraving for the company, and there were some real knock down drag out bloody fights in the family.

white eagle
07-24-2013, 06:09 AM
ahh... aint love grand ??

07-24-2013, 12:24 PM
I have been married for almost 25 years,we were boyfriend/girlfriend for 5 years before that. Have I accumulated a lot of "toys"? YUP. *** load of guns,bows,motorcycles and boats not to mention the farm and house and have 2 awesome boys.
Am I stupid enough to even consider for a moment that I did all of this solo? Not for a single mother loving second.

^^^^^^^ This

07-24-2013, 12:39 PM
Something about putting up with this buzard for 50 years and helping to build the company. She should get a decent chunk of it.

07-24-2013, 01:58 PM
As a man who has done much "Marriage Counseling" and "Domestic Mediation" over the years, I never take the pronouncements of either of the parties as fact. They will always spin their stories to make them a victim of the other party.

07-24-2013, 09:55 PM
Ding Ding Char-Gar has it right on this one.

07-25-2013, 11:58 AM
You got that right, there is always three sides to every story

07-26-2013, 03:26 AM
Gaston Glock was and is an azzhat. The company builds a decent war toy, but the guy has betrayed and backstabbed most of the people who helped him along his way. Serves him right, AFAIC--just another corporate predator whose hat size got expanded once he got a few nickels to rub together.

Petrol & Powder
07-26-2013, 11:09 AM
Gaston Glock was and is an azzhat. The company builds a decent war toy, but the guy has betrayed and backstabbed most of the people who helped him along his way. Serves him right, AFAIC--just another corporate predator whose hat size got expanded once he got a few nickels to rub together.

/\ True!

If you want to get some insight into Gaston Glock and learn some great history about the gun & company - read "GLOCK, The Rise of America's Gun" by Paul M. Barrett.
It's a quick read and fairly interesting.

07-27-2013, 02:03 PM
ahh... aint love grand ??

Love is grand. Divorce is a hundred grand.

07-27-2013, 04:19 PM
I made a promise to my wife's father when I asked him if I could ask his daughter to be my wife. 43 years later, two sons and a a million memories aren't going to be traded for a 30 year old gal who is dumb enough to marry a 68 year old retiree. Old Mr. Glock is in for a rude awakening.

Take Care


07-27-2013, 04:20 PM
/\ True!

If you want to get some insight into Gaston Glock and learn some great history about the gun & company - read "GLOCK, The Rise of America's Gun" by Paul M. Barrett.
It's a quick read and fairly interesting.


A decent read, but the author stated in his text that the Colt Walker revolver was a 41 caliber--and the original Colt Single Action Army came in 44 caliber. Whoever fact-checked the text missed at least those items.

GG is an arrogant ***, who cannot be told anything. "Glock Perfection".......gag me with a spoon already. Not the first fool with gold in his jeans that wanted to hook up with a trophy wife after dismissing the spouse of long duration, though. I hope Helga and the kids take Gaston The Magnificent to the cleaners, to the point of GG living on Top Ramen and Old Milwaukee. That gold-digging tramp 30 year old will be in the wind like last year's leaf litter.

07-27-2013, 04:28 PM
What I told them was "if I find out you ever made my daughter cry,you will learn that, compared to me, Clifton Clowers would be Billy Graham"... Onceabull

07-27-2013, 04:40 PM
Sounds like the old man sees his end coming and isn't going to let anyone or anything stand in the way of him going out with a bang. Pun intended.

IMHO, the best marriages are when 2 givers marry. A giver and a taker can make a go of it. But a union between two takers will never hold up.

I defer to Char-Gar to verify this.


07-27-2013, 06:01 PM
What I told them was "if I find out you ever made my daughter cry,you will learn that, compared to me, Clifton Clowers would be Billy Graham"... Onceabull

When he said yes we shook hands and our eyes met. He said about the same thing only he didn't speak. War promoted Sgt. Majors aren't much for talking; they are more into "doing".

Al summed Gaston's fate up best.

Take Care


Petrol & Powder
08-01-2013, 08:50 AM

A decent read, but the author stated in his text that the Colt Walker revolver was a 41 caliber--and the original Colt Single Action Army came in 44 caliber. Whoever fact-checked the text missed at least those items.

GG is an arrogant ***, who cannot be told anything. "Glock Perfection".......gag me with a spoon already. Not the first fool with gold in his jeans that wanted to hook up with a trophy wife after dismissing the spouse of long duration, though. I hope Helga and the kids take Gaston The Magnificent to the cleaners, to the point of GG living on Top Ramen and Old Milwaukee. That gold-digging tramp 30 year old will be in the wind like last year's leaf litter.

There were a lot of technical details in the book that were off the mark. I got the sense that the writer wasn't "a gun person". I concur with your assessment of GG. It's a bit of a shame because love'em or hate'em; Glocks changed the firearm industry. Makes one appreciate a designer/businessman like William Ruger even more.

08-03-2013, 01:14 AM
Overall, Bill Ruger was generally doing the right things for the right reasons. There are A LOT of Ruger products in my gun safe, and not many of them get sold off. One measure of the man was among his first gestures after getting his company under way--the untimely death of his start-up partner, Alexander Sturm, caused Mr. Ruger to color the red mythical bird seen in his logo to black, out of respect for Mr. Sturm's memory. I don't see Gaston Glock doing any such thing, for anyone. Ever.

08-03-2013, 01:22 PM
Overall, Bill Ruger was generally doing the right things for the right reasons. There are A LOT of Ruger products in my gun safe, and not many of them get sold off. One measure of the man was among his first gestures after getting his company under way--the untimely death of his start-up partner, Alexander Sturm, caused Mr. Ruger to color the red mythical bird seen in his logo to black, out of respect for Mr. Sturm's memory. I don't see Gaston Glock doing any such thing, for anyone. Ever.

I am so very glad to see I am not the only one that saw Mr. Ruger in that way.

08-03-2013, 02:01 PM
Well the new wife a 30 yr old must be really really good at something or other. Its an amazing sotry and the old man maybe has gone a little goofy. Wish there was a good Engineer Mechanical type in that family. Be Safe

08-03-2013, 03:11 PM
[QUOTE=9.3X62AL;2331063]Overall, Bill Ruger was generally doing the right things for the right reasons."

Thanks, Al.

The man was entitled to his opinions, and I never begrudged his right to voice them.

It was HIS company, built by his own efforts and genius.

We too have MANY Ruger products, and some of them date back well into the era when ol' Bill was still the driving force.

I recall when there was a long debate going on about what to call the new firearms museum in Cody WY. Bill Ruger finally stopped the debate by saying, "Call it the XXXX (I forget the exact name) and I'll give you a million dollars."

THAT got the debate settled and the project underway. He was a class act, and the black griffin on the guns still reminds us of Alex Sturm's early passing.

Yet, with all the good he did, and all the entertainment and service provided by his company's guns, he is STILL vilified by many who profess to support freedom of speech. Fools, in my estimation.

08-03-2013, 06:00 PM
I am so very glad to see I am not the only one that saw Mr. Ruger in that way.

You aren't.

One reason why lots of business folks won't enter politics or get involved with hot button issues is because how some folks reacted to Bill Ruger's expressed opinions. Our countries suffer because of their reluctance to speak out.

Take Care


08-03-2013, 08:52 PM
Our countries suffer because of their reluctance to speak out.

And how, Robert.

08-03-2013, 09:18 PM
I'm not sure what opinions of Ruger's that y'all are referring to.

I will stand up and vilify him though. For his cowardly appeal to a congress critter to limit magazines to fifteen in an effort to "save his little rifle" (the Mini 14). Is that the freedom of speech y'all are referring to? That he is the father of the ten round mag limit I have not forgotten, not forgiven him.

I would agree that he had a right to say what he feels. That doesn't mean I don't have a right to hate the swine for saying it though. Not a fan of Bloomberg either.

Ruger was fortunate that Al Gore hadn't invented the internet then, or things might have gone differently. He might have gotten the Zumbo treatment.


08-03-2013, 09:39 PM
I'm not sure what opinions of Ruger's that y'all are referring to.

I will stand up and vilify him though. For his cowardly appeal to a congress critter to limit magazines to fifteen in an effort to "save his little rifle" (the Mini 14). Is that the freedom of speech y'all are referring to? That he is the father of the ten round mag limit I have not forgotten, not forgiven him.

I would agree that he had a right to say what he feels. That doesn't mean I don't have a right to hate the swine for saying it though. Not a fan of Bloomberg either.

Ruger was fortunate that Al Gore hadn't invented the internet then, or things might have gone differently. He might have gotten the Zumbo treatment.


Cat the only thing your hatred of Mr. Ruger did was consume you. Had no affect on him to be sure. You might have tried to understand where he was coming from and provide a logical argument against his views. It would have been far more constructive and actually have done something positive. Otherwise your comments fall to huffing and puffing and hoping the house will fall down.
Trust me it won't and the anti gun folks are counting on you not changing your tactics.

Take Care


08-03-2013, 10:07 PM
I'm not sure what opinions of Ruger's that y'all are referring to.

I will stand up and vilify him though. For his cowardly appeal to a congress critter to limit magazines to fifteen in an effort to "save his little rifle" (the Mini 14). Is that the freedom of speech y'all are referring to? That he is the father of the ten round mag limit I have not forgotten, not forgiven him. Cat

I'm with you Cat!! I find it hard to forgive him. From what I heard from a former co-worker whose brother works for Ruger. It was the Mini-30 not the 14. Mini 14's were selling like crazy. Ruger was furious about Chinese weapons being imported so cheaply. The SKS's in particular was his real sore spot selling for considerably less than Ruger's 762X39 Mini-30. Ruger showed his true colors when he introduced the Mini-14. They came with 5 rd mags and larger mags were only being sold to law enforcement. It wasn't until the after-market mags hit the market before Ruger began selling the large Mini-14 mags to the public.

About the time of Ruger's rant in front of Congress. The newer more cheaply built SKS's minus the chrome bore and pin barrel began arriving in the USA. Through a Long Beach California importer. A pallet load of 144 of the cheaper SKS's worked out to 39 and change each. Eastern gun dealers working together were buying them by the truck load. My uniform business wasn't big enough, couldn't afford to buy a pallet load. Also my business partner was some what anti-gun but we did spring for a dozen. I marked them up just a bit shy of doubling the cost and sold them all within 30 days.

08-03-2013, 10:13 PM
First off,and this is going way off the Glock thing that started this thread. MY respect for Mr.Bill Ruger is based upon the fact that as we all should know,Alex Sturm was the "money" that got Mr.Ruger started. And when Mr Sturm passed Mr. Ruger was MAN ENOUGH to respect Mr. Sturm,BOTH with the black eagle and the fact that it was STURM,RUGER Inc until very recently, an action that pissed ME off!!!
I have a newspaper article from several years ago with an interview of Bill Ruger,in which he states HE THOUGHT making a concession on the mag capacity would pacify the powers to be. He then went on to state that he was surprised by both the fact that other people in the gun community wanted to crucify him for the concession AND that he later found out it wasn't enough for the people wanting it.
It was THAT article that made me a firm believer in NEVER back down.
Did he make a mistake? I guess so,even he admitted to it. Should his CHARACTER as a MAN be questioned? Based upon all available information I would say HELL NO!!! Also one needs to remember that this was just after Goetz went ape**** on the subway and EVRYONE in the world knew what a P85 was,looked like and WHO MADE IT!

08-03-2013, 10:45 PM
I said GENERALLY. I am mindful of Ruger's kow-towing to the hoplophobic politicos, just like Smith & Wesson did, with similar dubious results. I don't live on hatred, and try to balance the good done by a man and his company vs. the stupidity and shallowness shown from time to time. Bill Ruger, on balance, has a far larger credit balance than debit in my book.

08-04-2013, 02:58 PM
I see that you said "generally" Al, and all in all I can agree with that. Bill did do many good things and I 'generally' ( :) ) try to judge by the overall good or bad that a person does. Generally.

Mr. Banks,

Since I, along with most of the shooting world didn't find out about what he did until some years later it was far too late to do anything constructive about it on our end. This was before the internet. I'm sure there were people in the industry that knew, but in general the word did not get out. No huffing and puffing here. If he'd done it yesterday and I found out about it today oh yes, you may be sure things would have been different.

I am fully aware that I wasn't there and that things may have unfolded differently than reported later. I don't really know what Bill said. If there were mitigating circumstances I would change my viewpoint in a New York minute. My hatred has not 'consumed' me, don't worry. I am fully aware that what is reported is often not what happened, especially if it's reported by the media.


Thanks for the correction, you're right it was the Mini 30. A rifle that I loved but finally got rid of because I couldn't get Ruger mags bigger than five rounds.

I do defend Ruger's right to say what he wants. Doesn't mean I have to like it. When a man tells me that, "No honest man needs a magazine that holds more than 15 rounds" I take offense. Serious offense.

What Ruger did by going to congress was despicable. When a man uses a congress criminal to achieve financial gain, that man is worse to me than an armed robber. That gain is always at the expense of us, the ordinary man. Always.

Now if Ruger did as dmize is saying then I will change my attitude. Big difference. If he just made a stupid mistake I'd apologize to his face (if I could) as we all make those.


08-05-2013, 01:29 AM
When a man tells me that, "No honest man needs a magazine that holds more than 15 rounds" I can accurately conclude that he has never been shot at! :)


There, Cat--fixed it for ya.

08-05-2013, 01:51 AM
I,m confused.Wasn,t it Ferguson that went nuts with a P-89? I,ve really lost track........Mike

Petrol & Powder
08-05-2013, 07:34 PM
I feel like I should apologize for mentioning Ruger in this thread. Didn't mean for the Glock discussion to drift this far.

08-05-2013, 09:23 PM
As for Glock: There is right and wrong on both sides, and the truth is somewhere in the middle!

Ultimately, he will get what he deserves. If not in this life, then in the next.

08-05-2013, 09:55 PM
Heh! That was funny, Al. Correct, too.

I know I should forgive ol' Bill, he was an Easterner after all. :)


08-06-2013, 11:45 AM
How Bill Ruger managed his business, is taught in Business School, as a model of how to run a business in America when there is a large and vocal part of the population that opposes his product.

I find it amazing that folks vilify and call Bill Ruger names because they disagree with business decisions he made. The folks doing the criticizing never did anything of note and worth for the shooting community in America, yet they feel free to vilify those who did.

It is easy to stand on the outside and have the answers when you don't have the problem. The bottom line is Ruger Firearms is still here, giving us high quality arms at a reasonable price. They listen to the shooters of America and give us the guns we want. They continue to prosper in a very hostile environment because of the model Bill Ruger laid down. Yet, small pissant types continue to carp and judge him.

08-06-2013, 11:55 AM
Gaston Glock is not the first worn out old rich man who has replaced his worn out old wife with one of a young and tender age. The first Mrs. Glock will squeeze many millions out of Gaston and go on down the road with her life. Gaston will have his firm young new wife to shed crocodile tears over his grave and go on down the road with the rest of his money.

It all seem rather common to me. In the end everybody gets what they want. The first Mrs Glock will get over the feeling of rejection by application of a currency poltice to her hurt. There are plenty of young guys with sixpack abs willing to help her spend her money....and so it goes.

08-06-2013, 06:07 PM
If nothing else all Glock proves is the constant. Man isn't ruled by what lies between his ears. But what the heck he can't take his money with him and perhaps for Mrs. Glock the senior, it is a gift as well. She gets a ton of money and pick of the litter if she chooses. Seems like a win, win situation to me.

Take Care


08-06-2013, 06:19 PM
A pithy and realistic viewpoint, Char-Gar.

08-06-2013, 10:09 PM
This is America Char-Gar, still a semi-free country. So some of us small piss ant types feel free to exercise our right to free speech.

That his business model is taught in school would impress me a bit more if there wasn't just so much absolute garbage being taught there. That's where a lot of our liberalism comes from as one example.

That I amaze you is great. I know that that is all I can achieve by judging and carping about Ruger and that's the way it goes. After all it was years ago and the man is dead. Pretty tough to change what he did.


A carping, judgmental piss ant. (I discriminate, too!)

08-07-2013, 12:23 PM
Mr. Catshooter...

You are indeed entitled to your own opinion on the matter at hand, and you have indeed given it.