View Full Version : making a delrin sled to "convert" DBM to single shot

07-19-2013, 02:07 PM
I see this:


I want one. It's not made for my rifle (AI 3.85" OAL). But this looks really simple. Delrin block, machined to a "T" shape, edges rounded, and the top scalloped, maybe sloped. Add a catch in the back (somehow) to catch the mag holder.

DO folks do this commonly? My magazine sticks out WAY too far and so far 100% of my use has been at the range where single shot is OK, only need the mag for hunting when id be happier with a 3 shot (but am stuck with the 5 that sticks out so much)

Having something like this but flush fit to "live" in the gun would be really convenient.

What do you think? straightforward to make?

country gent
07-19-2013, 02:58 PM
I have made the followers before for my own use ( NRA high power matches slowfire stages are single loadb only) and they made single loading the ARs much easier. Its fairly straight forward with the use of an endmill. The follower can be fit into an existing magazine box.With a little more work the box can be cut down and the lips rebent for the floor plate. If you want a 3 or 5 round a wood dowel can be fit to the inside of the magaxine to limit capacity ( just like a shotgun plug) A block the appropriate lenth glued to the bottom of the follower works. And it should be legal any where the shotgun plug is as its the same principle.

07-19-2013, 04:28 PM
my problem with the mag is it sticks out too far, so cut/rebend would be the only propasition. But they are AI mags, so at $100+ a pop, it makes me nervous to do that, I'm not a sheet metal magician. So an insert is out of the question, I'd just pop the mag in there with no rounds in there, that fits and feeds JUST fine. Still sticks out though. Not good enough to satisfy my aesthetic OCD.

Thus the idea of the delrin block.

07-19-2013, 08:47 PM
I have been talking about making just that to use in rifles set up for AI mags. But I think CDI has beat me to the punch, I saw a picture of one of theirs a couple of weeks ago. Might check with them and see what they have to offer. The only thing hard about making a loading block for a AI setup is the latch. I was going to use a round head screw in the right place, that should work well. Not sure what CDI uses.


07-20-2013, 01:07 AM
no dice, not the 3.85" mag. but their sled looks VERY SIMPLE. everything is on plane, nothing at an angle. looks like the "feed ramp" is entirely flat, and even the latch shelf isn't a metal insert but a groove machined into the delrin.

That is imitatable!