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View Full Version : Lessons I've learned from vegetable soup.

07-16-2013, 12:30 PM
I've taken a few days off from the site to do a little thinking and to have a little family time. My parents celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary Sunday and I wanted to spend some time with them. I'm going in for some serious spinal surgery in two weeks and I have some loose ends to wrap up in both my business and personal life. And I've been involved in an acrimonious debate with a member here over a topic that I thought was put to rest in 1865.

Last week my wife made a great batch of vegetable soup. All fresh vegetables, some from the grocery, some from our garden, some from my parent's garden, and some from the local farmers market. The delicate flavor of the yellow summer squash, the tang of the purple onion, the slightly sweet flavor of the red and yellow peppers, the hearty flavor of the kale, the texture and body of the potatoes, combined with the fresh tomatoes, zucchini and the green beans all blended together to make a soup that is rich and and delicious. While I love all of the vegetables individually, the combination of flavors is superb.

My wife did most of the work (I've been under my Doctor's orders to stay off my feet as much as possible) but I did prep the green beans. Even though they were freshly picked, as anyone who preps fresh green beans knows, even the best batch has a few bad beans that need to be discarded, and even the worst batch has a few good beans worth keeping. A person needs to look closely and exercise judgment to separate the good from the bad.

Last night we had some and as I enjoyed my second bowl I realized that the soup was very much like my life and the people that have helped shape me to become the person I am today. My lineage includes German, Scotch, Irish, English, and native American blood. I was raised in a Protestant family but most of my childhood playmates were Catholic. My best friend in high school was black, and the meals I ate at his house made me appreciate "soul food".

When I got my first real job the best lathe operator I've ever known was a black man, and he shared tips and techniques with me about running a lathe that I still use today. When I went to college to get my first degree I learned calculus from a Chinese man and chemistry from a Latino woman. My current engineering colleagues include people of both sexes whose parents and grandparents hail from every continent and many religious traditions. The food at faculty buffets is varied and fabulous.

As any intelligent person who lives in the real world knows, not every member of any race is good, and not all members of any race is bad. Just as with green beans, one must look closely and exercise judgment to separate the good from the bad.

I have room in my mind for many ideas, and room in my life for many people. But I have no tolerance for, nor will I give any quarter to racists and bigots. They are a slow poison that breeds divisiveness and discord. They drive people apart - they almost drove me away from this site and all the friends I have made here. It took me a couple of days to realize that this is exactly what people such as this want to have happen. But I will not let them do this to me. I will fight them.

This is what our enemies want, to see us fight among ourselves. They need do nothing but wait and watch as we destroy ourselves. As we man the battle lines to protect our 2nd Amendment freedoms we need all the help we can get. If the man to my right is brown and speaks Spanish but believes in the American dream I want him there. If the woman on my left is black and wants to maintain her right to own a gun to protect her family I want her there. If the man behind me has yellow skin and came here to find freedom and will step up when I fall I want him there.

I realize that it is fruitless to argue with racists and bigots as their minds are closed. But there are other ways. Today I took one step - I donated every penny of profit I have made in the last six months from the sales I have made to members here to the International Programs and Services office at the University where I work. Right now we have students from 78 countries taking classes here at the University; I hope my donation helps to bring more students here to get an education at an American University, where they can be exposed to the best of American culture and values.

I love this site, but I have noticed with regret that as the number of members grows we seem to get more and more people here that do very little to support the site or advance the art of bullet casting. They seem to regard this site primarily as a place to argue politics. There is nothing wrong with a good spirited debate over the merits of candidate A vs candidate B, or whether this policy or that policy is the best way to deal with a social problem. But some people are just trolls, bomb throwers and drive by shooters, whose words advance nothing but hatred.

I came here to learn more about casting bullets. I never realized how much I could learn from vegetable soup.

07-16-2013, 12:37 PM
I love this site, but I have noticed with regret that as the number of members grows we seem to get more and more people here that do very little to support the site or advance the art of bullet casting.

The chaff among the wheat.

07-16-2013, 01:05 PM
Last week my wife made a great batch of vegetable soup. All fresh vegetables, some from the grocery, some from our garden, some from my parent's garden, and some from the local farmers market. The delicate flavor of the yellow summer squash, the tang of the purple onion, the slightly sweet flavor of the red and yellow peppers, the hearty flavor of the kale, the texture and body of the potatoes, combined with the fresh tomatoes, zucchini and the green beans all blended together to make a soup that is rich and and delicious. While I love all of the vegetables individually, the combination of flavors is superb.
OK, Now I'm drooling !!! sounds just delightful

I'm going in for some serious spinal surgery in two weeks and I have some loose ends to wrap up in both my business and personal life. And I've been involved in an acrimonious debate with a member here over a topic that I thought was put to rest in 1865.
I wish you the best of luck and will send a prayer up for you.

I agree with everything else you posted in the OP.

PS, dang I should of ordered some more Top punches...I guess it'll have to wait til you recover.

07-16-2013, 01:13 PM
Excellent manifesto. And good luck with your surgery.

07-16-2013, 01:28 PM
Very well said indeed...

We have red clay here, nothing likes to grow in it but trees and weeds. It was a lot of work but we (meaning *I*) built some raised beds, filled them with an engineered topsoil mix, amended that with composted horse manure, and we grow some really good stuff, from blackberries and strawberries, to the best heirloom tomatoes, and garlic. Love the garlic. It's a lot of work, and it must be good work since the squirrels are willing to risk life and limb to penetrate the 100% enclosed caged/netted walk-in area that the tomatoes grow in. I don' t mind nature taking care of it's own, but squirrels won't just take what they need, they will take a silver dollar sized piece out of every single tomato in the garden, leaving none unmolested.

I can wade through a lot of chaff, I can let it fall off my back like water coming down on a duck. When I discover in a person that they are only about themselves, and think only for themselves, and only interact with others or think of others when it is seen that the other person has something that they "need" that steers me right then and there to a path of avoidance. I'm not above anybody enough to pass judgement, so I won't. But I can sure take the next exit and continue my journey..

I wish you luck in your procedures. Today is a Tuesday, but to me it's the last "Saturday" for a while, later in the week I have to start radiation and chemo, they already took my lower teeth so now I can't even enjoy a 'mater sammich from the garden, but soup is a wonderful thing in and of itself. Thanks for sharing.

07-16-2013, 01:34 PM
Praying for the best regarding your surgery, and that soup sounds delicious.

07-16-2013, 01:39 PM
I wish you well with your impending surgery. It sure doesn't sound like fun.

07-16-2013, 02:21 PM
So, how long will it be before you can pick up a mould? See, I've already got it figured out that your surgery, recovery and therapy are all going to go just fine - just gotta work through it. We have [a different] home made soup every Wednesday for supper and usually finish it off on the weekend.

07-16-2013, 02:44 PM
A prayer for a good outcome, and a rapid recovery.
Take care.

07-16-2013, 02:53 PM
May the blessings be...

07-16-2013, 03:36 PM
Perfessor, I pray that your procedure will be successful and the healing will be uneventful. I'm in the recovery phase of fusion of L4, 5, and S1 using hardware rather than bone back in May. Every day brings a small amount of progress over the day before. Just do exactly what your doctor and therapists tell you and don't push the limits, you'll do fine. GW

07-16-2013, 03:37 PM
May God bless your surgery and your recovery. I look forward to hearing from you when it's over. There are only a few members whose posts I actively look for, and you are among them.

07-16-2013, 05:23 PM
[QUOTE=theperfessor;2306388]I love this site..... But some people are just trolls, bomb throwers and drive by shooters, whose words advance nothing but hatred.

Unfortunate, but true, even here. I have learned to say little here and consider everything I might say through the lens of "is this really important to say and is it worth exposing myself to the retorts of small minded, inconsiderate, rude and insensitive members" A shame, but it is what it is.

Wishing you well in your medical procedure.

07-16-2013, 05:47 PM
[QUOTE=theperfessor;2306388]I love this site..... But some people are just trolls, bomb throwers and drive by shooters, whose words advance nothing but hatred.

Unfortunate, but true, even here. I have learned to say little here and consider everything I might say through the lens of "is this really important to say and is it worth exposing myself to the retorts of small minded, inconsiderate, rude and insensitive members" A shame, but it is what it is.

Wishing you well in your medical procedure.

If it needs saying---say it---if somebody don't like it---tough!! Racists and bigots are broken folk who will die alone and unloved! While they are here I just ignore them. Those who are here to contribute and learn far outweigh the trolls.

Prefessor---well said sir! Good luck with your pending surgery and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Our congratulations to your parents!

07-16-2013, 05:53 PM
May you have a very speedy recovery, sir.

God definitely knew what he was doing when he gave my wife her soup making ability.

You are not wrong. As Americans, we much stand as one or else those who want to divide us will surely win.

07-16-2013, 06:28 PM
Get more better as my grandson would say.

07-16-2013, 06:36 PM
Keith, sometimes when a person wishes to make a damn fool of their self, we just have to stand back and let them do it. I must say, there are a few here who ably demonstrate exactly who and what they are. If they saw themselves as others do, they may think before disrupting the electrons upon the screen.

07-16-2013, 07:34 PM
That was one of the wisest posts I have ever read. I wish everyone would learn fom that vegetable soup, sadly many seem to prefer tomato.

Get well soon perfesspr, the world and this site need far more people who think like you. Ever let the trolls and morons win.

07-16-2013, 07:39 PM
My prayers are with you and I pray for a speedy recovery. Amazing how many of us are dealing with back surgery as of now. Aug 5 I am scheduled for another one also. Yup, nothing like veggie soup!

07-16-2013, 07:45 PM
The OP is without a doubt one of the finest examples of the written word I have ever read.

Perfessor, you already know my thoughts, just know that we are rooting for you, and that there are many of us who understand the physical hardships.

Rock on 'Teach.

07-16-2013, 07:54 PM
That was one of the wisest posts I have ever read. I wish everyone would learn fom that vegetable soup, sadly many seem to prefer tomato.

This said it better than I could put into words...


07-16-2013, 07:56 PM
Great soup Keith, hoping the surgery is successful.

07-16-2013, 10:21 PM
My best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery.

smoked turkey
07-16-2013, 10:37 PM
Professor: I want to join the others and say I will be praying for a total, quick recovery from your surgery. I know that is a painful thing so I will also ask for pain free time during the process. I also want to say that you have given us "food for thought" and every bit as good as the soup you so eloquently spoke about. Thank you for your insight into human behavior, both good and bad. You are one of the good ones. Keep up the good work.

07-16-2013, 11:04 PM
I love this site, but I have noticed with regret that as the number of members grows we seem to get more and more people here that do very little to support the site or advance the art of bullet casting. They seem to regard this site primarily as a place to argue politics.

*sigh* Agree 100%. Our town has turned into a city.

Wishing and praying for the best in your surgery and recovery.


07-16-2013, 11:34 PM
I will pray for your speedy recovery as well. I know all about back pain and hope you can find some relief. I too look forward to reading your post and hope you will be back to posting, casting and shooting soon.

Best wishes,


DIRT Farmer
07-16-2013, 11:59 PM
Kieth I have been meaning to set up a meet with you as I find your posts meaningful. 30 some miles is a distance though but mainly stingy with time. Prayers for the surgry and prayers for reason.

07-17-2013, 12:10 AM
That sounds like the soup my one of my grandmas used to make...made me think and miss her. Being a relative noob I'd like to say thank you to you and the other "old timers" of this art and site. This is the first place (internet or "real life) where people share their experience and expertise willingly. And, it is sad when an arze-hat comes and destroys or attempts to drive knowers away. For being the bigger person...thanks. Gods speed Sir!

07-17-2013, 01:01 AM

Well said. I have pretty strong political views, but rarely spend much time on
it on this forum. As you said, this is about casting boolits. I have learned a LOT
here and try to pass it on when I can.

It is very unfortunate that the current inner city culture is so intent on glorifying
violence and so anti-family. The results, regardless of race, are hideous and has to be
improved. I have had several black co-workers that I know or knew well enought to
really respect their intellects and personalities, the idea that all members of any sort
of a group are good or bad is clearly at odds with reality. It is sad to see so many in
that community failing to live up to their potential. I would say that my two favorite
essayists on the scene are Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams, both black economics
professors who are brilliant.

I will say a prayer for your surgery to go as well as is possible. Take care of yourself.


07-17-2013, 01:17 AM
Good luck on th eback surgery! I had a lumbar decompression 3 years ago where they removed bone spurs from L4, l5, s1. Plus some disc fragments. Do the PT and if the doc says walk as much as you can do so.

07-17-2013, 08:29 AM

Quote Originally Posted by theperfessor View Post

I love this site..... But some people are just trolls, bomb throwers and drive by shooters, whose words advance nothing but hatred.

Unfortunate, but true, even here. I have learned to say little here and consider everything I might say through the lens of "is this really important to say and is it worth exposing myself to the retorts of small minded, inconsiderate, rude and insensitive members" A shame, but it is what it is.

Wishing you well in your medical procedure.
If it needs saying---say it---if somebody don't like it---tough!! Racists and bigots are broken folk who will die alone and unloved! While they are here I just ignore them. Those who are here to contribute and learn far outweigh the trolls. (QUOTE)


If it needs saying---say it---if somebody don't like it---tough!! Racists and bigots are broken folk who will die alone and unloved! While they are here I just ignore them. Those who are here to contribute and learn far outweigh the trolls.

Actually, I think I prefer to remain a lurker; it's not much different than choosing not to go to bars; because of the type of people who frequent them eventually I would have placed myself in a situation where someone would insult my character, something I don't take lightly and would then respond in a way which can only mean trouble and aggravation. I would rather just avoid the aggravation by not placing myself in places where such encounters are likely.

Jim, a poster here and a friend of mine, recently posted some research data the compilation of which took considerable time and expenditure of precious lead, primers and powder. He did not post to brag about his results, just to share with the board "these are the parameters of my testing and here are the results". A member immediately berated and insulted his groups, stating in effect "I can do much better than that". Rude, inconsiderate, insulting and completely unnecessary. Jim, being a better man than I, chose to just ignore the poster.

I completely dropped off the board recently after a contentious thread when I posed trying to warn members of the unethical business practices of a particular internet business. I was attacked and called all sorts of names and my character called into question (search third generation shooting supply). I simply don't need this kind of aggravation in my life, therefore, I choose to "lurk" and severely limit my posting. If I have a comment to any of the many members I have come to respect here, I will do so not in the public forum but in PM.

Just my way of limiting the drama in my life.


07-17-2013, 12:52 PM

Remember homemade soup is always better on the second day. It helps to let the flavors soak in. I am certain your surgery will go well and you concentrate on positive thoughts for rapid healing so you can get back to teaching those students of yours.

I am looking forward to what new ideas you come up with while you have a little time on your hands.

07-17-2013, 01:18 PM
A good thread! Well thought out!

07-17-2013, 04:12 PM
Thought you were going to talk about the old 'alphabet soup' by the title. Minestrone - the original Italian veggy soup, from what my friend's mom told us. The pot was never empty, just add & subtract. Much like Mongolian cooking, the precursor to the fondue pot, cook meat, veggies, everything. Grandmas are always the best cooks.
It is a forum, information, humor & opinions. For undereducated people like me, we have the back button.

07-17-2013, 05:59 PM
Good evening
I will also pray for your recovery. I have been blessed with health and a good functioning body. Wish I could give you a chunk.
Purple onions ! I do not know what 8000 feet and this volcanic soil does but our purple onions are so sweet they make some apples I have ate undesirable. I have them inserted in everything I can. May your days of eating vegatable soup be multiplied. May the small minds drift away with the dirt they lift up.
Mike in Peru

07-17-2013, 06:14 PM
As new member of this forum and new too casting my own, I appreciate your wisdom and advice on topics and threads I have been reading and studying. I don't say much on here, just read and learn. As I will have many questions shortly.
But I will Pray to the Man upstairs that you have a speedy recovery and hope to read more of your post later.

Wayne Smith
07-17-2013, 07:07 PM
Congratulations, Keith, I think you wrote a stickie! It is amazing how much we can learn from simple things if we are able to put ourselves aside and pay attention to details and others.

07-17-2013, 07:08 PM
A wonderful essay, straight from the heart. Thank you for posting it.

Prayers for a successful surgery and recovery.

Your story reminds me of my Mom telling me how Dad proposed during the Depression, when times were tough and Dad spent much off his time tending a garden when not cutting firewood to sell.

He asked, "How do you make vegetable soup?"

Soup from the family garden was a staple when I was growing up. Much as you described it.

Thanks for the memory!

07-18-2013, 02:27 PM
Get well soon Keith!
Thought about you the other day.
I have a WFN 44 mold, the cartridges wouldn't
seat all the way in the cylinders of 3 different
guns. Have to size the nose first with a 429
die, then size the lands with a 432.
Sure glad to have your die nut wrench!

"Pain is just God's way of scaring us."...unknown.

07-18-2013, 03:37 PM
Keith, your post was as well made and carefully crafted as your machine work. You are in my prayers for a successful outcome of your surgery! Be well and hope to hear from you soon.

07-18-2013, 10:51 PM
Thank you, Perfessor.

07-18-2013, 11:18 PM
Everyone who posted before has reflected my thoughts, prayers and wishes too. Really glad you didn't make the decision to give in and go away, you add far too much to this site

07-18-2013, 11:45 PM
One of the best posts I've read here. I will pray for you quick recovery Keith.

762 shooter
07-19-2013, 06:52 AM
Get well soon.

This great country thus far allows genius and idiocy to proliferate at their own rate.

Something we have to live with in a "free" society.

Great post.


07-20-2013, 03:48 PM
Thanks, Perfessor. Nicely done, get better soon.

gray wolf
07-20-2013, 07:44 PM
Kieth is one of the nicest people I wish I new personally.
I guess that's a way of saying we have never met in person but I wish we had.
He has shown great kindness to Julie and I when it was much needed.
I have prayed a few times and continue to do so for his total speedy recovery.
I am privileged to call him my friend.
Kieth I never told you but I play a great Native American 5 hole flute made of red Cedar wood, Do sweat lodges, and smudge with Sage. I believe it's best to never pick the biggest and never take the last.
You get better soon my friend.

Sam & Julie

41 mag fan
07-20-2013, 09:30 PM
Keith...that was one heck of a post. Very deep thoughts on what you wrote and you hit the mark on how people should act and feel. it doesn't matter the skin color, it's whats inside a person that matters the most.
On a joking note though...you sure you aint been getting into those college kids baggie of "parsley"???!!!

Remember you need anything, you just give me a call. I'll come down asap.

Kieth is one of the nicest people I wish I new personally.
I guess that's a way of saying we have never met in person but I wish we had.
He has shown great kindness to Julie and I when it was much needed.
I have prayed a few times and continue to do so for his total speedy recovery.
I am privileged to call him my friend.
Kieth I never told you but I play a great Native American 5 hole flute made of red Cedar wood, Do sweat lodges, and smudge with Sage. I believe it's best to never pick the biggest and never take the last.
You get better soon my friend.

Sam & Julie

Sam, I can proudly say i know Keith personally, as we live barely 25-30 mi from each other.
You would have to meet Keith as I have to fully understand why I'm happy and proud and privileged to call Keith my friend.