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View Full Version : Hoppe's #9

07-16-2013, 10:33 AM
Am I missing something?
I got a 2oz bottle of this stuff with a cleaning rod I bought and I figured Id give it a try because of all the rave reviews on it. Man, this stuff is mediocre on a good day! Yeah it smells kinda good I guess, but its a poor lead remover and just an ok powder solvent, slightly more effective than mineral spirits.

Ill stick with EEZOX or BF CLP, thank you.

07-16-2013, 03:36 PM
Plain old Hoppe's #9 never was meant to be a copper remover. It does a good job on powder fouling.
I remember that sweet aroma from when I was a kid, and my dad was cleaning his guns. I use it to this day, and it works for
what it was designed for.
For copper fouling, I use Sweet's, or Butch's. Both work exceptionally well for me. After using either of these two, I dry the bore, followed by a couple soaked in the Hoppe's to remove the ammonia. Then another dry patch followed by an oiled patch.
It brings back great memories, and Dad used to use it.

07-16-2013, 03:39 PM
The solvent changed some years back.
Like many old time cleaning solvents, it was found to be a carcinogen.

07-16-2013, 04:05 PM
Mix your own Ed's Red. Inexpensive and effective.


07-16-2013, 04:24 PM
Please, let me get my distance from you before the lightning strikes! :bigsmyl2:

07-16-2013, 04:26 PM
Mix your own Ed's Red. Inexpensive and effective.

meh, that stuff is ok.
A more effective concoction is equal parts MEK, xylene, and ATF (I add a pinch of lanolin, too)
It creates a pretty nasty mix, so use PPE and be responsible!

I still think Eezox and BF CLP are better, especially when it comes to lubrication and protection

07-16-2013, 04:54 PM
I started using Ed's Red years ago, and it does all I need. After I introduced it to the other gunsmiths at Serengeti, there was no other gun oil in the shop.

07-16-2013, 05:13 PM
Ed's Red for ALL my firearms needs.

07-17-2013, 02:19 AM
I used enough CLP while in the Navy to thoroughly detest its cleaning abilities. I don't like the way it turns to varnish when used as a protectant, and I wasn't all that impressed with it as a lubricant either. If I never smell another bottle of it opened, it will be too soon.

I have used Ed's Red for the past few years; it does what I need it to do, and is more economical than most gun specific products. So did Hoppes #9, although I can't say I really like the smell.


07-17-2013, 05:13 AM
Plain old Hoppe's #9 never was meant to be a copper remover. It does a good job on powder fouling.

Hoppe's has always removed copper, but much more gently and slowly than ammonia compounds. Wet patch, wait 4-8 hours, dry patch. Repeat as necessary.

It used to have nitrobenzine in it, but the EPA put paid to that, so it's not the powder solvent that it once was.

The stuff that doesn't touch copper worth a darn is this new "Gunzilla" stuff despite their claims. Wasted $8 on a bottle of that.

All that said, I use a gallon of Ed's Red for every pint of Hoppe's these days. Not shooting j-warts much at all anymore.

07-17-2013, 06:36 AM
Eds Red for me too! Sweets for copper removal. I like using lanolin in my ER too. I leave it in the bore whenever gun is stored or idle for a while.

07-17-2013, 09:35 AM
Kroil. Done.

07-17-2013, 09:47 AM
Hope's was designed to remove corrosive salts from the old primers and it did a good job at that, you could get by with just Hoppes and not have to do the boiling water and two days of oiling. What we get now is a watered down version same as everything else. New and Improved really means not as good and more expensive.

07-17-2013, 09:54 AM
Kroil. Done.

Now that is some good stuff! :drinks:

07-17-2013, 10:01 AM
Ed's Red is GOOD stuff. I use a lot of it, make my own, use it on more than guns. I guess some day I should try some 5 part with ammonia for cleaning up after heathen bullets.

Hoppe's Bench Rest is an excellent copper remover. Wipe-out is the most amazing copper remover I have ever used.

I doubt if I will ever buy any more Hoppe's #9. The last of what I have is some from a few years ago that I got as a gift, and it didn't seem to be the stuff I remember as a kid, cleaning my first .22.

Love Life
07-17-2013, 11:02 AM
Hoppes#9 has worked very well as a powder solvent for me for years.

CLP just plain sucks at everything. We used it in my career field and all it does is smear the carbon around. You apply CLP, wipe as dry as possible, and pray more carbon and gunk doesn't leach out and spread around before the armorer does his inspection. Within the last 5 years we have always followed up the CLP with wet ones wipes. Gets all the worthless CLP/carbon ooze off very well.

I say again. CLP sucks.

For copper fouling I use butches bore shine. I run two soaked patches through the barrel, go outside and have a smoke, come in and run hoppes patch followed by a lubed patch followed by a dry patch and done!!

Plus...chicks dig the smell of hoppes #9.

bruce drake
07-17-2013, 01:43 PM
Love life,

As an old Machinegunner (The M60), I used a mixture of 50/50 ATF/10W30 oil to keep her lubricated and running. Worked like a charm but I also was trained by a Vietnam vet who detested CLP and LSA with equal passion. Now, when I make the mix, I use the same ratio but I top off the 2 quart spray bottle with 4 oz of Hoppe's #9 to sweeten the deal a little bit. Works just fine in my ARs and other rifles. My Garand's bolt and receiver rails gets lubed separately with Lithium Grease but the 50/50 is great for cleaning the metal prior to that.


07-18-2013, 12:02 PM
Hoppes has a " new" synthetic base #9 formula, with the same familiar smell, but formulated to remove copper,

and more politically correct. I have not tried it yet, but will be ordering some.

Wipe-out is the best copper remover I have used yet, hopefully the new #9 will be close!!


07-20-2013, 07:29 PM
The first time I had an opportunity to borrow a borescope I peeked at everything here, rifles and pistols. Man, what an education that was!
Noticed that the Hoppes was not doing the job on the 1903 Springfields, nor anything else using j-word bullets. Migrated to the aggressive copper solvents, then to Butch`s. Did a fine job. Yet when I figured out that my Rem700 in .308Win did not need to have ALL the copper removed to continue to shoot well after cleaning, I switched to the bore foams. With the borescope, I could monitor how much copper was removed, and stop before all of it was gone. It sure shot better with some copper fouling left, as opposed to being squeaky clean. (Which required many fouling rounds to get the accuracy back.)

I mix my own Ed`s Red too, and it has been wonderful for powder fouling and notably on wad fouling in shotguns. Matter of fact, I give away more Ed`s Red that I use. Most are astonished at how well it works. Granted, it does not address copper fouling, but that has to be addressed first with something else.

