View Full Version : What"s the worst thing you ever ate ?

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07-13-2013, 11:57 AM
I,m cajun and will eat just about anything. Love any meat in a can, Spam, Vienna Sausage , even potted meat. My list of " don't like " is pretty short. Here are a few things I would never care to eat again.

Soy milk ice cream. It is disgusting...I threw away the whole 1/2 gallon...Yuck

Vegiterian hamburger patties....Blah , not fit for food.

Squid and octopuss. That is bait, use it to catch fish . Fried is edible but like eating rubber bands.

What are some of your gastromomical undelights?


07-13-2013, 12:20 PM
About the only thing I don't want to eat is brussel sprouts. They just taste bitter to me. Don't like the "gluten free" stuff, either. About anything else is fair game. I've eaten some vegetarian stuff that was pretty good. I'm an omnivore, but I got some canine or eye teeth that are meant for tearing into meat. I'll eat what's put before me, and be thankful, but that doesn't mean I will enjoy it.

07-13-2013, 12:40 PM
Stone ground Buck-Wheat pancakes! I thought that they left the stones in!!!

+1 on the brussel sprouts!

07-13-2013, 12:51 PM
My wife is a classically trained chef (Culinary Institute). One time she made "tofu stew" with extra bean sprouts. She had gotten a big bag so she used a LOT. The concoction tasted pretty good, but the long skinny translucent bean sprouts were... not pretty. Usually I had praise or at least constructive criticism for her creations. About this one I was silent. After being asked three times What do you think about it, what's wrong with it, I told her It tastes good honey, but it looks like a plate full of worms. I kept eating it, but realizing I was right, she could not take another bite.
On brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage the key is to cook it with the LID OFF. This lets bitter components to evaporate off. Brussel sprouts with shallots and bacon is one of my favorite vegetables.

07-13-2013, 12:55 PM
I love brussel sprouts.

The Devil's food for me is pickled walnuts.

Love Life
07-13-2013, 12:59 PM
Butternut squash macaroni and cheese followed closely by whole wheat pasta.

07-13-2013, 01:51 PM
I will generally eat anything I can gain a temporary advantage over. Raw fish and frozen caribou are wonderful, but when I was almost out of food I made a concoction out of expired dried tomato soup and some kind of unidentified chicken paste powder. It looked like an abortion. I tried to get it down hot but I threw it up. That night as I went to sleep hungry I told myself that stuff cold will be my breakfast. The next morning I caught a 20 lb. lake trout, and I didn't have to try to get that stuff down.

07-13-2013, 02:01 PM
Soured calf slobber(sour cream)ok if I cannot taste it in other cooke food.and most forms of cooked tomato's,catsup,paste,whole stewed tomatos etc.

07-13-2013, 02:03 PM
I'm fixin' to ruin what little reputation I may have here on C/B's but.....All thinks pork. Can't stand it.

07-13-2013, 02:57 PM

07-13-2013, 03:19 PM
My X wifes cooking, anything and all!!

07-13-2013, 03:26 PM
Tuna twirls.. a concoction of canned tuna rolled up in biscuit dough and covered with cream of mushroom soup. I'd rather lick the pooper scooper.

Love brussel sprouts sauteed with onions in garlic butter and then sprinkled with parmesan cheese.

07-13-2013, 03:35 PM
Few years back, while in China, got into a batch of bad chicken feet, tore up for about a week. That's about the only thing I don't eat anymore.

For you guys that don't care for Brussels Sprouts, try to find some grown locally after the frost has hit them. I normally pick ours right at Christmas, frozen solid from the cold & sweet as can be.

07-13-2013, 03:50 PM
I didn't eat it but I did open it a Balut. Food has to look like food to get me to eat or try it.

07-13-2013, 04:25 PM
Cotton Candy. When I was about 6 or so the entire family went to the zoo. While waiting to ride the little train that went around the lake I had my first stick of cotton candy. Two days later I came down with the measles. For whatever reason the second became associated with the first and I never even tried cotton candy again. But maybe there is an associatiion after all because I never had the measles again either.

07-13-2013, 04:57 PM
Scandinavian Marinated Herrings sweetened with Sacharine,I find them repulsive.
Now Scottish Roll Mop Herrings are a different and great tasting product,delicious and healthy too.

07-13-2013, 05:12 PM
Well I've been through 92 countries around the world and usually eat where the locals do. I learned early on if it tasted good don't ask what it was just eat it and eat enjoy. Now their are things I passed on and others I tried including street food in main land China. The only place I got sick was in London England on some bad fish as part of fish and chips. It took about 3 days to recover and I wasn't alone either.

07-13-2013, 05:32 PM
Steak and kidney pie. Tried it once in Manchester. I don't like liver, and the taste of kidney is liver times 1,000.

07-13-2013, 05:40 PM
Czech version of pork liver. yum

07-13-2013, 05:48 PM
Butternut squash macaroni and cheese followed closely by whole wheat pasta.
You don't like mac n cheese? I guess everybody has things they don't like.
I'm with you on whole wheat pasta.

07-13-2013, 05:50 PM
potato chips made with fat-free fat (olestra)
ya gotta love food that lists side effects:

"The side effects—including loose stools, abdominal cramping, and olestra's interference with the body's ability to absorb certain crucial vitamins, namely Vitamins A, D, E, and K—were enough to cut sales in half by 2000 to $200 million USD. Although the intestinal side effects, which became commonly known as "anal leakage" "

07-13-2013, 05:52 PM
also, my Alaskan cousins (they are part native) would reconstitute dried Pike with seal oil...that was tough to choke down.

07-13-2013, 06:41 PM
About the only thing I don't want to eat is brussel sprouts. They just taste bitter to me.

Brussel sprouts in Texas probably taste bitter to everyone.
I can't stand them until after the first frost gets to the plants. The sugars convert and then they're great.

My two worst, that I can remember, is head cheese and Durian.

07-13-2013, 07:35 PM
Brussel sprouts in Texas probably taste bitter to everyone.
I can't stand them until after the first frost gets to the plants. The sugars convert and then they're great.

My two worst, that I can remember, is head cheese and Durian.

Mine have always been store bought, have no clue where they were raised. My mother loved them and cooked them from time to time. Ate 'em, cause I was supposed to. As said, didn't enjoy them. My family eats them, but I don't. Any other vegetable I will eat, including pickled stuff, like kimchee, sauerkraut, greens of all sorts, etc. Just leave out the brussel sprouts. Give me a thousand recipes, I'll try 'em all, less the brussel sprouts. LOL

Edit--Head Cheese? OMG. Good Head Cheese is like the ultimate. Thick slab of head cheese on good bread with a thick slice of sweet onion? Wow! We all have our own tastes.

Dale in Louisiana
07-13-2013, 07:36 PM

I've often wondered why we Cajuns didn't already include squid and octopus in our repertoire. I love 'em, but I have trouble finding fresh ones. Every place I ask around here has them as bait until I go visit our Vietnamese friends. To me, seafood is seafood.

Brussels sprouts -- yeah, if you do the 'boil 'em until they're slimy' recipe. I take fresh ones, clean off the outer leaves, cut them in half and saute 'em with onions and garlic and browned-down smoked sausage. They're great.

Worst thing I ever ate? I dunno. An 'I dare you' hot pepper when I was a kid? Green persimmon? They have a well-deserved reputation for puckering you up something fierce.

dale in Louisiana

07-13-2013, 07:39 PM
Beets, . . . I consider any beet crop a failure.

07-13-2013, 07:50 PM
Love brussel sprouts cooked any way. Keep the slimey okra for fertilizer.

07-13-2013, 08:13 PM
Hey Hiclory, +1 on the beets. I always say "lips that touch beets shall never touch mine."


07-13-2013, 08:22 PM
"Few years back, while in China, got into a batch of bad chicken feet, tore up for about a week. That's about the only thing I don't eat anymore."

I Can't believe there is a good batch of chicken feet.

07-13-2013, 08:34 PM
I'm not much of a plant eater -- I eat the animals that eat the plants.

Now, having said that, I would have to say that there are a lot of things that I have encountered overseas that I could not get past the look, much less the smell. For the most part, I have determined that just drinking their beer is usually safe and most herbivore mammals are acceptable grilled over an open fire.

07-13-2013, 09:50 PM
Shot some Blue Jays when I was a kid......toughest, stringiest no-flavor piece of meat I ever ate. Got both of em down but never shot another.

07-13-2013, 10:10 PM
I normally don't tell this story since it sounds unbelievable, and I freely admit that. But it really happened, I saw it with my own eyes.

About 20 years ago I was working for a shipyard on Norfolk's waterfront. It was October and we were on 10 hour days working 70 hours on the USS Shreveport. The gedunk at the yard had decent lunches during the normal work week, but weekends if they were even open they had leftovers, I got some beef noodle for lunch on a Saturday that was so bad I threw it out on the pier for the seagulls to eat....

They wouldn't. They flew off and left it on the pier.

07-13-2013, 10:19 PM
okra and chicken hearts

07-13-2013, 10:41 PM
Eat most anything but on a deployment came across the most vile thing I've ever eaten, pickeled fish sausage. Even a Marine two days behind on chow could not stomach that stuff.

07-13-2013, 11:42 PM
I'm fixin' to ruin what little reputation I may have here on C/B's but.....All thinks pork. Can't stand it.

A friend went on a tour, they visited some cannibal's - one of the questions was what they like to eat now - answer was pork - caused it tasted like chinamen.

07-14-2013, 12:27 AM
Anything containing cilantro. I don't understand with the fascination with this evil weed. I can taste bug spray and soap no matter how little is used. It definitely keeps me out of a lot of mexican restaurants. There is even a website called "I Hate Cilantro".
Other than that, I'll eat most anything.

07-14-2013, 02:22 AM
Durian (shudders) that has to top my list. Second is my grandmother on my mom's side hamburger gravy, that lady fed 10 people with a 1/4 pound of hamburger boiled in water and thickened with corn starch (complete with corn starch lumps, slimy little dumplings)

07-14-2013, 02:43 AM
A bar of soap! Ivory! :(

07-14-2013, 02:56 AM
Air Force chow at BeinHoa, 1970. Not that the food was bad, but everything I ate there gave me the trots, and not just me. A lot of us ended up eating at the Airman's Annex. Same cooks as the mess hall, but, never got the trots from that food.

07-14-2013, 06:46 AM
Tofu sucks big time.

07-14-2013, 07:02 AM
Celery and cauliflower. I dont like the taste of celery. My wife likes to eat steamed cauliflower. Just the smell alone could knock a buzzard off of a manure spreader.

07-14-2013, 07:14 AM
Thought of a couple more. Coconut Ice and Burton's mint chocolate biscuits (you'd call them cookies). Both of which I overindulged in as a child and ended up being sick. Even seeing them or thinking about them too much will actually make me nauseous. Probably why I didn't think of them before, I must have a mental aversion.

07-14-2013, 07:14 AM
Diagnosed recently with diabetes 2 .......... anything sweet now gone, my pet hate is wholemeal porridge, wet soggy cardboard would taste better.

07-14-2013, 07:17 AM
tofu and most sugar substitutes. Either just aint right in my cookbook.

07-14-2013, 07:20 AM
A bar of soap! Ivory! :(

You must have talked dirty in your youth.

07-14-2013, 08:46 AM
Ate a live salamander on a 5 dollar bet when I was a kid. Drank a cup of very hot coffee after. 5.00 was a lot of money when I was a 14 year old!

Bucking the Tiger
07-14-2013, 09:09 AM
Mango Chutney at the Indian restaurant. I have eaten a lot of animals. My rule is: No brains, no genitalia,and no offal. No beets.

07-14-2013, 09:18 AM
I love brussel sprouts.

The Devil's food for me is pickled walnuts.
How do you "pickle" a walnut???

07-14-2013, 09:32 AM
Habanero pickled egg. I think I saw the pearly gates for a minute or two. The room started spinning and I almost lost consciousness. A buddy made them and dared me to eat one. I didn't feel well for several hours.

07-14-2013, 10:13 AM
Sea slug soup.

07-14-2013, 11:14 AM
One thing that a lot of people seem to like, but I can't even stand the smell of .... liver and onions. This was my father's favorite meal and my mother would make it for him occasionally.

I don't mind the sight of it, but the smell is enough to put me off my feed for anything else.

07-14-2013, 11:30 AM
Sushi! Might as well go take a bite out of a carp.

07-14-2013, 11:39 AM
brains or any other organs like liver, "rocky mountain oysters", kidney items...no intestines....no pancreas...no tongue...no bone marrow out of the round bone in ham...final and worst thing I ever tried....years ago when I still drank way too much we were fishing offshore and got a seagull tangled in the line...yep...we cooked it and tried to eat it....stringy bird that tasted like raw fish....the worst!!!

Dale in Louisiana
07-14-2013, 01:44 PM
brains or any other organs like liver, "rocky mountain oysters", kidney items...no intestines....no pancreas...no tongue...no bone marrow out of the round bone in ham...final and worst thing I ever tried....years ago when I still drank way too much we were fishing offshore and got a seagull tangled in the line...yep...we cooked it and tried to eat it....stringy bird that tasted like raw fish....the worst!!!

Never tried seagull, but a spoonbill duck is... I prefer my fish without feathers.

dale in Louisiana

07-14-2013, 01:59 PM
Boiled okra I just can't get it down.

762 shooter
07-14-2013, 02:39 PM
Okra, beets, most offal, brussel sprouts are food of the gods. Pork is 9 food groups in one.

The fascination with cilantro escapes me. Bug spray and/or Soap is a pretty good description of cilantro's flavor for me.

I'll eat most anything, but I reserve the right to dislike sweet potatoes and pumpkin.


07-14-2013, 02:41 PM
You must have talked dirty in your youth.

That's what she said!

07-14-2013, 02:43 PM
Diagnosed recently with diabetes 2 .......... anything sweet now gone, my pet hate is wholemeal porridge, wet soggy cardboard would taste better.

You need to read Dr.Atkins New Diet Revolution book. Don't let the Dr. not fix your problem. On a protein diet you are 100% curable.

07-14-2013, 02:45 PM
okra and chicken hearts

I'll eat that Cajun cooked anytime! :)'s

07-14-2013, 02:57 PM
Fried mullet roe. My wife and her clan love it, but to me that's the nastiest thing I ever ate.

07-14-2013, 03:23 PM
Celery and cauliflower. I dont like the taste of celery. My wife likes to eat steamed cauliflower. Just the smell alone could knock a buzzard off of a manure spreader.
We cook the cauliflower in the nuke wave in a lidded container so it's steamed.We are on the protein diet,and substitute it for potatoes,rice,and pop corn. We then put real butter,salt and seasoning on/in it. Delightedly delicious.We cut it up in popcorn size bites,place on baking paper on cookie sheet,season with Cajun seasoning,bake till browning occurs,and eat with a movie.
I take mayonnaise and mix in Tony Chachere's original Creole seasoning then add to shredded cheese.This I add to celery sticks for a great snack. Both Mayonnaise,and butter have no carbs.

07-14-2013, 03:32 PM
Lutefisk - even with my Norsk heritage I could not get past the stench

Baluts - not enough San Magoo in Olangapo to wash the taste and texture away

07-14-2013, 03:41 PM
I hate anything with cooked tomatoes and I also hate chocolate.

07-14-2013, 03:52 PM
A green persimmon is most likely the worst thing I ever put in my mouth. After they have been hit with a heavy frost they are delicious.

07-14-2013, 04:01 PM
My x's tuna noodle casserole, hands down, bar none.

Mind you, never cared a hoot for canned tuna in the first place, still don't, won't buy it, won't eat it. The bowl of stuff that woman sat down in front of me that night, has never left me, and never will.

When my current wife and I started talking about matrimony, one of the first things I explained was my utter contempt for canned tuna, and anything to do with it. We'll be married 23yrs come Aug 31, and she's never let me down.
She's Chitcaga born, Irish/Polish/Catholic, so has no real need to experiment with such a foolish ingredient anyway.

Just reading back thru-posts 23 and 24 in particular. Head cheese is food for the God's! That's my story and I'll stick to it!

07-14-2013, 04:18 PM
Celery and cauliflower. I dont like the taste of celery. My wife likes to eat steamed cauliflower. Just the smell alone could knock a buzzard off of a manure spreader.

I don't like celery either, but I like gumbo. The celery in it is chopped up and cooked until it is more of a paste along with the onions and bell peppers.

Okra, on the other hand, I refuse to put in my gumbo. I prefer a file gumbo instead.

07-14-2013, 05:25 PM
This thread has cracked me up, LOL! I really like a lot of the things some go bananas over! I absolutely love Okra, steamed or fried in flour/butter. Brussel sprouts steamed in butter, GREAT with pork chops.

However one gentleman mentioned "kimchee"! At the time I was working in a military installation witch had brought in some Orental people (very nice)!

One day in the dining room the orentals opened up some homemade "kimchee", within 10 minutes people were throughing up, leaving and heaving!
The commanding officer let it be known that the concoction was never to be served again in this installation, LOL!

Dale in Louisiana
07-14-2013, 11:43 PM
I love me some kimchi and I remember the pretty Korean girl that served it to me first time.

Dale in Louisiana

07-14-2013, 11:54 PM
1. My grandmothers hot, orange, vile, nasty potato salad.

2. Liver. I used to eat it when I was younger, but one night I had too much. Haven't touched it since. Guts stay in the gut pile now.


I love me some chorizo!!!

07-15-2013, 12:06 AM
Few years back, while in China, got into a batch of bad chicken feet, tore up for about a week. That's about the only thing I don't eat anymore.

For you guys that don't care for Brussels Sprouts, try to find some grown locally after the frost has hit them. I normally pick ours right at Christmas, frozen solid from the cold & sweet as can be.

Someone found the reason for your trouble in China.

Chinese police seize chicken feet 46 years past their expiration date

07-15-2013, 01:09 AM
Anything pickled

07-15-2013, 02:45 AM
It's been said by a few others here, balut. Like most sailors, I saw it in the Philippines, some, like me, actually try it. Alcohol was involved. I gagged and then puked on the first bite. I still get queasy when I think about it.

Full Mold Jack
07-15-2013, 08:59 AM
Steak and kidney pie. Tried it once in Manchester. I don't like liver, and the taste of kidney is liver times 1,000.

This would be my worst too. My dad used to love that pie, I liken it to eating some animals old oil filter. Offal is wrong and I won't even feed it to my dog.

07-15-2013, 09:10 AM
Cooked spinach. That stuff would gag a maggot on a gut wagon. Raw fresh spinach is great however.
Same for liver. Blarf. double blarf.
Those were the only two items I would honestly take the beating from my parents for refusing to eat. Yes, getting whipped was better than eating those things.

L Ross
07-15-2013, 09:42 AM
I can truthfully tell you that a tom bobcat should be neutered a couple of years before being turned into corned bobcat. Perrot's journal notwithstanding, wildcat does not make a substitute for pork.


07-15-2013, 04:33 PM
The fascination with cilantro escapes me. Bug spray and/or Soap is a pretty good description of cilantro's flavor for me.

That one turns out to be genetic and inheritable.

07-15-2013, 04:39 PM
[QUOTE=chadschroeder;2302866]okra and chicken hearts[/QUOTE
You put that okra and chicken hearts along with some smoked sausage in a gumbo, served over rice and it would be mighty good.

07-15-2013, 04:46 PM
tofu and most sugar substitutes. Either just aint right in my cookbook.Tofu ...agreed, tried that stuff on several occassions and that stuff just aint right food for people. I don't know who invented it but they didn't come from Louisiana.

07-15-2013, 04:49 PM
Deep fried tofu is good stuff.
Deep fried butter might be better.

07-15-2013, 08:26 PM
Jello, I have never regurgitated so quickly. I can't tolerate watching someone else eat jello. It's absolutely the most vile substance I have ever put in my mouth.

Dale in Louisiana
07-15-2013, 08:32 PM
Jello, I have never regurgitated so quickly. I can't tolerate watching someone else eat jello. It's absolutely the most vile substance I have ever put in my mouth.

Try eating Jello with a straw!

dale in Louisiana

07-16-2013, 12:31 AM
As a kid if Mom put onions in front of me it was barf time...........today, cant get enough of them, love em.

07-16-2013, 04:06 PM
I've already said about but my likes and dislikes, but I just want to say, this thread is one of the most entertaining I've seen in a while. One person can't stand something and another says I can't get enough of that.:veryconfu Funny stuff!! Never had steak and kidney pie, don't plan to look for any recipes, either. Not much else I haven't tried, except maybe that balut, whatever it is. Maybe there's some exotic stuff from Asia I haven't seen. Maybe birds nest soup? Not interested.:bigsmyl2:

07-16-2013, 04:19 PM
Love Brussel Sprouts!! Another addition to the Brussel Sprouts is some Balsamic Vinegar. Reduce it until it gets thick and sweet, with the Bacon in there it will cut the bitterness!! Worse thing I ever ate was Bluefish chowder and Muskrat YUCK!!!!! Does not even describe the horrid taste of these two dishes!!

My wife is a classically trained chef (Culinary Institute). One time she made "tofu stew" with extra bean sprouts. She had gotten a big bag so she used a LOT. The concoction tasted pretty good, but the long skinny translucent bean sprouts were... not pretty. Usually I had praise or at least constructive criticism for her creations. About this one I was silent. After being asked three times What do you think about it, what's wrong with it, I told her It tastes good honey, but it looks like a plate full of worms. I kept eating it, but realizing I was right, she could not take another bite.
On brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage the key is to cook it with the LID OFF. This lets bitter components to evaporate off. Brussel sprouts with shallots and bacon is one of my favorite vegetables.

07-17-2013, 01:07 AM
You just reminded me of the wild game/road kill dinner we used to have every year. One year someone made coot (mud duck) stew. Took me 3 days to get that taste out of my mouth

07-17-2013, 01:52 AM
Tomatoes cooked and uncooked.Yuck! I like the sauce however. I like raw fish but I draw the line at tomatoes and bananas

07-18-2013, 04:49 PM
Love Brussel Sprouts!! Another addition to the Brussel Sprouts is some Balsamic Vinegar. Reduce it until it gets thick and sweet, with the Bacon in there it will cut the bitterness!! Worse thing I ever ate was Bluefish chowder and Muskrat YUCK!!!!! Does not even describe the horrid taste of these two dishes!!
They call them MUSK rat for a reason... lots of musk glands, which give the meat a musky flavor...Cajuns only eat them when they have to and they know how to skin, remove the musk glands and prep the meat so it's edible...but yeah YUCK covers muskrat flavor.

Coot, poule d'eau aka water hen ,thats something else cajuns don't bother with too much, they bottom feed and tend to have a "muddy " flavor, them things is everywhere in the marsh. Don't taste good unless you really know how to prepare it.

07-18-2013, 04:52 PM
My father liked muskrat. Sometime during the 1930s depression, SE Michigan lore had it that muskrat had been deemed fish by the Pope so it started to be served at the Friday fish frys. In the 1960s dad would order it once or twice a year. The rest of us tasted it - once.

07-18-2013, 05:03 PM
I'll admit, there's a lot of things I haven't tried, but the worst thing I remember trying to eat was raccoon! I shot one in the corn crib as a youngster and just had to have mom cook it up. I regret that.
My brother and I had the same experience! Didn't find out till years later about the glands in the hind legs that are supposed to be removed during skinning...if you don't it gives the meat a bad flavor... My brother and I never went coon hunting again.

Dale in Louisiana
07-18-2013, 10:12 PM
You just reminded me of the wild game/road kill dinner we used to have every year. One year someone made coot (mud duck) stew. Took me 3 days to get that taste out of my mouth

Down here, coots are, in Cajun vernacular, poule d'eau, which is French for 'water chicken' and it usually gets corrupted to something that sounds like 'poodle-doo'. We hunted 'em when I was kid, usually after the grown-ups had finished the Saturday morning duck hunt. The poule d'eau populated a large marsh pound in a flock that numbered in the hundreds. we'd form a line across the pond and drive them towards one end. They'd stay out of shotgun range until we pushed them up against the bank at one end, then they took flight.

Being birds with small brains, they'd head for the opposite end of the pond, right over our heads, and they don't fly very high. We'd bag a dozen or so. The meat was too fishy to eat, but the gizzard on one of those things is huge, and makes a great gravy.

After we were older, I came home on leave one time and my brother and I drove out in the pasture to one of those big ponds and caught a flock of poule d'eau on the bank. He got the bright idea to drive through the flock in hopes of bagging a few with his truck. They took flight faster than he thought and they flew over his truck to get to the nearest water. Like most birds when frightened, they took flight and evacuated their bowels as they headed up, crapping all over his new truck.

Poule d'eau feces will take the paint off a new truck before you get around to hosing it off.

dale in Louisiana

07-19-2013, 12:12 AM
My little brother made that mistake in his brand new boat... smell never did come out of the carpet.

07-19-2013, 12:23 AM
I'm fixin' to ruin what little reputation I may have here on C/B's but.....All thinks pork. Can't stand it.

Man, I've read a lot of your posts, intelligent questions and discussions, but I may have just lost all the good vibes. I'll eat and love anything pork but the brains.....

As someone else said, cilantro...bell peppers too. Bell peppers are worse, they always taste green and bitter and unripe, not that exactly, you know taste is hard to describe, but they overpower the taste of anything you cook with them.

07-19-2013, 12:42 AM
I'll admit, there's a lot of things I haven't tried, but the worst thing I remember trying to eat was raccoon! I shot one in the corn crib as a youngster and just had to have mom cook it up. I regret that.

Barbequed coon slow cooked on the grill is gooood eating! A little tough, a lot greasy...but good tasting.

07-19-2013, 06:57 AM
As someone else said, cilantro...bell peppers too. Bell peppers are worse, they always taste green and bitter and unripe, not that exactly, you know taste is hard to describe, but they overpower the taste of anything you cook with them.

The only way I like them is BBQed with onions and chunks of beef on a metal skewer or minced into a pulp for use in gumbo.

Minced onions, celery, and bell peppers plus a roux -- the basis of a good file gumbo.

07-19-2013, 11:43 AM
In my younger days, I had just moved into my 1st apartment and was entertaining my girlfiend that night. Decided to bake some of my mom's famous home-made cornbread muffins. Grabbed all the stuff at the store and used baking soda instead of baking powder. Heck, I didn't know the difference! Both had "baking" in 'em!

Anyway, one bite could bring projectile vomiting to even the strongest stomach! Threw them out and the birds would not even eat them!

Worst-tasing stuff I have ever eaten.


07-19-2013, 01:03 PM
This is quite entertaining, I'm sitting here and laughing out loud at some of the posts.
I must admit to never seeing a recipe for bobcat. A few more things I won't eat again:

woodpecker...taste like an old crow.
crow ...not a good flavor.
salt-free saltine crackers...dirt taste better.

I am surprised to see a "don't like mac-n-cheese". That little blue box of Kraft Mac-N-Cheese provided many a meal while in school...I still enjoy it.

07-21-2013, 12:23 PM
So far nobody has mentioned S.O.S. , chreamed chiped beef on toast. my dad ,a retired navy man ,said he actually liked it when served aboard ship ( but be he is cajun). And no mention of chitterlings, I have never had these, anybody tasted them?

Dale in Louisiana
07-21-2013, 08:25 PM
So far nobody has mentioned S.O.S. , chreamed chiped beef on toast. my dad ,a retired navy man ,said he actually liked it when served aboard ship ( but be he is cajun). And no mention of chitterlings, I have never had these, anybody tasted them?

One of the happy moments on my visit to Camp Perry was the messhall breakfast of SOS. Ah, the memories of my mis-spent youth! SOS, messhall biscuits, piles of bacon... Life could be worse. In the field it often was, but a few days of 'C's' and the messhall looked darned appealing.

Chitterling, or 'chitlins', I never had. In the west end of Cajun country, they were prepared as 'andouille', not to be confused with the sausage of the same name made popular by nationally known Cajun cooking shows. In the areas where 'andouille' is a sausage, the dish we called 'andouille' is called 'andouillette'. Grandma's andouille was carefully cleaned intestines stuffed with more carefully cleaned intestines, all cooked slowly in a spicy tomato-based sauce. Was good.

Won't ever see it again,because it was the natural offshoot of a 'boucherie', the communal process of butchering several hogs, usually taking place on a frosty morning in late November or early December. An extended family or two would gang up to make the task easy, and thrifty Cajuns used just about every bit of the hog(s), including the intestines. What wasn't cleaned and stuffed for sausage or boudin ended up as 'andouille'.

It wasn't the only organ meat to find its way onto the table, either. It was common on that day to do a 'bouilli' a soup made with organ meats like the heart, kidneys and spleen, or 'melt'. Heart is chewy, and a properly cleaned kidney is flavorful in a liver sort of way, but if heart is chewy, melt is chewier, like the difference between a candle and a bonfire. Little kids whining for food in the kitchen were given a chunk of melt from the bouilli pot so they could chew on it... for a looooong time, and they were run out the door under threat of the dreaded 'switch'.

And the last thing that comes out of the boucherie was lard, gallons of it, produced by cutting the layers of fat and skin from the hog and rendering it in big iron pots over open fires. The lard was put in buckets for use over the next few months as THE cooking fat in Cajun kitchens, and the byproduct of producing this lard was 'cracklin's', crunchy, greasy, salty, peppery, and if you have cracklins then you have to have beer...

And with beer, somebody'd drag out a fiddle and an accordion and maybe a guitar and music would happen (http://youtu.be/YPVJw-UsDVU).

And life was good.

dale in Louisiana
(And the guitar player is my nephew)

Full Mold Jack
07-22-2013, 06:35 AM
That does sound like a good life dale, thanks for sharing the story.

I have visited your neck of the woods on several occasions and had some great food and good times.

Dale in Louisiana
07-22-2013, 01:55 PM
While not the worst tasting stuff in the world simply because these had no taste at all!..The canned crackers/bread they had the C-rations! I think there was more flavor if you chewed on the box they came in.

That canned bread was the one thing I was never able to swap with the locals for something else. I think that the only English some of those Korean ladies could read was "White Bread" on that ration can.

dale in Louisiana

07-23-2013, 05:07 PM
Most unusual with Fish and chips,Known it with other foods but F&C are usualy top quality.

07-23-2013, 08:51 PM
I got stranded in Colby, KS with transmission problem, went to local cafe and ordered sausage, biscuits and gravy. The gravy was cooked with nutmeg. NASTY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-23-2013, 08:53 PM
Balut while I was in the Phillipines. There were many beers involved. If you don't know what it is, do yourself a favor and don't look it up.

07-25-2013, 08:20 PM
Sauerkraut. At my wife's family reunions they'd all eat sauerkraut for dinner, I was happy with my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a cold glass of milk out on the deck. Wouldn't come back in until they'd opened the windows and aired the place out. The only one who agreed with me was my brother-in-law, but choking it down was easier than listening to my wife's sister later.

07-25-2013, 11:38 PM
Sauerkraut is good stuff!! I take ribs tips from BBQ's and slow simmer them in the kraut. Serve over mashed potatoes.

07-27-2013, 12:46 AM
Buried back in the threads is one titled "Does anyone else make sauerkraut?" by yours truly. Something my parents did and I picked up on. Homemade sauerkraut is awesome. Last few days for lunch I have had "fake" rueben sandwiches. Thin slices of venison loin on pumpernickel, some sauerkraut, American cheese and some mustard sauce. Sauerkraut and corn beef, sauerkraut and sausage, sauerkraut by itself, sauerkraut hot dogs (a weekly delight!), the list goes on and on. I love cabbage, any form or fashion. Like a lot of other things mentioned on this thread, just according to one's taste.

07-27-2013, 02:45 AM
Sauer Kraut. Chitlins.

(Edited for language rule violation by Staff)

07-27-2013, 06:34 AM
Sauerkraut, really? I'm an extremely picky eater and sauerkraut is good stuff. There is so much nasty food out there. I wish I knew what the worse thing I ever ate was. I was at a Chinese DimSum restaurant and whatever it was was atrocious. Bad part is the DimSum selections all look very similar.

07-27-2013, 06:53 AM
Yes Sauerkraut, my family likes it but I cant stand the smell. Just about anything that's cabbage. Know fry it I'll eat it like egg roll. But on other hand swamp cabbage aka palm heart good eatin right there.

07-27-2013, 06:55 AM
Tripe. The lining of a cows stomach. I used to help out at Grange clambakes and the old timers would insist it be included. Some would not even wait for it to be cooked. I tried it - once.

07-29-2013, 02:07 PM
Tripe and baked clams....haven't had the "pleasure " of that combination . Course we don't have to many clam bakes in Louisiana and not really sure tripe would compliment the clams.


07-30-2013, 08:20 AM
My dad on Saturday mornings up in Pa. would cut scrapple and fry it, have a toaster going making toast, and fry eggs at the same time, he'd make fried egg and scrapple sandwiches and eat them over the sink as fast as he could make them. He'd eat 3 or 4 at a time. I have never been able to stomach the stuff.

What's the difference between tripe and scrapple anyhow?

07-30-2013, 09:01 AM
Tripe! Every time some one makes it for me it all tastes the same! Pour tomato sauce over a kitchen sponge, thats what it tastes like! No Sir! I won't eat brains either! I hung out with some old world Italians..... They will eat Anything! I won't pick apart some animals head either. Ain't eatin eyeballs with a spoon! Nope, not ME. I'll pass, thank you, oh... and you can have my share. No... that's alright...i'm fasting today....and my teeth hurt!

07-30-2013, 09:06 AM
Now...MAC AND CHEESE...... Kraft Deluxe...Velveeta..... that is Soul food. Add a little Frank's Hot Sauce.....Mmmmm! You must be POXED if you dont like M&C.

07-30-2013, 02:06 PM
My dad on Saturday mornings up in Pa. would cut scrapple and fry it, have a toaster going making toast, and fry eggs at the same time, he'd make fried egg and scrapple sandwiches and eat them over the sink as fast as he could make them. He'd eat 3 or 4 at a time. I have never been able to stomach the stuff.

What's the difference between tripe and scrapple anyhow?

Tripe is cow's stomach. Scrapple is a hog's head cheese recipe with corn meal in it. Scrapple is from the Pennsylvania Dutch area--Delmarva region. I first had it there. I prefer hog's head cheese. Tripe is the basis for menudo, the Mexican cure for a hangover. All it does for me is give me indigestion. LOL

07-30-2013, 03:00 PM
There are many ways to make scrapple. To sum up the ingredients rather eloquently; it's all the parts of the pig that aren't good enough for hot dogs :laugh:

I don't eat the stuff but I'm the only one out my fifty immediate family members that doesn't. It's not even close to being the worse thing I ever ate. I just don't care for grey spicy meat that I can't positively identify which part of the pig it is.

07-30-2013, 04:21 PM
Balut while I was in the Phillipines. There were many beers involved. If you don't know what it is, do yourself a favor and don't look it up.
I couldn't help myself....I looked it up. Even cajuns don't eat that!

07-30-2013, 07:28 PM
There are many ways to make scrapple. To sum up the ingredients rather eloquently; it's all the parts of the pig that aren't good enough for hot dogs :laugh:

I don't eat the stuff but I'm the only one out my fifty immediate family members that doesn't. It's not even close to being the worse thing I ever ate. I just don't care for grey spicy meat that I can't positively identify which part of the pig it is.

Hog's Head Cheese is the same thing and I can identify all the little specks in it--helped my father make plenty of it. Like a lot of things on this thread, just according to taste. My wife was talking about Barbacoa and Tamales this noon, what someone told her were in them. Partial truths, I love Barbacoa.

Balut--I looked it up. Not to my taste. Woooof! Wood chips marinated in butter and tabasco sound better.

07-30-2013, 08:14 PM
Lutefisk, forced to try once a year at family get together when i was kid .Absolutly awful.

07-30-2013, 11:39 PM
Lutefisk... salt cod soaked in lye then water then steamed into fish jello. Smells like a 3 week old dead carp that has been laying on the riverbank.

08-01-2013, 04:37 PM
Lutefisk... salt cod soaked in lye then water then steamed into fish jello. Smells like a 3 week old dead carp that has been laying on the riverbank.
Oh my that sounds so wonderful.......just why would people subject themselves to this...is it a form of sadomasochism ???

08-01-2013, 04:50 PM
I just got back from three weeks in northern Thailand. Most of the food was great, but somebody bought some deep-fried pig intestines from a local stand. In my opinion, the effort made to strip them of their contents was lackadaisical to non-existent. It was offal.

08-01-2013, 05:05 PM
Oh my...a play on words....+1 fourarmed. Lutefisk.... i ain't eatin that either! Now .....pigs feet....... Yummy!

08-01-2013, 05:25 PM
Muktuk ! :(


08-01-2013, 05:30 PM
Tripe is the lining of the Cows second stomach it looks like Honeycomb and is spongy. Cooked correctly it has an intense beef flavor but a rubber band chew to it!! My Dad tells me that the sauce is what makes it or breaks it!! I never cared for it. Never had Scrapple after asking what it was. It was described to me by a Southern Waitress on a trip home from Florida; Me- "So what is Scrapple??!!!" Waitress- "Well Honey its all the parts of the Pig I care not to discuss" (In your best Southern Drawl) Me- Nuff said I'll have the Sausage!! :D

My dad on Saturday mornings up in Pa. would cut scrapple and fry it, have a toaster going making toast, and fry eggs at the same time, he'd make fried egg and scrapple sandwiches and eat them over the sink as fast as he could make them. He'd eat 3 or 4 at a time. I have never been able to stomach the stuff.

What's the difference between tripe and scrapple anyhow?

08-01-2013, 07:26 PM
I've really enjoyed this thread. I'm coming late to the party, but for the "yuk!" factor I can +1 on balut, live monkey brains, or anything that comes out of a gut pile.

SOS, when made properly from the recipe in the mess manual is fine stuff. Homemade German stllyle kraut is good, but you can keep the kimchi... Ditto on Brussel's sprouts, but now cornbread with fried okra, and scrambled eggs and SOS poured over it all, now THAT is fine eatin'r

08-01-2013, 08:21 PM
beans i guess when tshtf i will starve can't stand beans. one time they tried to feed me wax beans it was like eating the little birthday candles off a cake.

08-01-2013, 08:58 PM
quiche? wife is a great cook, has family in the south, all great cooks. Made this quiche one time when the boys were small, sweet baby jesus, we had a pug that wuld eat till he popped. Dumber than a bag of hammers,tried to get him to eat it, he turned up his nose and his little pig tail and off he went like a shot. We took turns going to the bathroom and flushing it, told her a few days later in fear she would make it again. To this day I dont know what was in that stuff, and i never want to know. I always considered myself to have a castiron gut, that stuff made me shiver.

08-02-2013, 04:45 PM
This is somthing you drink that I have tried and tried but just can't drink...BUTTERMILK!
My mom would drink it and crumble cornbread in a glassful and eat it all with a spoon...it allways looked so good. And cooking with it, no problem...but to me it taste like it's gone bad...fermented, I guess that natural gag reflex kicks in and says " don't swallow this stupid, it will kill you ". Is this an aquired taste or you just born liking it?
Ever since I looked up BALUT and saw a photo of it I have been having nightmares....Don't Look!

08-02-2013, 04:59 PM
Had a session in my life when I was into Salami,bought some mortadela sausage one time, my Lab Sam was begging for some so I cut him a piece,he did no more than spit it out and roll over on his back over it.Did he detect something that reminded him of something else.

08-02-2013, 09:42 PM
Balut....I ain't eatin that either! Now....sauerkraut.....or Kapusta for those with an Eastern European background... and kielbasa...Heaven sent!

Lance Boyle
08-02-2013, 10:15 PM
Ha, I like sauer kraut but for me to like it it needs to be cooked with meat to flavor it and evap some of the vinegar to mellow it's sharpness. I'll eat sushi all week and twice on sundays. I've had asian beef with tripe soup in a kind of hot and sour broth. I can leave the tripe.

I'll eat most any salami, wurst or sausage. The only one that I never acquired a taste for was the german bloodwurst. My mother loved the stuff and would fry slices of it and eat it on bread. Always was too greasy feeling on the tongue. I do not abide with it.

Brussel sprouts is another. Maybe about 1 in 20 batches are not bitter to me. I'll eat the rest of the cabbage family but brussel sprouts activate the bitter receptors on me. Same as the guys whining about Cilantro. It's genetics and the balance of taste receptors you were born with. I think Brussel sprout dislikers often don't prefer the dark beers either, same reason the bitter receptors. I would love to like an oatmeal stout but it just doesn't do it.

Balut is a no way in H E double hockey sticks thing. My local Korean store sells them around some holidays. No thanks! I love the kimchee though. That's good cabbage and you can never put to much fish sauce in your kimchee! Delicious.

ETA- I like limburger cheese too, don't like the smell but it's good on crackers for sure. One time I was at a conference and one of the bosses hosted a hospitality room/bar and was serving expensive cheeses. She put out one that far far far surpassed Limburger in the dirty feet smell catagory. I wish I knew what that cheese was that stank so bad. She was mad that everyone in the room was asking what that god awful smell was. [grin]

Dale in Louisiana
08-04-2013, 11:56 AM
Dittoes on the limburger cheese.

I love it. (http://mostlycajun.com/wordpress/?p=673)

Kimchee is a must-have. Fortunately it's gotten a lot more common in the States over that past few decades.

I hate cracklins. I've tried home-made, I've tried them from Cajun kitchens that get raves, and I just can't get any happiness from them. It's a flaw, I guess.

dale in Louisiana

08-04-2013, 11:29 PM
Cracklins, OMG. There used to be a slaughter house/butcher shop in town that specialized in these. Cooked a batch daily. Went on sale at 3:00PM, by 3:15, sold out. 1/2# bags. I'm talking about 50 to 100 pounds. If you wanted them, be there at 2:00PM for the line. I only got 'em about 4 or 5 times. Beyond delicious!!!! Kimchee is also delicious and there are all sorts of foods that can be prepared that way, Chinese cabbage (the traditional), carrots, celery, bean sprouts, (and some other things I just couldn't identify) , just about anything. Hotter and spicier, the better, IMHO.

Rick N Bama
08-05-2013, 01:02 PM
Cracklins, OMG. There used to be a slaughter house/butcher shop in town that specialized in these. Cooked a batch daily. Went on sale at 3:00PM, by 3:15, sold out. 1/2# bags. I'm talking about 50 to 100 pounds. If you wanted them, be there at 2:00PM for the line. I only got 'em about 4 or 5 times. Beyond delicious!!!! Kimchee is also delicious and there are all sorts of foods that can be prepared that way, Chinese cabbage (the traditional), carrots, celery, bean sprouts, (and some other things I just couldn't identify) , just about anything. Hotter and spicier, the better, IMHO.

Are those not Pork Skins? Cracklings' are what's left after rendering out the Lard and are simply wonderful baked in a pan of Cornbread.


Lance Boyle
08-05-2013, 01:28 PM
LOL, I'm slow dale, I just realized that wasn't just an I love Limburger statement but a link.

Now I fricken want that sammich! Pumpernickle bread is the bomb, only thing up there with it is a pumpernickle rye marbled bread. Oh and plus one to the ice cold beer with it and a good garlic dill pickle on the side, maybe some good but not too sweet and vinegary german tater salad too.

08-08-2013, 01:04 PM
Cracklin's....pork fat, deep fried in pork fat and salted...what's not to like?

08-08-2013, 06:19 PM

08-08-2013, 07:20 PM
The cicada or leatherman--my dentist told me to lay off the hard stuff, bad for my old teeth. Seems like the cicada, roasted, were food for some of the the Native Americans. Locust in other parts of the world are seen as delicacies. Either one of them, I think I'll pass, as long as there are other vittles around.

L Ross
08-08-2013, 09:08 PM
I have a friend that loves Limburger and used to bring it to rendezvous, well he brought bierekase' one time and he used my knife to cut it. I swear I had to wear the stink off the blade. I think it would work as catfish stink bait right from the wrapper.


Full Mold Jack
08-09-2013, 06:28 AM

Is that the new Leatherman micro? :)

08-09-2013, 07:50 AM
The candy my dad's mother made the last couple of years of her life. She had dementia and back then you didn't go to a "home" so she kept making candy from memory. I had to steal and dispose of a bowl one time because my young nieces were to nice to say anything even though they were being poisoned by the "candy".


08-10-2013, 01:46 PM
Chicken Cheesecake, yes it was as bad as it sounds. My sister make it for a Super Bowl party in 1991 or 1992.

08-11-2013, 05:52 PM
Chicken Cheesecake, yes it was as bad as it sounds. My sister make it for a Super Bowl party in 1991 or 1992.
The words "Chicken "and "Cheesecake" DO NOT belong in the same sentence much less the same dish....what are people thinking when they invent this kind of recipe?
Please don't post your sister's recipe , if my wife hears about it she just might fix it..and I don't want to have to try it. That seven-year locust would probably taste better.

08-14-2013, 09:50 PM
I made a tuna fish, sauerkraut and Swiss omelet one time. It was pretty gnarly.

08-16-2013, 05:37 PM
That reminds me of the time I made a pizza... didn't have any anchovies but did have a can of sardines. Topped the pizza with them and into a 400 degree oven. the stink put off by them toasted sardines was somthing else. It tasted terrible. Hot toasty sardines sounds like it would be ...not bad? It are very very not good....my hound dog, who normally eats everything wouldn't eat any of it....just sniffed it and gave me that " have you lost your mind" look.
I now know why you never ever see sardines on pizza. blah!

08-16-2013, 09:00 PM
Possum. My Nana useta catch 'em and fatten 'em on corn for a few days. Served with gravy and sweet potatoes .Tried it when I was about 6, 63 now. Still won't eat sweet potatoes either, I can see that nasty greasy possum sitting there when somebody sits 'em on the table.

+1 on liver and onions. Pop made me sit at the table once , couldn't leave until I ate it. Fell asleep at the table sometime after dark, Mom toted me to bed.

08-16-2013, 09:20 PM
, but now cornbread with fried okra, and scrambled eggs and SOS poured over it all, now THAT is fine eatin'r

Finally, someone with good taste,,,,,,,,,

08-17-2013, 11:02 PM
About three years after my sister was married, her husband was transferred to Sheppard AFB, so I went to see her. She made a beef pot pie. My BIL and I were up all night fighting over the single bathroom they had. Had to hold a trash can in my lap at the same time. Never had a case of food poisoning so bad in all my life.

Worst tasting thing was Sauerkraut. I am sure some of you love it, but not here. Wife likes it on pizza. I leave the kitchen.

08-19-2013, 04:06 AM
About three years after my sister was married, her husband was transferred to Sheppard AFB, so I went to see her. She made a beef pot pie. My BIL and I were up all night fighting over the single bathroom they had. Had to hold a trash can in my lap at the same time. Never had a case of food poisoning so bad in all my life.

I know the feeling... I had something like that happen to me once, but instead of it being food poisoning, it was a kidney stone.

08-19-2013, 05:06 AM
Canned beets. When I was about 6 my mother put beets on my plate. She knew I detested them and in our house I had to eat what was put on my plate. When I tried to beg off from eating them, my father proudly said "You aren't leaving the table until you finish every bite." It took me a half hour or more but I finished them. About 3 minutes later I vomited up my entire dinner. My father was so mean I was a little surprised that he didn't make me eat that same meal a second time.

08-19-2013, 06:34 AM
My dog drooled in my mouth once, and I didn’t care too much for that. Does that count?

I had a similar experience with the red pickled beets as smokeywolf. I remember my dad scooping a big ladle full of them on to my plate. They were the crinkle-cut ones shaped like french fries. I don’t think I finished them, even though I had the same admonition that I couldn’t leave the table until they were gone. It’s a good thing old Snoopy dog wasn’t as picky of an eater as me, or I would still be sitting there.

The other thing I can’t stand is bell peppers. I can’t even be in the same room if someone’s cutting them. Just the smell gives me a headache and a deep, rumbling nausea.

08-19-2013, 11:07 PM
Sauerkraut, pickled beets, sliced green bell peppers are all good stuff...

08-20-2013, 07:38 PM
Vegan style "Beet Ice Cream" yak

08-20-2013, 11:17 PM
I was at a party at a friend's house in AZ a longtime ago and there were all kinds of dishes set in crock pots and warmers with Sterno, and it was all fantastic to go with a pit-roasted javelina.. BUT the keg of beer impaired my judgement and somehow I put a huge spoonful of heated potpourri in my mouth and it ruined my night. It's been 25 years and I can still remember the awful taste!

08-21-2013, 06:46 PM
Vegan style "Beet Ice Cream" yak
Beet ice cream??? I thought the soy milk ice cream was nasty...beet ice cream sounds soooo much worse.

I just thought of another worse thing I've eaten. When my brother and I were younger he killed a bid old male coon and we heard they were good BBQed. So we skinned it and par-boiled it in water ( supposed to make it tender) and fired up the grill and BBQed that bad boy. What we didn't know was the musk/scent glands they have and that we were supposed to REMOVE them. I don't know what they are supposed to taste like but after a taste we buried it out back...Deep. Gamey doesn't begin to describe that flavor....it was a nasty foul old gym sock taste at best. Old coons ain't fit food ( neither is possum )....Gary

MT Gianni
08-21-2013, 10:55 PM
Is that the new Leatherman micro? :)
I read it as a Kick which is 4" long, same as the bug.

There is not much I haven't eaten and I like most of it. I cannot stand canned or bottled peaches or Pumpkin anything. I eat fresh peaches but bottled or canned they taste slimy to me and come right back up. I do not care for the flavor or texture of pumpkin, not in a pie, cookie desert or fresh. I like sweet potatoes and orange squashes except for pumpkin.

08-22-2013, 10:12 PM
Cilantro, my daughter loves it but tastes like soap to my wife and I.tim

Rick N Bama
08-23-2013, 11:57 AM
I hated the Sauerkraut my mom attempted to make. It was the most funky tasting stuff I ever tried to eat. For my wife it's Celery. She can't stand to be in the same room with it.


Dale in Louisiana
08-23-2013, 01:37 PM
The 'gumbo' at Pappadeaux's.

For you outside the area, 'Pappas' is a Greek restaurateur who has opened several chains of restaurants, including 'Pappacitos' which is pseudo-Mexican, and 'Pappadeaux', which is pseudo-Cajun.

Because the name ends in 'eaux', a lot of out of towners visiting the southeast Texas and Houston areas get the idea that THIS is a good place to find authentic Cajun fare. Nothing is further from the truth.

The last time I got railroaded into eating there was a meeting in Houston with my counterparts from up north and somebody suggested the place.

The seafood isn't bad, unless you're used to GOOD seafood. But the gumbo was some kind of vegetable soup that resembled a real gumbo, Cajun OR Creole (there's a difference), about as much as a mall Ninja resembles a real soldier.

Consider yourself warned.

dale in Louisiana

08-23-2013, 03:30 PM
The 'gumbo' at Pappadeaux's.

dale in Louisiana

+1 on that. Just to add a little, I tend to think of Pappadeaux's as a high priced Red Lobster or Long John Silver. They serve some good seafood, but not Cajun, kinda like Velveeta vs a real good cheddar cheese. Both cheese, just not the same.

08-23-2013, 03:51 PM
If I want gumbo, I make it myself. At least that way, I know what goes into it. I hate even the *look* of okra, so I create a filé (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fil%C3%A9_powder) gumbo. I also don't like putting anything in my gumbo that cannot be consumed (e.g. seafood shells / exoskeletons, bones, etc), so I de-bone the chicken and shell all the seafood.

Dale in Louisiana
08-23-2013, 10:15 PM
If I want gumbo, I make it myself. At least that way, I know what goes into it. I hate even the *look* of okra, so I create a filé (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fil%C3%A9_powder) gumbo. I also don't like putting anything in my gumbo that cannot be consumed (e.g. seafood shells / exoskeletons, bones, etc), so I de-bone the chicken and shell all the seafood.

I'm with you. I like a file' gumbo. Used to hate when Mom made okra gumbo, something she did on the rare occasion.

I depart, though, about deboning. i think a whole chicken carcass lends 'body' to a gumbo, the bones adding flavor as well as natural gelatin that thickens and enriches. So do little crabs that are too small to mess with to shell out for meat. We even called that size 'gumbo crabs'.

dale in Louisiana

08-23-2013, 10:35 PM
I can't be in the same house with sauerkraut.
Worst food poisoning I've ever had was old oysters that my 2nd wife intentionally fed me. It was a short marriage.

08-24-2013, 12:58 AM
I'm with you. I like a file' gumbo. Used to hate when Mom made okra gumbo, something she did on the rare occasion.

I depart, though, about deboning. i think a whole chicken carcass lends 'body' to a gumbo, the bones adding flavor as well as natural gelatin that thickens and enriches. So do little crabs that are too small to mess with to shell out for meat. We even called that size 'gumbo crabs'.

I cook my whole chicken first in order to get the chicken broth, so I figure I get enough of the "body" at that point. If the chicken is frozen, then I put it in a pressure cooker for 1 hr. The fat liquefies and I keep it, but the skin, bone, neck, and organs either get fed to the dogs or thrown away. I like my gumbo to be such that when you eat it, there is NOTHING left in the bowl afterwards. You should not have to pick out the parts of your mean that are not eatable. It's one thing to have to do that on a t-bone steak or a side of BBQed ribs, but you should not have to do that on gumbo -- it should be "good to the last drop"...

08-24-2013, 02:14 AM
pickled pig's feet.

Way worse than bugs, slugs and road kill.

Driver man
08-24-2013, 02:48 AM
I cant eat fresh fish or shellfish without throwing up due to a bad experience 35 years ago. I can if its had all the guts cooked out of it and is wrapped in batter and comes with chips sprinkled with lemon or vinegar, brussel sprouts cooked in the water with corned beef onions and carrots is fantastic

08-24-2013, 05:02 AM
Has anybody ever had a tamarind?

They sell them dried and sugared at the Mexican grocery stores around here. The ladies at work tell me that it is an acquired taste, but I don’t see how you eat enough of the nasty things to acquire it.

08-24-2013, 09:08 PM
I used to like those miniature cheese wheels coated in red wax. Got sick one time after eating them, not related to the cheese, and never could eat em again.

Ate a bunch of chicken cacciatore and penne pasta one time as a kid then barfed about half an hour later. Probably ate too fast and that is what upset my stomach. I still can see in my mind those red coated half chewed noodles hitting the bottom of the bath tub a high velocity. Can't eat penne to this day, not too keen on cacciatore either...

08-24-2013, 09:30 PM
I like meat and taters.

Pasta is good.

Real fish is good. Nothing that squishes.

I love the following green vegetables:
1) Pickles
2) Hot peppers ( any variety )


Other than that, forget it.

08-24-2013, 09:42 PM
Went to a French restaurant for a company Christmas dinner as the company footed the bill I ordered
Escargot for the starter tasted like garlic flavored snot and chewy like rubber wasn't game to try the frog's legs.

08-24-2013, 10:25 PM
Went to a French restaurant for a company Christmas dinner as the company footed the bill I ordered
Escargot for the starter tasted like garlic flavored snot and chewy like rubber wasn't game to try the frog's legs.

They didn't cook the escargot correctly then. Probably not fresh. I bet frozen would be like rubber.
I'll eat all the frog legs I can hold!

08-24-2013, 10:55 PM
They didn't cook the escargot correctly then. Probably not fresh. I bet frozen would be like rubber.
I'll eat all the frog legs I can hold!

Don't know about the escargot, never wanted to try them. Frog legs? The real ones from the marshes and canals are like unbelievable. Caught hundreds of 'em as a young man--15-30. Always remember the last sack--my girls, like 4 & 5, waking up, half asleep, seeing a frog that escaped the sack in the bathroom. Something I need to think about taking my grandsons out on. Still have my old gig.

P.S. Most of the "Frog Legs" you get today are from India or China. Wouldn't order them in the restarurant for all the tea in China.

08-25-2013, 07:18 PM
I can't be in the same house with sauerkraut.
Worst food poisoning I've ever had was old oysters that my 2nd wife intentionally fed me. It was a short marriage.
Oh yeah ... you right about old oysters, they can definitly kill you or make you so sick that dying would be a welcome relief. If I had been on the jury she would of been found guilty of attempted murder. I have also gotten some wrong oysters and truely believed I was going to die.


08-25-2013, 07:46 PM
Possum? Racoon? Pickled pigs knuckles? I ain't eatin that either!!!! Now... pigs feet...Dominican style...in a red sauce...Mmm Mmm Mmm!

MT Gianni
08-29-2013, 10:59 PM
Has anybody ever had a tamarind?

They sell them dried and sugared at the Mexican grocery stores around here. The ladies at work tell me that it is an acquired taste, but I don’t see how you eat enough of the nasty things to acquire it.
Again in the camp of never being interested enough to acquire that taste. I do not care for that flavor at all.

08-30-2013, 02:00 AM
I figure that there are 3 categories of "worst":

It tasted good, it makes you sick to death
It was cooked correctly, but it was strange enough that your taste buds (or mind) rejected it outright
The skill of the cook ruined something that you would normally eat

For #1, probably my mother's spaghetti and meat sauce. She put way too much oil in it when she was (supposedly) browning the meat and it always made me puke. Tasted good, but I puked nearly every time.

For #2, probably a couple of items that I experienced overseas in various ports -- most notably balut when we hit Subic Bay the first time.

For #3, probably anything cooked by a girl I once knew.

08-30-2013, 04:03 PM
Not the worst thing I have ever ate but I want be eating it again:
Armour Syrup Flavored Vienna Sausage

It doesn't sound bad BUT....Log Cabin flavor and Vienna Sausage flavor just DON'T work together in the same can...Blahhhh.
Armour's other new flavor Bourbon BBQ Flavored Vienna Sausage is a thumbs up winner...yummy. I hear they got a Honey Mustard flavor out and will try and find some for testing.

08-30-2013, 04:13 PM
One thing I see mentioned over and over as Worst Thing Eaten is BALUT....seems like a lot of you guys have tried it and didn't aquire a taste for it. I wonder how many baluts you got to eat to aquire that taste.
"you have to aquire a taste for it" really means this is nasty but I eat it anyway, you probably won't like it.

08-30-2013, 05:22 PM
One thing I see mentioned over and over as Worst Thing Eaten is BALUT....seems like a lot of you guys have tried it and didn't aquire a taste for it. I wonder how many baluts you got to eat to aquire that taste.
"you have to aquire a taste for it" really means this is nasty but I eat it anyway, you probably won't like it.

I think it is one of those things that you have to eat when you are young, before you know any better. I suspect that most of us who tried it as adults had the help of copious amounts of alcohol to cause us to even consider such a thing. Of course this was back in the day before the Navy (and Marine Corp) had succumbed to the pressure to be "politically correct".

09-01-2013, 12:05 AM
The worst thing I ever choked down was poached eggs. It was at a friends grandmothers and would have been very impolite not to have eaten them.

I don't care for much of anything pickled.
Their has been many things I refused to stick in my mouth either because of looks or smell, but that wouldn't count.
The worst thing I ever swallowed (probably at least 10 times) before it ever got in position to be spit back out was a raw oyster.
Through the southeast for some reason everybody is crazy over boiled peanuts, another spitout food.

I heard about balut years ago, all I can soy is they must have had some very good stuff to drink over there to even get a guy to think about putting that stuff in your mouth.

09-01-2013, 02:06 AM
I heard about balut years ago, all I can soy is they must have had some very good stuff to drink over there to even get a guy to think about putting that stuff in your mouth.

You would be surprised what a lengthy time out at sea plus copious amounts of alcohol plus a bit of peer pressure can result in. :)

09-01-2013, 02:38 AM
Oh man bring on the duck/chicken fetus. With the right dipping sauce is is fantastic. Just don't try to store trays of it at your house or you might wake up to the peeping surprise

09-01-2013, 04:35 AM
When I was way too young to be drinking we got hammered on my friends parents booze. We decided untoasted bread, mushroom sauce, and shredded cheddar cheese would make great microwave pizzas.

They tasted so good we made some the next morning to fight the hangovers. I still can't smell mushrooms lol

09-01-2013, 06:28 PM
Kiwi fruit! Can't stand the furry little beggars. Wife knew that, tried to pass off some hand lotion she bought on me, I could smell it from across the room! True story.....got rid if her!....glad she took that **** with her!

09-01-2013, 06:35 PM
When I was way too young to be drinking we got hammered on my friends parents booze. We decided untoasted bread, mushroom sauce, and shredded cheddar cheese would make great microwave pizzas.

They tasted so good we made some the next morning to fight the hangovers. I still can't smell mushrooms lol

That is so wrong on so many levels. No Mariana sauce and wrong cheese to start with.

09-01-2013, 06:53 PM
poule d'eau as you call it...I call them mud birds or Coots.The horrific A$$ taste...I stayed out in the bottoms and didn't bring enough food with me, shot a couple coots and tried to eat them OOHH the taste is still there years later.
I'll eat anything except bugs, worms and Coots

09-02-2013, 05:06 AM
poule d'eau as you call it...I call them mud birds or Coots.The horrific A$$ taste...I stayed out in the bottoms and didn't bring enough food with me, shot a couple coots and tried to eat them OOHH the taste is still there years later.
I'll eat anything except bugs, worms and Coots

Back in the day when I would ride a motorcycle without a face shield or a windshield, I would have to admit that I've eaten my fair share of bugs around the US -- probably quite a few different species. I would have to say though that the ALL taste terrible and I would speculate that they would still taste terrible even if you wrapped bacon around them. :(

09-02-2013, 06:41 AM
Back in the day when I would ride a motorcycle without a face shield or a windshield, I would have to admit that I've eaten my fair share of bugs around the US -- probably quite a few different species. I would have to say though that the ALL taste terrible and I would speculate that they would still taste terrible even if you wrapped bacon around them. :(

Live cockroaches do not taste that great either. There was a convenience store right by my off-site office at NASA. I had stopped by there one morning for a Big Gulp type fountain drink. After I drank the drink, I was eating the ice and it turned out that there was a cockroach in it. I had had a top on it when I was drinking it, so I didn't know it was in there. When I removed the top and started eating the ice, I encountered something kind of crunchy and squishy and rather bitter tasting. I spit it out very quickly and it was obvious that it was a cockroach. Apparently it had been in the ice reservoir and had been dumped into my drink. I think that was the last time I ever got a drink from that store.

I've also had my share of dragonflies when riding my bike through rural areas in East Texas and North Louisiana.

unclogum bill
09-02-2013, 06:56 AM
In a little town between here and there called Ritzville , off l 90, , sits a dinner, gas station . Every thing in town cost more than it should and truckers seldom fill rigs , but stop to get "enough". Anyway special of the day was fried chicken . I like a plate of fried so I ordered up. I got it quick , like throw it on the plate and nuke it style. Chicken was gray in color and the mashed tatars were half cured plaster. If somebody told me the bird was soaked in a oil drum of 10-30 I would have believed them. The fool ate it , paid. About 40 miles later I got to see it again and at 60 miles in Spokane I was changing shorts. For 3 days I felt like those potatoes had hardened in my gut. That was eight years back, but I will never dine there again.

09-05-2013, 02:09 AM
I think I have ate there!

09-05-2013, 03:22 AM
Scrambled eggs and refried beans.... I just don't like to eat anything that looks like it's been eaten already. Just the smell of scrambled eggs makes me want to puke. Now if you take that egg and bust the yoke and fry it till it's crispy, I will eat it.... as long as it's between two pieces of toast and has mayo and jelly on it with maybe some bacon or sausage. Eggs just don't do that much for me but are ok in cakes and things like that.

09-05-2013, 05:06 AM
Scrambled eggs and refried beans.... I just don't like to eat anything that looks like it's been eaten already. Just the smell of scrambled eggs makes me want to puke. Now if you take that egg and bust the yoke and fry it till it's crispy, I will eat it.... as long as it's between two pieces of toast and has mayo and jelly on it with maybe some bacon or sausage. Eggs just don't do that much for me but are ok in cakes and things like that.

Mayo and jelly sounds disgusting. I prefer my fried eggs with A-1 sauce on them. Don't like scrambled eggs though. Omelets are good though with ham (or andouille sausage), jalapenos, cheese, and mushrooms.

09-05-2013, 05:29 AM
Ate a live salamander on a 5 dollar bet when I was a kid. Drank a cup of very hot coffee after. 5.00 was a lot of money when I was a 14 year old!

I have a new hero!

Dale in Louisiana
09-05-2013, 09:56 AM
Scrambled eggs and refried beans.... I just don't like to eat anything that looks like it's been eaten already. Just the smell of scrambled eggs makes me want to puke. Now if you take that egg and bust the yoke and fry it till it's crispy, I will eat it.... as long as it's between two pieces of toast and has mayo and jelly on it with maybe some bacon or sausage. Eggs just don't do that much for me but are ok in cakes and things like that.

This caused an aging neuron to fire, bringing to mind the C-Rations I consumed in my mis-spent youth. Of the twelve different entrees in a case of C's, one was 'scrambled eggs and ham', nick-named by the troops as "Alpo' after the dog food, and despite rumors to the contrary, I never saw a can that said it was actually MADE by Alpo.

I remember that they weren't bad if you could heat 'em and toss on a bit of Tabasco sauce. As both a Cajun AND a tanker, I always had the means to heat my food and I always had Tabasco sauce.

I'd actually trade for ham & eggs. Another favorite of mine that many others rejected was 'ham & lima beans'. the ham was formed slices and the lima beans were these HUGE things. The filed name was 'ham & Motherf***ers' because 'those were the biggest motherf***ing beans I ever saw'. Again, a little heat, a little Tabasco, and life was as good as one could expect in a venue where your meal can in a little cardboard box full of cans.

dale in Louisiana

Lance Boyle
09-05-2013, 10:56 AM
Live cockroaches do not taste that great either. There was a convenience store right by my off-site office at NASA. I had stopped by there one morning for a Big Gulp type fountain drink. After I drank the drink, I was eating the ice and it turned out that there was a cockroach in it. I had had a top on it when I was drinking it, so I didn't know it was in there. When I removed the top and started eating the ice, I encountered something kind of crunchy and squishy and rather bitter tasting. I spit it out very quickly and it was obvious that it was a cockroach. Apparently it had been in the ice reservoir and had been dumped into my drink. I think that was the last time I ever got a drink from that store.

I've also had my share of dragonflies when riding my bike through rural areas in East Texas and North Louisiana.

ugh, that's worse than the story from a younger girl I dated for a bit. She worked at a convenience store gas station while in college (about 15 years ago). The manager there wouldn't throw any food out. The made the breakfast pizza at night and stuck it uncovered in a nasty walk in. Sometimes they wouldn't use/bake all of the prepared shells with egg and fixings the next day. They sit in the walk in another night and frequently they'd get mold of course with raw egg floating on top. The manager insisted they pick the moldy bits off and bake them anyhow. Her second super gross thing was the soft ice cream machine. A customer complained about green flecks in the soft serve ice cream machine. Apparently they had NEVER emptied and cleaned the ice cream machine the whole time, they'd just add more premix. They pulled it apart and it was packed full of mold.

There is a reason I tend to eat at home!

09-05-2013, 06:06 PM
ugh, that's worse than the story from a younger girl I dated for a bit. She worked at a convenience store gas station while in college (about 15 years ago). The manager there wouldn't throw any food out. The made the breakfast pizza at night and stuck it uncovered in a nasty walk in. Sometimes they wouldn't use/bake all of the prepared shells with egg and fixings the next day. They sit in the walk in another night and frequently they'd get mold of course with raw egg floating on top. The manager insisted they pick the moldy bits off and bake them anyhow. Her second super gross thing was the soft ice cream machine. A customer complained about green flecks in the soft serve ice cream machine. Apparently they had NEVER emptied and cleaned the ice cream machine the whole time, they'd just add more premix. They pulled it apart and it was packed full of mold.

There is a reason I tend to eat at home!

After hearing these " convience store food preperation " tales ; I swear I am Never going to eat anything from these places....so gross. Old moldy food...cockroaches...green flecks in the softserve icecream. I know not to get the hot dogs that have spent the last 6 months turning on the little hot dog carousel, those just look like they will give you food poisoning.


09-10-2013, 12:53 PM
I also see a mentioning of something called LUTEFISK , just what exactly is it and how is it made?

09-10-2013, 02:49 PM
There is/was an all you can eat seafood buffet in Virginia Beach.
At the time I didn't know that if shell fish don't open when cooked you don't eat them.

I asked the waitress about the closed up mussels. She said that's the way they were. We ended up spending two days longer on "vacation" than planned due to me sleeping off my wishing to die or get better. At least my family had fun.

Dan Cash
09-10-2013, 02:51 PM
Ripe, rutty venison.

09-16-2013, 01:54 PM
But bucks are easier to stick during the rut.....

09-19-2013, 07:44 PM
spitt-getti noodles,cant stand it my self

09-19-2013, 11:41 PM
Lutefisk is salt cod soaked in lye then water then steamed into fish jello. Smells like a week old dead carp that has been laying in the sun on the river bank

09-22-2013, 07:45 PM
Lutefisk is salt cod soaked in lye then water then steamed into fish jello. Smells like a week old dead carp that has been laying in the sun on the river bank
I found a lutefisk recipe....that sounds absolutely horrid. Nordic people need help in the food preparation department. I have never enjoyed any of thier foods...and I've tried several different dishes and am glad I am cajun and can cook .

10 ga
09-25-2013, 10:01 PM
I like food and like to cook. The kids are pretty adventurous with food too. Whenever we are visiting them, they live in different cities, we like to try different ethnic places. So far the worst thing has been raw octopus! And I love all kinds of sushi, sashimi, tartar and raw stuff. You should see the look on some people when I'm at the fish cleaning table and gobbling down "cheeks" and roe straight, wild looks and delicious food! 10

10-11-2013, 12:05 PM
I have to agree with 10 ga. on the octopuss. I rank it right along with squid. Good for bait.

10-11-2013, 04:07 PM
I gather you've never eaten Spearing then...cooked whole..usually deep fried...I heard the Italian name for the dish and when I was asked what it was called in America i answered...."Bait"....tasty, crunchy....kinda like fish flavored french fries...with eyes and a tail!

10-11-2013, 11:17 PM
Sounds like the smelt feeds they have here. Lots of deep fried greasy bait.

Love Life
10-11-2013, 11:25 PM
You don't like mac n cheese? I guess everybody has things they don't like.
I'm with you on whole wheat pasta.

I like mac and cheese. I hate butternut squash mac and cheese. I'm like a walking garbage disposal and will eat dang near anything. Even stuff that does not taste that good. I took one bit of it, said ewwww, and pushed the plate away.

My wife did not appreciate that.

10-12-2013, 07:32 AM
Well, I had heard all the tails of dove breasts wrapped in bacon and how they are slap yourself delicious. I went to a buddy's farm as he had an over abundance of pigeons in his silos. Being young I figured they couldn't be too far different in taste, and besides, people rant and rave about squab too. After an afternoon of pigeon killing, I had a fair amount, so I sat on the tailgate and breasted them out. As a young college kid, not having cooked much more than burgers and Mac and cheese I set out to marinate the meat in Italian dressing...you know, to get rid of the gamey taste. When it came time to cook them, come to find out I had no bacon, so I did the next best thing and out came the breading and frying pan. needless to say overcooked old pigeon has a taste similar to a mix of shoe leather and liver. In my attempt to salvage the hard earned dish, it was thrown into casserole dish and became cream of mushroom pigeon casserole. I wouldn't recommend either dish, but the sauce helped it go down a little easier. If given the choice, choose a burger.

10-13-2013, 10:31 AM
I'm fixin' to ruin what little reputation I may have here on C/B's but.....All thinks pork. Can't stand it.

I'm praying you.


04-01-2020, 06:25 AM
mayonnaise... in, on or near real food....

04-01-2020, 08:23 AM
mayonnaise... in, on or near real food....

A very close second for me.....but I'll have to stay with the #1 honors for steak and kidney pie. You Brits have some 'splanin to do for that one. Ew.

04-01-2020, 08:37 AM
As I can remember c-rats, K-rats and LRPS long range patrol packs are the worst. will eat most anything but can not stand garlic at all.

04-01-2020, 08:50 AM
C-rats was better then the box lunch that I was give . There was not much to the the bx lunch.

04-01-2020, 09:27 AM
Yours wasn't packed for WWII and Korea like ours was.

04-01-2020, 02:51 PM
any kind of Mexican dish with seafood, love Mexican food love seafood together reminds of hot wet socks, clam chowder same thing.

04-01-2020, 09:06 PM
My Sisters Beef Pot Pie. My ex BIL and I fought over the bathroom all night long

04-01-2020, 09:15 PM
Balut in the Philippines

04-02-2020, 03:33 PM
Balut in the Philippines

I second that!

04-03-2020, 09:40 AM
I second that!

not to bad after a few San Miguels

04-03-2020, 03:23 PM
mayonnaise... in, on or near real food....

This thread is seven years old...how did you even find it to bring it back to life ?
Actually I'm glad you did ...I had forgotten all about this one ...and I must say I read every post on every page and was laughing a lot ...Thanks !

I would like to know....what does a Live salamander taste like and was it worth the $5.00 .

Two additional items I've discovered and would like to add to the list of "disgusting things to eat " ...Tofurkey Roast and ....drum roll please... Smoky Maple Tofu Bacon !
Just say no to these disgusting food products !!!

Wayne Smith
04-03-2020, 04:50 PM
Escargot - tasted like a very rich loam and not chewy at all - years ago eating on the Queen Mary - took the wife there for our anniversary.

We were in Bar Harbor, ME and found an ice cream place that made all their own ice cream. We kept going back. On Friday, before we left we stopped in again. They had a new flavor they were trying - Honey Wasabi ice cream. Took two scoops of Maple Walnut to wash out the flavor of the small taste of that stuff. Those two flavors should never be combined, and absolutely never combined with cream!

04-04-2020, 08:19 AM
GF's sister made Pumpkin Pie one Thanksgiving, only they ran out of Pumpkin Pie spice partway through.

So, instead of getting more, they looked at the spices they DID have, and picked out the Seafood Seasoning...

Let's just say that it was ... sufficiently... unique, that I hope to never taste THAT again!

04-04-2020, 12:38 PM
GF's sister made Pumpkin Pie one Thanksgiving, only they ran out of Pumpkin Pie spice partway through.

So, instead of getting more, they looked at the spices they DID have, and picked out the Seafood Seasoning...

Let's just say that it was ... sufficiently... unique, that I hope to never taste THAT again!

Gross !!! What remotely convinced them that Seafood Seasoning was any where close to Pumpkin Pie Spice...
A little cinnamon + ground nutmeg and maybe a dash of cloves or ginger would have been sooooo much better . Just cinnamon by itself would have made a pie you could eat !
Some folks just don't belong in a kitchen...

04-04-2020, 12:50 PM
This thread is amazing I laughed so hard hahaha i'll have to think on mine & post later

04-04-2020, 10:43 PM
One that I never actually ate was stinky tofu, couldn’t get it past my nose due to gagging reflex

Texas by God
04-04-2020, 10:56 PM
Chipotle tastes like Copenhagen to me and I quit that nastiness 20 years ago. Bluuhh.

04-04-2020, 10:59 PM
Broccoli is the worst. If I managed to choke any down it would not stay. Several other green things almost as bad.

04-05-2020, 07:53 PM
Steamed spinach, made me gag. But then again, I was 5 at the time. My wife fries it in bacon grease, and mustard greens as well. Heck I can remember going down with the whole family down the road and Grandma spotted a bunch of wild mustard greens. We stopped and picked 4 grocery sacks full. Come to think of it, grandma cooked it with bacon and chopped onions. Bacon makes everything better, except snails, caviar, balut, WWII rations, and many other things mentioned by others.

04-05-2020, 08:44 PM
I had to look back and see what I wrote. Apparently I wasn’t a fan of scrapple seven or so years ago. Still not the biggest fan but I will eat it. There’s one local butcher shop that has a recipe that I really like. But it has to be cooked thin and crispy.

I’m not even sure what the worse thing I’ve ever eaten is at this point. Spent a lot of time in foreign counties over the past five years. Plenty of animals to eat there that you can’t get here. And there’s a reason for that.

In general bad sushi is the worse thing. You never know when it’s going to happen. And it’s horrible when it does. The vast majority of places that sell it shouldn’t be allowed to. They manage to destroy something so simple.

04-05-2020, 08:54 PM
I had to look back and see what I wrote. Apparently I wasn’t a fan of scrapple seven or so years ago. Still not the biggest fan but I will eat it. There’s one local butcher shop that has a recipe that I really like. But it has to be cooked thin and crispy.

If you have one...give this a try next time.....use your Waffle Iron...yes...a waffle iron...cut 3/8-1/2" thick pieces...and cook them 5-7 minutes at your normal waffle setting. Then serve the Scrapple with maple syrup...the real stuff....not Aunt Jemimias....lol.



04-05-2020, 09:10 PM
Worst thing I ever ate was tree squirrel, I was 13 with a double barrel 12g. I gave em both barrels at no more than 10 feet. It was a mess to say the least. My buddies dad gathered it up and said now you eat it. After I cleaned up what was left it got fried in cast iron, lots of shot in it! Never had squirrel since, never shot anything I didn’t plan on eating since then either

04-05-2020, 09:15 PM
About 40 years ago while Working in a tropical paradise near Australia I had an opportunity to attend a feast with a local tribe. To this day I am not sure what I ate except the meat dish. I was later informed that it was dog. Gotta tell you it wasn’t bad. Steve

04-05-2020, 09:26 PM
If you have one...give this a try next time.....use your Waffle Iron...yes...a waffle iron...cut 3/8-1/2" thick pieces...and cook them 5-7 minutes at your normal waffle setting. Then serve the Scrapple with maple syrup...the real stuff....not Aunt Jemimias....lol.


Will try the waffle iron. Will pass on the maple syrup, can’t stand the stuff. I usually put barbecue sauce on it.

04-05-2020, 10:06 PM
I grew up on scrapple & sauerkraut. My Penn/Dutch Grandmother made both from scratch. Love both.

Hate; Brussell sprouts, Balut, Kimchi, bell (allergic) pepper, fried green tomatoes, yams, sweet potatoes. Strawberry&grape-jam, preserves, jelly.

Probably some other stuff as well.

I understood why guys in the Mess would put catsup/hot sauce on eggs & potatoes In the service. They were usually over cooked or raw.
But after You got out, and could either cook them any way you wanted or could order ???

04-05-2020, 11:20 PM

04-05-2020, 11:27 PM
I had ying yang fish in a very VERY good Chinese Restaurant in Arlington MA back in around 1990. It was awesome. I would eat it again any time.


04-05-2020, 11:45 PM
Actually the worst thing I ever ate was a cigarette butt in the bottom of a beer bottle with one swig left in it. N A S T Y.

Chris S
04-06-2020, 02:56 AM
Liver, pretty much any organ meat. "Slippery okra". And a lot of crap I ate in China...mostly those ghastly chicken feet that they are so damned proud of. Durian fruit....uuuugh! I'd sooner die than even be near that crap again.


04-06-2020, 11:06 AM
Actually the worst thing I ever ate was a cigarette butt in the bottom of a beer bottle with one swig left in it. N A S T Y.

The mention of Tobacco reminded me of the time me and daddy was fishing I was 8-9 , dad had bought a pouch of Beech - Nut Chewing Tobacco at the bait shop , he would stuff a wad in his cheek and spit every now and again...looked like fun + he claimed spitting on the worm enticed the catfish to bite better and I wanted to try... so when I asked him if I could do it ...being my old man hardly ever said no to anything I asked... He shows me how to ball up a wad of tobacco and how to place it in my cheek ... then he stops and says ...This Is the Most Important Part... Don't swallow the juice...You Got to SPIT It Out .. you understand... I nod my head yes.... So I'm sitting there with a ball of Beech-Nut in cheek ...the juices start to flow and ... I forgot to spit...I swallowed !!!Not the wad of tobacco , just the juice.... the wad came out when I threw up ...over the side of the boat ...
Dad didn't laugh ... he just pulls out the pouch, holds it out and says want some more .
I didn't and I've never had any desire to chew tobacco again . Tobacco juice is nasty !
After washing my mouth out and drinking some water.... Dad looked at me and I asked him " Don't tell Mamma ...Okay " then he started laughing .

Chihuahua Floyd
04-06-2020, 11:21 AM
Smoked eel comes to mind. Thought I would try something different on our honeymoon, so ordered the above. Been married 33 years at this point and that stuff still takes the cake.

04-06-2020, 05:48 PM
Smoked eel comes to mind. Thought I would try something different on our honeymoon, so ordered the above. Been married 33 years at this point and that stuff still takes the cake.

I bet it ranks right up there with the Smoked Mullet I had in Florida ...greasy , fishy , oily with a heavy smoke and mud flavor.... and this place was known for their smoked mullet and proud of them... it was B-A-D tasting .

04-06-2020, 06:08 PM
The mention of Tobacco reminded me of the time me and daddy was fishing I was 8-9 , dad had bought a pouch of Beech - Nut Chewing Tobacco at the bait shop , he would stuff a wad in his cheek and spit every now and again...looked like fun + he claimed spitting on the worm enticed the catfish to bite better and I wanted to try... so when I asked him if I could do it ...being my old man hardly ever said no to anything I asked... He shows me how to ball up a wad of tobacco and how to place it in my cheek ... then he stops and says ...This Is the Most Important Part... Don't swallow the juice...You Got to SPIT It Out .. you understand... I nod my head yes.... So I'm sitting there with a ball of Beech-Nut in cheek ...the juices start to flow and ... I forgot to spit...I swallowed !!!Not the wad of tobacco , just the juice.... the wad came out when I threw up ...over the side of the boat ...
Dad didn't laugh ... he just pulls out the pouch, holds it out and says want some more .
I didn't and I've never had any desire to chew tobacco again . Tobacco juice is nasty !
After washing my mouth out and drinking some water.... Dad looked at me and I asked him " Don't tell Mamma ...Okay " then he started laughing .
Actually Beech Nut is one of the mildest chewing tobaccos you can get.
I was on an express greyhound bus coming back to Wi from Reno back in 1976. The bus driver said "NO SMOKING". The kid next to me (17 yr old sheep rancher from Elko NV) Said as he grabbed a dip of Copenhagen "I wonder if that applies to dip" I replied, "as long as you don't spit on anyone" I will never forget his reply "If you have to spit it out you shouldn't be dippin" He swallowed every drop. Tough Kid.

04-06-2020, 07:53 PM
I bet it ranks right up there with the Smoked Mullet I had in Florida ...greasy , fishy , oily with a heavy smoke and mud flavor.... and this place was known for their smoked mullet and proud of them... it was B-A-D tasting .

Don't be hating on our smoked mullet. Thanks now I'm craving some...lol

04-07-2020, 02:05 PM
Actually Beech Nut is one of the mildest chewing tobaccos you can get.
I was on an express greyhound bus coming back to Wi from Reno back in 1976. The bus driver said "NO SMOKING". The kid next to me (17 yr old sheep rancher from Elko NV) Said as he grabbed a dip of Copenhagen "I wonder if that applies to dip" I replied, "as long as you don't spit on anyone" I will never forget his reply "If you have to spit it out you shouldn't be dippin" He swallowed every drop. Tough Kid.

Good Lord ...Just thinking about that makes me queasy... He swallowed every drop....Gaaaahhhh

04-07-2020, 07:12 PM
About the only thing I don't want to eat is brussel sprouts. They just taste bitter to me. Don't like the "gluten free" stuff, either. About anything else is fair game. I've eaten some vegetarian stuff that was pretty good. I'm an omnivore, but I got some canine or eye teeth that are meant for tearing into meat. I'll eat what's put before me, and be thankful, but that doesn't mean I will enjoy it.

Try ROASTED BRUSSELS SPROUTS. its amazing how good they are

04-09-2020, 11:13 AM
Try ROASTED BRUSSELS SPROUTS. its amazing how good they are

I'm a dedicated BS (Brussel Sprouts) disliker ... at a fancy smancy restaurant in Florida they served Roasted BS and Carrots alongside a good steak .
I tried them , BS and carrots , tried them twice and roasting did nothing for me ...I ate the steak and carrots ...the roasted BS ...you can have all mine..still don't like them.
Maybe battered and deep fried would do the trick . I love Liver and Onions but not BS's .

04-09-2020, 11:18 AM
Raw tomatoes. I would vomit if I had to eat one. Cooked, fried, stewed, sauced, etc I love them. But raw, no way in heck. Wife feels the same way.

04-09-2020, 12:26 PM
For some reason years ago I had some Rem oil spray on the counter next to the non stick cooking spray. Believe it or not ate the pancakes i used it on before I figured out what happened. Massive stomach cramps and diarrhea all day! Needless to say it came out smooth.