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View Full Version : Disturbing e-mail

07-13-2013, 09:40 AM
I had a disturbing e-mail in my in box this morning. It was titled 'Kill List'. The sender was just, accounts@ar15.com . I'm not a member over there. I may have lurked after running a search from Bing, but I don't remember specifically. It was a full list of names in alphabetical order. Many of the names seem to be Jewish, some black activists names were there too. I'm not real computer savvy, so I just deleted it, but it is still in the delete file bin.
Don't know why I was selected to receive it, but I certainly don't like it. Especially because the sender is aware of my being a firearm owner. I searched bing for references to 'Kill list' and included ar15.com. I got threads from there, where they were discussing a movie with that title on Netflix, and a concerned parent who found a kill list in his kids backpack. Nothing sinister there.

I hope this is a one time thing.:shock:

Love Life
07-13-2013, 09:59 AM
Call your local FBI office and report it. They will give you directions from there.

07-13-2013, 10:04 AM
Call your local FBI office and report it. They will give you directions from there.Do exactly that ASAP. It's called "CYA." The sent message is still on the computer which sent it--with your correct email address.....

07-13-2013, 10:29 AM
I agree with the above.....separate yourself from this. Let LE sort it out and make the decisions where it goes from here.

07-13-2013, 10:58 AM
I called my local P.D., talked to a couple of investigators. They wanted me to print it out and bring it in. There are 55 pages of names. They then said to bring page 1 and 55. I just got back from the station, I probably will never know what becomes of it unless it generates a big stink somewhere. Either way, it helps my conscience knowing I didn't just let it slide, in case something does happen.

07-13-2013, 11:05 AM
Either way, it helps my conscience knowing I didn't just let it slide, in case something does happen.
Good work, definitely the right course of action!

gray wolf
07-13-2013, 11:39 AM
Chill out, it's a big scam/spam thing that has been going a round for months.
We don't know who is the actual perpetrator but they use a bunch of web addresses that have been hacked. It did not come from who you think it came from.
The last I was informed it was from out of Country.
Gets your attention though, doesn't it, lets you know just how easy we are to set up.
I have gotten it two times, the first time it shook me a little, when things like that are not on your mind it's not what you want on your puter.

07-13-2013, 11:43 AM
I go tthe same email. Local PD said i was one of 50 or so folks who called in. They said its just a hack/spam thing and said to delete it; which i did in presence of the officer who came out.
Apparently its a nothingburger but i feel better having called in.