View Full Version : Suggestions for annoying neighbor

07-13-2013, 08:40 AM
OK, first let me tell you some background. I have lived on my farm for almost 30 years, it is zoned farm and forest agricultural. I have a shooting range out back that I have always used and let family use.

NOW I have this neighbor who is here about 4 months of the year. He's an older guy around 70 and he does not like my shooting -- he previously enjoyed his home in an HOA neighborhood.

I ALWAYS keep the shooting to reasonable hours, ALWAYS as there are other people around now -- but they ALL like to shoot.

Yesterday, this moron of a neighbor had a burglar alarm go off at his house (like you need one of those here...) and I went over to check on them since they are older. He came out and I asked if everything was alright and if anyone was hassling them. His response was "no Art, I was trying to annoy YOU. I've got one more set of transistors to make before the speaker (which is an easy 130 DB) goes off every single time" -- and it is pointed directly at my house. I didn't get it at first and then I DID. I simply said whatever trips your trigger Wayne and drove off.

Last night the kids and I were setting off some legal fireworks we had and every single time we set them off he would turn on that blasted burglar alarm. Before long the rest of the neighbors -- including his daughter and son in law (who apologized profusely, we told them we knew it wasn't them) had come over. All were laughing themselves to death because they thought it was funny as hell. I obliged them by loading them up with M70's and any other LEGAL fireworks we had and the whole neighborhood was letting him have it (well, as much as a neighborhood as it is in the country) and we all had a blast annoying him until about midnight.

Police have been involved and have explained to him that what I do on my property is none of his business and there is nothing he can do about me shooting -- they even laughed when they talked to me and said putting an alarm speaker pointed right at my house on the property line is the most juvenile thing they'd ever seen.

SOOO my fellow shooters, what I need is some suggestions for REALLY annoying him when he does this -- ALL need to be stricktly legal. Do any of you know of a "sound of war CD" or anything like that? Reason I ask is daughters significant other is a genius with stereo stuff and had a HUGE sound system in her car that can be heard from well over a mile away if turned up. Figure if he continues I will back her car up the property line and let him have some of his own medicine.

OH! ........................and the Tannerite and the neighbors and the rest of my family are all coming over today for a little fun shooting. Any suggestions you have would be appreciated, even if they are devious and low down as long as they are legal.

If this doesn't work, there's a dandy space next to his driveway for a hog pen, chicken pen, and compost pile.

I don't get mad, I get even. If this post is offensive mods please delete it but this guy is totally out of line.


07-13-2013, 08:56 AM
How about a big speaker and revelry at sunrise ever morning? And the hardest part of all is to hear the bugle call "you gota get up you gota get up in the morning!"

07-13-2013, 08:59 AM
I would simply put up a couple of post and plywood in front of the speaker (on your property of course). It will reflect most of the sound back in his direction. I would not do the stereo thing, most places have sound ordinances that could apply to that and not your range. Why escalate it? I understand the frustration, but right now you appear to be the reasonable one to both the neighbors and the cops. I would keep it that way. Just my opinion.

As witnessed in similar threads like this, I'm betting it will get silly to border line illegal quickly.

07-13-2013, 09:00 AM
I'm kind of partial to " The Ride of the Valkyries"

07-13-2013, 09:08 AM
My Dad had access to his low field through a neighboring piece of land. A city slicker bought the land and blocked access by building an animal pen on the road. He then began to complain about everything my Dad did.
My dad doesn't believe in retaliation and neither should you. My Dad even believes the neighbor is always right.

My Dad's new animal pen is next to the neighbor's animal pen and about 100 feet from the neighbor's house. It blocks the old road, too!
My Dad decided he needed to raise pigs. They really smell and they sure attract the flies.

07-13-2013, 09:08 AM
Maybe he just needs a hug! Be nice and heap coals of fire upon his head. People can't stand it when they can't get a rise out of you. Besides, you do wear hearing protection when you shoot and that will block out a lot of his noise as well.

07-13-2013, 09:12 AM
Do nothing, obvious. . . If he thinks he is getting a reaction from you he will believe that his tactics are good.

Now as you pointed out you are reasonable about the hours you shoot, maybe that should change, more extended sessions, and we all know how load developement can be such a hassle.

And by God, now would be the time to invite that friend over with the 50, who has been dying to show you how it shoots!

07-13-2013, 09:15 AM
Well, those outside alarm speakers really don't function very well when sprayed full of that "expanding foam insulation" you get in a can at the home improvement store. But of course escalation in any fashion brings unwanted consequences down the line.
Sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do though........

07-13-2013, 09:16 AM
It might be the hardest thing to do, But he is acting much like a troll on the internet. Ignore him, and he'll leave sooner or later.

one bad thing of escalating things, sooner or later the Law will get involved, whether you are in the right or not...it'll surely be a hassle.
Good Luck,

07-13-2013, 09:27 AM
You my friend need a thunder mug (google it).


07-13-2013, 09:30 AM
Electronic ear muffs for him? One of those military 'sonic' guns to aim back? Practice your MIT egg throwing contest? 10# of rodent attractor? I could lend a couple GKs to pester him.

country gent
07-13-2013, 09:39 AM
SSpraying the speakers full of foam is effective and would be considered vandalisim by the law more than likely. Any thing that damages anothers property is. Yes he is being childish and annoying, do you want to end up in court being the one who did something silly? When new niehgbors would start complaining about our normal farming operations we would spread manure accross from them next to them, Pull mufflers for straight pipes on the equipment. All it did was escalate a already bad situation much quicker.Grandpa even went so far as to flood a guys place by closing a tile of with sheet metal. The tile ran thru his property to drain. Did solve the problem No. Make it worse yes. You dont have to grant easement access to him on your property You dont have to associate with him and niether do the other niegbors. Most wont. We have a lady when any one burned she called the fire dept. Got loud the sheriff sprayed or spread manure the epa. Most dont respond to her calls now because of the past precident. His sound alarm is childish and annoying But when this ends up in curt he has to defend it not you. Let it go and ignore it. It will eventually end up in court as these people think thy can win and make big money change the world over thier views.

07-13-2013, 09:43 AM
Be extra NICE to him, dont start a war you can't win, be the NICE guy and it will piss him off more than anything else you can do. Have the wife bake him cookies, check on his welfare ask him if you can get him anything from town ect, it will drive him crazy. And every time the burglar alarm goes off call the sheriff and tell him you think there is something wrong at your neighbors house, you don't know but there is a loud alarm going off.

07-13-2013, 09:44 AM
Ok, lets all be legal here.
While putting foam into the speakers would kill the sound, I'd bet those speakers are on the bad neighbors property.
You are on a FARM, and as such, you should raise pigs.
Check the normal wind direction, the best places CLOSE to his property, and install a really good hog pen. Put hogs in there about a month before he comes to "visit," and you can fatten them until a few weeks AFTER he leaves.
And if you are a farmer, then getting up early is a normal affair. I like the revellie playing at sunrise daily during his stays as well. Directed at only his house of course.
Of course, his objections to your shooting is just a way of inviting more shooting in my book. I'd have daily shooting sessions. If those burglar alarms are placed on Waynes house, having them go off during 6pm & 7 pm (supper time & watching the news time for many older people,) could disrupt his pleasures. But the hog lot will be a CONSTANT reminder.

07-13-2013, 09:56 AM
Stay on the high ground. Do not escalate. Local Leos already think he is a crank keep it that way and don't give him ammunition to have them look at you as anything other than a law abiding citizen who is in the right. Time is on your side.

07-13-2013, 10:01 AM
Right now, you're the aggrieved party and enjoy everyone's sympathy accordingly. If you start trying to annoy him, that sentiment will change in the blink on an eye. The tune will change to "can you believe that thug is picking on the old couple?" I can guaranty anything you do to purposely annoy him will change sentiment against you. Right now he's curmudgeonly Walter Mathau guy and when he takes the next step without you having responded/ escalated, family or the law will intervene with him. If you escalate, the whole thing changes.

You are within reason to want to respond, but doing so would be a bad idea. Let him be hoist on his own petard.

07-13-2013, 10:02 AM
Be sure to invite his daughter and son-in-law over for your range sessions.

Love Life
07-13-2013, 10:09 AM
He is 70. If he is way older than you then I would just keep on keeping on as he will die of old age before you. You can't stop time.

07-13-2013, 10:13 AM
Be sure to invite his daughter and son-in-law over for your range sessions.

Good answer.

07-13-2013, 10:22 AM
If it's a burglar alarm, then by all means, call the sheriff's office each time you hear it. That's what good neighbors do, watch out for each other. After a few calls you may have to explain to the dispatcher that it happens often, and you're really concerned that your neighbors alarm system may be defective. I don't think that the Sheriff will put up with too much of it.

07-13-2013, 10:35 AM
Two words; Straight Headers.

A well built and tuned SBC with nothing but a set of long tube headers. Just cruise around your property in first gear, goosing it every eight to ten seconds. You'll have some good ole' redneck fun and ....uhh..he won't.

07-13-2013, 10:39 AM
As many others mentioned--- take the high road. Also I like the idea of just being nice to the ol' grump and call the LEOs when alarms go off and address your concerns.

07-13-2013, 10:42 AM
You my friend need a thunder mug (google it).


this is a thunder mug i run about 600gr of black powder in it

07-13-2013, 10:48 AM
Would probably take the high road, but would be sorely tempted to set up a powerhorn in a metal trash can, aimed at his house. Run the cord to an amp and mic down at your shooting range and when I shot, he would get the amplified results, which would be louder than any burglar alarm.

Might also be tempted to playback a recording of a burglar alarm about 2 am, for about 10 seconds, make him think his went off. Neighbors would probably think it was him too, but only do that a few times so nobody would get suspicious.:popcorn:

07-13-2013, 10:53 AM
I would try, as suggested, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" approach. Consistent with the Golden Rule. What he is doing is illegal. I would meet with him and his wife and work out a shooting schedule. Make sure you are in complete compliance with any laws. If he refuses, then videotape him and his alarm, it is illegal to aim noise for the sole purpose of a nuisance, at least it is here, and file small claims court actions against him. Get a decibel meter. Witnesses are good. A series of small claims court judgments should dissuade him. Ask for $100.00 per incident. Then tell him you will set aside the judgments if they cooperate. I just believe going and having a good faith discussion about the parameters of your shooting should work. Explain that it is in everyone's interest to work this out, as you are neighbors and want to be on good terms. But what you are doing is legal, and the law is on your side, and what he is doing is not legal and the law is not on his side. Tell him you consulted with an attorney, (this) and that you will enforce your right to the quiet, legal, and peaceful enjoyment of your property

07-13-2013, 11:09 AM
I feel your pain.....but a little thought....I am a retired sheriff and a police officer with over 35 years in the business....now I am a rancher and I to like to shoot......The advice is....if the older man can figure out what pushes your buttons he will do it forever.....Have you tried to speak to him and meet him half way or is he just unapproachable.....You mentioned his children....maybe they can intercede or find out if he ever shot and if he did invite him over....if he never shot still invite him over and see if you can spark some interest...city slickers can be a difficult bunch....If your county has a loud music ordance....you could use that if all else fails.....quite often counties cant past ordances....however there are generally state statutes that might help....you can contact the county attorney for help....if your property is inside a city limit but still classified as agricultural you can use the city ordances against him. In Texas if you were hunting you could use the interferring with hunting laws.....hope these suggestions help....I am always available to give my 2 cents worth....I just hate to see escalation because law enforcement get caught in the middle and often someone gets hurt.....your servant, Paul

07-13-2013, 11:29 AM
I don't get mad, I get even.


We live in perilous times Art. I wouldn't do anything to retaliate. Just live your life and move on.

07-13-2013, 11:38 AM
Plow a dirt berm between his property and yours and move on about your business. Of course when I say "move on about your business", I really mean purchasing a Barrett Light 50 Cal!!! :guntootsmiley:

07-13-2013, 12:41 PM
Belt Fed And parachute Flares [smilie=w:

07-13-2013, 01:50 PM
I'm glad to see all the advice to not escalate the situation. With people like that you just can't win that way. He started escalating before you even knew there was a problem, so it's pretty easy to assume he would take it a lot further than you are comfortable with no matter what you do.

It reminds me of a crazy driver once that I was going to "teach a lesson" by not letting the sob pass on the right and cut in. There was a long line of traffic passing a truck at 60 mph, and this dirtbag decided he would blow by the whole line and cut in before the truck. The whole line tightened up and I was tailgating the car in front of me, less than one car length at 60+mph- way closer than I was comfortable with. The sucker pushed in anyway! I had to slow down or he would have intentionally hit me. Had there been an accident it would have been as much my fault as his, for tailgating.

Instead of teaching him a lesson, he taught me one. I backed off and gave the lunatic plenty of room. He taught me that pushy jerks do stuff like that, and are less concerned for their own safety than I am for mine. They will take it further than I'm willing to go, and they will always "win" (if you can call it that). They have had many years of practice being jerks and bullies so you can't beat them at their own game.

I like the idea of a simple sound wall set up in front of his alarm horn, or maybe set up your own speaker with a noise cancelling wave inversion system. It would take his alarm noise, invert the sound waves, and blare them right back into his alarm horn to cancel the noise. I don't know how well something like that would work in practice, but the concept is sound.

Of course he would probably just find some other way to irritate you, so I suppose the best idea is to try to work it out amiably.

A friend of mine had an almost identical situation some years ago, except the new neighbor (wealthy city jerk moving to the country) called the cops on him anytime his teen-aged boys were shooting. The cops were apologetic, said he was OK shooting but they had to come. The neighbor eventually died as I recall; a bitter, angry old man who hassled all the neighbors.

07-13-2013, 02:24 PM
I am over seventy and hope to live another 20 or so if I stay in good health.Don't short us ole greezers.

07-13-2013, 02:29 PM
Thanks guys, I DO believe in taking the high road here but there is ZERO chance of that happening now. My family and I have been home all day caring for our new grandson except for going out to breakfast with my cousin this morning. All the kids and some of their friends were at the house. Haven't even been out shooting.

Came home around noon to take a nice long Saturday nap only to be woken up an hour and a half later by my daughter who was in a panic. Neighbor was on my side porch and wife was yelling at him to get off the property as he was accusing her of stealing his damned speaker. We have no idea who did that and would not violate another persons. Only thing I knew was my wife was almost in tears and shaking when I blasted out of the bedroom without my glasses and in my damn underwear. When I heard what was going on I friggin BLEW. I did not even know I was capable of doing what I did still......

.............which was to push my wife back, vault the porch rail, do a shoulder roll as this moron started to run. I guess the sight of a half mad fat bald guy running full bore at him IN HIS UNDERWEAR was too much as he finally exited my property. Wife was pretty shook up but the SOB knows not to come back on my property and threaten my wife again. I may go see a Lawyer Monday about a PPO as this guy is starting to really scare me.

25 years ago I would have chased him down and beaten him severely but when he left my property I stopped. Amazing what age will do for self control.

It was only then, in the middle of my driveway, ten feet from the road, that I realized I was still in my underwear. Talk about embarrassed.

And for those of you who suggested I work out a shooting schedule with him and his wife? IXNAY, NADA, I will NEVER ask someone else for permission to do anything on my property that is legal. I built it, I paid for it, and no one will tell me what I can do, EVER. this is not a subdivision, not a city, this is the country and there are no noise laws or anything else that I have violated.

Lord have mercy...........................................


07-13-2013, 02:31 PM
Space your shooting out so his alarm goes off repeatedly all day long. Encourage your neighbors to call police every time they hear it, to be good neighbors.

I personally enjoy bagpipe music ....not everybody does.

Love Life
07-13-2013, 02:39 PM
I really mean purchasing a Barrett Light 50 Cal!!! :guntootsmiley:

There is a bit of wisdom if I have ever seen it. How often do you get a legitimate excuse to buy a 50 cal?

On a serious note I do applaud your self control after the last incident. I hope you get everything worked out to your favor. I can live and let live, but coming my property or messing with my family is a huge no no. Huge.

07-13-2013, 02:46 PM
"Thanks guys, I DO believe in taking the high road here but there is ZERO chance of that happening now."

I still think this could escalate into something that no one will desire in retrospect. Consider legal options. I know for sure that multiple small claims court judgments, even for small amounts of money, $50.00, over and over, work real good. You have you family to consider as well. Guy sounds like an gigantic weenie. Every time his "alarm" went off, I would document it and sue him.

07-13-2013, 02:54 PM
Came home around noon to take a nice long Saturday nap only to be woken up an hour and a half later by my daughter who was in a panic. Neighbor was on my side porch and wife was yelling at him to get off the property as he was accusing her of stealing his damned speaker. We have no idea who did that and would not violate another persons. Only thing I knew was my wife was almost in tears and shaking when I blasted out of the bedroom without my glasses and in my damn underwear. When I heard what was going on I friggin BLEW. I did not even know I was capable of doing what I did still......

Call the police, file a restraining order, contact an Attorney.

07-13-2013, 03:02 PM
Some good friends had a similar problem from neighbor that bought the farm next to his dads. We built a sort of motocross track on his dads place maybe a 150 feet from his house, installed lights and let all the kids in the county race their bikes all night several times a week. It was just a very few short months before he sold out and went back to the state he came from.

07-13-2013, 03:34 PM
Well, you can't influence how he conducts himself but you have full control over what you do. I say just keep shooting as you always have. Keep smiling and waving as you go by. As said, keep the high ground.

Rattlesnake Charlie
07-13-2013, 04:00 PM
I like post 13 & 18. Keeping his daughter and son-in-law on your side is crucial. Having the sheriff show up every time the alarm goes off might get a little pressure on him for something like a false alarm. And, being nice does wear old gruffs down.

07-13-2013, 04:08 PM
Thanks guys, I DO believe in taking the high road here but there is ZERO chance of that happening now. My family and I have been home all day caring for our new grandson except for going out to breakfast with my cousin this morning. All the kids and some of their friends were at the house. Haven't even been out shooting.

Came home around noon to take a nice long Saturday nap only to be woken up an hour and a half later by my daughter who was in a panic. Neighbor was on my side porch and wife was yelling at him to get off the property as he was accusing her of stealing his damned speaker. We have no idea who did that and would not violate another persons. Only thing I knew was my wife was almost in tears and shaking when I blasted out of the bedroom without my glasses and in my damn underwear. When I heard what was going on I friggin BLEW. I did not even know I was capable of doing what I did still......

.............which was to push my wife back, vault the porch rail, do a shoulder roll as this moron started to run. I guess the sight of a half mad fat bald guy running full bore at him IN HIS UNDERWEAR was too much as he finally exited my property. Wife was pretty shook up but the SOB knows not to come back on my property and threaten my wife again. I may go see a Lawyer Monday about a PPO as this guy is starting to really scare me.

25 years ago I would have chased him down and beaten him severely but when he left my property I stopped. Amazing what age will do for self control.

It was only then, in the middle of my driveway, ten feet from the road, that I realized I was still in my underwear. Talk about embarrassed.

And for those of you who suggested I work out a shooting schedule with him and his wife? IXNAY, NADA, I will NEVER ask someone else for permission to do anything on my property that is legal. I built it, I paid for it, and no one will tell me what I can do, EVER. this is not a subdivision, not a city, this is the country and there are no noise laws or anything else that I have violated.

Lord have mercy...........................................


Well at least you had your skivvies on...:bigsmyl2:

Seriously, call the sheriff and see a lawyer about a restraining order. This "neighbor" is now accusing you or your wife of theft, who knows what he will do next.

It was probably his family that thought he was being ridiculous and took the speaker down anyway.

And off on a slight tangent; why do people move to a new area to get away from their old neighborhood and proceed to try to change it until it is exactly like the place they moved from?

Really annoying thing to maybe do -- Did you know that hogs living upwind of annoying neighbors really like to listen to high volume rap music?


07-13-2013, 04:25 PM
The theme song from Barney the dinosaur, on a continuous loop blasted in his direction at high volume every time he sets off the alarm. I heard it worked wonders at gitmo. I agree on the legal options also, must be some sort of nuisance laws you can use.

07-13-2013, 04:51 PM
I know without a attorney you can go to the county court house,and file a no-trespass on him specifically. It cost money to file,and of course he can file one on you. It just makes it a criminal action if,after being served the papers,the person notified trespasses.There is no,"it was my first time",and get away with it. They upon being sighted on your property go to jail,and no trial.This is not a I hate you action,but a I am protecting my family / home from you action!
As for sound I would plant cedars in two rows along your property line about truck traffic wide away from his property.They grow straight up,keep bugs away,provided a wind break,privacy,and kill sound travel both ways.Since he will not be able to see you,and so many people having fun.He will not be able to disturb with a jealous hissy fit no will notice.

07-13-2013, 05:10 PM
I'd say just keep shooting. Seems to me his "revenge" will start to annoy him more than your shooting in short order...

colt 357
07-13-2013, 05:46 PM
get a huge loud speaker point it at his house then play a loop of that annoying ice cream truck music.

07-13-2013, 05:59 PM
if the police are on your side, then just call the police and report it as disturbing the peace. He gets hauled into court and must tell the judge about it. then pay a fine.
Every time his alarm goes off call a cop. after several times in court, it will be jail time for him. you win by being a responsible citizen, he get a rap sheet and a thinner wallet.

07-13-2013, 06:14 PM
Calling the cops everytime you are annoyed, makes a guy a responsible citizen. Just thinking if I was a cop this might annoy me.

You have the solution, your shooting annoys him. I assume you wear ear protection while you shoot, is there any law says you can't shoot at midnight, again at 1 in the morning and so on. These types of neighbors are easy to deal with without leo involvement.

country gent
07-13-2013, 06:14 PM
Okay he has accused your wife of stealing with no grounds and refused to leave when asked to. Call the law file a complaint against him Get a restraining order ( maybe hard on the one incident) Document everything he does now date time and what the disturbance was. He has been threataning and shown tendency to violence its time to get the law involved. Make it a point to ask arund if any other nieghbors are having "problems " with him also. Do this discreetly. A group with the same complaint makes it much easier for the sheriffs to do something quicker. I went thru a violent threatening in law years ago couldnt get the local sheriff involved ( they told us it would cause ore trouble than good) until mother in law and her son were shot. Hes still in a wheelchair to this day. Then the sheriff got involved way to late. You need to document everything, find others in the area haveing problems/issues and talk to the prosecutors as a group if possible. Call and report this inncedent as soon as possible the first caller is the defandant until proven otherwise. Call make the report and explain all that transpired. Dont give him the chance to paint a diffrent pictue first that has to be disproven before the truth can come out.

07-13-2013, 06:32 PM
You could win, but it's going to cost you.

This has probably gone too far to invite him over to shoot with you. ??
Don't go to the trouble of building a hog pen unless you intend to do it properly. If the hogs get out he'll have a reason to be aggravated.

My hog pen solution would be to purchase a roasting pig to fatten up and invite the entire neighborhood to your new annual pig roast pot luck picnic. Fireworks and supervised shooting demonstrations as the entertainment.
Do it legally and above board. Pay the small fee for 24 hour liquor/party insurance policy.

07-13-2013, 06:34 PM
As much as I want to agree with it being "game on" if you don't take the higher ground it will likely cost you $$$$$$.

Take the high road and make it cost him $$$, get All the neigbors to call about the alarms going off (you are All concerned for their well being, maybe his wife is tripping the panic button when he threatens to beat her??), put up no tresspassing signs and when he sets foot on your property have Him arrested, a cheap DVR/gamecam(s) would help here, gamecams can be dual purpose also. I would set up the cams first as he will likely find the signs too great of temptation to resist.

+1 on invting ones sympathetic to you shooting at reasonable hours, I would also check what if any noise ordinances your town has to be sure You are compliant.

07-13-2013, 06:36 PM
You could win, but it's going to cost you.

This has probably gone too far to invite him over to shoot with you. ??
Don't go to the trouble of building a hog pen unless you intend to do it properly. If the hogs get out he'll have a reason to be aggravated.

My hog pen solution would be to purchase a roasting pig to fatten up and invite the entire neighborhood to your new annual pig roast pot luck picnic. Fireworks and supervised shooting demonstrations as the entertainment.
Do it legally and above board. Pay the small fee for 24 hour liquor/party insurance policy.

Love the neighborhood party Idea, what better way to form an alliance!

07-13-2013, 06:38 PM
My wife has run off 3 neighbors over the years mostly by making fun of them, to the neighbors and the whole town. Of course, she's kinda unique -- stubborn as hell and with a deep sarcastic sense of humor. We still refer to one of the former neighbors as "Fast Eddie" and sometimes "Special Ed".

07-13-2013, 06:41 PM
Since he has escalated the situation I would post my property. I would consider carrying a small voice activated tape recorder to record any conversation. I would consider placing cameras around my property to record if he enters your property. Be as professional as possible.....some people worry about tape recording but as long as one party knows you are recording you should be ok....if in doubt run it by te county attorney or any criminal lawyer you know and trust.....

07-13-2013, 06:58 PM
I'm not a fan of calling the cops or getting the legal system involved. In my opinion, once you get lawyers involved in something, both parties end up losing.

The problem with escalation is that it escalates. It starts off with just annoying each other. Then it moves to damage to each others property. Then it leads to physical confrontation and contact. Unless someone is willing to back down, it will likely lead to a body that needs to be disposed of. Unless you are willing to go that far, don't get into the escalation game.

How large is your piece of property? How far is it from your shooting area to his house? Are you shooting towards his house so that the noise is more intense?

07-13-2013, 07:05 PM
Any kind of rap music will do it,or a "mad minute" involving the whole neighborhood!!!!!!!!:bigsmyl2:

07-13-2013, 07:11 PM
You my friend need a thunder mug (google it).


Googled "thunder mug" & I suppose this isn't what you were talking about!???!
Noun 1. thunder mug - a receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom
chamberpot, potty
receptacle - a container that is used to put or keep things in

07-13-2013, 07:18 PM
Don't do ANYTHING that would endanger your FFL. I still hope one day to make it up there.

07-13-2013, 07:28 PM
Googled "thunder mug" & I suppose this isn't what you were talking about!???!
Noun 1. thunder mug - a receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom
chamberpot, potty
receptacle - a container that is used to put or keep things in

Could be he was planning on being nice and giving him one, After he was rendered incapable of walking to the bathroom. lol

07-13-2013, 07:44 PM
I think a loud speaker playing the song April Love by Pat Boone, over & over & over again would drive anyone insane. I know Pat Boone is a nice guy but there is just something about that song. I don't think I could come up with a worse eternal punishment.

07-13-2013, 08:05 PM
This is the thundermug i was refering too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwPgvIv_ms0

07-13-2013, 08:31 PM
I really think I would have to have my own alarm system set up.
every time his went off it would just happen to trigger a much louder more annoying one set in exactly the same spot as his.
1,000 watts should be about right to start.

i'm sure you want to be safe too.
you might wanna try it out the first time, just as he is installing his new speaker.

07-13-2013, 08:50 PM
If it's a burglar alarm, then by all means, call the sheriff's office each time you hear it. That's what good neighbors do, watch out for each other. After a few calls you may have to explain to the dispatcher that it happens often, and you're really concerned that your neighbors alarm system may be defective. I don't think that the Sheriff will put up with too much of it.

+1 to this

07-13-2013, 08:53 PM
I'd do nothing, the noise from his own burglar alarm will soon get to be worse then your gun shots.

07-13-2013, 09:34 PM
Have a rubber stamp made with his name and address, stamp every "enter our contest to win??"form at any place you see them. Use a pay phone, call the Mormans, Seven Day Adventist, and Christian Scientist churches, tell them he needs their help.

07-13-2013, 09:45 PM
'Reveille'? 'Ride of the Valkyries'? Naw, man, you need the '1812 Overture' at full blast!
Kidding aside, it is time for a restraining order of some kind, post your property, and keep shooting. He can go back to where he came from, or stop 'visiting' altogether.

07-13-2013, 09:51 PM
I would get a set of electronic ear muffs that have an input for a MP3 player. Listen to music while his alarm is going off. Same for indoors a good set of earphones.

07-13-2013, 10:48 PM
I agree with the "don't get att. involved". Just be the nice guy that all the neigbors know you are. Your peacful neigbors are your best defense against this guy. When the alarm goes off call the sheriff. Normally after answering a call for 3 times for alarm system problems they will start billing him for the calls. That is how it works here. Gets quite expensive after awhile for him. Post trespass signs and most of all don't p@@@ off the people that are on your side.
His family will soon take care of the problem, don't forget it bothers them too!!! Justgo on as anyother day, do not escalate the problem. Hold a neighborhood block party and invite him also the other people will chat with him about this problem cause he will bring it up in conversation.
CD in TN.

Ford SD
07-13-2013, 11:13 PM
I agree with not doing anything too Far out

How about making some of your lawn that he can see in to a minature runway (flashing light at night) ---For the UFO but only tell him

Cut your lawn with a design or in stripes and if he asks it a new way of keeping the flying bugs away from your house and sending them elsewhere:kidding:

a arrow pointed at his house to send the bugs that away :veryconfu

pink flamingoes ????

A bit silly but you get the idea (had a long day at work)

Ps did I cheer you up any ?:mrgreen:

07-13-2013, 11:29 PM
I like the idea of being civil. Check on him from time to time to make sure everything is still OK. Smile and nod when he prods and just keep on keepin on. I'm sure it'll burn him up. I really don't think escalation will help at all. But I'm not there.

07-13-2013, 11:29 PM
Have him involuntarily committed. He sounds insane, unstable at the least.

07-13-2013, 11:42 PM
Ok this individual has gone too far.
I read the most recent post by you, and first thing I thought was that daughter or son-in-law removed his speaker. Someone else beat me to the posting.
My wonderful better half works for an attorney, my son is a cop.
The legal route is the best route.
File a complaint against him, as well as doing anything you can to document your willingness to involve the legal system. Game cameras do a lot as well.
Next, as noted a lot, make the "concerned citizen calls" to the LEO's when his alarm goes off. Also noted above, in many places, once a certain number of false alarms calls are answered, the offender (him) has to PAY for the sheriff's dept to answer these calls.
Get the neighbors involved as well, especially his daughter & son-in-law. There is strength in numbers and it is much better legally.

07-14-2013, 12:05 AM

Love Life
07-14-2013, 12:06 AM
^^^^Always appropriate and classy.

07-14-2013, 03:17 AM
Setup a movie screen in view of his windows with a repeating loop of Diane Feinstein on it...

07-14-2013, 03:22 AM
Setup a movie screen in view of his windows with a repeating loop of Diane Feinstein on it...

There may be something in the Geneva convention prohibiting that!!

07-14-2013, 07:27 AM
he was accusing her of stealing his damned speaker.
Sounds like you might not be his only problem. . .

These things can and do escalate to bad results for everyone involved. Be careful.

I’m sure you will remember this story http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/31/us/alabama-child-hostage
Here’s a quote from the story----- “How he was supposed to have been in court to face charges that he'd shot at his neighbors over a minor property dispute”

If you watch very much news seems like a lot of people walking around loose that maybe shouldn’t be, your man could be one..

41 mag fan
07-14-2013, 08:29 AM
I really think I would have to have my own alarm system set up.
every time his went off it would just happen to trigger a much louder more annoying one set in exactly the same spot as his.
1,000 watts should be about right to start.

i'm sure you want to be safe too.
you might wanna try it out the first time, just as he is installing his new speaker.

Looks like my thoughts on this was already posted! This is exactly what I would do

07-14-2013, 09:54 AM
taking the high road will not work with his type. However you have to walk the thin line of being annoying while being legal an not seen as trying to agravate him.
You could do that simply by continuing to live your life and shooting on your property as you have before, it seems to get his goat pretty well. And trust me the alarm is agravating him as much as it is you.
HOwever if that is not enough, I think you have a bird problem on your farm, you should invest in an automatic propane cannon that the rice farmers and airports use to scare off birds. They go off every couple of minutes or so, till the propane runs out. They are an agricultural device and the next time you go out of town, your not there to scare off the birds, Id set it and forget it.

07-14-2013, 11:05 AM
I really must be looking at this one in a totally different way than most. Were the annoying neighbor somewhere around my age (20), it certainly would be game on for most of the suggestions here, plus a few of my own making.

However, I have too much respect for my elders to declare war on a 70 year old man that so far has stayed within his legal rights, as well as you have stayed within yours. Did you ever consider the fact that he might be a veteran and your shooting/explosions/fireworks are bringing flashbacks from an unpleasant time he would rather have forgotten about? That could be what is driving him to take this so seriously, like it actually is a life or death thing.
That does not give him the right to come on your property or threaten your family, so I would get the popo involved and have a restraining order put on him to keep him off your property and give the cops a reason to show up when you call, but I think I would look for the real cause of all this before I tried to ruin him over it.
Just my 2 cents, worth less than what it cost ya.

07-14-2013, 12:53 PM
Do not escalate as you have the sympathy of his daughter and son in law. Get him a quality pair of sound suppressing electronic muffs. Do not cheap out. Apologize for disturbing him from time to time and take him fresh baking. Find out what his favorite pie is. Right now you are allowing him to "push your buttons". Kill him with kindness. The good book tells us to love your enemies, it will make you stronger, confuse them, and maybe drive them nuts....

Swamp Man
07-14-2013, 04:50 PM
Take up the hobby of rebuilding airboat engines at 1-3 am trust me it works.

07-14-2013, 05:09 PM
" The Ride of the Valkyries" hahahaha

I would Buy day old Chickens did you know you can buy ALL ROOTERS hahah Every morning at day break!!! and sometimes at night ya can not shut our birds up!!!
and if you turn some speaker loud they will cackle louder hahah
and there good BBQed when the wars over and it will be over hahaha

but then again if ya kill him with kindness, and do what you want and just nod head when hes gettin crazy works too,,
agree with everything and do what ya do..
but Birds will make him crazy and stink tp high hell in summer and fly's gloore haha just keep them as close to him as posb and far from you,,,
what to barrow a few horses?


07-14-2013, 05:14 PM

You are holding a trump card. Use it while you have the sympathy of neighbors, and more effective, the grumpygeezer's immediate family.

The 'grump' came to you, he trespassed your property. He set foot on (in) your home and caused great alarm. Your wife felt threatend and was fearful of bodily harm. You were forced from your bed to answer your wife's call for help. You were again forced to take actions by chasing this obvious threat away from your home and off your property.

Make a formal complaint to the S.O. If it isn't documented, it did not happen. Build your case to stop this recalcitrant geezer, because he will not stop his carp. Stay cool and forget some of the foolish, yet slightly entertaining, suggestions to retalliate.
The 'suggestors' will not be there to bail you out of jail or pay legal costs. And that can only be the begining of legal troubles if you do not stay in control.

Invest in and install game cameras. Enlist the watchful help of trusted neighbors. Good luck to you. Beware of this guy.


deep creek
07-14-2013, 05:49 PM
im in pest control ,ive had a few *****s not pay for work.this is what i do ,i pick up every dead skunk i find on the road check wind direction and deposit works for me.also check on him often and have the neibors check on him ask if hes feeling ok as he looks thin and pale,act concerned always smile. ask if you can take him to the doctor.invite him over for supper take left overs to him ask about his health often.always be in his face and always smile. youll drive him nuts!!!

07-14-2013, 05:58 PM
You catch more flys with honey. I know I hate when people are nice to me.

07-14-2013, 06:16 PM
It depends how mean you are. If you are really low down, the next time you know he is going to the big city put a sign on the back of his car that says:

"This is George Zimmerman's car
and he is hiding in the trunk":kidding:

07-14-2013, 06:48 PM
Yes you do need to stand up for your rights and do it within the limits of the law.

I had a similar situation with one of my neighbors a few years back when I was helping my then teenage daughter getting her rifle ready for the youth hunt. He came screaming up to our house in his car, got out hollering and cussing that we shot toward his house, I invited him out back to see the berm we were firing into of which he wanted no part of and continued his cussing. I simply walked up the bank holding the rifle and calmly informed him that he was trespassing on my property and if he wanted to continue with his present attitude I would consider it a threat against me and my daughter. That calmed him down instantly. I haven't had him come onto my property since. Just for perspective we had lived here for over 20 years and he had been here less than 3 months when this happened. Needless to say it didn't take him long to learn that he was all by himself when it came to telling the locals what they can and cannot do on their own property.

Some of the neighbors with atv's and such have trails on their property that borders right close to his and those things can make quite a racket with the muffler removed, if you know what I mean. :)

He's calmed down quite a bit over the past couple of years.

07-14-2013, 07:13 PM
A little over a year ago a twister ripped up my carport and carried it almost intact over 300 feet and deposited it on my neighbor's carport. He's still annoyed with me, I still smile and wave.

07-14-2013, 07:30 PM
+1 for thumbcocker

07-14-2013, 07:54 PM
Be careful and use all your strength to stay way above the law file a noise complaint and hope the siren irritates his wife just as much as it does you

07-14-2013, 08:04 PM
And every time the burglar alarm goes off call the sheriff and tell him you think there is something wrong at your neighbors house, you don't know but there is a loud alarm going off.


07-14-2013, 08:06 PM
The incident of what he did on your property needs to be documented by your local S.O. You can take that and the sound harassment over to the SAO office and get an injunction placed on him. Work within the system he still has relatives around him and you want them to stay neutral or on your side as much as possible.

07-15-2013, 01:36 AM
I get a kick out of all this kindness ****, you know, some people are just @ssholes. Be kind, you know, the kind of kind that got the gun laws rammed up our @sses in Connecticut. Oh, turn the other cheek, take the high ground, be the better man... Lose your effing rights. You know what? Screw that. I'd make this prick sorry he was ever born. I would bait him in every way possible and catch everything HE did on video. Get him so pissed that he come onto your property and record it, then ram the sonic fist of the law up his uptight @ss.

You can do that while being kind, understanding, and helpful. A bit of patience and a little nudge to help karma at the right moment can give very satisfying result. I never seak vengeance but I do ply by the rules.

07-15-2013, 01:48 AM
It is surprising how satisfying a little nudge can be. It is also very effective if placed in the right place.

07-15-2013, 07:10 AM
get a huge loud speaker point it at his house then play a loop of that annoying ice cream truck music.


Setup a movie screen in view of his windows with a repeating loop of Diane Feinstein on it...

Cruel and unusual there.....dang....

I'm thinking polka music....particularly the "Chicken Dance"

But seriously, sounds like it's already out of hand. Stay smart, calm, and collected. Be legal and be tough.
I'm sorry you have to go thru this hassle.

07-15-2013, 07:41 AM
I have been looking for a site like that ever since the old "ship-a-turd.com" site went down!! Thank you!!!!

All in all I think it's pretty much over. I have talked like a gentleman to my LEO buds and he has NOT. I got the direct quote that "We have seen unruly 12 year olds that act better than that guy, he's looney tunes. If he comes onto your property again, and especially if he lays a hand on your wife or family, it will take us 35 minutes to get here so please take "appropriate action" to protect your family. "

I will and without firearms -- I don't need a gun to whip a tub like him. Dug out my old Arnis sticks the other day and that's all I need although, I think he got the message the other day.

I *believe* one of my other neighbors stole his speaker as I saw them yesterday and with a smile he said "Hey Art, ya' haven't been bothered by that speaker in the last day or so, eh? " with a big grin............................

Speaking of loud music played to him, what music do ALL old people hate? Especially some of us old guys here? RAP. I HATE that ****. Only problem is I don't know if I can stand it.........

Time to write my family down south who has already offered to come up and take care of the problem for me, they aren't as tolerant as I am and I think they are going to want the poopsenders addy..................<grin>

Thanks for all the good ideas guys.........



country gent
07-15-2013, 07:58 AM
Now is the time to stay calm and collected dont escalate it or instigate anything. You have your local sheriff behind you and the nieghbors backing you. Leave him to stew and wonder. He will get out of line again soon enough. ANd then the appropriate calls can be made dealing with the situation. Keep in mind what one just went thru by supposedly escalating the situation at hand with a 17 year old thug. Chances are now media and law enforcement will side with you Harrassing or teasing a 70 year old who is also possibly a vetran may get media to side with him. Remember any story can be told to reflect the tellers views. IE. Golf is a game where you beat a little ball with a great big club. Right now you are the law abiding citizen being wronged dont give them any ideas otherwise.

07-15-2013, 08:23 AM
By the way you guys are ALL awesome with the suggestions. Thanks SO much. Some of them have helped me keep a head on my shoulders.

Also on the Veteran thing? This guy ran to Canada during Vietnam when a bunch of my buddies had to go -- I was three years away from being called. I wish I could say I'm sorry I missed it but truth be know I thank GOD I did from the stories my buds tell me although I would have gone gladly. He brags about running away too.

Ahhhh if only RDX and detcord were legal and available on the civilian market...................<grin>

07-15-2013, 09:11 AM
By the way you guys are ALL awesome with the suggestions. Thanks SO much. Some of them have helped me keep a head on my shoulders.

Also on the Veteran thing? This guy ran to Canada during Vietnam when a bunch of my buddies had to go -- I was three years away from being called. I wish I could say I'm sorry I missed it but truth be know I thank GOD I did from the stories my buds tell me although I would have gone gladly. He brags about running away too.

Ahhhh if only RDX and detcord were legal and available on the civilian market...................<grin>

That right there tells us all what a scum bag this ******* is!

07-15-2013, 09:54 AM
One more suggestion for your *** neighbor. I say this as you indicate:
1) the *** doesn't care about the law, he has broken many already
2) he has money and is one of the nasty, vile gun grabbers.
So - mark or somehow 'tag' the base of your boolits - when he decides to claim your shooting hits his property, he will have to prove it and will not be able to do that. This is no joking matter. Texas is a 'OK for guns' state but here are real cases of attempts to shut down shooting.
1) Lady claims bullet holes in her house come from a nearby range - haven't heard anything about that one for a year so I suspect it was bogus.
2) Wealthy lady doesn't like the sound of gunshots near her $2M home, calls the county justice and NO SHOOTING IN COUNTY ruled by gov.
3) By state law, no shooting on property less than 50 acres on counties with population greater than 'X'. NRA sat on the sidelines for that one.
4) GPSR lawsuits still going since 2010. Why is this one important? The legal precedence set by courts supersedes all law 'on the books'. The details can be read here: http://courts.dallascounty.org/CaseDocuments.aspx?CaseID=4673910&EventID=118241308&CaseCategoryKeys=CV&NodeID=200,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219 ,220,221,222,223,500 or searched by dallas county civil court #98? case DC-1200671. Don't be lazy, read the court docs.
The case is a claim by a city (plaintiff) that the range is not safe. They shopped for a 'expert witness' and came up with a retired LEO/NRA official. The witness invoked the NSSF/NRA range design rules, the 'no blue sky' rule, the 'no bullet shall cross the property line' rule, 4 mile 'shooting fan'. The plantiff has moved for a vacate ruling from the court - they want a new trial (there has been a temporary injunction for several years), I suspect it is a stall while other persons are added to the plaintiff's side - a shootng injury case has been reopened in the same court. What is important, NSSF/NRA range design rules (which are a design aid to ranges) will become defacto LAW for any and all ranges in Texas. The NRA has sat on the sidelines on this one ( where is your money going?). You country boys have 16 sections of land? You make a berm and call it good? Think again. Think the NRA is protecting your 2nd amendment rights? Doesn't look like it to me. This range was opened in 69, has made improvements over the years with NO incidents. Plaintiff city annexed adjacent property and zoned it residential, I think in the 80s. IMHO there will be no justice in this case, Dallas pol & law is just like Chicago, it's all about $$.
5) Martin/Zimmerman case - The DOJ will try to use this case to override the state's castle doctrine laws. Yes, the jury of people found NO guilt, but that is irrelevant. Once the castle is bypassed, 2nd amendment is irrelevant. How does that happen? yes you can shoot someone in self defense but the fed can try you anyway.
5) The city, state and federal gov doesn't care about deaths, except to the extent of the financial $$ to process the deaths (unless it is one of them aka Kaufman cases). I did NOT say that LE doesn't care. Digest that fact.
Mods - I posted this here as there have been many questions about range design & protection here. This is not intended as a political statement by me.

07-15-2013, 10:32 AM
Wish you the best in a resolution with your neighbor. Agree with other's posting that you will need to keep a detailed dated history of altercations, and report every incident of the alarm system going off to the Police. I wouldn't do anything to invoke him further. I'd let your neighbors know that they should also report repeated unwarranted use of his alarm system to the Police.

Live out in the country myself, and while my neighbor isn't doing what your's is...but I get this to look at everyday. His property goes along a stretch of a main road, and my father's property is on the other side of the tree line. This is just a Google Street-view, and it looks a lot worse in person.

Town took him to court about 5 years back, and found guilty of violating junk yard law. Then town did nothing. He has 2 mobile homes on the property, one that is burned out from fire a couple winters ago. No running water, unless you count the stream beside his property. I have called 3 State Department agencies, and they seem to be unwilling to do anything. He has pigs penned in large area now in the open without shade, about 5 fallow deer cage in the woods by the stream, with no access to grass just mud and he gives them cut grass. Last summer he started having a local solid waste company haul in expired food or crab/fish remains for fertilizer. The stuff smells terrible enough that I have to keep my house closed up.

07-15-2013, 11:53 AM

07-15-2013, 12:11 PM
That right there tells us all what a scum bag this ******* is!

Yep!! I am sorry I stuck up for him by thinking he was like most of his generation that served honorably! I have no time or candy for people like that!

07-15-2013, 02:41 PM
AHHH, now fella's, I never said I wasn't a man of means, but the way I stay that way is to be frugal except with my guns. If he had my money he'd burn his, I simply choose to live like a regular person...............but it's always there if I need it.

Oh yes! My cousin from NC is up visiting and guess what? He's never fired an AR-15! Man it is 90 degrees here right now but I don't think it will take too long to loose a few hundred rounds from two AR's................<grin>

One more thing -- the chances of ANY of our bullets hitting his house are ZERO as we shoot 90 degrees into his house into a very large hill...............can you say:



07-15-2013, 04:18 PM
One more thing -- the chances of ANY of our bullets hitting his house are ZERO as we shoot 90 degrees into his house into a very large hill...............can you say:

He can claim ricochet.
Way back when the earth was cooler we setup a trap "range" on 80 acres next to our small pheasant farm. Neighbors all came to shoot periodically. One of them, across the street 170 degrees, claimed shot was hitting their roof and collecting in their gutters. Trap was in a buried shipping crate with one opening facing due South of everyone.

Oh, well.

07-15-2013, 05:04 PM
Hope you don't have any more problems with him but I think you missed my point. If a case went to court you will be required to prove that no round ever went past your property line, in ANY direction. You are guilty until YOU prove you are innocent & 'everything is illegal until we make a law saying it is legal'. That is the reason I posted the link to the case. It started as a personal injury suit with absolutely NO evidence to support it. To get results, the city filed a suit claiming the range is not safe, using the NRA guidelines as law. If the case succeeds, I could shop a judge, point to the legal precedence ( compliance with ALL NRA guidelines) and shut down almost any outdoor range in Texas. Yea, it's just some other poor slob's problem, NOT. The downside to the city is that they would have to pay damages, condemn all residential property and change zoning for the land down range. Big $$$$. BTW, Ca law used to be that you couldn't be held criminally responsible for hitting a pedestrian outside the painted crosswalk lines. Bet that has changes with all the illiterates in the state now. Chime in anytime lawyers.
edit: for got to add that the city's attorney didn't lie to the court in his brief, stating 'the range opened in 69 and subsequently home were built on adjacent property', however he didn't state that the land (unincorporated) ~2.5 miles from city limits were annexed and zoned 10 years later. That statement would have put the city in the wrong.
dboseman - you are correct, big money is buying out our freedom.

07-15-2013, 05:25 PM
A lot of older gun clubs are no more, due to new neighbors.

07-15-2013, 05:52 PM
Why don't you just ask him what his problem is?? I had a neighbor like that in town, 30 feet away from my house!! He was a crotchety old goat I killed him with kindness, I use to knock the end of his Driveway out with my plow because all had was a Toro Single Stage snow blower did his sidewalks and Driveway too he mellowed after a couple seasons. Ended up not being a bad guy, passed away a couple years back. To this day I still refer to him as "The Old Fart!!" though!!

07-15-2013, 11:19 PM
Art you live on a farm. You must havetree stumps that need removing. I think you can buy Detcord and dynamite. 1/2 a stick does a GOOD job of removing cherry tree stumps (domestic, tame). You may need to see sheriff and explain why you need it. If you have used it in the past you shouldn't have a problem. My father would stick a 1/2 stick a previously made hole with blasting cap and fuse attached. I would attach detcord to dynamite, bury dynamite in hole, bring detcord to surface, attach blasting cap and measured length of fuse. I didn't like the idea of tamping dynamite with blasting cap attached. Any way have fun removing stumps. Jeff

07-15-2013, 11:51 PM
Be extra NICE to him, dont start a war you can't win, be the NICE guy and it will piss him off more than anything else you can do. Have the wife bake him cookies, check on his welfare ask him if you can get him anything from town ect, it will drive him crazy. And every time the burglar alarm goes off call the sheriff and tell him you think there is something wrong at your neighbors house, you don't know but there is a loud alarm going off.

^^This^^ -- especially the part about calling the Sheriff when the alarm goes off ... they will put a stop to it ..... Just being a good neighbor.

07-16-2013, 12:54 AM
A row of double high stacked round bales would do a lot to temper the noise. Real close to the property line. Bury some dead chicken parts in between the bales if he is mostly downwind... added bonus they attract a lot of mice even without decomposing dead chicken.

07-16-2013, 08:16 AM
Put the law on your side. Everytime his "burglar alarm" goes off, call 911 and report your neighbors burgalar alarm is going off. The police will soon tire of this game and I beleive they will "encourage" him to be a better nieghbor.

07-16-2013, 09:24 AM
If the loudspeaker has not been replaced by this time it may be a sign that someone has gotten to him and shown the error of his ways. We can all hope so.

07-16-2013, 02:54 PM
Respectfully Gliden07, I have done that DOZENS of times over the last five years...............


Why don't you just ask him what his problem is?? I had a neighbor like that in town, 30 feet away from my house!! He was a crotchety old goat I killed him with kindness, I use to knock the end of his Driveway out with my plow because all had was a Toro Single Stage snow blower did his sidewalks and Driveway too he mellowed after a couple seasons. Ended up not being a bad guy, passed away a couple years back. To this day I still refer to him as "The Old Fart!!" though!!

07-16-2013, 11:39 PM
No pleasin all of the people all of the time and some of the people none of the time!! Sorry to hear that Tazman. Lifes to short to be that miserable!!

Respectfully Gliden07, I have done that DOZENS of times over the last five years...............


07-17-2013, 04:13 PM
Love your enemies, it drives them nuts! Take the high road and relax while he stews in his frustration.

BUT, if you decide to go the other way, there are some REALLY good suggestions on here! Just keep it legal and try to avoid direct confrontation. Try not to get law enforcement involved. No good can come of that.

And since he is only there part time, maybe he will cut his visits shorter.

07-18-2013, 10:59 AM
Every time his alarm goes off, I would call the police and report a brake-in at you neighbors, since it is his alarm. The police will respond once or twice, then start charging him for the false alarms. ( this got so expensive for my neighbor , he shut the thing off!)

John 242
07-18-2013, 11:40 AM
Right now, you're the aggrieved party and enjoy everyone's sympathy accordingly. If you start trying to annoy him, that sentiment will change in the blink on an eye. The tune will change to "can you believe that thug is picking on the old couple?" I can guaranty anything you do to purposely annoy him will change sentiment against you. Right now he's curmudgeonly Walter Mathau guy and when he takes the next step without you having responded/ escalated, family or the law will intervene with him. If you escalate, the whole thing changes.

You are within reason to want to respond, but doing so would be a bad idea. Let him be hoist on his own petard.

Absolutely agree with your post and the others that have the same advice. DO NOT ANTAGONIZE THE SITUATION. This can escalate out of control and you may end up regretting the outcome.
Seek legal advice. Speak with an attorney and consider a civil suit, if you can prove that what he is doing is egregious and harms you in some way. If you can't prove that what he is doing somehow harms you, then suck it up and drive on.

The "suck it up" part sounds like I'm being an donkey, but if you can simply live with it, then let him play his games and maybe he'll get bored. Continue to file complaints as necessary, but don't resort to stupid retaliation.

07-18-2013, 06:29 PM
well it does rain fill that speaker with water when it does.
also good idea from others call cops everytime it goes off .
and yes everytime you see him be so nice its sickining.

07-18-2013, 09:35 PM
Tazman1602, I think the next step is to organize a Weekend Schützenfest for all the Michigan Castboolits members! I think there are enough of us to make a fine showing for a day or two! And then you can invite your neighbor to the barbeque later!:2gunsfiring_v1:

07-19-2013, 06:50 AM
Seek legal advice. Speak with an attorney and consider a civil suit, if you can prove that what he is doing is egregious and harms you in some way. If you can't prove that what he is doing somehow harms you, then suck it up and drive on.

Don't get lawyers involved unless you are wanting to find out which one of you can run out of money the first.