View Full Version : It's an "I've learned my lesson!" thread. Tell us one thing that you won't do again?

07-12-2013, 10:20 PM
What have you got folks? :popcorn:

07-12-2013, 10:22 PM
I won't be fluxing while using a hot spoon to melt the beeswax, that's being held in a paper towel.

07-12-2013, 10:24 PM
I never put battery plates in hot lead again!

That was in the days before they put calcium in batteries so lets not get off topic on that!

07-12-2013, 10:24 PM
Try to have a serious discussion with a guy wearing a foil hat.....

07-12-2013, 10:27 PM
Fresh as of today: Never spray the wasp nest with Raid while wearing short sleeves.

07-12-2013, 10:30 PM
Noon time, clear sky, 80 degrees and humid, bright sun -- NOT smelting time!

07-12-2013, 10:32 PM
I probably won't ever ride in an office chair behind a pickup anymore, or swap pickups at 80 mph, or hold up a beer can for someone to shoot, turn a bike over backwards at 70 or 80 mph, or even ride a rank horse. There are many, many things that I will never do again.

07-12-2013, 10:45 PM
Try to have a serious discussion with a guy wearing a foil hat.....

Is that foil I see on the hat in the avatar? :bigsmyl2:

07-12-2013, 10:47 PM
I probably won't ever ride in an office chair behind a pickup anymore, or swap pickups at 80 mph, or hold up a beer can for someone to shoot, turn a bike over backwards at 70 or 80 mph, or even ride a rank horse. There are many, many things that I will never do again.

Do you still have ALL your limbs and digits?:popcorn:

07-12-2013, 10:49 PM
Smelt wearing shorts and flip flops. Buy a NEW pickup.....can't afford one anyway.

DIRT Farmer
07-12-2013, 10:57 PM
Just a quick hive check. I won't need the bee suit on a morning like this.

Idaho Mule
07-12-2013, 11:50 PM
Check the oil in a Briggs & Stratton lawnmower engine while it's running. Learned that when I was about 8, never forgot. JW

07-13-2013, 01:02 AM
Dumbest thing lately is welding on soggy ground with wet leather boots. Got lit pretty good when I went to insert another rod. Changed to rubber muck boots and put a pair of nitrile gloves on under the leathers. Didn't get nailed after that.

07-13-2013, 01:22 AM
Lay the rod down on something with the end overhanging. You can then pick it up with the holder and keep on welding until you feel the current leaking while you are welding. Of course now I know better and probably those welds were hydrogen embrittled and would have been weak.

07-13-2013, 01:29 AM
Pour concrete in 100 degree heat for my solar panels 5 days before my annual BBQ. It was 101 that day and I had company from the day after I poured concrete until the day of the big BBQ. 6 days cooking outside in that heat after losing way to much water via sweat pouring concrete. At least I got help mounting the panels on the 5th day, concrete was setup enough to assemble things.

07-13-2013, 01:31 AM
Keep the chainsaw away from my leg even when it is going slow.

07-13-2013, 01:45 AM
I hope I never again take up with a woman that's crazier than I am. Looked like fun, sometimes it was but I hope I learned my lesson.

07-13-2013, 03:59 AM
Do you still have ALL your limbs and digits?:popcorn:

Yea, I do, but some were in the wrong place a time or two. lol

07-13-2013, 04:41 AM
Back onto an electric fence when the seat of my pants is wet.

07-13-2013, 05:47 AM
Clean spider webs and other debris from ingot molds before pouring hot lead,met the tinsel faires by not doing so.Just a few slight burns but a good lesson.

07-13-2013, 05:52 AM
Get married!!!

Love Life
07-13-2013, 05:58 AM
Snatch a snapping turtle out of his mud bath.

07-13-2013, 06:38 AM
Shake hands with a politician.......

Rick N Bama
07-13-2013, 07:09 AM
Shoot a Bull in the Cojones with a BB gun while Dad is watching...


07-13-2013, 07:16 AM
I've found out that you can learn a lot about a person by just letting the talk.
Both, the fool and the intellectual will reveal themselves in time.

07-13-2013, 08:44 AM
I vow to never have more than one open can of powder on the bench at any time. The gods of Mauser saved me the first time and there will be no second time.

07-13-2013, 09:00 AM
I'll never cast in shorts and bare feet again. I have a quarter size scar on top of my left foot as a reminder.

I'll never drop ingots into the melt without letting them heat up on top of the pot first. Condensation on ingots and tinsel fairies just seem to go hand in hand.

07-13-2013, 09:18 AM
When the 1911 is jammed, I WON'T rack the slide with my left hand over the ejection port (Thumbs pointed toward each other instead of the same direction), and in the same light never will have one with a dang extended ejector!

07-13-2013, 10:03 AM
never get remarried, 3 times is enough lol

07-13-2013, 11:30 AM
ATVs are tippy. Maybe even worse than Ford Pintos.

Dale in Louisiana
07-13-2013, 11:35 AM
Shoot a Bull in the Cojones with a BB gun while Dad is watching...


In my case it was great-grandma's ram, the sire of her flock of sheep. We called him "Pak-a-Sak" after the local convenience store chain, and a BB would make him hump up and GO! He had a really bad attitude towards me and my brother.

dale in Louisiana

Dale in Louisiana
07-13-2013, 11:36 AM
I've found out that you can learn a lot about a person by just letting the talk.
Both, the fool and the intellectual will reveal themselves in time.

And all too often, they're both the same person.

dale in Louisiana

07-13-2013, 11:37 PM
Pick up a lawn mower muffler 5 seconds after falling off, in the process of mowing.

07-13-2013, 11:47 PM
Try to do anything I saw in a cartoon.

Smitty's Retired
07-14-2013, 12:00 AM
Be slow in getting my thumb out from in front of a Garand bolt.

Love Life
07-14-2013, 12:01 AM
Try to do anything I saw in a cartoon.

Good call. I ended up with banana arm after jumping off of a picnic table playing Superman. It was quite funny because I had just left the hospital a week ago busting my chin open jumping out of a dining room chair. We were stationed in Germany at the time and the doctor asked my mom if she or my dad were injuring me.

07-14-2013, 12:01 AM
Try to do anything I saw in a cartoon.

That made me laugh out load. I've never personally done something from a cartoon but my imagination ran wild when I read that. Primarily thinking of Wylie Coyote. Still laughing! :bigsmyl2:

07-14-2013, 12:17 AM
Good call. I ended up with banana arm after jumping off of a picnic table playing Superman. It was quite funny because I had just left the hospital a week ago busting my chin open jumping out of a dining room chair. We were stationed in Germany at the time and the doctor asked my mom if she or my dad were injuring me.

LMAO, We keep hearing about your brother, hmmmmmmm

Love Life
07-14-2013, 12:36 AM
LMAO, We keep hearing about your brother, hmmmmmmm

I can go on for hours talking about my big brother now!!

07-14-2013, 01:55 AM
Shake hands with a politician.......

Do you still have all your fingers?

07-14-2013, 02:59 AM
So far I think I've got you all beat in the stupid tricks award area. It was close to Christmas 2 years ago and I had an order for 20 50 BMG bottle openers. I ran out of empty brass and it was raining so I pulled the bullets on several, poured the powder out and normally I would put some oil on the primer to kill it. (I don't do that anymore). I had my safety glasses on and welding gloves and was using a Foredom tool with a 1.5 inch cutting disk to cut out what I needed to for the bottle opener. A spark hit the inside of the primer and bang, I got shot with the primer when it came out of the back of the case. I didn't feel anything but got up went to my room to check when I noticed a hole in my bib overalls and when I pulled the front down there was blood everywhere. I grabbed a clean towel and held pressure on it and changed my bibs to head for the hospital. I had my 10 year old son help me hold pressure on it and he kind of started to freak out but I got him calmed down. I stopped by my fathers place so he could drive the rest of the way and watch Scotty. The Sheriff deputy that got called had been told I was shot by a 50 BMG in the gut. He couldn't believe I drove myself because he knows that I often shoot my 50 BMG and thought the worst. Anyway ya'll don't need to call me a ******* as I've called myself that but I tell this story to educate others on the power of the primer. http://imageshack.us/a/img814/4849/12132011primerholesmall.jpg

You can see the primer on the right side but it entered next to my belly button. I also had a spinal fusion several years ago so that is why my spine looks like it does. Lots of metal inside me. People the 50 BMG primers are powerful. If you need to pop one put it in the rifle and do it that way pointed in a safe direction.

I'll cling to my God and my guns, and you can keep the "Change".

07-14-2013, 06:08 AM
Marry the X wife:evil:

07-14-2013, 09:06 AM
Marry the X wife:evil:

A guy told me that marrying your X is like putting on dirty underwear.

07-14-2013, 09:16 AM
Yup, still got all my fingers! I dont wear a watch so i didnt worry about losing that. Politicians are all smiles and hand shakers and back slappers and...... and......LI...... l dont want to hijack this thread!

Bucking the Tiger
07-14-2013, 09:23 AM
Carelessly pouring the last three cast bullets out of a box of lead bullets( store bought someone gave me) I had religiously scooped bullets out of with my ladle 2-3 at a time( to avoid surprises) only to find out what happens when you drop a live primer into your pot. Not too good.....
It is amazing how everything got a cigarette foil thin coating of lead on it. I was wearing a nice part of it. I did have safety glasses and a half-face respirator on, so I did not have to get a tooth brush to get the lead out.
A real high point in my history of low brow moves.

MT Gianni
07-14-2013, 11:18 PM
At age 12 I learned if I rolled a bb out the end of a pump up 177 Benjamin rifle to keep my finger out of the trigger guard
At age 19 I learned it was time to stop surfing/sking on a skateboard behind a VW Beetle.
At age 26 I learned to never crawl under an electric fence with an 18" wrench in my back pocket.
At age 30 I learned never to go into the woods without what it would take you to soend the night there, whether you were only going 1/4 mile or 20 miles.
At 40 I learned it was time to put up the softball glove.
At 50 I relearned motorcycles were just as fun as when I was 16.
At 59 I try to remember all the rest regularly.

07-15-2013, 12:06 AM
I learned pretty early in life to make sure your legs were long enough to straddle an electric fence before stepping over it. lol Never crawled under one.

07-15-2013, 01:27 AM
Darn, electric fences make good learning instruments - As most of you know the electric fence system has the wire that goes around and another wire that goes to a ground rod - when I was a young lad my uncle ran an electric fence powerful enough to burn the tops off the weeds that grew up to it.
To help it keep it potency he would go around the barn to where the ground wire was connected to the ground rod and take a leak on the ground rod.
Me trying to copy my elder - I thought I would do that also - the part he never mentioned was to turn off the power to the unit before taking a leak - Ouch - won't ever do that again.

07-15-2013, 02:10 AM
Hot wire story.
Boarded my Quarter Horse at a friend's house. Took her (the horse) out into the pasture for some exorcise (bareback). The gate that separated pasture and arena had fallen off so all that was there was the hot wire stretched across about 5-1/2 feet above the ground. I'd intended to ride up to the wire and unhook it then ride through and turn around and hook it up again. Nope! Stormy (my mare) was so excited to get back, instead of turning when I qued her, she planted her nose against the wire, panicked and dove under it. I got scraped off by the wire. Don't know how long I was unconscious, but it took me over a month before I could tie my shoes again without having to stop and think, "how do you do this?".


07-15-2013, 02:11 AM
I have been around and using electric fences my whole life. Me thinks your uncle got one over on you Artful. lol

Full Mold Jack
07-15-2013, 06:41 AM
Throw shotgun primers into a fire, I've still got the half round scar on my knuckle 30 years later, my 8 foot safety buffer clearly wasn't far enough away.

Stephen Cohen
07-15-2013, 07:02 AM
I feel in good company after reading this thread, yes married 3 times, shot bull in privates, and many others, I am suffering a lot of pain today due to many silly things, even jumped from second story house using umbrella as a parachute it didn't work.

07-15-2013, 08:02 AM
I've learned that it's not a good idea to dig the clip on wheel weights out of the bucket with your bare hands. Do you know where the inspectors throw away those razor blades that they use to remove old inspection stickers? Also there's the nails, screws and other junk they pull from flats.

07-15-2013, 09:59 AM
Lesson I've learned, State Troopers do not have to have a reason for speeding.

Followed one on the highway a few years back, no lights and no sirens. Road behind him for about 3 miles, and he slammed on the brakes in the passing lane, and moved to the right lane. I put on my brakes to avoid him as I wasn't sure why he was locking up the brakes. He continue to slow so I pulled around him, once around him the light came on and I immediately pulled over. When he asked if I knew why I was pulled over, I said I wasn't sure cause I was going the same speed as him. He informed me that I was not going the same speed as him, but I was going 86 and he was going 85 (posted speed 65). When he came back to my car he handed me my stuff and a ticket, told me to drive safer, and headed back to his car. I asked if I could ask him a question, and he told me no. Looked at the ticket, and he wrote me up for speeding (obvious) and for following too closely.

07-15-2013, 09:59 AM
Pull the spark plug wire off of a Villiers 200E 2 stoke to stop it when the throttle stuck 1/2 open at 30 mph in the last 100 yards of a dead end road. I have no idea of how long it was before I woke up.

The other life lesson did not happen to me but to a buddy who peed on an electric fence. It was a couple of days before his plumbing worked right after that.

07-15-2013, 04:09 PM
Cast boolits or make lube inside on the kitchen stove while the wife was gone . The exhaust hood and light are nice but no matter how well I thought I cleaned up she could tell. Later found out her sense of smell is much better than mine and she could detect what I had been up to with her nose. But lube is also very hard to clean up from the floor.


mister gizmo
07-15-2013, 07:47 PM
I won't be grinding my home-made gunpowder mixture in the mortar and pestle any time soon.

Second and third degree damage to the pestle hand.

07-16-2013, 10:03 AM
Take an overnight break when reloading, leaving 100 cases part done. Came back next morning, thinking I had already charged the cases, and put boolits into 100 cases w/no powder. Embarrassing, as they were for a friend...

s mac
07-16-2013, 12:24 PM
I have made several powder dippers with discard cases, works really well. just make sure there is not a live primer before heating with a torch to solder the handle on.

07-16-2013, 12:46 PM
I have made several powder dippers with discard cases, works really well. just make sure there is not a live primer before heating with a torch to solder the handle on.

Welcome aboard S mac!

07-16-2013, 09:23 PM
Never go out in the woods where wild hogs roam w/o a handgun. being caught on the ground by a herd sucks

NEVER EVER wear an elastic wading belt when wading/trout fishing. That one damn near drowned me when I went down face, and open wader top pointing upstream. The elastic belt just stretches and you fill up with water - FAST. And it is HEAVY! Also never let anyone else use elastic belt.

One thing I will ALWAYS do is wear shooting glasses. Very first black powder trigger I pulled, at age 16, cap splintered and hit my shooting glasses. I would be blind in my right eye had it not been for those glasses. Still have the scar where the cap slide off the glasses and cut my face.

MT Gianni
07-16-2013, 10:27 PM
I do not remember the age but I will not weld or cast in short sleeves again.

07-16-2013, 10:42 PM
Never sneeze with a turd hanging half way out the back end.
Not only is it painful, but with the extra force from the sneeze it gives horrible splash back. :dung_hits_fan:

07-17-2013, 12:39 AM
If you have to borrow money to pay for something, you can't afford it. Two exceptions: real estate and vehicles.

Credit cards and college are my financial ruin. I'm teaching my kids financial patience.

07-17-2013, 12:52 AM
Never go on a boat with lace up boots, my mother's first husband and his best friend both died with their boots on when the steering cable snapped and they were thrown overboard(mid/late 70's)

Never pour gas from a gas can directly onto a fire, and if you do, don't throw the gas can across the pasture.

Never talk smack to the driver of a cargo van that you're riding in the rear of with a couple of other folks, brake checks hurt.

Never chase after someone who has decided it's time to go, all you'll do is run out of breath.

Never use a backhoe to open a beer can. Daddy and several other elders drilled that one into my brothers and I. I didn't understand it until I was grown though, and still not exactly sure how that analogy came about.

Gun safety, keep your booger hooks off the bang switch. I read that somewhere, and it's stuck with me for many years.

Never tell a cop, when you're less than sober, that he wouldn't be such a bad-*** if he took that badge off. That was a lesson I learned when I was 17 years old and full of piss and vinegar. I took my whoopin' and the officer and I became hospitable towards one another and still have friendly banter when we run into each other at the range.

Never keep your folding money in the same pocket as your car keys, seems to burn a hole a bit faster when you have to touch it more often.

Never run away from the things that go bump in the night, it's hard to see at night, you slowly back up until you're in the clear and then you can run like heck.

Never vote for a career politician, if they've served more than 5 years, it's time for them to retire.

That's about all I can think of for now, most of that is wisdom from dad and granddad, with a bit of personal experience mixed in.

Full Mold Jack
07-17-2013, 01:31 AM
Gun safety, keep your booger hooks off the bang switch.

Ha ha love it, I hope you don't mind me taking that one.

07-17-2013, 10:32 AM
Never vote for a career politician, if they've served more than 5 years, it's time for them to retire.

That one is a keeper. I'm adding it to my "Don't vote for anyone running unopposed; it just discourages competition."

07-17-2013, 12:18 PM
Never go on a boat with lace up boots, my mother's first husband and his best friend both died with their boots on when the steering cable snapped and they were thrown overboard(mid/late 70's)

Wow... Reminded me of an additional one. Never tie the drawstring if an Army Field Jacket when in a boat. Swamped a canoe in college, w/ lace up boots and drawstring tied. I was damn lucky to be able cling to the canoe or things would not have been pretty...

And the booger hooks one is great for kids! Bet they remember that one!!!

07-17-2013, 01:01 PM
Play with Vise-Grips whilst sitting *Indian Style*...

07-17-2013, 01:10 PM
Never vote for a sitting judge!

11-05-2013, 12:08 AM
Shoot a Bull in the Cojones with a BB gun while Dad is watching...


Right there with you buddy!

unclogum bill
11-05-2013, 02:39 AM
Book a ride with Spirit Airlines. Uncomfortable ,add on fee, robbing buggers.

11-05-2013, 03:29 AM
Hot blue parts using drain cleaner on a BBQ I used to like.

11-05-2013, 06:16 AM
Keep the chainsaw away from my leg even when it is going slow.

Been there, done that, got the scar and tore up my jeans.


Try to plan ahead when using the chain saw. Bad Things happen when you need to back away from the tree suddenly and unexpectedly.

Lead Fred
11-05-2013, 07:27 AM
Reloader 7s max load for a 405 gr, is way to hot for my old arm.

But it does fly right thru 20 inch trees right nicely

11-05-2013, 07:29 AM
Also, don't use Chinese mouthwash. Took 2 hours to feel my tongue again.

11-05-2013, 07:33 AM
I will NEVER again try to quick draw a RSB with the trigger already pulled back. Almost hit my ankle.

11-05-2013, 07:54 AM
I will NEVER again try to quick draw a RSB with the trigger already pulled back. Almost hit my ankle.

I was thinking the same thing with my S&W 686.

30 plus empty practices...okay.

One loaded try - shot the ground 3 inches from the side of my foot.

That was 1986- never tried again (loaded or empty).

11-05-2013, 08:39 AM
Don't over-warm a Lyman Lubrisizer with a torch. Cause when that .45 cal bullet shears the stuck wax everything behind it will end up on your face, on your glasses, in your hair, in your beard, on your clothes, on the floor.. etc. etc.

11-05-2013, 09:23 AM
Get married. Twice is enough for any fool.

11-05-2013, 09:37 AM
Fall off of a ladder? Fall off of anything at my age!

11-05-2013, 08:13 PM
Get married. Twice is enough for any fool.

Then why does my friend mike have 4 ex wife's?

11-05-2013, 08:16 PM
Never repeat a lesson I learned as a boy and light the brush pile with gasoline as the accelerant.

Love Life
11-05-2013, 08:34 PM
Ya'll do know that you can swim with lace up boots on...right?

11-05-2013, 08:56 PM
Never try to cut a deers throat unless you know it is dead.

11-05-2013, 08:59 PM
I hope to never again fail to check the accuracy of my scale before loading. One time I loaded 7.4 grains of Clays instead of 4.2 in some 45 ACP...

11-05-2013, 09:10 PM
Never try to put a 5 gal. bucket in the deck locker of a 26ft CC boat while heading to off shore fishing grounds and your buddy is driving and in a hurry. I had the bucket in my left hand as I reached down to raise the hatch..... he hit a rouge wave.... It's amazing how fast and hard the fiberglass deck can hit you in the face! Why it didn't knock me out I have no idea.... but I sure had a heck of a black eye and then some.
I know there were more but when I came to .... I don't remember what I had done.....

11-05-2013, 09:16 PM
For some reason I could never shoot anything in the testacels with a BB gun. The thought of it even hurt me.... But I forgive you Rick. We all have done some crazy things.

11-05-2013, 09:57 PM
I did something like that as a kid.....leaves were "moist", so we put down a layer(add a little gas), another layer(more gas), and so on....that was back when regular was 100+ octane....the resulting vapor explosion sent me about 8-10 feet, wound up on my back in the grass, smokin'.
Two min. later my Grandmother(lived 2 blocks away) calls asking "what did Don do now???!", the leaves raining down from the sky were cool, though...

11-05-2013, 10:00 PM
Trust any politician,and no I didn't vote for the ....... !

11-05-2013, 10:35 PM
Do you know how all the neighborhood kids gather around to watch the road crews work on the street? Do you also know how the truck drives down said street dumping hot blacktop down for the roller to come along and flatten it out?
Well I said no matter how high the bids get I will never ever try to run thru that hot blacktop while barefoot ever again, that stuff is street department napalm! It is hot and burns and sticks to skin and burns some more and the skin burns for a long time after the blacktop is removed.

Take my word for it, Don't try it. Did I tell you it is hot and it burns?

11-06-2013, 01:02 AM
Electric fence stories reminds me... I was pheasant hunting with my dad and little brother. Dad was an electrician and I worked o electronics so getting shocked was no big deal. We both pushed down the top wire, made sure not to flinch when we got bit and then took my little brothers gun so he could cross. He pushed down the wire, got one leg across, fence hit him so he lets go of the wire and starts swearing. Wire came up and a piece of barbed wire pierced his pants right in the crotch...

I swar he made it 5 feet straight up. Came back down and got hit in the same spot for a second time. That time he just kind of rolled off the wire onto the side we were one. We were laughing so hard it hurt but he didn't think it was funny...

11-06-2013, 11:55 AM
Then why does my friend mike have 4 ex wife's?

Likely because he keeps being attracted to the same kind of women. The trick is to analize the things that led to the last (insert # here) of failures and then look for the oposite kind of gal. Worked for me!!!

11-06-2013, 12:12 PM
I did something like that as a kid.....leaves were "moist", so we put down a layer(add a little gas), another layer(more gas), and so on....that was back when regular was 100+ octane....the resulting vapor explosion sent me about 8-10 feet, wound up on my back in the grass, smokin'.
Two min. later my Grandmother(lived 2 blocks away) calls asking "what did Don do now???!", the leaves raining down from the sky were cool, though...

Just so you know,
The octane had nothing to do with that.. Just so you know. Everyone calls it "high-test", "the good stuff", etc. Octane is actually something added to make fuel "less volitile", which is the reason it is used in higher compression engines. The "lower-test" stuff is more volitile which is the reason it will detonate under the pressure of compression alone and not wait for the spark and cause ping and worse case detonation. Guys in the club all the time try to tell me how their engines that do not require "high-octane" gasoline run better when they use it. It's all in their heads.

Charlie Two Tracks
11-06-2013, 12:26 PM
Hit a 12 ga. primer with a hammer and drift punch. When I was quite young, I found one of dad's 12 ga. shells and decided to find out how they worked and what they were made of. I opened up the front of the shell and poured out the shot, I then put the shell in the vice and got the old hammer and punch. When I hit the shell, there was quite the explosion and a whistling past my right ear. The hammer and punch went flying also. I had a slight burn on my right hand and had trouble hearing for awhile. I never did that again............

11-06-2013, 12:45 PM
I WILL ALWAYS preheat my ladle before dipping it into the melt pot again.

I WILL NEVER hold my face over the melt pot right after tossing a hunk of wax into it again.

11-06-2013, 05:39 PM
Been a good 24 years since I quit drinking, but one time...

No milk so I put Stroh's beer on my Cherrioes.

11-06-2013, 05:47 PM
Never try to reload new brass without sizing it first just cost me about 2hrs in production.

11-06-2013, 05:50 PM
Fish with dynamite! You would be amazed at how much water a half stick of dynamite will move! And how many people will come (from miles around) to see what all the noise was.

11-06-2013, 06:01 PM
LOL It doesn't move near as much water (splash) or make near as much noise if you get it down deep. lol

MT Gianni
11-06-2013, 06:17 PM
Ya'll do know that you can swim with lace up boots on...right?

Sure, if properly motivated. IIRC, the Boy Scout lifesaving Merit Badge in 1967 included undressing while treading water. Jump in clothed and come out with only your swimming suit on.

11-06-2013, 06:32 PM
We learned in boyscouts to jump in clothed and to use your pants for a makeshift life preserver.

11-06-2013, 06:59 PM
we still do that in the army, annually. Never could figure out why. I am not a swimmer, and I have a very difficult time getting it done before I drown. Hate it. Especially when someone else next to you gets into trouble, and grabs you!

As far as things not to do again...pushing an almost closed bolt on a MKII closed with your thumb after you pulled the trigger. Not sure how, but the sucker went off. Felt like someone caught my thumb between an anvil and a sledge hammer. Never realized just how much force that little .22 generated!

paul h
11-06-2013, 07:34 PM
I think I have found my lost relatives :p

The most recent one, sometimes backing the truck up another 20' so you don't have to move the load of firewood you cut as far will result in you spending more time getting the truck unstuck than the time you spent gathering the firewood, and you'll remove all the wood you loaded into the truck to lighten it up to get it unstuck and hence have no firewood and be wet and miserable on the hour and half drive home. You'll also have used up the time you'd planned to spend plinking in the woods.

If you want to test your trigger job you did on your revolver at the end of a long week when you hadn't had enough sleep, make triple sure the gun is unloaded before "dry" firing. Better yet, when you are sleep deprived, don't handle firearms or reload.

Don't drive a road you don't know at race car speeds, you might find yourself wrapped around a redwood tree. And no, I hadn't had a drop to drink, I'm much more dangerous when I haven't been drinking.

When the insurance company gives you the option of repairing the car or totaling it out, total it out. A car that is repaired after and accident is never as good as new.

Ignition systems, amperage my kill you, but high voltage will get your attention.

You can be happy or miserable, it's entirely up to you. If you rely on someone else or situations in your life to make you happy, you are guranteed to be miserable.

11-06-2013, 08:00 PM
Strip the insulation off of a connected telephone wire with my teeth, hurts like the dickens if it rings.

Dale in Louisiana
11-06-2013, 09:35 PM
Fish with dynamite! You would be amazed at how much water a half stick of dynamite will move! And how many people will come (from miles around) to see what all the noise was.

I fished with an M60A1 tank (http://mostlycajun.com/wordpress/?p=2183) once...

dale in Louisiana

11-06-2013, 10:09 PM
Go camping in a 24' motorhome, 2 hrs from home, with a skunk loving Brittany Spaniel.

11-06-2013, 10:40 PM
Avoid any thread that mentions Sawdust & Bee's wax!

11-07-2013, 01:13 AM
When pulling a cemented in pole out of the ground with your truck, make sure that there is enough ground dug away from the front of the hole.

This past Tuesday, I tried to heft this aforementioned pole/concrete block out of the yard. Couldn't do it as the concrete was around 30 inces deep and 18" wide. Got the pole horizontal and wrapped a chain around the bottom of the block. All went good until the bottom of the pole dug into the side of the hole, creating a catapault effect. Yup-sent it right thru the back glass of the topper.

paul h
11-07-2013, 01:29 AM
That reminds me of how not to use a truck to dislodge a tree that gets hung when you cut it. The strap should be as close to the base of the tree as possible. Otherwise you'll skid the tree for some distance until the base digs into the dirt and your tow strap lets say 2' above the bottom of the tree will have plenty of leverage to pull the tree on top of your truck. The only thing I can say is that if your bed is full of firewood, it might limit damage to the truck. Your children are also assured of hearing you utter things you normally wouldn't.

11-07-2013, 01:44 AM
I had to clear 400 ft out in lake limestone for a power line right away. I used 1/2 in nylon rope and a 14 ft john boat. I cut the first tree about half way through, and tied off as high as I could reach. I paddled over to another tree and motioned for the dozer to take off and pull her down. These were dead trees that died when they filled the lake. The rope seemed like it stretched a 1/4 mile before that tree literally exploded. The piece that the rope was tied to was only about 3 feet long and never touched the water or even the ground for probably a hundred feet. It was literally raining tree as my helper and I dove in the water, to keep from being killed. lol

11-07-2013, 01:48 AM
I cleared chips from a part using a chip brush while wearing a nitrile glove, and the 4-flute 1/2" exra long end mill was still spinning at 2000 RPM because I neglected to turn the machine off and let the bit spin down.

Lesson learned.

11-07-2013, 03:38 PM
I probably won't ever ride in an office chair behind a pickup anymore, or swap pickups at 80 mph, or hold up a beer can for someone to shoot, turn a bike over backwards at 70 or 80 mph, or even ride a rank horse. There are many, many things that I will never do again.

me too but mostly cause im too wore out to get out of my rocker

11-07-2013, 03:41 PM
from reading the rest of these posts you guys are really shaking up my confidence in you guys

11-07-2013, 03:59 PM
I will never tare down another barn.

11-07-2013, 04:09 PM
Strip the insulation off of a connected telephone wire with my teeth, hurts like the dickens if it rings.

Been there. I believe it rings up right at 90 volts. Damn near wet myself in a customers house. Always used my strippers after that.

11-07-2013, 05:45 PM
from reading the rest of these posts you guys are really shaking up my confidence in you guys

two kinds of people in this world. Those that admit they make mistakes, and liars.

There are also two of many ways to learn. One is learning by failing while trying to do something. The other is learning by watching someone else fail while trying to do something. We are a forum of do-ers. Not so much in the watching other people achieve great (and not so great) results.

11-07-2013, 05:49 PM
I will not try to discuss logic regarding politics with a bleeding heart liberal!

paul h
11-07-2013, 09:43 PM
There is a lighting store that I pass every day coming home from work. They have a new quote every week. The quote last week really rings true and is relevent to this thread.

Experience is an exam, followed by the lesson.

11-07-2013, 10:00 PM
LOL It doesn't move near as much water (splash) or make near as much noise if you get it down deep. lol

This was a slough of the Sabine River that was about 40 ft. deep. I was standing on a highway bridge over it, and I saw the bottom for a few seconds before I started running!

11-07-2013, 10:43 PM
I will never try to enhance any type of firework with gun powder again. I cut a small hole in a mortar shell and put all the powder used for the propellant. Since there was a lot of room left I grabbed a can of Winchester powder from dads loading bench and filled it up. When it went off it sounded like a cannon blew the window out I the side of the house. Also knocked all the leaves off the trees and set the neighbor car alarm off. It was very colorful.

11-07-2013, 11:02 PM
Marry again. I married my prom date we raised some kids and she spent 2-5K more than we made every yr w/o paying the bills. The 2nd go around I married a mortgage banker. She could get a dollar out of a quarter as needed but she just couldn't believe she actually had the prince that would sell a kidney to trasplant half his liver in her kids...... both were tall coke bottle shaped slightly top heavy and nice to look at,seems like ultimately they both just used me to get what they wanted. Now there's a GF we hang out go to the hills and ponds but she doesn't get the whole package.

11-07-2013, 11:03 PM
Jut had dsl put in. Telephone guy had to run a new line because I haven't had phone service for a couple year. Raining hard as he is stripping wires with his teeth, at that time the office did the ring test he had called in and asked for... he was wet and grounder to my antenna system(ham radio so my ground system is big). He sorta danced for a bit before he managed to get the wires off his tongue.

Been there. I believe it rings up right at 90 volts. Damn near wet myself in a customers house. Always used my strippers after that.

Comrade Mike
11-07-2013, 11:40 PM
I will never again try and smash a beer can with my forehead and continue trying to smash it until it flattens. One day I'll have to explain the crescent shaped scar on my forehead to my kids.

I will never take an axe to a full can of spray paint again. I painted myself entirely pink from the waist up. You know how long it takes to get spray paint off skin?

Nor will I volunteer to stand in front of two of my friends with a water balloon slingshot. Watch your best friend take a water ballon to the neck from a two man crewed slingshot, and try not to cringe.

Nor will I ever try and shatter a whiskey bottle with my fist. It will shatter eventually, just don't look at your hand afterwards.

11-08-2013, 02:23 AM
Geesh Comrade Mike, it is a good thing you got into guns, well maybe... lol

11-08-2013, 03:18 AM
Hit a 12 ga. primer with a hammer and drift punch. When I was quite young, I found one of dad's 12 ga. shells and decided to find out how they worked and what they were made of. I opened up the front of the shell and poured out the shot, I then put the shell in the vice and got the old hammer and punch. When I hit the shell, there was quite the explosion and a whistling past my right ear. The hammer and punch went flying also. I had a slight burn on my right hand and had trouble hearing for awhile. I never did that again............

The only difference in my experience was using a 16D nail instead of a punch. And still remember the ringing in my ears!

Comrade Mike
11-08-2013, 09:17 PM
Geesh Comrade Mike, it is a good thing you got into guns, well maybe... lol

Haha young and stupid. What can I say?

11-08-2013, 09:50 PM
Buy a gallon of cheap wine as a bravery enhancer and then go rattlesnake hunting with a buddy of mine.
After dark.
With flashlights.
Digging through old fallen down cabins and barns.
Don't know which was worse, looking for snakes or getting there in his '73 Ford 4WD.
And then coiling up the dead snakes at the local barroom door just to watch the action.
During which time we were seeing whether my pickup or his would win the pushing contest, behind the bar and next to the motel. All was fun until the motel guests called the police at 2 in the morning.

Good thing we were friends with the local law enforcement in town, they just encouraged us to take our games elsewhere. A couple of them still get free boolits from me, I still owe them for that night.

11-08-2013, 10:29 PM
Will not crawl under Weedburner electric fence with a 16" Crescent wrench in my hip pocket, seems that wrench will be sticking straight up!! Please don't ask me how I know. Lonzo

11-10-2013, 10:57 AM
Never argue logic with daughters or wife, it just gives you a headache.

Never try to explain the logic & reason for your new gun purchase to the wife.
She'll never understand and you'll just get another headache explaining it to her.[smilie=b:

11-10-2013, 11:10 AM
never argue logic with daughters or wife, it just gives you a headache.

Never try to explain the logic & reason for your new gun purchase to the wife.
She'll never understand and you'll just get another headache explaining it to her.[smilie=b:

you got that right!!

11-10-2013, 11:38 AM
If you want it, and you have the money; buy it. That gun will be gone when you come back Tuesday.

11-10-2013, 01:19 PM
I won't use acetone as a field expedient charcoal lighter fluid. Gasoline is flammable; acetone is highly flammable. Boy howdy, is it ever!

11-10-2013, 01:30 PM
Never argue logic with daughters or wife, it just gives you a headache.

Never try to explain the logic & reason for your new gun purchase to the wife.
She'll never understand and you'll just get another headache explaining it to her.[smilie=b:

30 some years ago my wife & I had pretty much the same argument, it went something like this;

Her; " Why do you need so many guns?"

Me; "Why do you need so many pot, pans and skillets?"

End of argument.

11-10-2013, 05:35 PM
fall a sleep on top of the pool table. never let the bouncer take you out the back door. things I wont do again.

11-10-2013, 05:51 PM
Don't tell anyone you sold punch card voting machines after the 2000 Florida elections...I didn't want my Mother to know...it would have hurt her terribly and disappointed her...she thought I was still playing piano in a house of ill repute.

11-10-2013, 05:58 PM
Dont ever sell a Beautiful 6" Colt Python for $500 because you want to get the new stainless one. My dad told me to never sell a gun, but I sold it anyway - then never got the stainless one. Now I have nothing but regrets...

11-10-2013, 06:47 PM
30 some years ago my wife & I had pretty much the same argument, it went something like this;

Her; " Why do you need so many guns?"

Me; "Why do you need so many pot, pans and skillets?"

End of argument.

We don't really have arguments over such things, but I told her the same thing you did about the pots and pans.
She just shakes her head and says that's different.
And I go about my way and get the gun.

11-10-2013, 07:20 PM
Get married...

11-10-2013, 08:06 PM
I told my 10 ear old son last night Hey before yo do something you may think is stupid ASK me First I propably already did it and can save you the hurt. He said yeah i know grandma told me about you. Like when you got drunk and puked out your bedroom windowl, august 10 1985 i remember that date real good. I asked him what other dirt you got on me He says LOTSgrandma told me LOL

Dang kid

11-10-2013, 09:18 PM
When my son was 12 or 13 years old, his class was selling something for a fundraiser. He waited until the last day before he started selling his share and left around 5 in the evening. He come dragging back in around 11 that night so I ask him where the heck he had been. He told me he had been over at a new ranchers house that had just moved in about 4 miles from us. I ask if he bought anything, and he said no that they had just been talking, it seemed that he was a retired state cop, that just happened to be from where I had gone to high school. lol It seems he heard stories he wasn't ever suppose to hear. lol

11-10-2013, 09:39 PM
We learned in boyscouts to jump in clothed and to use your pants for a makeshift life preserver.

Nearly Veterans Day so remember the flotation drill in boot camp...using your "dixie cup"...I was a WSI at the time so I thought it humorous, but the Company Commander did NOT.

11-10-2013, 11:33 PM
I will never again fill a contractor size garbage bag with accetaline and oxygen and set it off. The bag must of had a leak in it, the last thing I remember was trying to get a bic lighter to work to light the fuse, while standing directly over it.
The blast shredded most of my clothing and ripped the straw hat off my head hard enough to turn the crown inside out, while creating a fifteen foot crop circle in my fathers alfalfa field. The blast was the last thing I was able to hear for several days.

11-11-2013, 04:56 PM
I will never grab the front brakes on a ten speed while doing 30 miles an hour again.I looked like superman for a second or two.Till gravity and the road taught me why this was a bad idea.In my defence i was about 12 at the time.I also will not hit a inflated tire with a hammer again busted my head open when the hammer flow back and out like a lite.I have lots of stories from when i was a kid.I'm sure glad I got a little smarter.Lots of great stories from you guys and gals.I've really laughed at some of them.Thanks

11-11-2013, 05:16 PM
The hammer and tire thing reminded me of one I witnessed. I watched our foreman (short term) at lunch one day decide he would stop an air leak in a road grader tire by driving a screw in the hole with a 2 pound hammer, that we used for driving stakes. He smacked the tire and knocked him self out cold. When lunch was over we went back to work leaving him laying there. He came to after a while, but was pretty quiet the rest of the day. lol

Comrade Mike
11-12-2013, 11:15 PM
fall a sleep on top of the pool table. never let the bouncer take you out the back door. things I wont do again.

I've fallen asleep both on and under pool tables. Luckily it was at a friends house and not a bar. Slate is not good to sleep on....

Rick N Bama
11-13-2013, 08:12 AM
Strip the insulation off of a connected telephone wire with my teeth, hurts like the dickens if it rings.

I did Telephone work for over 35 years and that's one trick I never tried:eek:

Been there. I believe it rings up right at 90 volts. Damn near wet myself in a customers house. Always used my strippers after that.

The systems I am familiar with ring at 105VAC. Hurts like heck standing on wet ground as well!


11-13-2013, 09:39 AM
I've learned that 2-cycle oil comes in one version for air-cooled (e.g., chainsaw, weed-whackers) equipment, with a different for water-cooled (e.g. outboards) motors. The idea that 50:1 outboard mix is the same as 50:1 for the chainsaw... an expensive lesson to not repeat...

11-13-2013, 01:02 PM
Don't throw twelve sticks of dynamite with a burning fuse into six INCHES of water...... that you "thought" was six or eight FEET deep....

11-13-2013, 11:07 PM
Howdy !

Spend 5 minutes splicing an electric fence... when my Mother turned it on @ 4.


11-13-2013, 11:47 PM
NEVER reach into a radar unit at 3 in morning to make 1 last adjustment $@#% 27K magnatron few minutes of my life I will never get back

When jumping your bike over trash cans ensure front wheel is secured to the bike properly

ALWAYS lean forward when avoiding tree branches while duck hunting in a canoe and it is cold enough to freeze your jacket before you get back to the truck

The day at 38 years old that you realize your reflexes don't improve as you get older while playing 3rd base when the 20 something kid is hitting ( slow pitch ) yeah it leaves a mark

11-14-2013, 12:54 AM
I will never again fill a contractor size garbage bag with accetaline and oxygen and set it off. The bag must of had a leak in it, the last thing I remember was trying to get a bic lighter to work to light the fuse, while standing directly over it.
The blast shredded most of my clothing and ripped the straw hat off my head hard enough to turn the crown inside out, while creating a fifteen foot crop circle in my fathers alfalfa field. The blast was the last thing I was able to hear for several days.

Friend of mine did that in his back yard. he was far enough away he didn't get hurt but it blew out every window on that side of the house. I never did it but learned not to do it anyway.

11-14-2013, 01:25 AM
Won't repeat this interchange.... or those similar:

Dollface - "..... What makes YOU think you can fix EVERYTHING around the house !?!! You're not Bob Villa !! ".....

Self - "..... Babe.... you bake cakes, and...... you aint' Betty Crocker ! "


11-14-2013, 01:32 AM
Try Oxy/acetylene in a potato cannon made with iron plumbing pipe. We sent a flaming tennis ball into a dry brush filled hillside over a block away... burned 40 acres of brush alongside the road.

11-14-2013, 07:30 AM
I will never again fill a contractor size garbage bag with accetaline and oxygen and set it off. The bag must of had a leak in it, the last thing I remember was trying to get a bic lighter to work to light the fuse, while standing directly over it.
The blast shredded most of my clothing and ripped the straw hat off my head hard enough to turn the crown inside out, while creating a fifteen foot crop circle in my fathers alfalfa field. The blast was the last thing I was able to hear for several days.

I know a guy who did that with a 6 foot weather balloon. Took 1 big tank of accetaline and two oxygen. Used a 30 minute cannon fuse. Blew a 3 foot deep crater and broke windows a way away.

Thing was, it was close to the Columbia Gas underground storage area.

Never seen so many cops and CG company cars driving around. Even the Highway Patrol sent over their radar airplane to look for the blast area.

11-14-2013, 11:18 AM
I just found this thread..... I can relate...

I’ll never check an electric stove burner coil to see if its hot by touching it.
I’ll never listen to my big brother and lick a 9v to see if its any good.
I’ll never get in the way of a spooked cow and a barn wall.
I’ll never hit a roll of caps on a metal plate with a ball peen hammer, had a red third eye for a week.
I’ll always keep my other hand in my back pocket when doing hot electrical work.
I’ll never make fun of an obese person just because I can run faster, when he does catch you he can put you under his arm and run around the shop even though you are 6 ft tall.
I’ll never troubleshoot a furnace thermocouple control box till I know if the gas valve is bad. My eyebrows still grow in funny.
I’ll always use jack stands or blocks as well as a jack when I’m under a vehicle.
I’ll put the soldering iron back into the holder so I don’t wonder who is cooking pork.
I’ll never volunteer to hold the guide arm for the platoon when running in formation.
I’ll always be afraid when a buddy says “Hey Guys – Watch this!

I’ll not stick around when I hear a southern girl say “Oh Hell No!” after I’ve done something.

11-14-2013, 12:17 PM
My father, now passed, who's favorite pie was Pecan told my Mother, after she made her first one. "It's good but not as good as my mother makes!" In the forty nine years they had together she never made another one and he never said anything else she made wasn't as good as his mothers.

I never made the mistake he did.

11-14-2013, 12:19 PM
All these oxygen & acetylene stories remind me of an early adventure with carbide, a pop bottle with a few ounces of water, a few balloons and a lighter. As some of you know, dropping a few carbide rocks into water forms acetylene and a bottle over the neck of the bottle captures the gas. Made pretty cool mushroom clouds! Of course we had to use more rocks and bigger balloons until we discovered the limitations of the original Bic lighter, still have the burn scars because it was my turn when it came to light the big one. Eyebrows a bit singed too so I didn't get to see the mushroom cloud.

11-14-2013, 08:32 PM
I will never again fill a contractor size garbage bag with accetaline and oxygen and set it off. The bag must of had a leak in it, the last thing I remember was trying to get a bic lighter to work to light the fuse, while standing directly over it.
The blast shredded most of my clothing and ripped the straw hat off my head hard enough to turn the crown inside out, while creating a fifteen foot crop circle in my fathers alfalfa field. The blast was the last thing I was able to hear for several days.

The static electricity of closing your pocketknife on your pants leg will set off acetylene vapors too!
Wonder where I learned that the hard way on the fourth of July, spark BOOM.