View Full Version : Ba,de ba,de ba,de, that's all folks!

07-12-2013, 08:02 AM
This brute has been eating in my garden. He and a pal has been sitting in the lane mornings. I had SAI 1911 on this morn when I stepped out. An H&G #68 (over 4.1gr Titewad)through the shoulders @ 27 steps did the trick. No jumping or death throes of any kind! Unusual for a rabbit. His shoulders felt like a bag of gravel.
Kitty gets a treat today!

From rabbit to front porch.75958
From front porch to Rabbit75959

07-12-2013, 08:07 AM
"No jumping or death throes of any kind!"

Y'a think? I reckon not! Jeesh, that's about like shooting a deer with a Howitzer!

Dern good shot, though, I'll give ya' that!

07-12-2013, 08:08 AM
Good shot with a great boolit! My dog usually takes care of rabbits or whatever else is trying to eat my garden, kind of disappointing that she won't let me get a shot off. She's selfish like that. The last one a I got to shoot was a groundhog last year that she was gracious enough to not kill herself. My tomatoes thrived afterwards.

07-12-2013, 08:14 AM
Good shot!

07-12-2013, 08:38 AM
you mean to tell me yer not gunna eat that??? so wasteful... tsk tsk LOL

Down South
07-12-2013, 11:37 AM
Good Shot!!!!!

07-12-2013, 01:04 PM
not only was it a good shot. I'm betting a cold beer that he only used ONE eye to make the shot. :bigsmyl2:

07-12-2013, 01:04 PM
Oh boy, wabbit in the pressure cooker!

I used to do a patrol in the garden back when I lived at home. Dem wascally wabbits kept eating the beans and cabbage plants before they could get growing. Of course it was highly illegal, against game laws to do it, but I could have obtained a crop damage permit to eliminate the problem,(well, curtail it to some degree.)

My weapon of choice was my trusty-rusty M-572 Remington pump .22. Loaded with the CCI mini cap long shell, it sounded like a Sheridan pellet gun with 4 pumps in it.(The CCI mini cap is simple a .22 short plain lead bullet with a tiny charge of powder under it. It's available in short and long cases, the long being more accurate and feeds better.) Velocity is around 800 fps.

Don't for a second think that ammo won't kill cleanly. (Or that it isn't capable of good accuracy.) Sighted in @ 50 feet, numerous times I made shots at 35 yards. The short lead bullet would drop about 4 inches at that range. Aiming at the tip of his ears,I dropped it square into his brain pan.

Word must have gotten around the wabbit community to leave farmer Jim's garden alone. And yes, the wabbits did NOT go to waste.

07-12-2013, 01:36 PM
Great shot...I'm kinda suprosed (maybe it's all internal) that there was not more trauma on the exit

07-12-2013, 08:57 PM
"Like shooting a deer with a howitzer"...
Use enough gun!

Dale in Louisiana
07-12-2013, 09:13 PM
"No jumping or death throes of any kind!"

Y'a think? I reckon not! Jeesh, that's about like shooting a deer with a Howitzer!

Dern good shot, though, I'll give ya' that!

We hunted 'em with a four-deuce mortar platoon one fine day at Fort Knox...

dale in Louisiana
(who also wasted 1500 rounds of 7.62x51 on a woodchuck)

07-12-2013, 10:20 PM
you mean to tell me yer not gunna eat that??? so wasteful... tsk tsk LOL

Man -- that is just too good to waste on a cat!!

07-13-2013, 12:57 AM
Actually that'd be normal damage for a cast semi wadcutter out of a 1911. All the cats that I perforated with the same round looked like that. Half inch hole all the way through, no fuss and no muss.

You can eat right up to the bullet hole too.

Nice shot.
