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View Full Version : Anyone else watching Top Shot

07-12-2013, 06:14 AM
After this weeks show I've got to make me an atlatl.

07-12-2013, 07:04 AM
I tuned to Top Shot to watch these guys shoot guns, that's what got them there. It sucks when a good shooter gets eliminated because of a goofy weapon that no one could master is a short time. Gunny Brian is a multiple time pistol champion, and almost got sent home by a lousy performance throwing sticks. What's next, sling shots or throwing rocks? I don't think much of making a guy shoot while suspended upside down either.

07-12-2013, 08:08 AM
They threw rocks in either season 2 or 3. There is always at least ONE primitive weapon on the show. I consider it THE GREAT EGO BUSTER. I was amazed at how poorly most of the contestants threw rocks. I am sure the contestants realize that they will have to do something like this. Especially when they are all return contestants. Now I hope you didn't have a problem with the 1 mile shot contest.

Shooting while suspended upside down would pose a MAJOR problem for me. I have developed a rather bad equilibrium problem in my later years.

How do you feel about riding down a ZIPLINE while shooting?

Now as for the other weapons used during the show, I would have loved to be sent to the elimination round where they got to shoot the 1877 Bulldog Gat.

07-12-2013, 08:08 AM
And the host/narrator blabbering on and on not knowing when to shut his mouth spewing nonsensical drivel is why after watching once or twice the first season I've never watched it since, nor will I.

07-12-2013, 08:19 AM
I'd love to go do it, just to get to play with all the cool toys.

07-12-2013, 08:21 AM
Love the show!
I want an atlatl to throw.

07-12-2013, 09:00 AM
I enjoy the show. The photography is excellent. Especially the slo-mo shots. This season is very good in that there isn't any crappy drama between the competitors. As for the odd weapons, the unusual shooting positions etc, I think it helps level the playing field. A good shooter is one who can adapt to several types of weapons all at once, yet not necessarily be a master at any one type. It's easy to be real good at one thing, a bit harder to be really good at two or more. This show is all about a well rounded shooter. I know several of the worlds top shooters in certain pistol competitions. Yet, I was pleasantly surprised one day, at a demo, when a lady asked the world champion a question involving a different firearm than what he used. He politely told her his expertise wasn't with that type of firearm, then pointed at me & said that "I could easily help her as he knew I was good with that type." He wasn't afraid to admit his limited range of abilities.
So to watch these shooters try different types of weapons, and especially with them knowing they will be faced with oddities, it is fun to see how they do. Yes, it's primarily about shooting, and they all have some form of shooting background. But, an all around shooter who can adapt to many types of weapons is, to me, a true "Top Shot."
A good example is Jerry Miculek. While it's well known he is the best DA revolver shooter in the world, he is also a master in other types of firearms. He has won other types of competition & is well known to be an all around expert in many types. (Plus he's a heck of a nice guy!)

As for stuff that some find detracting to the show, (Colby's chatter etc,) it's easy to ignore such stuff & focus on the shooting & competitions.
I also enjoy studying the challenges. I have taken the time to try a few of them on my own to see how I'd do. (Try shooting a 22 Ruger 10/22 & putting the boolit through the center hole. Or shooting gumballs off golf tees. Or shooting two DA Rugers at the same time at different targets.)

Besides, it's a popular shooting show, showing firearms in a positive light! We need shows like that.

07-12-2013, 09:17 AM
No, I really don't like the show.

07-12-2013, 09:25 AM
Love the show!
I want an atlatl to throw.
Me as well , I never heard much about an atlatl until a friend sent me this video of a seven year old deer hunting with one.IMO this is more hunting than a person with the latest greatest earsplittzenloudenboomer taking a trophy buck at 1000 yards.Nothing wrong with either style as long as the hunter is competent with their chosen weapon but to me this kid and his gran-pa has something to be very proud of. If the link doesn't work just search for deer hunting with an atlatl... seven year old pa hunter scores.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUuV5AJFZLk&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DrU uV5AJFZLk&has_verified=1

07-12-2013, 10:52 AM
I enjoy the show as well but don't watch it regularly. I did see the atlatl episode the other night, and yes, it made me want to make one too...

Down South
07-12-2013, 11:41 AM
I met Dustin Ellermann a few weeks ago, Top Shot winner of season 3. He preached at our church in Pearland a few weeks ago. We tried to get together to do a little shooting but we could not secure a private range.

MT Gianni
07-12-2013, 12:06 PM
I have seen a few but did not know it was back on this season. I record it and watch the best 10 minutes.

07-12-2013, 12:11 PM
i wish NewYork would let us hunt with a spear or an atlati. (maybe after they take all our guns we can.) LOL

07-12-2013, 12:32 PM
Going to have to set my dvr really would like to see the one mile shot. Don't care for the host constant talking. I think it would be better if he would shut up!

07-12-2013, 12:36 PM
To me, it's all staged BS. I can't stand reality shows just for that reason.

07-12-2013, 01:59 PM
Anyone else watching Top Shot
I watched some episodes during the first season, then dumped it.

Very few 'reality' shows are real enough to be worth your time.


07-12-2013, 04:00 PM
Some years back a chum of mine was the atlatl champ in Pa. I have a handmade version he sent me to try to master. The ordeal of making the darts for it discouraged me from using it for any purpose. I believe my buddy helped to allow others to use this weapon for hunting in Pa.Robert

07-12-2013, 04:22 PM
Just watched it last night. I believe I will watch it again.

07-12-2013, 04:52 PM
I thought it was great when it was new.

Now it is just stupid.

I don't watch it any more


07-12-2013, 05:05 PM
I think Colby learned his play-by-play prattle from Jeff Probst when he was competing on the Survivor show (yet another waste of airwaves).
I've only been watching Top Shot here and there as I run across it when changing channels, but I did see the Atlatl show the other night.

Anyone who wants to see and learn about them should visit the World Atlatl Competition held every year at Valley of Fire Nevada. Cool Event...


07-12-2013, 06:10 PM
I enjoy it. If Colby gets talking too much, I just hit the mute button! The one mile shot was crazy!!

07-12-2013, 08:25 PM
I don't watch, too melodramatic. Ten minutes worth of shooting and fifty minutes of BS and commercials.

As a side note Jim Sinclair from Season One shoots at the club I belong to. He's into WW2 rifles and competes locally as well as Camp Perry. I've never seen him shoot a handgun. That was his downfall in the show.

07-13-2013, 07:40 AM
If there was ever a reason to throw the TV in the trash that show is it.

The couple of shows that I have seen all I could think was . . . My life must be over if there is nothing in my life worth doing other than watching this BS.


07-13-2013, 10:02 AM
It might/maybe would be watchable if it weren't for all the trumped up "drama" Looks like they're trying to attract the "real housewife" audience.

07-13-2013, 12:07 PM
Well, this is likely the last season. They had to hash out something to pique interest for another season/session. So they brought back the runner ups from the previous seasons.

One thing I would really like to see is that narcissist Colby try some of those trick shots. He's all arrogant and so irritating it makes it hard to watch.

Some of the claims for that atlatl are hard to believe! It was said they think it was responsible for the extinction of the wooly mammoth. Those "darts" would barely stick in those targets. THAT was supposed to kill an hairy elephant? Gimme a break!:mad::veryconfu

It hasn't made me mad enough to quit watching. I'll stick it out.

07-13-2013, 12:29 PM
I never saw this show when it hit satellite or cable. Just now seeing parts of it and, I watch it for the different challenges. I loved the one about shooting racks of steel targets- my silhouette love explains that. Also liked the paint cans stacked with the bottom one being full of water. I need to try that, just to launch cans. It's the creativity of the simple challenges that interests me.

They can keep all the drama, who's top shot and all that. I just want to copy some simple plinking ideas, lol. Makes me a Cheap Shot, eh?


07-13-2013, 12:38 PM

Some of the claims for that atlatl are hard to believe! It was said they think it was responsible for the extinction of the wooly mammoth. Those "darts" would barely stick in those targets. THAT was supposed to kill an hairy elephant? Gimme a break!:mad::veryconfu


Yeah, kind of hard to imagine taking on a full grown pachyderm with a sharp stick, but not so outrageous if you consider a 2-300 hundred pound infant.

The trick would be avoiding the irate mama mammoth. :shock:

Remove the breeding stock before it's mature and there's no way for the species to survive. This may be the only instance of subsistence hunting causing the extinction of a species.

Now.......back on topic..........

Reality TV is just one more reason I'm content to be TV free.


07-14-2013, 07:30 AM
Well, this is likely the last season. They had to hash out something to pique interest for another season/session. So they brought back the runner ups from the previous seasons.

One thing I would really like to see is that narcissist Colby try some of those trick shots. He's all arrogant and so irritating it makes it hard to watch.

As for the end of the season, It may well be. What I would like to see from this show if it stays on is a CELEBRITY Top Shop. Get 16 of the more firearms friendly Celebs from different walks of life and have them compete.

Now for Colby. I felt the same way when the show first started. How good is he and why does he talk so much. But this past season there was a spin off called Top Guns. A guest (several were past contestants from Top Shot and others were some of the experts they had on the show) would bring three firearms that had something in common. The history of the weapons would be discussed along with a practice session. After the practice session there would be a competition with 2 guest and Colby. I was surprised at how good of a shot Colby is. He did not win every competition but was very competitive.

Now, I do agree Colby could talk a little less and they could nix a lot of the drama from the first three seasons. Especial like the one black contestant that was on the show that ended up quitting and the three Marines that decided they were teaming up to get rid of everyone else. I do like the format of the bottom finishers in a challenge going to the range and the worst of them going to the elimination round.

07-14-2013, 09:21 AM
I can forgive Colby because I enjoy the shooting. That's especially true of this year when it's almost entirely shooting and very little team drama. I think the format of this year's show is a real improvement. And I think the idea of a celebrity season would be cool.

07-14-2013, 09:35 AM
I'm going to make this atlatl. I just need to find me an adult to help. I'll post pics. As for the show, I love it. As some have said I can put up with the drama to watch the shooting. This years format is better, more skill less drama.

1.An adult to help you
2.Paint stirrers (you can get these at most hardware stores)
3.A saw
4.Wood glue
5.A drill
6.Wood clamps
7.Heavy-duty duct tape
8.Leather straps (or leather shoe strings)
9.3/8”x 48”wooden dowels. You’ll need these for the atlatl and for the spears.
10.Pencil sharpener


07-15-2015, 11:04 PM
I searched Atlatl here and found this thread. It started for me in Hot Springs, South Dakota at the Mammoth Dig Site. A couple weeks ago we were in the Black Hills and I'm in the gift shop looking at a Atlatl for display only and I'm thinking I can make that. I ended up with a 6 foot fiberglass rod from Menards and a wooden Atlatl from a branch. Its pretty fun to chuck that big dart across the yard. The fiberglass rod is holding up good.

MT Gianni
07-15-2015, 11:32 PM
One of my wifes co-workers puts on an atylaytl demonstration every year at the State Park and it is a big hit. With an adult sized stick and spears I have seen throws 125-160 yards. Hitting a target at 35 yards will penetrate 30" through a small square bale.

07-16-2015, 12:27 AM
Atlatl's are fun. I've been playing with them for years. I sold my last one to a lady this spring, as it was too short for me, and fit her very well. We have a guy around 14 in our ML club who is a master flint knapper who had one with him at the spring shoot. He could hit his target every time at 40 yards.

MtGianni, is that Altalt Bob out of Manhattan?

07-16-2015, 02:25 AM
After watching most of the past seasons, I just wasn't impressed enough to watch it anymore.

07-16-2015, 08:42 AM
Are there any guide lines for atlatl lengths? Mine is 25''. For darts I've used willow, cattail and now the rod. On the rods I have cut pieces of milk jug for fletching to stabilize and drilled a small hole for the atlatl notch. I haven't worked on attaching a hunting tip yet. I suppose weight on front of the dart will flex the shaft during the throw and affect accuracy?

I thought the show was okay. Interesting target setups and different shooting scenarios. Not all of those angles and positions are completely out of hand depending where you are and what needs to be done. Like shooting high because your aiming straight down at a deer right below your tree.

mold maker
07-16-2015, 10:06 AM
Just like the gold prospecting and other reality shows, too much chatter, drama, and non-reality for me to really enjoy. I watched all of them for a while, trying to ignore the crud, but they lost my interest.
The subject matter of each of them was good, but everyone of them had too much fake competition and drama.
When I watch TV, it's for enlightment or entertainment. Neither is served by nonsense.

07-16-2015, 10:13 AM
Are there any guide lines for atlatl lengths? Mine is 25''.

Measure from your armpit, to the tips of your fingers.

07-16-2015, 11:37 AM
About 25 years ago a buddy of mine in Pa lobbied his state Senator and congressman to allow the use of the atlatl for small game hunting. He was what you could call an "Expert" shot with is home made equipment.Robert

07-16-2015, 02:04 PM
I enjoyed a good portion of the show, I think I watched all seasons except the last one. It became obvious to me early on that the slow-mo shots were not of the competitors, but rather recorded before or after the actual competition. I'd say the same goes for the host's commentary during the events - much of it was recorded after the fact if you ask me. In that respect it was way over-produced (fake) but what I liked was all the different setups they had for various competitions. I was always trying to figure out if I could pull off some variation of what they were doing on the show, or if it would simply be too much work to set up and clean up after.

07-16-2015, 08:41 PM
I have never seen it. so I went to youtube and tried to watch one of the shows. made it 10 min. in I want that 10 min of my life back. what junk and hype.

07-16-2015, 09:17 PM
I don't like reality shows, but I really like Top Shots.
Would love to play on those scenarios.

MT Gianni
07-16-2015, 11:32 PM
Atlatl's are fun. I've been playing with them for years. I sold my last one to a lady this spring, as it was too short for me, and fit her very well. We have a guy around 14 in our ML club who is a master flint knapper who had one with him at the spring shoot. He could hit his target every time at 40 yards.

MtGianni, is that Altalt Bob out of Manhattan?
No that guy is really good. Tom is a FWP Biologist at Lewis and Clark Caverns.

MT Gianni
07-16-2015, 11:33 PM
I have never seen it. so I went to youtube and tried to watch one of the shows. made it 10 min. in I want that 10 min of my life back. what junk and hype.
You probably made the mistake of having the sound on.