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View Full Version : Planting seeds: Random acts of kindness

07-09-2013, 10:04 AM
I've noticed over the years here there have been multiple random acts of kindness shown by members. Lord only knows how many have been shown through PMs that no one knows about.

I can honestly say I have been the recipient of many of these. It has nothing to do with my character, but all to do with the character of the giver. There's a lot of guys on this forum that are glad to share or give something they could have made a few bucks on in the Swappin' & Sellin' section.

Not long ago, I purchased my first 1911 and I posted about it. Rightly so, a new gun, the first of a type and I was excited to own one. I swear on my father's grave, there was no alterior motive behind my posting. Like a lot of guys, I got a new gun and wanted to play 'Show & tell'.

The PMs started coming. "Hey, Jim, I gotta ................. Send me your address and I'll send it to ya'." It's not like it's never happened before, but still, it's always a pleasant surprise to have somebody offer something that was not solicited.

A typical example: A new pistol, so I need a 'dress' holster for wearin' out when I'm 'sportin'. I went online, did some shopping and picked one out. I placed the order and was told after the fact that it's back ordered. OK, no problem, I can wait it out.

A few days go by and I get a PM from a member telling me "I've got this old holster that I think will fit your pistol." It was waiting for me yesterday at the post office. Fellas, this ain't no cheap holster. It's a black Don Leahy open top with fish scale pattern.

I worked some oil into it, got it loosened up and dang if it don't fit my pistol like it was custom made! It rides perfectly and it's the color I wanted. And it's 'wrong handed' like me!

This is the kind of stuff I'm talkin' about. People remember receiving gifts far more than they do giving. I've had people mention something I've given, but had completely forgotten about. On the other hand, I can give you the 25 cent grand tour of my gun room and boolit shop and rattle off a list of names of members that gave me this and that.

People that give do so because they have something they not only can spare, but because it's not worth a lot of money to them. That's the opinion of the giver. The recipient has an entirely different mindset about it. It not only makes one feel that he's thought of, a lot of times it provides the recipient with something he might not could find or afford.

Next time you decide to give someone something, consider the seed you're planting. One day you may find yourself cooling your heels in the shade of that tree.

I'm on my way out to my boolit shop to make some boolits for a member. I'll be using a ladle that was custom made for me by a member. And so goes the cycle.

07-09-2013, 10:13 AM
Jim,As usual a very good post.............Terry

41 mag fan
07-09-2013, 10:44 AM
People that give do so because they have something they not only can spare, but because it's not worth a lot of money to them. That's the opinion of the giver. The recipient has an entirely different mindset about it. It not only makes one feel that he's thought of, a lot of times it provides the recipient with something he might not could find or afford.

Next time you decide to give someone something, consider the seed you're planting. One day you may find yourself cooling your heels in the shade of that tree.

True but not always true there Jim. There's alot of us out there, that in this dismal world we live in now, it's a light and just a plain out feeling good to be able to help out another person, even if you've never met them.
Just like when me and the wife sponsor kids for Christmas. It just plain out makes me feel good, I get a warm feeling inside if i think about it, and i consider it good luck and fortune in my life to be able to do so.

Same way with helping a member on here. It's a good feeling. Maybe that seed was planted in me many years ago??

But you did another good post my friend

07-09-2013, 12:43 PM
Thanks for sharing Jim. How about a picture?

07-09-2013, 01:32 PM
Good folks round here. Good folks.

07-09-2013, 02:57 PM
I live "hand to mouth" most of the time these days. I have a few health issues and it can make me a grumpy fellow some days. I always find some way to give when another is down!

I have more "true" friends than most people. I feel very blessed by this! This forum is really a blessing in that I can learn and share more about my passion by mostly like minded folks. I also get to know there are folks like Jim out there. I get a bad feeling when looking out at the world of people worshiping the mighty $$. There are so many here that see way beyond that.

07-09-2013, 03:17 PM
What in tarnation is that gawd awful avatar?

I though your were talking about real seeds, not that the seeds you mention aren't real, but I was thinking plant seeds when I saw the thread title.

Well, as it turns out, I was gifted some real seeds from a fellow board member some years ago after he lost a family member. It was the deceased family member's wish that acorns and hickory nuts be shared far and wide. Well, by golly, I have the gift of life from this fine man on my property today. Oak and hickory trees which will be there for a long while. They are now tall enough to offer some amount of shade on a sunny day, too!

07-09-2013, 04:10 PM
Thanks for sharing Jim. How about a picture?

My new 'Sportin' holster.


Love Life
07-09-2013, 04:34 PM
Your pistol is on the wrong side there Jim!! :mrgreen:

07-09-2013, 04:44 PM
Dick, you remind me of a tree down in the road: Nothin' gets by you! :kidding: :bigsmyl2:

07-09-2013, 06:18 PM
Your pistol is on the wrong side there Jim!! :mrgreen:

He's practicing for when he visits the Southern Hemisphere......

07-09-2013, 07:42 PM
Lookin good Jim...Lookin good....

07-10-2013, 08:36 PM
Jim, it's not so much the giving as knowing that both parties are sharing the gift together; one hand to another.